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Since the late1980s, the United States launched the Standard-based Curriculum Reform which had huge impact on the whole worldwide, and China is no exception. Ministry of Education cooperated with the UNICEF to carry out the drawing up of "Learning and Developing Guide for3-6Year Old Children" in2006. It is necessary to take a comprehensive study on the ongoing American standardization movement of curriculum, which can provide us some reference for the theory and practice of early childhood education, and the other related fields.
     In this study, the background, reason, content and features of curriculum standard implemented by the United States government are clarified by reviewing the research literature; The present static and dynamic situation and characteristics of the curriculum practice in kindergarten and preschool case are shown by participant observation and textual analysis; The conflicts, coordination and development between the curriculum standard and the teachers are reflected by the use of structural, non-structural, random interviews and teachers questionnaire on the basis of observing the activities in the kindergarten and preschool and analyzing the text data. What change happened in the curriculum practice after the government having carried out the curriculum standard is summarized, such as displacement of the curriculum aim, the adjustment of curriculum structure and the change of teaching model and evaluation. As well as the exploration is made on why the teachers have conflicts, why the curriculum practice has changed and why the status of curriculum practice is like this. Meanwhile combining our country's early childhood education status, the proposals of developing our own early childhood education are put forward.
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