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Fujian forest area is an important forest area in the South of China. Because of the complex situation, out-dated means and man-made interference, many measures can't be performed effectively. In a long term, all kinds of illicitness occurred frequently, which include cutting outdone the quota, cutting without licenses, cutting outdone the permissible quantity, transportation without certificates, faking transportation certificates and illegal exchange on forestry bills. The fact proves that the man-made means has heavily hindered improving the level of forest administration. "Computer management system for examining forest cutting", "computer management system for examining wood transportation based on 1C card technology", "computer management system used for collection of forestry fund and fee", and "computer management system used in forestry work station", which are developed by Jing Lin and Zhong Yi-wen, have provided a series of software for dealing with cutting licenses and transportation certificates
    , promoted scientificity and normalization in examining cutting licenses and transportation certificates, and based computer management system for forest administration.
    Based on the former computer management systems relating to forest administration, this paper is dedicated to develop a computer management system for forest administration with perfect functions which are applicable to Fujian forest area. According with the practice of forest administration, this paper elaborates vividly the design of network, function, flow process diagram and database with a lot of pictures. Depending on VPN, the computer management system can realize real-time communication, so that users can master timely all kinds of data and handle various licenses and certificates, the administration efficiency will be enhanced accordingly. For this reason, this paper firstly introduces the design of network structure, the mode of data communication and the design principles of VPN based on Internet. After describing examining forest cutting module, cutting area administration module, timber transportation administration module, forestry fund and fee
    collection module, process enterprise administration module and their flow process diagrams, this paper elaborates forestry penalty administration module and generates its flow process diagram first time. In forest administration operation, users must handle much data. In view of the importance of database, this paper introduces the design of database and gives some samples of data structure tables. Location set of data source and serve computer is the key in the course of development, the technology of transmitting and receiving message is vital in the operation of system, too. Thinking of these factors, this paper gives their codes. At the same time, the interfaces and their operation are very important for an applying system. Then this paper gives design principles of interfaces and some examples. Finally, this paper summarizes the content and discusses some insufficiencies of the system and gives next target of research.
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