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Employee is one of the most important stakeholders and starting point that enterprises fulfill their social responsibility. In recent years Chinese enterprises encounter a great social responsibility crisis, it requires the corporate to implement corporate social responsibility voluntarily and urgently objectively, explore effective corporate social responsibility management method. But domestic academic research on corporate social responsibility is still at the initial stage, they discuss the corporate social responsibility and its standards widely, but staying at theory of deducing and the response plan to responsibility standard. There are few articles that relate to employee social responsibility management, which provide real basement and possibility for my research. This paper bases on the justice theory and Co-generation of righteousness and benefit theory, aims to explore corporate social responsibility management thinking and the practice of specific ways on the basis of carding theoretical study and practical experience home and abroad. In view of Chinese’s corporate social responsibility database has not been established yet, it is the difficult to compare the data horizontally, we select two representative companies and made typical survey on the basis of studying a wide range of relevant literature search, and collect 29 corporate social responsibility reports, conduct a survey to 337 personnel practitioners, and complet the research by combining theoretical and empirical, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis research methods.
     Western practice of corporate social responsibility has formatted a system, it is of not only rich content, a multi-level value guide, but also explore system options for the management. Further analysis finds that the successful operation of modern western employee management of social responsibility can not be separated from the humanities background and many stakeholders’promotion and support. Good humanities background makes customers, shareholders and supplier promote the company's responsibility management in a market-driven approach. Trade unions, trade associations and human rights protection organizations and other non-governmental organizations become the strong driving force at an impartial and independent position. The government supervision and promotion also is one of the successful conditions. Discussing existence and impact of these conditions has a positive meaning to promote the Chinese enterprises social responsibility management.
     In contrast to the development of the employee social responsibility management theory research and practice in west the enterprises, CSR management research is still a new field in China, the practice of CSR management has existed for a long time; some excellent enterprises have accumulated much experience, and keep developing these experiences continuously in the market. At present, publish corporate social responsibility report has become consensus of corporate with strong social responsibility sense. At the same time, we must recognize that there are many problems in specific CSR practice; these problems have great relationship closely with various deficiencies of Chinese current system, economic and cultural fields.
     According to Co-generation of righteousness of Chinese scholars Ouyang runping, Chinese enterprises social responsibility management can be divided into the following four types: the management of righteousness and benefit confrontation type, the management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type, the management of righteousness and benefit confusion type, the management of righteousness and benefit co-generation type. The first type comes from the wrong idea of righteousness and benefit, and the other three types are concentrated reflection of unity righteousness and benefit. Chinese enterprises need to combine their own actual situation, follow the bottom line of justice, seeking truth from facts and fulfilling the responsibility gradually, and then choose the type of social responsibility management. Considering social, economic and cultural realities of China, it is not proper to mention a higher responsibility demands to the majority of our business enterprise. It is better to run the business according to our country’s current labor laws and regulations and relevant standards, which means the management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type is main choice of Chinese enterprises. Moreover, this choice is good for encouraging most enterprises conduct responsibility, assumed responsibility in the ongoing process of gradually mining and sharing positive significance that fulfill their social responsibilities to enterprises and social development, conduct the responsibility in a broader context and deeper level.
     The management of righteousness and benefit co-existence type demands a new challenge to the enterprise managers and personnel practitioners, it demands the manager become the designer, promoter and controller, and also requires personnel practitioners to make a balance between employee and company benefit, defend and implement the country’s labor law, guide and promote the management. The existence of responsibility management Committee and trade unions provide a good organizational guarantee to urge the enterprises to improve the social responsibility of the management. At the same time, managers also need to promulgate the social responsibility management, standardize enterprise regulations include the formal and informal system. The implementation of management is from two aspects: Firstly, it needs to make the cycle improvement to internal management activities to strengthen constraints of the business activities the in accordance with the law and standards of corporate responsibility; it is planning, implementation, examination, treatment stage. Secondly, it needs to monitor and analysis public social issues that are likely to have an impact on the enterprise, make management program to improve management predictability and efficiency. Finally, management also depends on the smooth implementation of internal management system of support, and external social security system, social system of supervision and evaluation system of social protection efforts, moreover, improve the people's civic awareness and management activities is one of the key to the success.
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