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The rotating flexible shrouded blades is widly used in high-speed rotatingmachinery, which transform heat energy into mechanical energy. In order to preventvibration failures of turbo-machinery blades, a blade shroud device used to beinstalled on the turbine blade in practical engineering. The vibration energy isabsorbed through the impact and friction between the adjacent blade shrouds toimprove the reliability of rotating flexible blades. Due to the high speed rotatingstate of the flexible blades and contact collision between blade shrouds, thedynamical model of a flexible blade has dynamic stiffening and non-smoothdynamical characteristics. The dynamic behavior for such a nonlinear system is verycomplex. Fork bifurcation, grazing bifurcation, period-doubling bifurcation andparoxysmal chaotic motion may appear mixedly. These factors make the study of thecollision damping mechanism for rotating flexible shrouded blades and study of thedynamic behavior evolution law become to be very difficult. In this dissertation,considering the strong coupling ralationship between elastic vibration andhigh-speed rotating motion of the shrouded blade and combining with the analysismethod of non-smooth dynamical systems, the impact vibration mechanism of theraotating flexible shrouded blade is investigated, the main contents include thefollowing aspects.
     Accoding to the high-speed rotary working condition of the shrouded blades,the dynamic model is formulated for a flexible rotating shrouded blade in which thedynamic stiffening is considered. Then the Frobenius method is employed todetermine the dynamic frequencies and corresponding mode functions of theshrouded blade under the action of dynamic stiffness, and the orthogonality ofmodes is also proved. And then, combined with this modal function, the Galerkinmethod is employed to discretize the partial governing differential equation of therotating blade to a set of ordinary differential equations, and a equivalent method ofdynamic contact stiffness is proposed. Then the average method is applied to obtainthe primary resonant response of the system in the case of wake flow excitation.Taking the gap between adjacent blade shrouds, the amplitude of the external load,the width, thickness and length of the blade as adjustable parameters the nonlin eardynamical responses of the rotating blade are obtained and used to analyze thenonlinear behaviour of the system. In this way, the shock and vibration mechanismof the shrouded blade is revealed and the relationship between vibration suppressionand structure parameters of the blade shroud is studied.
     For the case of asymmetric balde shroud gap, accounting the effect of shroudmass of rotating flexible blades on the natural property into the boundary condition,the dynamic frequency and the corresponding modal functions and dynamic contactstiffness under the action of dynamic stiffness are investigated. An approximateanalytical method is empolyed to obtain the dynamic responses of the primary, thesub-harmonic and the super-harmonic resonances of the shrouded blade. The effectof asymmetric gap ratio on amplitude-frequency characteristics is analysed. Thenonlinear dynamic characteristics and collision damping mechanism is investigatedfor the rotating flexible shrouded blades in the case of asymmetric gap. Then, theinfluence of the parametric design about the asymmetric gap on dampingperformance of shrouded blades is discussed.
     Based on the dynamical model of the rotating shrouded blade, contrasting withthe results of the discreterized model with the first3modes, the scope and theaccuracy of the discriterized mode with the first mode only is given. The Floquettheory is employed to obtain the analytical expression of the system eigenvalues,and a method to determine the stability of the periodic motion of impact-vibrationsystem for a shrouded blades is proposed. Numerical simulation results are given toanalyze dynamic characteristics of grazing bifurcation, pitchfork bifurcation,period-doubling bifurcation and chaotic phenomena of the system. And the influenceof the system parameters such as rotor speed and blade shroud gap on the stability ofperiodic solutions studied is studied.
     In order to complete the task of transforming thermal energy into mechanicalenergy, blades need to be assembled to a group. Thus, the dynamical model isestablished for a group of shrouded blades model. The momentum method is used todescribe the interaction between the balde shrouds. And the topology structure ofgroup blades(the s and s+1blades) is selected to study collision vibrations of groupblades. Then, a combination of analytical and numerical simulation method is usedto analyze the existence and stability for the periodic motion of the system. And thedynamic behavior is investigated for the system, such as grazing bifurcation,period-doubling bifurcation, and the subharmonic bifurcation phenomenon. Finally,the evolution law of the dynamic behavior of the system is analyzed with thevariation of structural characteristics parameters. And a theoretical basis is providedfor the optimized design of rotating flexible shrouded blades.
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