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     针对现有的基于实例选择的数据约简方法所存在不足的基础上,结合Hausdorff距离在度量两个数据集相似度方面展示出来的优越性,利用Hausdorff距离作为原始数据集中实例是否被选择的标准,从原始数据集中选取具有“代表”性的实例。同时考虑到Hausdorff距离的计算复杂度较高,借助K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbor)搜索算法将数据集进行均匀切割,在此基础之上,提出了一种基于局部Hausdorff距离的面向实例的数据约简方法。
     围绕多特征海量数据集的高效约简,从增强目标实例邻近数据的均匀度、减少近邻表示误差及提高降维效果的角度出发,提出了一个基于中心点的K-NN搜索算法,该算法能够保证对某一实例进行近邻搜索时得到的近邻实例最大限度的均匀分布在该实例的周围。为了保证K值的变化符合非均匀数据集的特性,提出了根据数据集局部均匀度的变化动态调整K值的方法,制定了满足非均匀数据集中LLE (Locally Linear Embedding)算法降维需要的K值变化规则。以此为基础,提出了一种基于LLE算法的变K值的数据约简方法。
With the development of the computer technology, information recording and spreading become more and more convenient, and information collecting technology is more and more advanced; this fact generated massive data. It consumes more time to process the massive data; In order to reduce the instances and the characters of the instance, many methods have been proposed to reduce processing time and storage, but those methods have their own limitation and boundary. So, researching a universal method to reduce the characters and instances and to give a reasonable evaluation is of great theoretical and practical significance.
     By analyzing the limitation of current instance selecting method and the advantage of measuring the similarity of two data sets, this paper proposed a data reduction method based on local Hausdorff distance. The method uses the Hausdorff distance as the criteria to select the representative instances. At the same time, in order to reduce the complexity of computing Hausdorff distance, this paper uses a K-NN search method to split the original data set into smaller datasets, and then uses the Hausdorff distance to select the representative instance in smaller data sets.
     In order to overcome the shortcomings of traditional LLE algorithm in processing the un-uniform data set for dimensionality reduction, the paper analyzed the impact of the error between an instance and its adjacent representation. In order to improve the result of dimensionality reduction, the paper introduces a self-adapting algorithm to calculate the parameter K to reduce the error between the instance and its adjacent representation, and a LLE-based data reduction schema by using the variant parameter K. The paper also proposes a schema to adjust the K dynamical with the variance of the local uniformity, which can reduce the error between the instance and its adjacent representation and satisfy the needs of dimensionality reduction for un-uniform data set. At last, this paper gives out a search algorithm based on center point to improve the uniformity of the near neighbors of the instance and to reduce the.
     Due to the fact that changes on the instance in data set will affect the result of the classification and the statistical nature of the data set, the paper proposes a schema by using the classification and spatial statistics to evaluate the result of the data reduction schema. By analyzing the affect of class radius and the distance between classes and number of instance in the data set for classification accuracy, the paper gives a method to compute the classification, which can evaluate the result of the classification schema. According to the analysis on the frequency distribution, quintile fractals and distance between the instances, this paper proposes a schema to evaluate the similarity between the data sets. Since spatial autocorrelation can reflect the distribution of the instance in data set, Moran'sl is used to measure the autocorrelation and to evaluate the change of autocorrelation of the original data set and reduction data sets.
     The research work on data reduction based on characters selection, instance selection and reduction evaluation archieves theoretical and practical values. These archievements also have a positive significance to improve the efficiency of processing massive data and obtaining the valuable information.
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