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House-owners committee is something new born with the industrialization and urbanization. Disputes never disappear since its born. In China, because of estate flouring, House-owners committee is also spring. Especially, In September 1 2003, Realty Management Regulations took into effect; House-owners committee has a lot of development .With the Realty Law practice, House-owners committee will develop faster. But the absence of the legislation about house-owner committee reorganization, the legal statue of which is still unclear, it also bring lots of troubles. As house-owners owner committee’legal statue , what it is an independent civil subject with correspondent civil rights ability, and whether it is able to be a subject of litigation exerting civil rights and bearing civil liability etc . As for this aspect, different countries have their own features. In fact, it is widely accepted practice or theory that the house-owners committee has designated certain legal status in bath civil-law system and common-law system. The Management Regulations took into effect. On the duties of House-owners Committee are listed. But its legal status and character are not mentioned. As an important organization of realty management and house-owner rights, its legal status is directly concerning about legal results and bearing liability.
     In the present law system, house-owners committee is just practicing executive committee and reprehensive of the meeting of owners. It has no independent law status. This has led to many problems. The author analyzes and illustrates the legal status of house-owners committee. Whether the house-owner committee can be the subject of civil legal relationship or not also be discussed. The thesis want to study and deal with the following question: what is the theatrical basis of house-owners committee, what is the significance of house-owners committee, what are the main problems house-owners committee facing, and how to resolve them.
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