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The transformation from planned economy into market economy is an important
     revolution for China at the end of the 20th century. Under the circumstances of the
     market economy, the routine of athletic Wushu had stood a severe challenge. In the 21 th
     century, with the communication of sports culture between China and the West
     becoming deep-gong, the internationalization trend of Wushu will become faster and
     faster, and the competition of the routine of athletic Wushu is faced with new chance. To
     study the development model of the competition of routine of athletic Wushu and to
     keep abreast of the reeds of the times the market economy and Wushu advancing
     towards the Olympics is of great theoretical value and practice significance to the
     development of routine Wushu..
     The author carry out deeper research on the development of the competition of
     routine of athletic Wushu by means of documents, investigation statistic analysis in
     videotapes, and logic etc.
     The competition of routine of athletic Wushu has gradually formed a relatively
     stable model since it came into being in 1950. But the present situation of the
     audiences?indifference has become the impediment to the development of Wushu
     sports. The major problems of the competition of routine of athletic Wushu are as
     follows: the market body is not mature, the market operation logs behind, the
     competition rules need reforming, the competition system needs improving and the
     nature of Wushu in weakened.
     Nowadays, as visual sports consumption grows vigorously, it is good for the
     development of routine of athletic Wushu that it has visual art quality, a bride mass
     foundation and the possibility of entering the Olympics. The traditional model is the
     essential cause of restricting the competition of routine of athletic Wushu from
     developing. So it has to be reformed under the market economy. The author believe that
    the model should be of govenuneni pedicipation, that it to say under the
    macroeconomic regulation of the cemp and on the base of market system, the
    competition resources should be distributed fationally in order to improve skill level and
    bring about economic profits. The author think that the model should dePended on the
    socicty and develop by itself In this way a pattem in which the country and the society
    are combined is formed, and sports competition industry with Chinese charaCeristics
    will de develOPed.
    Based on the development of the competition of rolltine of athlotic Wushu,to
    solllte the problems, the author introduce some suggestions on how to develop the
    comPetition. FifSt, gUide sports consumption actively, train talents of managemellt and
    orgwhze professional Wushu clubs to nourish market body Second, market OPeration is
    the key to start comPetition market, so we should value markt survey, establish
    ticket-selling network, develop sports support and sell TV transmission rights. Third not
    scare in pwts but set difficulty margin and coefficient, allow the creation of background
    music and clothing, reduce the restrictions of groups, equipment standards, etc, make
    rules more easily to be cwhed out and develop the visua1 wt quality Forth, on the base
    of the 'present competition system, we should spread the OlymPic system and hold
    professional leagUe matches of Wushu routine. Fifth, in order to embody the natUr of
    Wushu, we could combine routine and sanda to open a new phase of Wushu
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