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China is one of the countries with a serious shortage of water resources. It is also facing the dual pressuresof both water shortage and water pollution. The water environment deterioration caused by non-pointsource (NPS) pollution as well as point source (PS) pollution, and with the PS pollution under control, NPSpollution, especially agricultural NPS (AGNPS) pollution has become one of the major source of waterenvironment pollution. The first national pollution census bulletin published in2010shows us the livestockand poultry sources is one of the main source of AGNPS pollution.
     However, there exist some prominent problems in the AGNPS pollution management and control works,such as lack of basic data, insufficient regional coverage of the field experiments, inadequate watershedscale quantitative analysis, and so on. Therefore, core part of the livestock and poultry breeding(LPB)pollution researches are coming, such as the basic data acquisition and calculation, and considering landuse patterns in pollutant generation analysis, especially arable land, and the spatial patterns of the nationallivestock and poultry breeding pollutant generation, and so on. In view of this, this paper focuses on thecomprehensive regionalization method of LPB pollutant generation in China, attempts to use spatialanalysis and data-driven approach. The objective of the study is to propose a regionalization method forLPB pollutant generation at a nationwide level. The method is based on existing statistics and survey data.And then it uses a typical region to explore the region's influencing factors and influencing-factors-basedregionalization method.
     On the basis of literature review in domestic and international, the research mentality of this paper are:First analyse the mechanism of the AGNPS pollution, and constructs the indicator system for LPB pollutant generation regionalization; then using contour maps, thematic map series, related gravity centers curve andclassification merge methods, and reference the physical regionalizaiton of China, the comprehensiveregionalization of livestock in China, the comprehensive agricultural regionalization of China and thecurrent districting scheme of pollutants emission reduction and calculation, to support the regionalization ofLPB pollutant generation in China; And then, this paper analyse the dominant factors in a typicalregion(Northeast region), with a variety statistical and spatial analysis methods, calculating data at differentscales. Finally, the dominant factors are used to explore the type districting scheme of the typical region.The study achieves the following results:
     (1) This paper constructs the indicator system for LPB pollutant generation regionalization, includingfive categories of natural environment, basic agricultural environment, agricultural socio-economicenvironment, agricultural planting and breeding situation, and AGNPS pollution generation situation indexsystem. The five index system has12secondary indicators and31third-level indicators.
     (2) This paper design a research scheme for comprehensive regionalization of LPB pollutant generation,combining quantitative analysis with qualitative analysis, and combining regional districting with typedistricting.
     (3) First-level comprehensive regionalization scheme, including ten regions as followings:Gansu-Xinjiang-Inner Mongolia region, Northern Inner Mongolia-Heilongjiang region, Qinghai-Tibetregion, Northeast region, Loess Plateau region, Inner Mongolia and along the Great Wall region,Huang-Huai-Hai region, Southwest region, the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River region andSouth China region.
     (4) This paper select the Northeast region as a typical region, and utilizes multi-scale data and manystatistical method to screen the influencing factors of LPB pollution in this region. In the end, this paper explores the districting scheme of the Northeast region by use of the dominant factors' GWR coefficient.
     Based on the above research results, this paper's conclusions as follows:
     (1) The comprehensive regionalization indicator system constructed in this study is suitable for the actualsituation in China. When carrying out comprehensive regionalization of LPB pollution in China and relatedresearch, the natural environment, basic agricultural environment, agricultural socio-economic environment,agricultural planting and breeding situation, and AGNPS pollution generation situation indicators should betaken into account.
     (2) The comprehensive regionalization scheme of LPB pollutant generation designed in this research ispracticable. When carrying out a comprehensive nationwide regionalization, it is recommended thatcombining with quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, and reference to natural factors in themacro-scale regionalization, and reference to economic factors in meso-scale type districting.
     (3) Using multi-scale indicators data, and with the help of a variety of statistical and analytical methods,it can be able to carry out a study of the influencing factors and spatial patterns of regionalizationindex.When carrying out comprehensive regionalization of LPB pollution research, it is recommended thataccording to the different regional scale and different research objective to choose a suitable scale.
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