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In May 1958, de Gaulle releaded France, and carried out the Gaullism foreign policy, which challenged the hegemony of the United States. This dissertation is to review the American decision process, adopted policies and their effects when facing the Gallism.
     De Gaulle successively declared the Gaullism diplomatic declaration on Britain and U.S. from June to July 1958. U.S. welcomed de Gaulle’s taking office, but did not like the Gaullism. In 1958-1960, de Gaulle put forward“the September memorandum”, withdrawed its naval forces in the Mediterranean which were earmarked for assignment to NATO and succeeded carrying through the first nuclear test. Although the Eisenhower Administration agreed to hold tripartite meetings, it refused the cardinal principles of the Gaullism.
     During the Kennedy Administration, the divergence between U.S. and France was further exposed, especially in their European strategies. Kenndey devised the Grand Design, but de Gaulle just wanted French Grandeur, whose different European strategies inevitably collided each other. Kennedy launched an attack at the Gaullism more initiatively than the predecessor Administration but both of them failed: the Grand Design had not been finished and the de Gaulle’s European construction was also frustrated.
     After Johnson took the presidency, de Gaulle recognized PRC in January 1964, and then announced in March 1966 that France would withdraw from NATO, all of which proved the highest divergence between two countries. Facing these challenges from de Gaulle, Johnson adopted a discreet policy that at last restained the influnce of Sino-French establishing diplomatic relations, reinforced NATO, and managed to keep France in alliance.
     Through studying some important events and the whole scene of Franco-American relations in the de Gaulle era, we can conclude that although there were constant contradictions between U.S. and France, the two countries maintained alliance relation.There are two basic reasons for this.Firstly, Keeping alliance relation accorded with their national interests .Secondly, they needed a alliance to contain the communism.The basic characteristics of Franco-American relations is“a alliance in turmoil”.The policy adopted by U.S. to cope the Gaullism is basically successful.The United States kept its hegemony in the west, reinforced NATO, prevented Federal Germany from producing nuclear weapons, and weakened the influnce of the Gaullism. However, the Gaullism got no big achievements because France only achieved independence, but not Grandeur.
    ④Alfred Grosser,“General De Gaulle and the Foreign Policy of the Fifth Republic”,International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-),Vol. 39,No. 2(Apr.,1963),p. 200.
    ①关于1986年以前的法国人对美法关系史的研究,可参考Yves-Henri Nouailhat ,“Franco-American Relations:French Perspectives”,Reviews in American History,Vol. 14,No. 4,The View from Abroad:The Bellagio Conference on American History (Dec.,1986),pp. 653-668.美国历史学家是如何描述二十世纪法国的?这个问题虽然不是直接的美法关系问题,但也与之有关系。可参见Richard F. Kuisel,“American Historians in Search of France:Perceptions and Misperceptions”,French Historical Studies,Vol. 19,No. 2 (Autumn,1995),pp. 307-319.
    ②Cecil V. Crabb,Jr.,“The Gaullist Revolt against the Anglo-Saxons”,Annals of the American Academy of Political and Cocial Science,Vol.351,The Changing Cold War.(Jan.,1964),pp.15-23.
    ③David Thomson,“General de Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons”,International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-) ,Vol. 41,No. 1 (Jan.,1965), pp. 11-21.
    ④W.A. Brinton,The Americans and the French,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968,p.77.
    ①John Newhouse,De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons,London:Andre Deutsch,1970.
    ②M.R. Zahniser,Uncertain Friendship:American-French Relations through the Cold War, New York:Wiley,1975,p.287.
    ③J.-B. Duroselle,France and the United States: From the Beginnings to the Present,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1978,p.253.
    ①Frank Costigliola,France and the United States:The Cold Alliance since World War II,New York:Twayne’s of G. K. Hall,1992.
    ②Charles Cogan,Oldest Allies,Guarded Friends: the United States and France since 1940,Westport,Conn.:Praeger,1994,pp.199-216.
    ③Robert O. Paxton and Nicholas Wahl.ed.,De Gaulle and the United States : a centennial reappraisal,Oxford ; Providence,R.I.:Berg,1994.其中有一篇文章,在1992年已经发表。见Theodore J. Lowi;Martin A. Schain,“Conditional Surrender:Charles de Gaulle and American Opinion”,Political Science and Politics,Vol. 25,No. 3 (Sep.,1992),pp. 498-506.
    ①Frédéric Bozo,Deux stratégies pour l'Europe. De Gaulle, lesétats-Unis et l'Alliance atlantique 1958-1969,Paris:Plon,Fondation Charles de Gaulle,1996.2001年,该书被翻译成英文,Two strategies for Europe:De Gaulle, the United States,and the Atlantic Alliance,translated by Susan Emanuel,Lanham,Md:Rowman & Littlefield,2001.
    ②Russell Harris,Six Presidents and de Gaulle,Ph.D Thesis,Lehigh University,1998,pp.354-364.这一时段还有两篇硕士论文,分别涉及人物研究与美法核关系,参见Steven J. M.Navratil,John Foster Dulles and the complexities of French-American relations,1953-1959,M.A. Thesis,University of Calgary (Canada),1999;Regis Hugues,Franco-American Relations and the Emergence of French Nuclear Armament,1939-1962,M.A. Thesis,Virginia:Old Dominion University,1990.
    ③Constantine A.Pagedas,Anglo-American strategic relations and the French problem,1960-1963 :a troubledpartnership,London;Portland,OR:Frank Cass,2000.
    ①Christopher Stewart Endy,United States tourism in France:An international history,1944-1971,Ph.D Thesis,The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,2000. 2004年,该文修改后出版。Christopher Stewart Endy,Cold War holidays:American tourism in France,Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina Press,2004.
    ②Irwin M.Wall,France, the United States, and the Algerian War. Berkeley : University of California Press,2001.
    ③Erin R.Mahan,Kennedy,de Gaulle,and Western Europe,Basingstoke,Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2002,pp.166-168.
    ⑤Benjamin E.Varat,A Clash of Kings:De Gaulle,Kennedy,and the Battle for Western Europe,1958-1963,Ph. Thesis,Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,2006.
    ②Fran?ois G. Dreyfus,De Gaulle et le gaullisme:essai d'interprétation,Paris:Presses universitaires de France,1982,p.67.
    ③Cordell Hull,The memoirs of Cordell Hull,Vol.2,New York:Macmillan Co.,1948,p.1130.
    ①Dwight D. Eisenhower,Crusade in Europe,New York:Doubleday & Company Inc.,1948,p.83.
    ⑧Charles De Gaulle,Discours et Messages,Pendant la Guerre(Juin 1940-Janvier 1946),Paris:Plon,1970,pp.331-332.
    ③Elliott Roosevelt,As he saw it,New York:Duell,Sloan and Pearce,1946,p.115.
    ⑤Cordell Hull,The memoirs of Cordell Hull,Vol.2,p.1241.早在1942年11月,罗斯福就曾对来访的戴高乐特使安德烈·菲利普(AndréPhilip)和自由法国驻美首席代表德里安·蒂克西尔(M. Adrien Tixier)表示,他的政策是,当法国解放后,唯有美国政府才能决定哪一位法国人掌管被解放的领土。Memorandum of Conversation,by the Under Secretary of State ( Welles),November 20,1942,U.S. Department of State,Foreign Relations of the United States(FRUS),1942,V.2,Europe,Washington D.C.:United States Government Printing Office,1962,p.547.
    ④Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Stare for European Affairs (Kohler) to Secretary of State Rusk,January 24,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,Washington D.C.:United States Government Printing Office,1994,pp.641-642..
    ⑥Charles De Gaulle,Discours et Messages,Vers le Terme(Janvier 1966-Avril 1969,Paris:Plon,1970,pp.74-78.
    ⑦Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of Stare for European Affairs (Kohler) to Secretary of State Rusk,January 24,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.642.
    ②John F. Kennedy,Allan Nevins ed. The strategy of peace,New York :Harper,1960,pp.100、20.
    ④Address by the President of French Republic (General de Gaulle) to the French People,May 31,1960,U.S. Department of State Historical Office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1960,New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.448-451.
    ①Edmond Jouve,Le Général de Gaulle et la construction de l'Europe (1940-1966) ,Tomes 1,Paris:Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence,1967,p.718.
    ①Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.24.
    ②Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.22.5月27日,杜勒斯就与总统讨论了向戴高乐发这封贺电的问题,并起草了一份电文稿。参见Secretary Dulles and Eisenhower discuss Eisenhower sending a congratulatory telegram to General de Gaulle if he comes to power. May 27,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100237603.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,June 1,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.24.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,June 1、19、30,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.24、35、46.
    ⑤Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Acting Secretaty of State Herter,May 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.19;Memrondun From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Secretaty of State Dulles, June 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.26-27.
    ①Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Acting Secretaty of State Herter,May 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.18-19.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,June 30,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.57-58;Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Acting Secretaty of State Herter,May 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.19.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,June 30,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.49;
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.28 note-5.
    ②Secretary Herter and Eisenhower discuss possibility of sending Cabot Lodge as a Special Emissary to France if de Gaulle is invested as Prime Minister. May 27,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100179234.
    ③Ambassador Armory rejects DOS suggestion that a personal emissary from Eisenhower be sent to President de Gaulle, he feels this would diminish the usefulness of the Ambassador,May 28,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100243032.
    ④Secretary Dulles considers sending personal emissary to President de Gaulle. May 29,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100243036.
    ⑤Ambassador Armory rejects DOS suggestion that a personal emissary from Eisenhower be sent to President de Gaulle, he feels this would diminish the usefulness of the Ambassador,May 28,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100243032;Possible appointment of Henry Cabot Lodge as Special Emissary to de Gaulle discussed. May 31,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100179235
    ①Memrondun From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Acting Secretaty of State Herter,May 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.20;Memrondun From the Assistant Secretary of State for Uuropean Affairs(Elbrick) to Secretaty of State Dulles, June 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.27.
    ②Dulles agrees to 7/5/58 Paris meeting with General DeGaulle; DeGaulle would later see Macmillan and Adenauer. Jun 10,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100166213.在有的著作中,只看到美国放弃“洛奇计划”的原因是选择杜勒斯,而没有提到霍顿的坚决反对。参见:Richard Challener,“Dulles and De Gaulle”, in Robert O. Paxton & Nicholas Wahl ed. , De Gaulle and the United States: A Centennial Reappraisal,Oxford;Providence,R.I.:Berg, 1994,p.151.
    ③Richard Challener,“Dulles and De Gaulle”, in Robert O. Paxton & Nicholas Wahl ed. , De Gaulle and the United States: A Centennial Reappraisal,p.152. 6月26日,埃尔布里克给杜勒斯的备忘录中列举了建议与戴高乐的谈话要点,见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.40-42.
    ④Memrondun of Conversation,June 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.42-45.
    ⑥Summary of a meeting with President Dwight D. Eisenhower to discuss topics in preparation for his visit with French President Charles de Gaulle in Paris,July 3,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100511217.
    ①上文所引用这次会谈记录,均参见Memrondum of Conversation,July 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.53-64.
    ②关于这次会谈记录,参见Memorandum by Secretary of State Dulles,July 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.64-66.另见DDRS,Document Number: CK31000053928(1994年4月8日解密)和CK3100023808(1992年1月27日解密)。这两份文件都有相同的一部分未解密。
    ③1947年12月6日,作为外长会议共和党代表团外交顾问的杜勒斯,曾去巴黎同戴高乐作了一次相当有争议的谈话,主题是德国问题。关于这次会谈纪录,参见FRUS,1947,V.2,Council of Foreign Ministers;Germany and Austria,Washington D.C.:USGPO ,1972,pp.793-794.第三次和第四次会晤,参见FRUS,1958-1960,V.8,The Berlin Crisis, 1958-1959;Foreign Ministers Meeting,1959,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1993,pp.329-333;FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.181-182;FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1993,p.437.
    ④Telegram From Secretary of State Dulles to the Department of State,July 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.69-70.杜勒斯发回的会谈记录摘要,参见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100100799.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.71 note 1.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation,July 9,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.71
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,July 5,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.61
    ④杜勒斯曾同北约秘书长斯巴克、加拿大外长悉尼·史密斯专门探讨他的巴黎之行。分别参见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.352-354;DDRS,Document Number: CK3100297899.
    ⑤7月5日,卢拉姆与若克斯在巴黎讨论了杜勒斯-戴高乐会晤中的核储备与北约问题;7月9日,阿尔方与埃尔布里克进一步讨论了三边理事会、扩大北约、核武器以及东西方关系等问题。关于卢拉姆-若克斯会晤,见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.354-355;关于阿尔方-埃尔布里克会晤,见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.71-76.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.90 note 3.
    ②Alfred Grosser,“France and Germany in the Atlantic Community”,International Organization,Vol. 17,No. 3(Summer,1963),pp. 559-560.
    ②Maurice Couve de Murville,Une Politiqueétrangère 1958-1969,Paris:Plon,1971,p.18.
    ③[西德]康德拉·阿登纳:《阿登纳回忆录》(三),上海外国语学院德法语系德语组部分同志译,上海:上海人民出版社, 1973年,第505页;[法]夏尔·戴高乐:《希望回忆录》,158页。戴高乐对这次会议的描述,参见《希望回忆录》,第154-159页。阿登纳对这次会议的描述,参见《阿登纳回忆录》(三),第501-516页。
    ⑤Jean Lacouture,De Gaulle,Tome.3,Paris:Seuil,1984-,p.466.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.81-Source note.
    ②Letter From President Eisenhower to President de Gaulle,October 2,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.86.
    ③FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.90 note 7.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State,October 9,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.362-363.
    ⑤J.C.S. 2278/5,Memorandum by the Joint Strategic Survey Council for the Joint Chiefs of Staff on French Proposal for a Tripartite World-Wide Organization(s),October 17,1958, DDRS,Document Number: CK3100441203
    ⑥FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.90 note 7.
    ⑦Memorandum to the Secretary from Gerard C. Smith regarding the de Gaulle Letter to the President, October, 15,1958,611.51/10-1758,RG 59,NA,cited from Irwin M. Wall,France, the United States, and the Algerian War,Berkeley : University of California Press,2001,p.172.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation with the President,October 2,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100198140;Memorandum of Conversation,October 6,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.88-89.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State,October 9,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.362.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State,October 18,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.106.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation,September 26,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.358.
    ⑥Memorandum of Conversation,September 27,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.359.
    ①Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs(Jandrey) to Secretary of State Dulles,October 9,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.95-97.
    ②FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.97 note 5.
    ③Irwin M. Wall,France, the United States, and the Algerian War,pp.170-171
    ④Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,October 8,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.90-91.
    ⑤杜勒斯对法国会公布会谈的担心也许是多余的。阿尔方就对杜勒斯说过,如果戴高乐的备忘录被公开,将会在德国、意大利、非洲和中东地区引起误解。参见:Memorandum of Conversation,October 17,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.104.
    ⑥Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.100.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation,October 17,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.101-103.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation,October 17,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.103-105.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State,October 18,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.106-107.
    ④Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France ,October 25,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.109-110; Memorandum of Conversation,October 28,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.113.英国人与美国人想法相同,而且比美国早。麦克米伦在10月8日同阿登纳的会晤中说,“处理好这件事最好办法是让将军再搞一个备忘录,把伤人的部分删掉后,在北约组织里进行散发讨论。”参见[英]哈罗德·麦克米伦:《麦克米伦回忆录》(四),第450页。
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation,October 17,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.101-103.
    ⑥Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State,October 18,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.105-106.
    ⑦Memorandum of Conversation with the President,October 13,1958,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100198245.
    ①Letter From President Eisenhower to President de Gaulle,October 20,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.108-109.[澳]布赖恩·克罗泽:《戴高乐传》,下册,第633页,把艾森豪威尔的回复日期误作21日。1966年,这封信首次公开,当时国务院把它交给了参议员亨利·杰克逊领导政府活动委员会下属机构,结果就印在了the Atlantic Alliance:Hearings,Eight-ninth Congress,Second Session,1966。同年的《大西洋月刊》加以重印。“De Gaulle’s 1958 Tripartite Proposal and U.S. Response”,in Atlantic Community Quarterly 4(Fall 1966),pp.455-458。对于这些说明,参见Bundy,Danger and survival:Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years,New York :Random House,1988,p.695 note 33和格罗塞《战后欧美关系》,第429页注释10。法国人甚至在艾森豪威尔的回复信公开后,仍抱怨美国没有给予答复,格罗塞在其著作中对这种观点进行了批驳。参见[法]阿尔弗雷德·格罗塞:《战后欧美关系》,第235页。
    ②Charles Cogan,Oldest allies, guarded friends: the United States and France since 1940,Westport,Conn.:Praeger,p.126.
    ③M. Macmillan Premier Ministre de Grand’e-Bretagne Au le Général de Gaulle President du Conseil Francais,20 Octobre 1958,DDF,1958,Tome II. 1er juillet-31 décembre,pp.558-559.
    ⑤Charles Cogan,Oldest allies, guarded friends: the United States and France since 1940,p.125;[法]保尔-玛丽·德拉戈尔斯:《戴高乐传》,下册,第1369-1370页。
    ⑥Bundy,Danger and survival:Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years,p.476.
    ①Irwin M. Wall, France, the United States, and the Algerian War,p.169.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,October 28,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.112-113.
    ④FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.118. note 2.
    ①http://www.nato.int/docu/comm/49-95/c500926a.htm;http://www.nato.int/docu/comm/49-95/c501219a.htm。关于北约组建之初的机构设置,参见许海云:《北约简史》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005年,第46-81页。关于北约在1949-1950年应对国际环境而作出的结构变革的相关论述,可参见Charles Cogan,Forced to choose:France,the Atlantic Alliance,and NATO--then and now,Conn.:Praeger,1997,pp.91-101.关于北约军事一体化建立以及发展的描述,参见Eric Stein & Dominique Carreau,“Law and Peaceful Change in a Subsystem:‘Withdrawal’of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”,The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 62,No. 3 (Jul.,1968), pp. 587-595.
    ②美国将地中海舰队视作北约的右翼,而英国则将之视作到中东的交通线。参见Memorandum of Conference With President Eisenhower,March 12,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.434.
    ③Memorandum of Conference With President Eisenhower,March 12,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.433-434.
    ①Memorandum for the Record by the President’s Assistant Staff Secretary(Eisenhower),March 3,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.414.关于地中海舰队的指挥权问题,也可参见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100216139和CK3100226233。
    ②Memorandum of Converation,January 9,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.161.
    ③Memorandum of Converation,January 22,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.165-166;Memorandum From Secretary of State Dulles to President Eisenhower,January 23,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.408.后者又见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100216136和CK3100231440。27日,阿尔方根据巴黎的指示,反驳了杜勒斯的立场。阿尔方说,地中海舰队问题不仅是个军事问题,“它也是一个政治问题。”“法国想改变其在其地中海舰队的地位以反映这个事实:法国舰队的任务是捍卫法国和北非的交通线。这样一种变化,当然具有重要的政治意义。”参见Memorandum of Converation,January 27,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.167-168.
    ④FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.162-note 2.
    ⑥Memorandum for the Record by the President’s Assistant Staff Secretary(Eisenhower),March 3,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.414.
    ①Memorandum of Converation,January 22,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.165.
    ②Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,December 14,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.13,Arab-Israeli Dispute;United Arab Republic;North Africa,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1992,pp.646-647.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.172 note 3.
    ②Telegram From the Secretary of State Dulles to the Department of State,February 6,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.181-182;Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 16,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.437.
    ③NATO Secretary General Spaak has been informed that the French government has decided to withdraw the French Mediterranean fleet from present NATO status,February 27,1959,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100216141.
    ④Synopsis of State Dept and intellligence material reported to President Eisenhower, February 27,1959,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100105145.又见Document Number: CK3100014661.但后一份文件中评价法国行动是“勒索行动”的话没解密。
    ⑤法国隶属北约的地中海舰队有17艘船只,22个巡逻飞机,总吨位只有4万吨。目前未找到法国在北约力量的更多资料。英国1956年在中东地区的军力配置,可参见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100471129。
    ①Acting Secretary Herter believes French removal of its Mediterranean fleet from NATO could have direct repercussions on Western solidarity at moment when unity most needed in connection with Berlin crisis, February 27,1959,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100216145.
    ②当时三国就远东问题交换了意见。参见FRUS,1958-1960,V.16,East Asian-Pacific Region;Cambochia;Laos,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1992,pp.69-73.
    ④Memorandum of Converation,March 3,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.416-418;M. Alphand A Couve de Murville,Mars 3,1959,DDF,1959,Tome I. 1er janvier-30 juin 1959,pp.259-261.
    ⑤Memorandum of Converation,March 3,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.182.
    ⑥Memrondun From Acting Secretary of State Herter to President Eisenhower,March 4,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.419-420;FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.184 note-1.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.418 note-5.
    ②Memorandum From Acting Secretary of State Herter to President Eisenhower,March 4,1959,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.419-420.又见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100216148、CK3100082632和CK3100190650(最后一份文件不清晰)。
    ③Memorandum of Converation,March 4,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.183.
    ④General Norstad's memo on his meeting with French General Ely on the subject of the French Mediterranean Fleet and the possibility that the Fleet will be withdrawn from NATO,DDRS. Document Number: CK3100105633.
    ⑤Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 6,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.184-185.1953年9月3日,美法相互防御援助协定租将贝劳伍德号租借给法国,该航母规定用于北约义务,执行反潜任务。1959年租借协定到期时,重新续订,延续两年。
    ⑥Telegram from the Mission at the North Alantic Treary Organization and European Regional Organization to the Department of State,March 6,1959,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.420-421
    ①Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,March 6,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.186-187.文件指示中尤其提到要看麦克米伦-戴高乐会谈的结果,但根据后来英国向美国提供的会谈摘要,似乎并未涉及舰队问题。见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.842-843.
    ②Constantine A. Pagedas,Anglo-American strategic relations and the French problem,1960-1963 :a troubled partnership,London;Portland,OR:Frank Cass,2000,p.40.根据该书作者的统计,法国在1959年和1950年分别损失了1,200,000,000和1,400,000,000美元的军事援助。
    ③Telegram from the Mission at the North Alantic Treary Organization and European Regional Organization to the Department of State,March 9,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.424
    ①Telegram from the Mission at the North Alantic Treary Organization and European Regional Organization to the Department of State,March 10,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.425-427.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 7,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.422-424.
    ③Memorandum of Converation,March 3,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.418;FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.184 note-4.
    ④Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission at the North Alantic Treary Organization and European Regional Organization,March 10,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.427-428
    ⑤Memorandum of Converation,March 11,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.429-431;M. Alphand A Couve de Murville,Mars 3,1959,Documents Diplomatiques Fran?ais,1959,Tome I. 1er janvier-30 juin 1959,pp.335-337.
    ⑥Proposed letter by Secretary Herter to General de Gaulle about the French Mediterranean fleet,March 16,1959, DDRS,Document Number: CK3100231441.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation, December 4,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.128-137;Memorandum of Conversation,December 10,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.138-144.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,December 15,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.148-152.
    ④Telegram from Secretary of State Dulles to the Department State,December 15,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.154-155.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation Between President Esenhower and Secretary of State Dulles, January 8,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.405.
    ⑥首次会议本定于1月29日,后来由于阿尔方回国述职,推迟到2月3日。阿尔方回国后与戴高乐的讨论,参见HervéAlphand,L'étonnement d'être: journal,1939-1973,Paris :Fayard,1977,pp. .300-301.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation, January 7,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.156-159.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation, January 9,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.160-162.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation, January 22,1958,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.165.
    ④FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.162 note 2.
    ⑤FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.164 note 1.
    ⑥Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.168-169.
    ①Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.14,Africa,p.52.
    ②Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.14,Africa,pp.52-53.
    ③Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.194
    ④Editorial Note,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.289.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation,April 16,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.14 ,Africa,p.48.
    ⑥[法]夏尔·戴高乐:《希望回忆录》,第188-189页;Memorandum of Conversation,September 2,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.262
    ③Record of Meeting,December 20,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.319.艾森豪威尔在回忆录中提到了戴高乐提出三头政治建议,但丝毫没有提到自己建议的“伦敦秘密小组”的相关情况。参见[美]德怀特·艾森豪威尔:《白宫岁月》,下册第二分卷,第574页。
    ④Letter Form Seretary of State Herter to Foreign Minister Couve de Murville,December 30,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.322.
    ⑤Editorial Note, FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.326-327.
    ⑥Letter Form Prime Minister Macmillian to President Eisenhower,March 14,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.329-330、328 note 1.
    ①Letter Form President Eisenhower to Prime Minister Macmillian,March 14,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.328、330 note 4.
    ②Memorandum of Confenrence with President Eisenhower,April 22,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.341-342.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation,May 18,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.360-363.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation,May 18,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.364.
    ②Message From Prime Minister Macmillian to President Eisenhower, May 25,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.370-371.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,June 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp372-373、378-379.
    ④Department of State Bulletin,October 3,1960,p.516.
    ⑤Memorandum of 9/27/60 conference between President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Macmillan, Secretary Herter, Lord Home, Mr. de Zulueta and General Goodpaster.,Issue Date: Sep 28,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100133369.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation,June 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.374.
    ②Letter From President de Gaulle to President Eisenhower, June 10,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.385-386.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.386 note 5.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation,June 24,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p391
    ③Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdon,June 30,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.395-396.
    ④Letter From President Eisenhower to President de Gaulle, Augest 2,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.398-399.
    ⑤FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.398 source note.
    ⑥Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Herter,July 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.397.
    ⑦FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.386 note 1.
    ①Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Herter,July 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.397.
    ②Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France, June 17,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.386-388.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State, June 24,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.392-394.
    ⑤Letter From President de Gaulle to President Eisenhower, August 9,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.400-401.
    ①Memorandum of Conversation,August 17,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp408-412.这份文件曾在1983年8月18日解密,不过当时的文件中麦克米伦建议的实质性部分都不可见。参见DDRS,Document Number: CK3100180677.
    ②French President de Gaulle proposes meeting with Eisenhower and Macmillan to discuss Soviet issues and NATO,Aug 17,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100455738.
    ③Letter From President Eisenhower to President de Gaulle, August 30,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.413-417;DDRS,Document Number: CK3100319868 .这份文件由狄龙负责准备,在8月24日有了草稿,后来艾森豪威尔曾同意古德帕斯特和霍顿二人的一些修改意见。1981年7月8日,文件解密了狄龙起草的序言部分;同年12月11日,解密了文件的修改后正文部分,但第8段部分未解密;1991年8月8日,解密了文件的原稿以及修改文字,并附上了关于刚果的问题的历次美法磋商表,但第8段部仍有部分未解密;1994年7月12日,解密了最终的回信全文。依次参见DDRS,CK3100172814、CK3100455740、CK3100319868、CK3100496788.[澳]布赖恩·克罗泽:《戴高乐传》,下册,第647页将回信的时间写作“9月初”,错误。
    ②[澳]布赖恩·克罗泽:《戴高乐传》,下册,第649页;Memorandum of 9/27/60 conference between President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Macmillan, Secretary Herter, Lord Home, Mr. de Zulueta and General Goodpaster,Issue Date: Sep 28,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100133369.
    ①Despatch from Robert P. Terrill,Deputy Counselor of the Embassy in France to the Department State,March 28,1951, FRUS,1951,V.1,National Security Affairs; Foreign Economic Policy,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1980,pp.704-709.
    ②M. Pleven Ministre des Affairs Etrangeres a M. Alpand Ambassadeur de France a Washington, Mai 26, 1958, DDF,1958,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,Paris:Imprimerie Nationale,1992,pp.669-670.
    ③关于巴黎协定,参见FRUS,1952-1954,V.5,Western European Security,part 2,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1983,pp.1435-1437.
    ④Letter From the President’s Special Assistant(Stassen) to the Secretary of Defense(Willson),May 18,1957, FRUS,1955-1957,V.20,Regulation of Armaments and Atomic Energy,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1990,p.527.
    ②Regis Hugues,Franco-American Relations and the Emergence of French Nuclear Armament,1939-1962,M.A. Thesis,Virginia:Old Dominion University,1990,p.30.
    ③Charles Ailleret,L'Aventure atomique fran?aise,Paris : B. Grasset,1968,p.301.
    ④Regis Hugues,Franco-American Relations and the Emergence of French Nuclear Armament,1939-1962,pp.16-17;[法]贝特朗·戈尔德施密特:《原子竞争1939-1966》,第159、182-185、193-205页。
    ⑤Telegram from the Ambassador in France(Dillon) to the Department of State,February 3,1956,FRUS,1955-1957,V.4,Western European Security and Integration,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1986,p.402.
    ⑥An Act to Amend [Certain International Provisions of] The Atomic Energy Act of 1954,As Amended:Pulic Law 85-479,Approved July 2,1958,U.S. Department of State Historical office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1958,New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.1439-1442.“密级”(restricted)是美国政府机密分类最低一个级别,向上依次是机密(confidential)、极机密(secret)和绝对机密(top secret)、“极端敏感信息”(Extremely Sensitive Information)。“密级数据”( restricted data)这一提法来自于1946年原子能发展与管制法,指的是有关核武器与核裂变物质生产、使用有关的情报数据。
    ①Secretary Dulles’News Conference of April 1,Department of State Bulletin,April 21,1958,p.643.
    ②Seletive Use of Any Authority Granted by the Congress to the President to Receal Nuclear Weapons Technical Information to the NATO Allies:Reply Made by the President(Eisenhower) to Quesetions Asked at a News Conference,April 23,1958,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1958,pp.1438-1439.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,May 23,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.199;Memorandum of Conversation,May 22,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.216.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation,May 2,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.204
    ⑤NSC5906,Statement of Basic National Security Policy,June 8,1959,Paul Kesaris,Documents of the National Security Council,Seventh supplement(Microfim),Bethesda,MD:University Publications of America,1995,Reel 1.应该说,美国的这种不援助政策是在国家安全政策范围内的一贯考虑,NSC5906的关键文字继承NSC5810/1,只不过添加了两个可以援助的前提条件。关于NSC5810/1,参见FRUS,1958-1960,V.3,National Security Policy;Arms Control and Disarmament,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1996,p.104.
    ①Memorandum of Discussion at the 413th Meeting of the National Security Council,July 16,1959;Memorandum of Discussion at the 415th Meeting of the National Security Council,July 30,1959 FRUS,1958-1960,V.3,National Security Policy;Arms Control and Disarmament, pp.260-262、288-289.
    ②NSC5906/1,Basic National Security Policy,August 5,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.3,National Security Policy;Arms Control and Disarmament,p.298.
    ①Letter From President Eisenhower to President de Gaulle,November 17,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.311-312.
    ②Letter From President de Gaulle to President Eisenhower,November 24,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.313-314.
    ④French Announcement of the Successful Explosion of a Nuclear Device,February 13,1960,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1960,p.761.
    ⑤The Need for Liberalization of the International Provisions of the Atomic Energy Act to Permit Closer Cooperation with Friendly Counties in the Nuclear Weapons Field:Replies Made by the President(Eisenhower) to Questions at a News Conference,February 3,1960,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1960,p.760.
    ②E. W. Kenworthy:“U.S. and Soviet Regret French Atomic Explosion”,New York Times,February 14,1960,2. cited from Regis Hugues,Franco-American Relations and theEemergence of French Nnucelar Armament,1939-1962,p.43.
    ④Request for the Summoning of a Special Sessiom of the United Nations General Assembly to Consider the Question of French Nuclear Tests in Sahara:Note by the U.N. Secretary-General(Hammarskhold),April 15,1960,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1960,p.763.到4月15日,回复的国家中有14国赞成,7国反对,3国弃权,由于提案国与赞成国共计36国,未能达到多数(42国),所以提案未能通过。在上述文件中,详细列举了提议、赞成、反对、弃权国的国名与回复日期。
    ⑤Department of State Bulletin,March 7,1960,p.361.
    ①Despatch From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,April 14,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.331-334.
    ②Visit of French President Charles de Gaulle, April 19, 1960, DDRS,Document Number: CK3100379299.
    ③Memorandum of Conversation,May 20,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,p.366.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation Between Secretary of State Herter and the French Ambassador(Alphand), May 20,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.368-369.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation,June 2,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 2,Western Europe,pp.380-381.
    ⑥NSC5906/1,Basic National Security Policy,August 5,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.3,National Security Policy;Arms Control and Disarmament,p.298.
    ①Memorandum of Discussion at the 454th Meeting of the National Security Council,August 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.604.8月12日,这个决议经总统批准,成为总统第2274号指令的一部分。
    ②Letter to Gen. Norstad on U.S. policy regarding future nuclear capabilities in the NATO area,September 10,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100037795.
    ③Memrondum of Conversation,October 3,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.633.有的学者还提出,鲍伊报告有增加西德的安全感、促进欧洲一体化等目标。参见Charles Cogan,Oldest Allies, Guarded Friends: the United States and France since 1940,p.137.
    ④Meeting between Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates, Jr. and General Lauris Norstad regarding the Bowie Report,Sepember 16,1960. DDRS,Document Number: CK3100124465.
    ⑤Charles Cogan,Oldest Allies, Guarded Friends: the United States and France since 1940,p.137;FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.582 note-5.
    ①Memrondum of Conference with President Eisenhower,August 16,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.611-612.鲍伊报告最终提交的时间不详,但不会晚于8月16日。提交的报告包括标题页、目录、鲍伊给国务卿赫脱的信、摘要和六章正文。在《美国外交文件集》中,只解密了摘要部分,而且其中也有相当一部分未机密,关于多边核力量部分则完全未机密。本文中的内容是根据他8月16日报告提交前向总统的口头报告以及其他文件整理的。报告的摘要,参见Report Prepared by the Cousultant to the Department of State(Bowie),August 1960,the North Atlantic Nations:Tasks for the 1960’s. FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.622-627.
    ②Memrondum of Conversation”,October 3,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.635;Memo reports on Robert Bowie's study of NATO,August 16,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100093904.另参见FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.612.但后者并未完全解密。
    ③Memrondum of Conference with President Eisenhower,September 12,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.628-629;Meeting between Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates, Jr. and General Lauris Norstad regarding the Bowie Report,Sepember 16,1960. DDRS,Document Number: CK3100124465;Memrondum of Conversation,October 3,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.636-638.
    ④Telgram from the Department of State to the Embassy in France,June 15,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.596-598.
    ⑤Memrondum of Conference with President Eisenhower,August 16,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.613.
    ①Memrondum of Conversation,October 4,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.639-640.
    ②Memorandum of Discussion at the 457th Meeting of the National Security Council,August 25,1960, FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,pp.617、621.1960年9月13日,这一决议经总统批准,成为NSC第2292号行动指令的一部分。
    ③Meeting between Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates,Jr. and General Lauris Norstad regarding the Bowie Report,September 16,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100124465.
    ④French government concerned about recent publicity from various U.S. sources giving impression that U.S. considering major new initiative in nuclear field,apparently in direction of making NATO“fourth nuclear power”, October 21,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100272180.
    ⑤关于这两次会议记录,参见Memorandum of Discussion at the 467th Meeting of the National Security Council,November 17,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.648-660;“Memorandum of Discussion at the 468th Meeting of the National Security Council”,December 1,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.661-668.
    ⑥FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.668.
    ⑦Memrondum of Conversation,October 4,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integrationand Security; Canada ,p.639.
    ①FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada ,p.676 note-4.
    ②Airgram From the Delegation at the North Atlantic Council Ministerial Meeting to the Department of State,December 17,1960,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,pp.676-677.
    ①The Acting Secretary of State to the Secretary of State,May 11,1950,FRUS,1950,V.3,Western Europe,Washington D.C.:USGPO ,1977,p.696.
    ②The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Special Representative in Europe (Harriman),December 3,1948,FRUS,1948,V.3,Western Europe,p.303.
    ③有学者把美国在冷战时期的外交概括为“双重遏制”:既遏制苏联共产主义,又遏制德国民族主义。参见Wolfram F. Hanrieder,Germany,America,Europe:forty years of German foreign policy,New Haven:Yale University Press,1989,p.6.
    ③Draft Treaty -Fouchet Plan I ,November 2,1961,See CVCE. http://www.ena.lu/
    ④Draft Treaty -Fouchet Plan II,January 18,1962,See CVCE. http://www.ena.lu/
    ⑤Alternative Treaty drawn up by France’s five partners,January 20,1962,See CVCE. http://www.ena.lu/
    ⑥Airgram From the Mission at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations to the Department fo State,July 23,1959,FRUS,1958-1960,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security;Canada,p.141.
    ①Eisenhower corresponds with Chancellor Adenauer prior to Adenauer's meeting with French leader Debre regarding nuclear matters,NATO,and European integration,Oct 5,1960,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100319890.
    ②Jeffrey Glen Giauque,Upheaval in the alliance:The Atlantic powers and the reorganization of Western Europe,1955-1963,Ph.D Thesis,Virginia:The Ohio State University,1999,p.254.
    ③Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Missions in Europe,March 4,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.4.
    ④Talks between Chancellor Adenauer and President de Gaulle concerning NATO,Algeria and European union. Feb 19,1962,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100457372
    ⑤Attorney General Robert Kennedy provides President John F. Kennedy with details of a meeting with West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer regarding the struggle against Communism throughout the world,Mar 16,1962,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100484547.
    ⑦Memorundom of Conversation,February 6,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.1.
    ①Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State,June 23,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.201-202.
    ②Frank A.Mayer,Adenauer and Kennedy:a study in German-American relations,1961-1963,New York:St. Martin's Press,1996,p.90.
    ③Summary of a conversation between French President Charles de Gaulle and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer regarding NATO,July 9,1962,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100520403.又见DDRS,CK3100328214.
    ④Memrondum of Conversation,September 14,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.118.
    ⑤Memrondum of Conversation,September 7,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.15,Berlin Crisis,1962-1963,pp.311-312.
    ⑥Frank A. Mayer,Adenauer and Kennedy:a study in German-American relations,1961-1963,p.87.http://www.rusnews.cn/renwufangtan/20071025/41940506.html,下载日期:2007年12月23日。
    ①Memorandum on de Gaulle,enclosed in David Klein to McGeorge Bundy,April 18 1963,box 72,NSF,JFKL. Cited From Frank Costigliola,“Kennedy,the European Allies,and the Failure to Consult”, Political Science Quarterly,Vol. 110,No. 1 (Spring,1995),p. 121.
    ④Memo from Henry A. Kissinger regarding his meeting with West German Chancellor Adenauer,June 1,1961,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100110463.
    ②George W. Ball,The past has another pattern:memoirs,New York:Norton,1982,p.271;George Crews McGhee,At the creation of a new Germany :from Adenauer to Brandt :an ambassador’s account,New Haven:Yale University Press,1989,p.23.
    ③Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany,January 23,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.148-150.
    ①Memo regarding the Franco-German treaty as an acceptance of DeGaulle's anti-American, anti-Atlantic policy. France rejects Great Britain with the signing and its policy aspires to the elimination of American influence from Europe, along with the withdrawal of American military forces. Jan 31,1963,DDRS, Document Number: CK3100112251.
    ③Summary Record of NSC Executive Committee Meeting No.39,No.40,January 31,February 5,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.173-179.
    ①Letter From President Kennedy to Chancellor Adenauer,February 2,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.164-165.
    ②Jeffrey Glen Giauque,Upheaval in the alliance:The Atlantic powers and the reorganization of Western Europe,1955-1963,p.270.
    ⑤Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany,February 1,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.166-167.
    ①Memorundom of Coversation,February 5,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.182-187.《国际事务概览》中记载,当时美国向卡斯滕斯建议,“可以在条约的前面加上一篇序言,或者由联邦议院通过一项德国依然效忠于北大西洋公约组织的声明。”参见[英]D.C.瓦特编:《国际事务概览1963》,第40页。对比档案发现,美国并未这样建议,只是做了这样的暗示。
    ②Memorundom of Coversation,March 22,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.190-191.
    ④Memorundom of Coversation,March 22,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.199-201.
    ②Parliamentary Debates(Hansard),Fifth Series,Vol.645,House of Commons,cols. 928-931.
    ⑤Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Missions in Europe,April 12,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.5.
    ⑥Policy Directive,NATO AND THE ATLANTIC NATIONS,April 20,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.287.
    ①Department of State Bulletin,August 8,1961,p.362.
    ②Memrondum of Coversation,April 13,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.7.
    ④Telegram From the Missions to the European Communities to the Department of State,September 21,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.40.
    ①CAB 128/35,CC(61)42,21 July 1961,Adam Matthew Publications,Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963, Online.
    ②Communique Issued at London by the Ministerial Meeting of the Council of the EFTA,June 28,1961,U.S. Department of State Historical Office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1961,New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.512-513.
    ③肯尼迪的回信,见FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.97-100.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State,July 17,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.1042.
    ⑤National Security Action Memorundum No. 76,August 21,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.32.
    ⑥Memorundum From the Under Secretary of State for Economic Affair(sBall)to President Kennedy,August 23,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.32-38.
    ⑦鲍尔-加西亚会谈,见FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.11;鲍尔-希思会谈,同上,p.41;麦克米伦-肯尼迪会谈,同上,pp.84-87、1071-1072.
    ②Memorundum of Conversation,June 2,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.24-25.
    ③Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State,June 20,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.108-109.
    ④Frank Costigliala,“The Pursuit of Atlantc Community:Nuclear Arms,Dollars,and Berlin”,in Thomas G. Paterson ed,Kennedy’s Quest for Vicory,American Foreign Policy,1961-1963,New York:Oxford University Press,1989,p.27.
    ⑤The President’s News Conference of May 23,1962,John F. Kennedy,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1962,Washington D.C.:USGPO ,1963,pp.436-437.
    ⑥Memorundum From the Under Secretary of State for Ecoomic Affairs(Ball)to President Kennedy,December 20,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.138-139.
    ①Address at Independence Hall,Philadelphia,July 4,1962,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1962,pp.537-539.
    ②Frank Costigliala,“The Pursuit of Atlantc Community:Nuclear Arms,Dollars,and Berlin”,in Kennedy’s Quest for Vicory,American Foreign Policy,1961-1963,p.25.
    ③Frank Costigliala,“The Pursuit of Atlantc Community:Nuclear Arms,Dollars,and Berlin”,in Kennedy’s Quest for Vicory,American Foreign Policy,1961-1963,p.33.
    ⑤Memorundum of Conversation,May 21,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.93-94.
    ⑦Memorundum of Conversation,November 27,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.135.
    ③CAB 128/37,CC(63)5,22 January 1963.
    ①Alfred Grosser,“France and Germany in the Atlantic Community”,International Organization,Vol. 17,No. 3(Summer,1963),p. 573.
    ④U.S. Department of State Historical Office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1963,New York:Arno Press,1971,pp.443-445.
    ①Telegram From the Missions to the European Communities to the Department of State,February 2,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.167-170.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in the France to the Department of State,February 3,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.171-173.
    ③President Kennedy’s Statements on Policy in the Atlantic Community,January 24,1963,Arthur M. Schlesinger,Jr.,ed.,The Dynamics of World Power:a documentary history of United States foreign policy,1945-1973,V.1,Western Europe,New York:Chelsea House Publishers,1973,pp.749-752.
    ④Remarks of President Kennedy to the NSC meeting of 1/22/63: de Gaulle's view of France as a dominant power; Cuban missile crisis; NATO; guidelines for forthcoming trade negotiations; attitude toward neutrals; foreign aid; domestic issues; test ban negotiations,Jan 22,1963,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100218326.
    ⑤The President’s News Conference of February 8,1961,John F. Kennedy,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1961,Washington D.C.:USGPO ,1962,p.72.
    ①Address Before the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa,May 17,1961,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1961,p.385.
    ②Circular Telgram From the Departmnt of State to Certain Missions,December 19,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.344.
    ③Policy Directive,NATO and the Atlantic Nations,April 20,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.289-290.
    ④Telgram From the Departmnt of State to the Embassy in France,November 29,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.678-679.
    ⑤FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.685 note-1.
    ①Telgram From the Embassy in France to the Departmnt of State,March 9,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.685-686.
    ②Letter From the Ambassador to France(Gavin) to President Kennedy,March 9,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.687-688.
    ③Telgram From the Departmnt of State to the Embassy in France,March 14,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.688;[法]樊尚·若韦尔:《一段秘史:美国与戴高乐的争斗》,《国外社会科学文摘》,2001年第2期。
    ④Russell Harris,Six Presidents and de Gaulle,Ph.D Thesis,Lehigh University,1998,pp.219-220.
    ①Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,May 5,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.655-656.
    ②Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State,May 4,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.690-691.
    ③Ministeriral Session of The Atlantic Council,Athens,May 4-6,1962:Communique Issued May 6,1962,U.S. Department of State Historical Office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,New York:Arno Press,1971,p.542;The United State Commitment of Five Polaris Nuclear Submarines to The North Atlantic Rreaty Organization:Replies Made by the Secretary of State(Rusk) to Questions Asked in a CBS Interview,Athens,May 6,1962,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,pp.543-544.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,May 16,1962;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,May 18,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.702-704.
    ③The President’s News Confenerce,May 17,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1962,p.402、
    ④The Role of Nuclear Forces in the Strategy of the North Atlantic Alliance:Adressby by the Secretary of Defense(McNamara) at the Umiversty of Michigan,Ann Arbor,June 16,1962,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,p.549.根据邦迪的回忆,他曾建议删除这段话,以免得罪法国,遭到麦克纳马拉拒绝。参见McGeorge Bundy,Danger and survival:Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years,p.694 note-46.
    ①The President’s News Confenerce,June 27,1962,Public Papers of the President,John F. Kennedy,1962,p.513.肯尼迪这段话是说如果美国帮助发展国家核力量,有损联盟利益,但容易使人误解为如果发展核力量,有损联盟利益。而法国人也确实误解了。McGeorge Bundy,Danger and survival:Choices About the Bomb in the First Fifty Years,p.486.
    ②法国外长顾夫后来回忆说,在肯尼迪年代,“法美关系……真的已经恶化了”。Maurice Couve de Murville oral history interview,John F. Kennedy Presidential Library,cited from Frank Costigliola,“Kennedy,the European Allies,and the Failure to Consult”, Political Science Quarterly,Vol. 110,No. 1 (Spring,1995),p. 107.在肯尼迪总统图书馆网站上,只有目录而没有全文。
    ③Instuction for the Ambassador to France(Bohlen),undated,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.737-738.
    ④Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,May 5,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.655.
    ⑤关于“引爆管”的讨论,参见Glenn Herald Snyder,Deterrence and defense toward a theory of national security,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1961,pp.162-164;Lawrence Freedman,The evolution of nuclear strategy,Basingstoke,Hampshire :Palgrave Macmillan,2003,third edition,pp.304-305.
    ⑥Memorundum of Conversation,May 31,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.714-715.
    ⑦Memorundum of Conversation,June 28,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.757.
    ①Memorundum of Conversation,February 28,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.683-684.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 9,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.685.
    ③Memorundum of Conversation,May 15,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.715.
    ⑤Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State,April 10,1961,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.270.
    ⑥[英] D.C.瓦特编:《国际事务概览:1961年》,上册,张德中等译,上海:上海译文出版社,1988年,第125-126页。
    ①朱明权主编:《20世纪60年代的国际关系》,上海:上海人民出版社,2001年,第353-354页。查阅相关档案,没有找到这份文件的记录,只有随后桑尼克罗夫特同腊斯克的会晤会晤记录,其中桑尼克罗夫特说他与麦克纳马拉的关于防御问题的观点取得“完全一致”。见Memorundum of Conversation,September 14,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.1081.
    ②United States Agreement to“A Genuinely Multilateral European [Nuclear] Deterrent,Integrated with ours in NATO”:Address by the Special Assistant to the President(Bundy)Before the North Atlantic Treaty Association,Copenhagen,September 27,1962,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,pp.559-561.
    ④[英] D.C.瓦特:《国际事务概览:1962年》,第196页。《美国外交公文》中有这次演说的摘要,其中只谈到古巴导弹危机问题。见American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,pp.561-563.
    ⑤Circular Airgram From the Department of State to Certain Missions,December 20,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.465.
    ①Statement on Nuclear Defense System,December 21,1962,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1962,pp.635-637.
    ②参与会议的鲍尔评论说,即便法国可能把英国关在欧洲之外,麦克米伦仍然作出接受拿骚礼物的决定。见George W. Ball,The discipline of power:essentials of a modern world structure,Boston:Little,Brown,1968,p.105.
    ③Memorundum From President Kennedy to Prime Minister Macmillan,December 21,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.1115.
    ④Oral History of William R. Tyler,7 March 1964,9,8,cited from Frank A. Mayer,Adenauer and Kennedy:a study in German-American relations,1961-1963,pp.88-89.
    ⑤Telegram From the Delegation to the Heads of Government Meeting to the Embassy in France”,December 20,1962,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.1112-1114.
    ①Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,January 1,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.743.
    ②FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.751 note-2.
    ③FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.744 note-4.
    ④[英] D.C.瓦特:《国际事务概览:1962年》,第216页。
    ⑤Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,January 4,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.745-746.
    ⑦Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,January 24,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.754.
    ①《1963年1月14日在记者招待会上的讲话》,《戴高乐言论集》,第412-417页。英文版,见American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1963,pp.379-380。克罗泽在著作中称戴高乐投掷了“两个大炸弹”“一个小炸弹”。前两个指的是否决英国和拒绝拿骚协议,最后一个指的是对禁止核试验条约不感兴趣。[澳]布赖恩·克罗泽:《戴高乐传》,下册,第671页。
    ②Annual Message to the Congress on the State of the Union,January 14th,1963,John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters,The American Presidency Project [online],http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=9138.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State, January 24,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.753-754.法国人马尔罗和吕塞同样为记者招待会震惊。后来,马尔罗的解释是,1月13日鲍尔说要在北约推销北约核力量方案,让戴高乐觉得不得不明确表态。
    ④苏联人认为,多边核力量计划是巴黎和华盛顿之间为博得西德帝国主义的欢心而进行一场竞赛,在这场竞赛中,核武器起到了普通求爱用的一束鲜花和几盒巧克力的作用。[英] D.C.瓦特:《国际事务概览:1963年》,第12-13页。
    ⑤Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,January 19,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.748-749.
    ⑥Appointment of Livingston Merchant to Negotiate United States Proposals with Respect to the NATO Mutilateral Force:Statement by the President(Kennedy),January 24,1963,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1963,p.381.
    ①The Road Ahead:Address by the Secreatry of State(Rusk) Before a Reginal Foreign Policy Conference,Los Angeles,February 13,1963,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1963,pp.20-21.
    ③The United States Concept of a Multilateral Force Consisting of Polaris Missiles Mounted on Surface Ships:Address by the Under Secretary of State(Ball) Before the Princeton National Alumni Association,April 26,1963,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1963,pp.401-404.
    ④Memorundum of Conversation,October 3,1960,FRUS,V.7,Part 1,Western European Integration and Security; Canada,p.635.
    ⑤Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,February 16,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,pp.759-760.
    ⑥Remarks Upon Arrival in Germany,June 23,1963,John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters,The American Presidency Project [online],http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=9289.
    ①Address in the Assembly Hall at the Paulskirche in Frankfurt,June 25,1963,John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters,The American Presidency Project [online],http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=9303.
    ②Remarks in the Rudolph Wilde Platz,Berlin,June 26,1963,John T. Woolley and Gerhard Peters,The American Presidency Project [online],http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=9307;[西德]维利·勃兰特:《会见与思考》,第66页。《概览》评价说,肯尼迪的欧洲之行,“实质是亮出一面旗子,一面为赢得欧洲对美国的好感并支持美国立场的旗子”。[英]D.C.瓦特编:《国际事务概览:1963年》,第34页。
    ⑤National Security Action Memorandum No. 294,April 20,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.12,Western Europe,Washington D.C.:USGPO,2001,pp.50-51.
    ①Memorandum of Discussion,April 10,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc.16. http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ho/frus/
    ②Memorandum of Discussion,March 2,FRUS,1964-1968,V.12,Western Europe,pp.458-461.
    ③Ian S. McDonald ed.,Anglo-American relations since the Second World War,Newton Abbot:David & Charles,1974,p.198.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation,December 7-8, 1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc.60-61.
    ⑤Memorandum of Discussion,February 28,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.13,Western Europe and Canada,p.761.
    ⑥Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy) to the Under Secretary of State (Ball),November 25,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc.52.
    ①National Security Action Memorandum No. 322,December 17,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc.65.
    ②英国《每日电讯报》刊出一则漫画,题为“多边核力量的军舰被一艘潜艇击沉”,认为是英国的大西洋核力量击败了多边核力量计划,威尔逊在回忆录中记载了这副漫画,对自己的成就也十分得意。Harold Wilson,The Labour Government,1964-1970:A Personal Record,London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1981,p.51.主编:《走进法兰西》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2005年,第43-54页。
    ⑤Témoignages de Alain Peyrefitte,in L'établissement de relations diplomatiques entre la France et la République Populaire de Chine (27 janvier 1964):colloque,p.25.
    ①Maurice Couve de Murville,Une Politiqueétrangère 1958-1969,p.462.
    ②Cable to President Johnson from Ambassador Bohlen regarding French recognition of Communist China. Issue Date:Mar 4,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100124989.
    ③Témoignages de Alain Peyrefitte,in L'établissement de relations diplomatiques entre la France et la République Populaire de Chine (27 janvier 1964):colloque,p.26.
    ④Témoignages de Alain Peyrefitte,in L'établissement de relations diplomatiques entre la France et la République Populaire de Chine (27 janvier 1964):colloque,p.27.
    ⑤Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to he Department of State,December 16,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.22,Northeast Asia,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1996,pp.409-410.
    ⑥France Reassessing Policy toward Communist China? Issue Date:Sep 6,1963,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100375111;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China,January 18,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1998,pp.8-9
    ⑦Note Pour Le Cabinet Du Ministreàl’attention de M. Bernard Durand,9 Octobre 1963,DDF,1963,Tome II. 1er juillet-31 décembre,Paris:Imprimerie Nationale,2001,pp.384-386.
    ①Gaullist France and Communist China. Issue Date:Oct 24,1963,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100374863.
    ②Paper Prepared by the Ambassador to France (Bohlen),undated,FRUS,1964-1968,V.12,Western Europe,p.45.
    ③Outgoing Telegram No. 2966 to Am Emb Paris. Issue Date:Dec 11,1963,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100368281.
    ④Notes on Ambassador Bohlen’s“Reflections on Current French Policy and Attitude toward US Recommendations”,Issue Date:Mar 1,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100348253.
    ⑤Memorandum of Conversation,January 24,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,p.12.
    ⑥French recognition of Communist China and de Gaulle's evident intent to secure increasing role for France in Southeast Asia raises perplexing problems for U.S. in Laos. Issue Date:Feb 5,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100206869.
    ①FRUS,1961-1963,V.22,Northeast Asia,p.409 note-2.
    ②Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to he Department of State,December 16,1963,FRUS,1961-1963,V.22,Northeast Asia,pp.409-410.同一份材料也参见DDRS,CK3100391933、CK3100534869、CK515750。
    ⑤Témoignages de Alain Peyrefitte,in L'établissement de relations diplomatiques entre la France et la République Populaire de Chine (27 janvier 1964):colloque,pp.29-31.
    ⑥波伦的回忆录中误将时间写作1964年12月,其实应该为1963年12月。其回忆录的中文版保留了这一错误。参见:Charles E. Bohlen,Witness to History 1929-1969,N.Y.:W. W. Norton & Company Inc.,1973,p. 505;[美]查尔斯·波伦:《历史的见证(1929-1969年)》,刘裘、金胡译,北京:商务印书馆,1975年,第631页。
    ⑦Am Emb Paris, Telegram No. 3139. Jan. 6,1964. Issue Date:Jan 6,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100348198.
    ①Cable from Ambassador Bohlen to Secretary Rusk concerning his meeting with Couve de Murville on the recognition of Communist China. Issue Date:Jan 8,1964,DDRS, Document Number: CK3100060288;Charles E. Bohlen,Witness to History 1929-1969,p.505.这次会议也谈了印度支那问题,参见DDRS,CK3100348202.
    ②M. Alphand,Ambassadeur De France A Washington A M. Couve De Murville,Ministre Des Affaires Etrangeres,15 janvier 1964,DDF,1964,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,Paris:Imprimerie Nationale,2002,pp.44-45;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,January 15,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,p.1.王泰平主编:《中华人民共和国外交史》,第2卷,第379页,认为当时阿尔芳是告知腊斯克,有误,因为当时腊斯克恰好不在。
    ⑤M. Alphand,Ambassadeur De France A Washington A M. Couve De Murville,Ministre Des Affaires Etrangeres,15 janvier 1964,DDF,1964,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,pp.47-48;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in France,January 15,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,p.2.
    ⑥M. Alphand,Ambassadeur De France A Washington A M. Couve De Murville,Ministre Des Affaires Etrangeres,15 janvier 1964,DDF,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,pp.44-45.
    ⑦[Johnson] to Richard Russell,January 15,1964,4:30 pm,Lyndon B. Johnson,the Kennedy assassination and the transfer of power,November 1963-January 1964(3 Vols),V. 3,January 1964,New York:Norton,2005,pp.508-509、518.政府中也有少数人认为如强烈干涉,会起到一定作用。如国家安全委员会成员威廉·乔
    ①Erhard's visit to Paris. Am Emb Bonn,Telegram No. 2939. Issue Date:Feb 18,1964,DDRS,Document Number:CK3100366591;Germany,Federal Republic of. Details of Chancellor Erhard's visit to France and his discussion with de Gaulle. Am Emb Paris,Telegram No. 3942. Issue Date:Feb 18,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100357447.
    ②NOTE DE LA SOUS-DIRECTION D’EUROPE CENTRALE,Réactions allemandesàla reconnaissance par la France du gouvernement de Pékin,6 Fevrier 1964,DDF,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,pp.166-167
    ③Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China,January 18,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,p.8.
    ⑤Ambassador Reinhardt discusses meeting between French and Italian officials in Paris. Issue Date;Feb 29,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100301238.
    ⑥新华社二十七日电讯:《中国和法国决定建立外交关系》,《人民日报》,1964年1月28日,第1版。英文版,参见Peking Review,January 31,1964,p.10.
    ⑦新华社二十八日电讯:《中华人民共和国外交部发言人奉命就中法建交事发表声明》,《人民日报》,1964年1月29日,第1版。英文版,参见Peking Review,January 31,1964,p.10.
    ②Instuctions pour M. de Beaumarchais,11 décember 1963,DDF,1963,Tome II. 1er juillet-31 décembre,pp.607-608.要与北京建交就必然要断绝与台湾的关系,这是戴高乐在考虑建交问题之初就已经想明白的,但是法国还是想在台湾设立领事馆,以维护其在台利益。1963年10月23日富尔与周恩来的首次会谈中,就曾试探,“中法建交后,可否在台湾保留一个人,降低级别”,遭到中方拒绝。参见中华人民共和国外交部、中共中央文献研究室编:《周恩来外交文选》,北京:中央文献出版社,1990年,第371页。根据富尔事后向国内做的汇报,与台断交后,台湾的地位以及法国能否在台设立领事的问题,中法始终存在分歧。奇怪的是,戴高乐虽然在给德博马歇的指令谈到要在台湾保留领事馆,但中方关于瑞士谈判的回忆著作中,没有提到领事问题。就是是法国后来没有提到领事问题,还是虽然提了但在中方拒绝下不了了之,或者是中方在此实质性问题上做了让步,还有赖于相关档案的进一步解密。
    ④DDF,1964,Tome I,1er janvier-30 juin,pp.44-45、47-48、84-87.
    ⑤Stephen Erasmus,“General de Gaulle's Recognition of Peking”, The China Quarterly,No. 18 (Apr.,1964),p. 196.
    ①From McGeorge Bundy,January 15,1964,6:30 pm,Lyndon B. Johnson,the Kennedy assassination and the transfer of power,November 1963-January 1964,V. 3,January 1964,p.523.
    ②Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China,January 16,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,pp.4-5.
    ③Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the Republic of China,January 18,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,pp.8-9;Memorandum of Conversation,January 24,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,pp.10-12.
    ④Telephone conversation,Dr. Tingfu F. Tsiang-Ball,on De Gaulle strategy with China and Ball suggestion for China's response to France. Issue Date:Jan 24,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100057503.
    ⑤NOTE PORY LE CABINET DU MINISTRE,àl’attention de M. Bernard Durand,11 décembre,1963,DDF,1963,Tome II. 1er juillet-31 décembre,pp.608-609.
    ⑦Lettre au Maréchal Tchang Ka ?–Chek Président de làRépblique de Chine,Taipeh(Formose),15 Janvier 1964,Charles De Gaulle,Lettres,notes et carnets,Janvier 1964-juin 1966,Paris:Librairie Plon,1987,pp.22-23.
    ⑧U.S. Ambassador Jerauld Wright provides text of French President Charles de Gaulle's letter to Taiwanese President Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang's reply concerning a French decision to enter into diplomatic relations with China. Cable. Issue Date:Jan 21,1964,DDRS,Document Number: CK3100560409.
    ②Memorandum From Robert W. Komer of the National Security Council Staff to President Johnson,January 25,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,pp.12-15.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in the Republic of China to the Department of State,January 27,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,pp.13-14.
    ⑦宋之光:《五星红旗飘扬在巴黎上空——中法建交回顾》,载《当代中国使节外交生涯》,第4辑,第41页。法国也派出外事顾问、驻阿尔及利亚奥兰总领事克洛德·沙耶(Claude Chayet)为临时代办赶赴北京。后由于“驱蒋”问题解决,2人分别在2月23-24日才到达对方首都。
    ①Note pour MM. Pompidou et Couve de Murville,6 Février 1964,Charles De Gaulle,Lettres,notes et carnets,Janvier 1964-juin 1966,Paris:Plon,c1980,pp.22-23.
    ④FRUS,1964-1968,V.30,China,p.22. note 2.
    ①Counterpart Conversations,Secretary Hodges-Minister Fukuda,Memorandum of Conversation,January 28,1964,DNSA,JU00307.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,November 30,1964,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 53.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in Italy to the Department of State,September 1,1965,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 101.
    ⑤Reply Made by the President of the French Republic(General de Gaulle)to a Question Asked at a News Conference,February 21,1966,U.S. Department of State Historical Office Bureau of Pubilc Affairs,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,Washington D.C.:USGPO,1969,pp.316-317.
    ①Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Ball) to President Johnson,March 2,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 134.
    ②Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 7,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 137.又见American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,pp.317-318.
    ③aide-memoire From the French Government to the U.S. Government,March 11,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 142.又见American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,pp.318-321.
    ①Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts in Europe,February 10,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 130;Circular Telegram From the Department of State to the Posts in the NATO Capitals,March 2,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 135.
    ②Memorandum of Conversation,March 2,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 106.
    ③Telegram From the Embassy in France to the Department of State,March 7,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 136.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation,March 2,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 106;Memorandum From the President's Deputy Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bator) to President Johnson,March 7,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 138.
    ①Memorandum From the President's Acting Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Komer) to President Johnson,March 16,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 143.
    ②Memorandum From the President's Acting Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Komer) to President Johnson,March 16,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 143.
    ③Lyndon B. Johnson,The Vantage Point: Perspectives of Presidency,1963-1969,p.305.
    ④Memorandum of Conversation,August 21,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 196.
    ⑤Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts in Europe,March 17,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 144.
    ⑥Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Rostow) to President Johnson,April 17,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 157;National Security Action Memorandum No. 345,April 22,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 159;Memorandum from President Johnson to Secretary of State Rusk and Secretary of Defense McNamara,May 4,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 161;Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Germany,May 23,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 169.
    ⑦Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Posts in Europe,March 17,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 144.
    ①Letter From the President of the United States(Johnson) to the President of French Republic (General de Gaulle),March 7,1966,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,p.318.
    ②Letter From President Johnson to President de Gaulle。March 22,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 146.
    ③Joint Declaration by 14 Member Nations of NATO,March 18,1966,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,p.221.
    ④Telegram From the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations to the Department of State,March 22,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 147.
    ⑤Aide-memoire From the U.S. Government to the French Government,March 25,1966,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,p.324.
    ⑥French Memorandum to the 14 Representatives of the NATO Government,March 29-30,1966,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,pp.324-326.
    ⑦Memorandum by Dean Acheson,Undated,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 163.
    ①American Foreign Policy,1950-1955,Basic Documents,V. 1,pp.610-612.
    ②Memorandum From the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the French Government,May 3,1966,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,pp.340-342.
    ③Memorandum From the Government of the French Government to the Federal Republic of Germany,May 18,American Foreign Policy Current Documents,1966,pp.342-343.
    ④Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State,September 3,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 201.
    ⑤Telegram From Secretary of State Rusk to the Department of State,June 8,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 175.
    ⑥Telegram From the Embassy in Germany to the Department of State,April 17,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 156.
    ⑦Memorandum of Conversation,April 4,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 151.
    ⑧Eric Stein & Dominique Carreau,“Law and Peaceful Change in a Subsystem:‘Withdrawal’of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”,The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 62,No. 3 (Jul.,1968), p. 635.
    ①Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson,June 27,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 181.
    ②Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations,August 6,1966,FRUS,1964-1968,V.13,Western Europe Region,Doc. 191.
    ③Eric Stein & Dominique Carreau,“Law and Peaceful Change in a Subsystem:‘Withdrawal’of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”,The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 62,No. 3 (Jul.,1968), p. 635.
    ①Eric Stein & Dominique Carreau,“Law and Peaceful Change in a Subsystem:‘Withdrawal’of France from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”,The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 62,No. 3 (Jul.,1968), p. 636-637.
    ③法国退出北约军事一体化所带来的核问题以及美国推动英国第二次申请加入欧洲经济共同体,参见James Ellison,“Defeating the General Anglo-American Relations:Europe and the NATO Crisis of 1966”,Cold War History,Vol.6,February 2006,pp.85-111.
    ①Immanuel Wallerstein,“France: The end of Gaullism?”http://www.iht.com/articles/2007/05/15/opinion/edwaller.php,download date:2007-11-29.
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    2、Kesaris,Paul,Documents of the National Security Council,Seventh supplement(Microfim),Bethesda,MD:University Publications of America,1995
    3、Thomas·Gale,Declassified Documents Reference System(DDRS) http://trials.gale.com/ocul/ 具体引用见附录:“未刊文献目录”
    4、ProQuest Information and Learning Company,Digital National Security Archive(DNSA) http://nsarchive.chadwyck.com/marketing/index.jsp 具体引用见附录:“未刊文献目录”
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