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Launched in the early1980s, the Household Responsibility Systemwas an inevitable outcome of rural economy reform in China, which rebuilt the model of peasant household economy development and created effective incentive mechanism. Moreover, the Household Responsibility System improved the peasants'enthusiasm and made remarkable progress in the development of rural economy in China. With the rapid social progress and development of productivity, the inefficiency of Household Responsibility System was deviated from the efficient agricultural large-scale operation, and the Household Responsibility System had impeded the process of industrialization of our country. How to construct the clear property rights and improve the agricultural organization management was the key to solve the problem of linkage between small household farmers and large markets.
     This paper absorbed pabulum from the property right theory, scale economy theory and cooperative economic theory related, and then analyzed the essential precondition for farmland transferring and the new trendof development in agricultural industrialization management under the background of farmland transferring. Then based on the perspective of peasant household management behavior, this paper analyzed the peasant household management behavior under the different farmland system by using the microeconomic framework, and revealed the inner links between the peasant household management mode and the farmland system changes. Moreover, this paper evaluated the agricultural operation organization pattern and analyzed the present problems after reviewing the evolution history ofagricultural operation organization, and put forward the necessity of creating the pattern of agricultural operation organization. At last, this paper found out the reasons which caused the difference of agricultural operation organization between China and foreign, and pointed that studying the foreign advanced idea of operation and management is the basic outlet that county agriculture expands. It is need to combine our country actual condition to concentrate the moderate scale farmland under clarifying the land property rights and improve the system of agricultural operation organization.
     The innovation of this paper lied in an empirical analysis of the grain farmers'operation organization in Shaanxi Province. By combining the actual condition of grain farmers in Shaanxi Province, this paper first analyzed the influential factors to affect the choice of grain farmers operation organization in Shaanxi Province through using binaryLogistic model. Secondly, this paper analyzed the influential factors to affect the farmland transferring for the grain farmers by using the factor analysis method, and explored the efficiency improvement of grain farmersoperation by using random effect model and bi-directional difference model. At last, based on the constructing the new pattern of farmers operation organization, this paper put forward the policysuggestions to promote the proper and orderly transfer of farmland and speed the cooperatives operation of grain farmers.
     The main conclusions were as follows:(1) The changes and selections of farmers operation organization pattern were subject to multiple factors, such as the limitation and motivation of farmland transferring, returns of operational activities, legal system arrangement and government behavior;(2) The factors affecting these lections of operation organization pattern by farmers included the age, level of education, the scale of grain production, the expected return ofgrain production, the price of farming endowment, and the cognitive degree of cooperative by farmers, and the conduct propaganda of local government.(3) The factors affecting the farmland transferring included the situation of farmland operation, the expected return of farmland transferring, and the agricultural organization management.(4) The value of efficiency improvement of grain farmers operation organization in Shaanxi Province reached20%by using the random effect model, and the value of efficiency improvement of large-scale farmers through farmland transferring reached138%based on using the bi-directional difference model.
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