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Economic crime in position is one of the serious social problems in China, a mainstream of justice and bureaucratic corruptions. So the study of the motivations and causations of economic crime in administrative positions has important implications for prevention strategies.
    The present study interviewed 30 typical economic criminals, using questionnaires, and analyzed their motivations and situations, such as organizational, individual, environmental stress factors. From the study, the following results:
    1. Lack of monitoring, limitation of regulation and poor atmosphere in originations were among the important factors to those economic crimes. These factors formed three levels effects on crimes, 1) the organizational factors motivated offender's needs, and determined the development of needs;2) the organizational factors interacted with offenders' value orientations, personalities and interpersonal relationships, and became the moderating factor of needs and motivations to crimes;3) the organizational factors were the determines of crimes, and formed the macro atmosphere and elicited chances of crime.
    2. The individual factors determined the form of crime motives. The unique personality, value to assets, risk-taking behaviors and intention of social relations had significant effects on achievement motivation and power motivations; and turned into the motivation of crimes.
    3. By organization and individuals' factors, the achievement and power motivation formed the crime motives.
    4. The interaction of organizational factors, individual factors and personal needs became the motivation of power-benefit exchange crimes.
    5. The complex motives of economic crime in administrative positions had three dimensions and ten features.
    The implications and future research directions are discussed on the basis of findings from this study.
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