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Since1980s, basic education in Sweden has been obtaining good and sustainable development. Swedish perfect, specific and dynamic basic education system has been founded by rolling reforms, thus unity of equal development and higher quality in education has been realized with promoting economic and social coordinated development. During the process of the reforms in Swedish basic education, values of equality and efficiency, base for lifelong learning, service for multi-cultural society pursued have important meanings for Chinese present education reform and development.
     From international comparative perspective, The dissertation analyzed systematically Swedish situation of basic education reform and development from1980s at aspects of four value orientations of educational equality, stimulating educational dynamics, promoting student development, service for lifelong learning and multi-cultural adjustment with comprehensive use of several research methods such as literature analysis, historical analysis method, survey research method and comparative method. And then the dissertation comprehensively analyzed the basic characteristics of Swedish educational reforms and value orientations, and provided relevant suggestions for Chinese basic education reform.
     The dissertation is divided into six sections which are as follows in details.
     The first section is introduction. The section mainly consists of topic reasons, definition of research subjects, literature review, research thought and methods.
     The second section discussed the issues related to education equality value orientation in Swedish educational policy adjustment from1980s.The core value idea of educational reform and development, especially School Education Act from1980s is education equality. In the practice of education reforms, Swedish government has been taking many measures to ensure education equality which are as follows:further promoting homogeneity changes of high school education system structure to reinforce equality and equivalence of education opportunities; Developing energetically childcare and preschool education to lower age of universal education and strengthening equality at starting point of educated rights by universal accessibility; making protection provisions for disadvantage groups and taking supportive measures to be able to provide all population with basic educational welfare to obtain equivalent development for all school-age population.
     The third section discussed value orientation of increasing efficiency in the process of decentralization education reform under the new public management in Sweden. Since1980s, Sweden has gradually accelerated decentralization change in basic education field, which reflected ideas of new public management and national administration system reform, and was also a big trend of meeting the needs of stakeholders to increase efficiency in internal education. The measures in practice were as follows:professional empowerment for schools and teachers in educational activities; coordination and unification of decentralization of authority and responsibility and quality assurance; free school choice.
     The fourth section mainly discussed the value orientation of Integration and opening which is following in details:firstly, constructing school educational integration and opening system of service for lifelong learning for which concrete measures such as conducting learning cycle activities, provision of learning leave right and building individual Leaning Accounts system. Secondly, establishing basic education integrated system with two-side extension and Multiple connection. That is to say, further strengthening consistency and flexibility of basic education, constructing featured adult basic education, bringing preschool education into school education system for strong start. Thirdly, promoting basic education quality to provide knowledge base for lifelong learning, for which is in details as follows:service for lifelong learning directing rich connotation of basic education quality, paying attention to individual teaching to enhance learning quality for every student, strengthening student evaluation and quality control system.
     The fifth section discussed the value orientation of multi-cultural responsiveness. Under the influence of globalization, Swedish basic education reform reflected the value orientation of multi-cultural responsiveness for which concrete measures are as follows in details:positively taking on immigrant Education to adapting to multi-culture, strengthening ethnic minority culture protection and education, improving language education for immigrants.
     The sixth section put forward some policy suggestions for Chinese current basic education reform and development. Chinese current education reform and development should attach more importance to educational social functions with value orientation of educational equality. The concrete strategies should include followings:increasing financial investment, accelerating balanced development of basic education with more choice rights to students and parents, building the overpass-like connecting mechanism within the internal education system, accelerating preschool education development with reinforcing head start program, paying close attention to multi-cultural issues. Education reform should emphasize scientific and democratic decision-making and overall matching, and should also realize clearly that the issues in education are certainly not just the problem of internal education system, any education reform not only needs a series of matching measures issued within education system, but also needs social interaction and support.
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    ④有人干脆更为贴切地将其译为“学校教育法”,以免误会其适用范围;但瑞典官方所给的英语译本是Education Act。
    ⑤ Ministry of Education and Science & National Agency for Education. The Development of Education National Report of Sweden,2001.4.
    ⑥ Lpfo 98中的“学前教育”系指5岁以前教育,而Lpo 94中的“学前班”(pre-school class)实施的是小学入学前一年教育。
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    ④《The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism:work,unions and politics in Sweden》,p55.
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    ②《Creating Social Democracy:A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden》p38
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    ② Stephen J. Ball & Staffan Larsson. The Struggle for Democratic Education:Equality and Participation in Sweden [M]. London:The Falmer Press,1989.15.
    ③ Arild Tjedvoll. Quality of Equality? Scandinavian Education Towards the Year 2000 [M]. New York: Garland Publishing,1998.1-2,3-4
    ④转引自Karin Helena Bussell博士学位论文《Education in Postwar Sweden》,美国Texas大学,2002,P98。
    ⑥ Klaus Misgeld, Karl Molin and Klas Amark. Creating Social Democracy:A Century of the Social Democratic Labor Party in Sweden [M]. Translation from Swedish by Jan Teeland, US:The Pennsylvania State University Press,1992.325
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    ④Arild Tjedvoll. Quality of Equality? Scandinavian Education Towards the Year 2000 [M]. New York Garland Publishing,1998.101.
    ③此前瑞典的学校体系杂乱,有学者罗列说四十年代孩子们可以在19种学校中上他们的七年级(Karin Helena Bussell博士学位论文《Education in Postwar Sweden》,美国Texas大学,2002,25-26页)。
    ⑥ Leon Boucher. Tradition and Change in Swedish Education[M]. Oxford:Pergamon Press,1982.21-25.
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    ③ Leon Boucher. Tradition and Change in Swedish Education[M]. Oxford:Pergamon Press,1982.21.
    ④ Karin Helena Bussell. Education in Postwar Sweden[D]. the University of Texas,2002.173、179。另据瑞典教育部为UNESCO第38届国际教育会议提交的国家报告中数据,1979年时接受高等教育的在校生已达15.5万;而方彤《瑞典基础教育》第31页数据则表明,1950年时全国就读大学生只有1.6万人。
    ⑤ Bo Malmberg. Number of students and enrollment rates in extended primary, integrated-upper secondary, and tertiary education, Sweden 1768-2002 [Z]. Stockholm:Institute for Futures Studies, 2007.
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    ②此小节引文凡未特别注明者(仅在引文后用括号标明其章、节、条序号),均据瑞典中央政府网站(www.swed en.gov.se)2004年6月发布的修订至2000年的该法案英译本(整部论文均据此本),以及《基础教育参考》2004年第1-2期合刊所载《瑞典九年制义务教育学校及高中教育——瑞典新教育法部分章节摘录》。
    ⑤OECD《Equity in Education Thematic Review-country note(Sweden)》2005,p14
    ② Swedish National Agency for Education. Syllabuses for the Compulsory School-Revised version 2008 [Z]. Skolverket and Fritzes,2009.6
    ①据该法第2条定义:学生和儿童是指正在参加和申请接受《学校教育法》(SFS No.1985:1100)所涵盖教育活动者。
    ③据“世贸人才网”2006年9月1日文章《瑞典经济发展情况概况》(http://news.wtojob.com/news231_973 9. shtml)在1990-1993年间,瑞典GDP下降了5%,注册失业率超过8%(增加了6.5个百分点),同时还有超过7%的劳动力参加了政府主办的就业培训项目。低生产率和高失业率导致公共财政恶化。
    ④据瑞典国家统计局网站(www. scb. se)公布的历年GDP数据计算得出。
    ⑤2007年2月20日英国某网站发表的一篇针对瑞典中右翼政府上台后政策路线的时评,其网页地址http://c ommentisfree.guardian.co.uk/guy_rundle/2007/02/the_sweden_thing.html
    ①汪霞主编.国外中小学课程演进[M].济南:山东教育出版社,2000.646,657.瑞典为其义务教育学校给定的官方英译是"comprehensive compulsory school"。
    ③Leon Boucher. Reform of the Swedish Post-Compulsory Schools,1960-1983[J]. Compare, No.2,1983.136.
    ④Swedish Ministry of Education and Science. The Swedish Way towards a Learning Society [R].1992.91
    ⑥Leon Boucher. Reform of the Swedish Post-Compulsory Schools,1960-1983[J]. Compare, No.2,1983.167.
    ②Swedish National Agency for Education. Curriculum for the Non-compulsory School System (Lpf 94, amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:24). Stockholm:AB Danagards grafi ska,2006.8.
    ① Gymnasieutredningen. Framtidsvagen-en reformerad gymnasieskola (SOU 2008:27). Stockholm,2008. 52.
    ③ Statistics Sweden. Education in Sweden 2007 [R]. Stockholm,2007.37.另据瑞典国家教育署《Descriptive Data on Child Care and Schools in Sweden in 2000》第54-55页:1999-2000学年度高中各专业第一志愿录取率为81.7%,此前三年则还要低1个百分点。
    ④ Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. Equity in Education Thematic Review Country Analytical Report-Sweden [R]. Stockholm,2004.17.另据冯增俊主编《当代国际教育发展》139页数据:瑞典1968年出生的人口到21岁时白领和蓝领家庭子女接受高等教育的比例分别为36%和7%,而1977年出生的人口到21岁时这一比例则分别为57%和15%。
    ⑤转引自Stephen J. Balls、Staffan Larsson合编《The Struggle for Democratic Education:Equality and Participation in Sweden》(London:The Falmer Press,1989)第26页。
    ⑥2008年秋季学期瑞典高校录取的之前尚未有过上大学受教育经历的51000名新生中,男女生比例为42:58, 而同口径此前申请上大学者的男女生比例是41:59。(据瑞典国家统汁局2008年11月发布的《Sokande och antagna till hogskoleutbildning pa grundniva och avancerad niva hostterminen 2008》第63页)
    ②Statistics Sweden. Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables[R]. Stockholm,2008.132-134.
    ③据瑞典国家统计局2007年12月14日在其官方网站上发布的新闻稿(Nr 2007:347),2007-2008学年度高中毕业年级学生接受抽样调查者中六成有升学意愿,其中男生更是低至51%,“自然科学”专业学生以89%居各专业榜首(http://www. scb. se/Pages/PressRelease____222753. aspx)。事实上这已很高了,因为瑞典国家统计局2002年发布的"UF 36 SM 0201"号统计报告《The transition from upper secondary school to higher education》第45页显示,2001-2002学年度高中毕业生受访者当时希望继续升读大学的比例只有五成,其中男女生分别为57%和42%。
    ⑤Transition Rate from Upper Secondary to Higher Education Programmes, Press release from Statistics Sweden, Nr 2008:079, Mar.17,2008. http://www.pubkat.scb.se/Pages/PressRelease____231060. aspx
    ⑥The Entrance into the Labour Market among Upper Secondary Graduates in 2004/05 Academic year, Press release from Statistics Sweden, Nr 2008:304, Nov.18,2008. [EB/OL]. http://ww.scb.se/Pages /PressRelease____253555. aspx,2009-03-11.
    ⑤瑞典中央政府网站2008年4月2日新闻报道,[EB/OL]. http://www.Sweden.gov.se/sb/d/10086/a/101998
    ①Bo Malmberg. Number of Students and Enrollment Rates in Extended Primary, Integrated-upper Secondary, and Tertiary Education, Sweden 1768-2002 [J]. Institute for Futures Studies. Stockholm,2007.7.2002-2007年数据来自瑞典国家统计局Wtbildningsstatistisk arsbok 2009 Tabeller》第98、12-13页,或据此计算得出。
    ②据瑞典国家统计局官方网站(www. scb. se)2008年4月22日更新的《Population 16-74 years of age by municipality, level of education, age and sex. Year 1985-2007》选择、计算得出。
    ③The Entrance into the Labour Market among Upper Secondary Graduates in 2004/05 Academic year, Press release from Statistics Sweden, Nr 2008:304, Nov.18,2008. http://www. scb. se/Pages/PressRelease____253555. aspx
    ④OECD. Education at a Glance 2007-OECD Indicators [R]. OECD,2007.137,132-135.
    ⑤Robert Erikson and Jan 0. Jonsson. Can Education Be Equalized? The Swedish Case in Comparative Perspective [M]. US West view Press, Inc.,1996.137,131.
    ① OECD. Education at a Glance 2008-OECD Indicators [R]. OECD,2008.196.
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    ④据瑞典国家统计局《Utbildningsstatistisk arsbok 2009 Tabeller》(2008)第19页:2007年年全国32岁人口(在八十年代以来接受中小学教育)中,受过高中阶段及其以上教育者达90%。
    ⑤ Kerstin Holmlund (1999). Child-cribs for the Poor and Kindergartens for the Rich:Two Directions for Early Childhood Institutions in Sweden,1854-1930 [J]. History of Education, Vol.28. No.2. 143-155
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    ①Fact Sheets on Sweden. Child Care Programs in Sweden [R]. Swedish Institute, Stockholm,1984. 3,2.
    ②Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:Intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R].Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, 2007.34.
    ③之所以将确定18个月这样的起始年龄,是因为政府同时考虑到在经济状况允许的情况下要逐渐为12-18个月大的孩子家庭建立“父母津贴”(parental insurance)。
    ④Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:Intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, 2007.45-47,37.
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    ③Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:Intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, 2007.59,58.
    ⑤Utbildningsstatistisk arsbok 2002 Tabelle [Z]. Statistiska centralbyran, Stockholm,2008.60, 48,71,13.
    Lars Gunnarsson, Barbara Mart in Korpi, Ulla Nordenstam. Early Childhood Education and Care Policy in Sweden:Background report prepared for the OECD Thematic Review of Early Childhood Education and Care Policv [R]. Swedish Ministry of Education and Science, Stockholm,1999.72.
    ② Press Release of Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. Greater Freedom of Choice in Childcare and Universal Preschool for 3-year-olds[EB/OL]. http://ww.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/11317/a/119864, 2009-01-30
    Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:Intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, 2007.66.
    ① Ingrid Pramling Samuelsson. ECE for Under Three-Policy and Research:Sweden as a case study. Presented at the Chilredn Has a Future international congress, Interlaken. Switzerland. May 30 to Jun 1,2007.1.
    ② Eva MSrk, Anna Sjogren, Helena Svaleryd. Cheaper Children, More Children [R]. Working Paper 2008:29 of the Institute for Labour Market Policy Evaluation, Uppsala, Sweden.8-9.
    ③ Statistical yearbook of Sweden 2009.494 计算得出。
    ① Statistics Sweden. Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables[R]. Stockholm,2008.38,40.
    Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:Intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, 2007.38.
    Ten Years after the Pre-school Reform:A national evaluation of the Swedish pre-school. Summary of Report 2008:318 from Swedish National Agency for Education.24.
    UNICEF. The Child Care Transition - A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries [R]. Innocenti Report Card 8 of UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence,2008.2.
    ① John Rawls. A Theory of Justice. Revised Edition, Oxford University Press,1999.63.
    ④据《Education at a Glance 2008-OECD Indicators))219页统计数据,瑞典中小学阶段2005年用于交通、住宿、膳食等方面的生均费用高达795美元,在OECD三十来个国家中居第三位。
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    ②SCB.Kostnader fOr utbildningsvasendet 2003-2007[R].Statistik centrabyran,Stockholm,2008. 26.
    ④OECD. Education at a Glance 2008-ECD Indicators.238,237.
    ①Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. The Economy Report on Swedish Municipal and County Council Finantes.Stockholm,2008.11-2,14.
    ②OECD.Education at a Glante 2008-ECD Indicators.251.
    ③Household Budget Survey 2005 in the EU27.Households dedicated more than half of their expenditure to housing and food[N].No.STAT/08/88 of Eurostat Newsrelease,2008-06-9.
    ④NOrdie Statistical Yearbook 2007.118.
    ⑤SCB.Household consumption expenditure(ESA95)by purpose COICOP.Quarter 1993 Kl-008 K4[R] http://www.ssd.seb.se/Databaser/makro/MainTable.asp?yp=bergman&xu=scb&omradekod=NR&omradetext= National+accounts&lang=2&langdb=22009-02-27
    ①Ides Nicaise, Gosta Esping-Andersen, etc. Equity in Education Thematic Review-Country note SWEDEN [R]. OECD,2005.14.
    ②瑞典政府性别平等调查官Claes Borgstrom先生2006年5月在上海社科院演讲中分析认为:该机构虽然工作重心是保障女性权益,但机构名称中并未出现“妇女”字样,这表明它尊重两性基本权利,旨在为两性发展创造平等机会,而不仅仅为了女性。2006年新政府上台后,该部更名为"Ministry for Integration and Gender Equality",其中的‘'integration''笔者以为强调的是“消除隔离”,而不是简单的“整合”,因此译为“消除隔离与性别平等部”。
    ①毕恒达.“瑞典性别之旅”专题引言[J]. (台湾)性别平等教育季刊,2004,(No.27).13.
    ②UNDP. Human Development Report 1995.76. UNDP. Human Development Report 2006.363.
    ⑤OECD. Reviews of National Policies for Education:Sweden [R]. Paris:OECD,1995.32.
    ⑥Kirk P. H. Sullivan (2000). Creating Gender Equality at Professional Level:A review of the Swedish government's approach [J]. Compare, Vol.30, No.1.21,26.
    ⑦Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-school Class and the Leisure-time Centre (Lpo 94, amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:23). Swedish National Agency for Education,2006. 4-5.
    ⑧Curriculum for the Non-compulsory School System (Lpf 94). Swedish National Agency for Education, 2006.4.
    Curriculum for the Pre-school System (Lpfo98, amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:22). Swedish National Agency for Education,2006.4.
    ①Sara Hasbar. Equality starts in pre-school [EB/OL]http://www.sweden.se/templates/cs/Article__19344. aspx,2008-05-16.
    ②[瑞典]卡琳·阿尔弗雷德森著.机会平等:瑞典为之铺平道路.[EB/OL]唐文卿译,http://www.sweden.se /Other-languages/OL-Home/Other-languages/A-C/Chinese/15273/15268/,2009-06-03.
    ③Fact Sheet. Gender equality in Sweden. Swedish Institute,2007.2.
    ①Statistics Sweden. Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables [R]. Stockholm,2008.20-22.
    ②Statistics Sweden. Women and Men in Sweden-Facts and figures 2008 [R]. Stockholm,2008.7.
    ③Statistics Sweden. Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables [R]. Stockholm,2008.132.
    ④根据瑞典国家统计局《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables》第105-111页数据计算得出。
    ⑤Swedish occupational register with statistics 2007:The labour market is as sex segregated in 2007 as in 2002 [EB/OL]http://www.scb.se/Pages/PressArchive____259760.aspx?PressReleaseID=263709,2009-03-05.
    Utbildningsdepartementet:110 miljoner for okad jamstalldhet i skolan. [EB/OL]http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/10403/a/107137,2008-06-13(参台湾教育部电子报对此所作汉语翻译。)另:据新华网斯德哥尔摩2010年1月12日专电(记者吴平),为缓解医学、心理学、兽医学和牙科学等热门专业女生过多的现象,瑞典政府从2003年起开始允许瑞典高校在招收这些专业学生时向男生倾斜。瑞典教育和科学大臣托比亚斯·克兰茨近日在瑞典最大的晨报《每日新闻》上发表文章说,这种做法本意是要促进平等,但实际上却造成了不平等,一些聪明的女性因为其性别而上不了理想的专业,这不合理;高校应该向那 些学习积极性高的年轻女性敞开而不是关闭大门;瑞典政府将要求高校取消目前在一些热门专业招生时歧视女性的做法。
    ①刘丽.社会保障让欧洲成为残疾人的天堂[N].中国保险报,20080912,(5)②Fact Sheet. Swedish disability policy [R]. Swedish Institue, Stockholm,2007.1,3.
    ④ 《十一国教育发展近况——联合国教科文组织第38届国际教育会议国家报告选编》,北京师范大学外国教育研究所1982年编印,第164、165页
    ①同上,第161页。②据瑞典国家统计局《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables》第55、91页学生人数及其官方网站2008年11月19日新闻(http:www.scb.se/Pages/TableAndChart___154809.aspx)所发布年度总经费数据计算得出。
    ④Fact Sheet. Central Education Authorities[:.Swedish Ministry of Education and Science,2002. 3-4.
    ⑤SPSM. The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools-Collective special needs support in Sweden[EB/OL]http://www.spsm.se/Startpage/,2008-11-10参瑞典教育与研究部官方网站 2008年11月17日更新的《Responsibility for Schools in Sweden》 (http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/8009/a/72375)。
    ②Fact Sheet. Swedish Disability Policy [R]. Swedish Institue, Stockholm,2007.1.
    ③Handikapp Forbunden. The Swedish Disability Federation-The Collective Voice of the Swedish Disability Movement [Z]. The Swedish Disability Federation, Sundbyberg, Sweden,2002.3.
    ④据瑞典国家统计局《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009 Tables》 55、79、82、91、98页数据计算得出。
    ⑤顾耀铭在其《当今瑞典教育概览》一书中曾写到,瑞典当年860万人口时就自称有“残疾人”150万,比例高达1/6,而实际上较严重残疾者不过50万。另据瑞典残障研究所(Hjalpmedelsinstitutet) "02366''号宣传小册于《The Swedish Handicap Institute:Towards equality》第4页数据,瑞典自称10%人口(约90万)带有某种程度残疾。
    ⑤Special Needs Education in Europe:THEMATIC PUBLICATION [R]. European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education, January 2003.9.
    ⑥ Descriptive Data on Pre-school Activities, School-age Childcare, Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006. Report no.283 of Swedish National Agency for Education.64.
    ②Descriptive Data on Pre school Activities, School-age Childcare, Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006. Report no.283 of Swedish National Agency for Education.65.
    ④驻瑞典台北代表团文化组.瑞典大学设特殊教育硕士班 提供学生科学调查研究[N].台湾“教育部”电子报第349期(2009-0312,http://epaper.edu.tw/windows.aspx?windows_sn=2972).
    ⑤据瑞典国家统计局《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2002》第99-100页及《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2009》第84-85页数据。
    ⑥Swedish National Angecy for Education.Special Education and Special Schools:EB/OL].http://www. skolverket.se/content/1/c4/12/54/special_education.PDF,2009-02-26.
    ②Fact Sheet.Swedish disability policy[R].Swedish Institue,Stockholm,2007.2.
    ②原“特教署”(Sisus)网站"Brief Statement",http://www.sisus.se/english/48,96.cs?cs_dirid= 48.2007-12-24.
    ④OECD《Equity in Education Thematic Review-country note(Sweden)》2005,p14
    ⑤James Savage.School's Licence Removed over Single sex Teaching[EB/OL]http://www.thelocal.se/ 7651/20070619,2007-06-19.
    ⑥David Landes.Eight-year old Caught up in Birthday Card Outrage[EB/OL] http://www.thelocal. se/12682/20080627/,2008-06-27.
    ①OECD《Equity in Education Thematic Review-country note(Sweden)》2005,p15
    ③OECD《Equity in Education Thematic Review-country note(Sweden)》2005,5
    ②另据方彤著、广东教育出版社2004年版《瑞典基础教育》第7页载称:当代瑞典境内历史上最早的学校是当时位于丹麦境内的Cathedral School瑞典国工1085年向该校捐赠了一笔款项用以支付教师工资。
    ③J(?)rgen Bukdahl et al (editors). Scandinavia Past and Present, Vol.3:Five Modern Democracies [M]. Copenhagen:Edvard Henriksen,1959.234.
    ④瑞典Umea大学Chritine Hudson与Anders Lidstrom二人主编Palgrave Macmillan美国公司2002年版《Local Education Policies:Comparing Sweden and Bratian》第28页分析到:“在国家控制的学校系统建立之前,英、瑞两国两国的教会都在教育发展中扮演着重要角色。至于国家所扮演的角色,两国却是不同的:瑞典国家政府方面积极介入教育事务比英国更早一些。在两个国家所建立的普通教育体系中,虽然地方政府都承担了一定责任,但瑞典在学校课程、教学大纲和教师事务等重要方面却保留了中央集权化的特征。”
    ⑤J(?)rgen Bukdahl et al (editors). Scandinavia Past and Present, Vol.3:Five Modern Democracies [M]. Copenhagen:Edvard Henriksen,1959.238.
    ④ J(?)rgen Bukdahl et al (editors). Scandinavia Past and Present, Vol.3:Five Modern Democracies [M]. Copenhagen:Edvard Henriksen,1959.62-63,65-66,64.
    ②Vito Tanzi, Ludger Schuknecht (1997). Reforming government:An overview of recent experience [J]. European Journal of Political Economy, Vol.13.397.
    ③OECD. Reviews of National Policies for Education:Sweden [R]. Paris:OECD,1995.85.
    ④Sixten Marklund, Gunnar Bergendal. Trends in Swedish Educational Policy [R]. Stockholm:Swedish Institue,1979.50-53.
    ①Sixten Marklund (1981). Sweden:setting up the comprehensive school [J]. Prospects, Vol.11, No.2.167-170(参瑞典学会1984年3月出版的Fact sheets on Sweden 《Primary and Secondary Education in Sweden》第1页,以及中华民国比较教育学会主编、台北幼师文化事业公司1979年版《世界中等教育改革动向》第285-286页。)
    ②Swedish National Agency for School Improvement (2007). Improving School Leadership:Background Report of Sweden [R]. From the OECD Home Page (http://www.eocd.org/edu/schoolleadership), 2007-12-05.12.
    ③[英Geoff Whitty等著.教育中的放权与择校:学校、政府与市场[M].马忠虎译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003.35.
    ④Leon Boucher. Tradition and Change in Swedish Education [M]. England:Pergamon,1982.55.
    ⑤Anders Bjorklund, Per-Anders Edin, & etc.. The Market Comes to Education in Sweden:An Evaluation
    of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms [M]. New York:Russell Sage Foundation,2005.9-10.
    ③[瑞]Paul Levin.瑞典公共行政——分权化单一制国家中的治理[M].聂勇浩等译,公共行政评论,2008(6).121.
    ②1989年4月1日《人民日报》报导指出:“从社民党的一些政策报告中可以看到,在今后一段时间内它将执行紧缩财政开支同刺激供应、减少消费、提高生产力相结合的政策。它将在以下4个方面进行比较大的改革”,其中第1条便是:“提高公共事业和国营企业的效率,实行权力下放,使地区、市有更大自主权。政府还将把一部分公共事业交私人负责经营,并允许私人开设诊所、学校,以促使公共事业提高效率。”(《让市场经济发挥更大的作用——瑞典社民党经济政策的趋向》,记者顾耀铭,第7版。)1989年10月27日《纽约时报》报导指出:“鉴于认识到不可能再提高税收,社民党不得不重新思考如何管理庞大的公共部门,许多社民党人呼吁采取更加市场化取向举措,……政府已经在想办法,希望在提供公共服务方面进一步引入更多因素,以提高服务的质量和效率。”(《Sweden's Social Democrats Veer Toward Free Market and Lower Taxes》, Steven Greenhouse为该报提供的专稿,2009年10月15日下载自http://quer y.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DE4D7103EF934A15753C1A96F948260&n=Top/News/World/Countr ies%20and%20Territories/Sweden。) ③Ali Hajighasemi. The Transformation of the Swedish Welfare System:Fact or Fiction? [M]. Stockholm:Sodertorns Hogskola,2004.248.
    ②Public Employment and Management Working Party. The State of the Public Service [R]. OECD. GOV/PGC/PEM(2008)4/FINAL,2008-09-25.14.
    ③瑞典教育部在2003年发布的《Attrahera, utveckla och behalla kvalificerade larare)中,将这一时期的改革称为“瑞典教育史上范围最为广泛、影响最为深远的改革”(p.19)。
    ④R. Lyons. Decentralised Educational Planning:Is it a contradiction [A]. In Jon Lauglo & Martin McLean (eds.) The Control of Education:International perspectives on the centralization-decentral ization debate [M]. Heinemann Educational Books for the Institute of Education, University of London, 1985.86-95.
    ②Bjorn Sandstrom. The Deveolpmental Dialogue as an Instrument for Cooperation between the State and the Local School District [EB/OL]. http://www.devisa-hb.se/thinkingconference/SubmittedSup plement/SandstroemBjoern/seminar.pdf,2008-03-17.1.
    ④上海师大教育系《教育发展史资料》编写组.教育发展史资料(征求意见稿) [Z]上海师范大学1973年2月印.89-90.
    ⑤Christine Hudson & Anders Lidstorm. Local Education Policies-Comparing Sweden and Britain [M]. New York:Palgrave, Macmillan Ltd.,2002.36-37.
    ⑥Robin Burns. Process and Problems in Educational Reform in Sweden [J]. Compare, No.1, Vol.11, 1981.39.
    ① OECD. Reviews of National Policies for Education:Sweden [R]. Paris:OECD,1995.18.
    ② ULF P. Lundgren (1988). The Development of the Middle School in Sweden:Research and Evaluation [J]. International Journal of Educational Research, No.5, Vol.12.481,488,490,493-494.
    ③ Swedish Ministry of Education & Science and the National Agency for Education. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden [R]. Prepared for the 46th session of UNESCO International Conference on Education,2001.5(另:德国波恩劳动力研究所(IZA)在2008年9月发布的3691号"Discussion Papers" 《Does School Privatization Improve Educational Achievement? Evidence from Sweden' s Voucher Reform》(作者Anders Bohlmark, Mikael Lindahl)第4页甚至使用了" sweeping school reforms"(扫荡性的,彻底的,广泛的)这样的词汇来刻画瑞典九十年代学校教育的这一系列改革。
    ④ Kampei Hayashi (2008). Local Reaction after Decentralization Reform in Sweden [EB/OL]. http://www. eera-e
    ⑥[英]Geoff Whitty等著.教育中的放权与择校:学校、政府与市场[M].马忠虎译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003.35-36.
    ① Christine Hudson & Anders Lidsttorm. Local Education Policies-Comparing Sweden and Britain [M]. New York:Palgrave, Macmillan Ltd,2002.53.
    ② Swedish Ministry of Education & Science. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden [R]. Prepared for the 47th session of UNESCO International Conference on Education,2004.11.
    ③ Anders Bjorklund, Per-Anders Edin,& etc.. The Market Comes to Education in Sweden:An Evaluation of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms [M]. New York:Russell Sage Foundation,2005.7.
    ①每届政府所设置的内阁部门可能略有不同,会对一些部的名称及其业务范围划分进行适当调整,就教育事务而言,目前这届政府设置的是“教育与研究部”,此前则叫“教育、研究与文化部(Ministry of Education, Research and Culture)、"教育与科学部”(Ministry of Educat ion and Science)等。
    ②Swedish Mini stry of Education and Research. Divisions and Secretariat s [EB/OL] http://www.regeringe n.se/sb/d/3008/a/18108,2007-10-31(参瑞典教育与研究部《Organisation》, http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d /3008,2009-08-05.)
    ①如2007年印发的《General Guidelines and Comments:Qualitv in leisure-time centres》,其“封底”便印有这样一段话:“本指南旨在根据《教育法》与课程方案对闲暇中心的活动所应遵循的要求与原则予以闸释,以确保其工作质量。对父母而言,这份指南也便于大家更好地发挥影响力,更好地与闲暇中心合作。”
    ②目前执行的主要是九十年代以来开发(其间曾数次修订)的三份课程方案:《Curriculum for the Compul sory School system, the Pre-school Class and the Leisure-time Centre》(Lpo 94)、《Curriculum for the Non-compulsory School System》(Lpf 94).《Curriculum for the Pre-school》(Lpfo 98)。
    ③如目前执行的2000年启用、2008年最新修订的《Syllabuses for the Compulsory School》,2002年秋季学期启用的《Syllabuses for the Compul sory School for Pupil s with Learning Di sabilities》 《Syllabuses for the School for Pupils with Hearing Impairment》绝大多数于2000启用、少数于随后一两年启用的高中分专业课程大纲《Programme Goal, Structure and Syllabuses》等。
    ④如高中适用的《Project Work-Sylllabuses, Grading Criteria and Commentaries》(2000年秋季学期启用)等。
    ⑤Ministry of Education and Science.Central Education Authorities[R]. Fact Sheet of Swedi sh Ministry of Education and Science,No. U02.003,May 2002.2-3(关于瑞典国家教育署角色的归纳,参见其“机构简介”,http://www.skolverket.se/content/1/c6/01/35/52/engelsk-intern.ppt, 2006-11-16.)
    ③Swedish Schools Inspectorate. The Inspectorate of Educational Inspection of Sweden LR]. Published by the Swedish Schools Inspectorate, Stockholm,2009.1-2,23.
    ④Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten. The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools [EB/OL]. http://www.spsm.se/Startpage/,2009-11-25.
    ②据瑞典国家统计局2009年12月出版《Utbildningss tatistisk arsbok 2010 Tabeller》(SCB-2009-UF0109 TAB_pdf)第110、88-89、94、103、184页数据。
    ③据瑞典国家统计局2009年11月出版《Kostnader for utbildningsvasendet 2004-2008》 (SCB-2009-UF12 SM0901_df)第37页数据计算得出。
    ④据瑞典国家教育署2008年出版((Costs:National level-Sweden's Official Statistics on Pre-school Activities, School-age Child care, schools and adult education, Part 3,2008》(编号"Report 316")第59页数据计算得出。
    ③Skolverket.The Swedish School System:School organisers[R].Published by Swedish National Agency for Education, Feb.2009[另参:瑞典现行《教育法》第2章,瑞典中央政府网站《Responsibility for Schools》(http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/8009/a/72375,2007-12-06)欧盟Eurvbase"The Information Database on Educat ion Systems in Europe"《The Education System in Sweden》(2007-2008学年度版)第13、2627页。]
    ③[美]凯瑟琳·麦克德莫特(Kathrvn A. McDermott)著.掌控公立学校教育:地方主义与公平[M].周玲、杨旻译,北京:教育科学出版社,2007.23-24.
    ⑤Local Government in Sweden-Organi sation, activities and finance[R]. Published by Swedish Mini stry of Finance,2005,(Article no:Fi2004.43).11. world Data on Education. Sweden[R]. Compiled by UNESCO-IBE,6th edition,2006-2007, Updated version, Sept.2007.1.
    ①Bj6rn Sandstr6m. The Deveolpmental Dialogue as an Instrument for Cooperation between the State and the Local School District [EB/OL].http://www.devisa-hb.se/thinkingconference/SubmittedSupple ment/SandstroemBjoern/seminar.pdf,2008-03-17.2.
    ②Swedi sh National Agency for Education.Curriculum for the Compulsory School system,the Pre-school Class and the Lei sure-time Centre (Lpo 94, Amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:23).Printed by AB Danagards grafiska,Odesh6g,2006.
    ③其中Science studies之下实际上包含着生物、物理、化学3个学科,"Social studies"之下实际上包含着地理、历史、宗教、公民4个学科;这7个学科都单独有其课程大纲,同时"Science studies"和‘'Social stlldies"(?)还各有一个“大纲”
    ④Swedi sh National Agency for Education. Sysyllabuses for the Compulsory School (2nd edition, Revised in 2008, according to SKOLFS 2008:68). Publ i shed by Fri t zes, Stockholm,2009.
    ① Lisbeth Lundahl, Mikaela Nyroos & Linda Ronnberg. A Matter of Timing:Time use, freedom and influence in school from a pupil perspective [J]. European Educational Research Journal, No.4, Vol.3,2004.745. Linda Ronnberg. A Recent Swedish Attempt to Weaken State Control and Strengthen School Autonomy: the experiment with local time schedules [J]. European Educational Research Journal, No.3, Vol. 6,2007.215
    ②Swedish Ministry of Education & Science. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden [R]. Prepared for the 47th session of UNESCO International Conference on Education,2004.12.
    ②其瑞典文(Individuell utvecklingsplan)字母缩写为“IUP”,官方给出的英文表达‘'individual development plan".以前只是需要特殊支持的学生才有这样一份IUP,2006年通过的法规要求处于k-12的每位学生都应有其IUP。每份IUP的基本内容包括:我们现在位于何处?我们要到哪里去?家庭将如何帮助学生?学校将如何帮助学生?学生自己应该做些什么?目前还正在开发一家网站,把所有IUP都放上去,教师、学生和家长可以在各自权限内查看、添加、修改自己的内容。(据http://iupp.se/首页简介,2007-12-11。)
    ⑦这种统考另一项最为重要的功能在于:监测、掌控全国各地、各学校达成国家所规定的教育目标的情况。以义务教育阶段的九年级统考为例:在1998-2002年间,国家教育署只从参加考试学生中抽取10%进行统计分析,而从2003年起,全部进行统计分析,并就统计分析结果通过文本、网站等多种形式、多种渠道发布。当然,公开发布的统计分析不针对具体的学生,而是每所学校、每个地区相对于全国常模的情况,以及全国、各学科和各地、各学校的历时性变化等。(参瑞典国家教育署《Descriptive Data on Preschool Activities, School-age Childcare, Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006》 第55页)。
    ①参瑞典斯德哥尔摩市孔舒门斯(Kungsholmens)中学格尼塔·卡尔松(Agneta Karlsson)校长2007年9月访问中国中央教科所期间所做报告(据中央教科所网站2007年9月25日新闻《瑞典客人来我所访问》,马延伟撰稿,李建忠审稿, jl_20070925094538.html)。
    ②Bjorn Soderqvist.School Leaders'View on Market Forces and Decentralisation:Case Studies in a Swedish Municipality and an English County [R]. Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm, Sweden,2007.116-117.
    ②Fredrik Reinfeldt. Statement of Government Policy-Presented to the Swedish Riksdag, on Oct. 6,2006 [EB/OL]. http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/574/a/70233.2007-09-30.2,13,12.
    ③National Agency for Education. National Assessment and Grading in the Swedish School System [M]. Published by Frites, Stockholm,2005.12,18.
    ④Kathleen T. Zanotti & Karlene N. Dickey. Sweden:A Study of the Educational System of Sweden and Guide to the Academic Placement of Students in Educational Institutions in the United States [R]. A PIER publication sponsored by the.American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Office, NAFSA:Association of International Educators, and The College Board, Washington DC,1995.5.
    ⑤National Agency for Education. Education for All:The Swedish education system [R]. Printed by Lenanders Tryckeri AB, Kalmar,2000.25.
    ⑧National Agency for Education. National Assessment and Grading in the Swedish School System [M]. Published by Frites, Stockholm,2005.21.
    ①Christine Hudson & Anders Lidstorm. Local Education Policies-Comparing Sweden and Britain [M]. New York:Palgrave, Macmillan Ltd.,2002.46.
    ② Mats Ekholm. School Inspections and School Development in Sweden-A waste of time and money [Z] Paper presented at the ICSEI meeting in Auckland, NZ, Jan.6-9,2008.
    ①Fredrik Reinfeldt. Statement of Government Policy-Presented to the Swedish Riksdag, on Oct. 6,2006[EB/OL].http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/574/a/70233.2007-09-30.13.
    Mats Ekholm. School Inspections and School Development in Sweden — A waste of time and money [Z]. Paper presented at the ICSEI meeting in Auckland, NZ, Jan.6-9,2008.
    ④参见瑞典教育与科学部为1992年在维也纳召开的第43届国际教育大会所提交的教育发展国别报告英文版《The Development of Education:National report from Sweden》第30-33页。
    ②Swedish Ministry of Education and Science. A New System of Teacher Education [No. U00.023 Fact Sheet]. August 2000.
    ③Gustafsson, Jan-Eric and Myrberg, Eva. The Impact of Financial Resources on Educational Results-A Knowledge overview [R]. The National Agency of Education, Stockholm,2002. P11.
    ②参见瑞典国家教育署所发布的2006年282号报告《Competence and Opportunity - The Importance of Teachers, Their Working Situation and Conditions》第8页。
    ③参见瑞典教育与研究部为2008年在日内瓦召开的第48届国际教育大会所提交的教育发展国别报告英文版《The Development of Education:National report of Swede》第14页。
    ⑥Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. Continuing Professional Education for Teachers [EB/OL]. http://ww.regeringen.se/sb7d/9400.2007-08-16另:据台湾国立教育资料馆2010年3月所整理的一份资料显示,这项三万人计划执行得不是非常好,估计最终达不到三万人,但参加培训的老师反映自己还是很有收获的。
    ①瑞典教育与研究部为2008年在日内瓦召开的第48届国际教育大会所提交的教育发展国别报告英文版《The Development of Education:National report of Sweden》第15-16页.
    ②Swedish Ministry of Education and Research.Sustainable Teacher Education.[EB/OL].http://www. sweden.gov.se/sb/d/8203/a/117518.2008-12-03.
    ③Swedish Ministryof Education and Research.Top of the Class-New Teacher Education Programmes [No.U10.009 Fact Sheet:.March 2010.
    ④Sweden Set for Stricter Teacher Credentials[EB/OL].http://www.thelocal.se/22256/20090924/. 2009-9-24.
    ⑤驻瑞典台北代表团文化组《瑞典将实施的教师证照制度可能降低教师地位》,载台湾《教育部电子报》第437期(2010年11月25日发布于http://epaper.edu.twjprint.aspx?print_type=windows&print_sn=6681& print_num=437)
    ②瑞典中小学里面不合格教师比例居高难下的问题长期都未能得到有效解决,新华社 2001年4月13日报道(记者吴平)称其未受过师范教育的教师多达17%(转引自http://www.eol.cn/20010823/203575.shtml),而2011年“世界教师日”(10月5日)之际UNESCO发布的统计报告所列教师供不应求的国家名单中仍然还有瑞典(转引自http://news.xinhuanet.com/edu/2011-10/05/c_122121088.htm)。(?)而事实上,瑞典IFAU在2007年发布的第7号Working Paper《Teacher Certification and Student Achievement in Swedish Compulsory.Schools》中就指出:不具备资质教师所教学生的学业成就会受到较大的不良影响,相较于具备资质教师所教学生的学业成绩差距明显。
    ③Dennis Beach,Anita Eriksson and Catarina Player-Koro.Changing Teacher Education in Sweden. [EB/OL].http://bada.hb.se/bitstream/2320/9263/2/Oxford%2520Sept%252016%2520Text.doc&sa:U&ei=US 8aT9zbCIyUiQe42bHaCw&ved=OCBOQFjAE&usg=AFQjCNFptWAx9t5zcBr3kTV-_jgLLgnvOg,2012-1-21.
    ④OECD《Reviews of National Policies for Education-Sweden》(1995)第88页:建立综合学校所基于 的理念是全国所有儿童能够得到同样的教育机会,而这个所谓同样的教育机会,表述出来就是执行全国统一“核心课程”的共同的基础教育(elementary schooling).
    ①[美]埃尔查南·科恩(Elchanan Cohn)编著.教育券与学校选择[M].刘笑飞等译,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2008.375.
    ②据瑞典中央政府网站2007年9月7日发布《Independent Schools Flourish in Sweden》一文附注资料《Independent Schools in Sweden》(http://www.sweden.se/eng/Home/Education/Basic-education/Read ing/Free-schools/,2009年6月12日下载.)(另据1995年OECD发布的《Reviews of National Policies for Education-Sweden》第151页附表,瑞典1990年全国4700所义务教育学校中有独立学校63所,535所高中学校中有独立学校55所)。
    ③UNESCO.World Education Report 2000[R].UNESCO Publishing.165-167.
    ④[英] Geoff Whitty等著.教育中的放权择校:学校、政府与市场[M].马忠虎译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003.35.
    ⑤OECD. Reviews of National Policies for Education:Sweden[R].Paris:OECD,1995.87.
    ①有研究评论道:“公正地说,在这场彻底的变革背后,教育界没有全面的一致意见。”(Anders Bjorklund等著、美国Russell Sage Foundation于2005年出版《The Market Comes to Education in Sweden:An Evaluation of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms》第13页。)另:“瑞典私立学校交流协会”网站首页2009年10月6日最后更新的“简介’'《Independent schools in Sweden-main points》也指出“关于支持还是反对独立学校的政治争论时不时还是挺激烈的’'(http://www.friskola.se/Om_oss_In_English_DXNI-38495_. aspx).
    ③瑞典的私营学校在中小学阶段称作独立学校,其瑞典文表达包括"Fristaende skolor"、"privatskola"等,政府官方给定的英文译名是"independent school",而托幼、学前教育和学童课后看护教育方面私营机构则称"enskilda verksamheter、"enskilda forskolor",从官方给定的英文表达看,就是“私营机构”、
    ④英Geoff Whitty等著.教育中的放权与择校:学校、政府与市场[M].马忠虎译,北京:教育科学出版社,2003.36-37.
    ②Skolverket.Beskrivande data 2009:Forskoleverksamhet, skolbarnsomsorg, skola och vuxenutbildning [R].RAPPORT 335.Skolverket.38.
    ③Peter Vinthagen Simpson.Free School Applications Hit New Highs[EB/OL].http://www.thelocal.se/ 33756/20110513/,2011-5-23.
    ④19851990年数据来自美国教育统计中心(NCES)1996年版《International Education Indicators:A Time Series Perspective》第37页;1990-1991学年度数据来自《教育参考资料》2001年13、14期合刊第6页(李韧竹译《瑞典的教育概况》);1991-1992学年度数据来自《Comparative Education Review》1998年第3期第332页(Martin Carnoy《National Voucher Plans in Chile and Sweden:Did Privatization Reforms Make for Better Education?》);19921993至1994-1995及2003-2004四个学年度的数据依据《基础教育参考》2007年第2期第23页(祝伟《激发竞争和活力:瑞典独立学校的发展及影响评述》,依笔者研判,这三年的人数实际上仅指义务教育学段。另:该资料所统计数据包含了“国际学校”与“国家寄宿学校(national boarding school)学生人数):19951996至1999-2000五个学年度的数据依据瑞典国家教育署《Descriptive Data on Chi ld Care and Schools in Sweden in 2000》(Printed by Elanders Gotab AB, Stockholm,2000)第27页;20002001至2002-2003三个学年度的数据依据瑞典国家教育署《Descriptive Data on Chi ldcare, Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2003》(Printed by Elanders Gotab AB, Stockholm,2003)第34页:2004-2005之后七个学年度数据依据瑞典国家统计局《Utbildningsstatistisk arsbok 2010 Tabeller》第6061页《Utbildningsstatistisk arsbok 2012 Tabeller》第64-65页。
    ①James Savage.School's Licence Removed over Single-sex Teaching[EB/OL].http://www.thelocal.se /7651/20070619,2007-06-19.
    ②[美]Elchanan Cohn编著.教育券与学校选择[M].刘笑飞等译,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2008.33.
    ①该校网站新闻《Students, parents, teachers:pleased with Kunskapsskolan》, http://www.kunskapsskol an.co.uk/press/news/studentsparentsteacherspleasedwithkunskapsskolan.5.13ed45fa118bfee46738000
    ②筹备工作正在紧锣密鼓地进行之中,目前其中一所(Twickenham Academy)已经招募、选拔、任命了校长,将于2010年9月招生、开学(http://www.kunskapsskolan.co.uk/press/news/twickenhamacademyheadteach ernamed.5.70530fa6123bcf46aab800011257.html,2009-09-24。)
    ③Education News. Can Sweden teach our schools a lesson? [EB/OL]. http://www.independent.co.uk/new s/education/education-news/can-sweden-teach-our-schools-a-lesson-1882566. html,2010-01-29.
    ④Donna Gundle-Krieg. Should Obama look to Sweden's successful school voucher program? [EB/OL]. http://www.examiner.com/x-1393-Education-Improvement-Examiner y2009m3d20-Should-Obama-look-to-Swedens-successful-school-voucher-program,2009-03-20.
    Claudia Hepburn and John Merrifield. School Choice in Sweden:Lessons for Canada [R]. http://www. frase rinstitute. org/commerce.web/product_files/SchoolChoiceinSweden.pdf,2006-11-01.
    ⑥Helen Raham (2003). Lessons for Canada from Sweden's schools [J]. Canada:Inroads, Vol.13.
    ③瑞典Uppsala大学Asa Ahlin在其《Does School Competition Matter Effects of a Large-Scale School Choice Reform on Student Performance》(Uppsala大学经济系Working Paper Series,No.2003:2)一文中,是用私营学校所招收学生占当地生源份额来计算学校之间“竞争度(the Degree of School Competition). (P.10)
    ① Bjorn Soderqvist. School Leaders'View on Market Forces and Decentralisation:Case Studies in a Swedish Municipality and an English County [R]. Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm, Sweden,2007.106.
    ②瑞典《每日新闻》.瑞典公立高中招生难 私立高中受欢迎[z].世界教育信息,2010,(6).5.
    ③1996-1997学年度及以前数据来自瑞典国家教育署《Beskrivande data om skolverksamheten 1997》(瑞典文版,编号"SKOLVERKETS RAPPORT NR 135")第11页,19971998至1999-2000学年度数据来自瑞典国家教育署《Descriptive Data on Child Care and Schools in Sweden in 2000》(英文版,编号"NATIONAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION REPORT NO.192")第27页,20002001学年度及以后数据来自瑞典国家教育署《Beskrivande data 2009:Forskoleverksamhet, skolbarnsomsorg, skola och vuxenutbildning》(瑞典文版,编号"RAPPORT 335")第38页。
    ①数据来自瑞典国家教育署2008年出版《Costs:National level-Sweden's Official Statistics on pre-school activities, school-age child care, schools and adult education, Part 3,2008》(编号"Report 316")第51、19、34、37页,及瑞典国家统计局2003年出版《Utbildningskostnader 1998-2002》(编号"UF 12 SM 0301")第28页,比值及其他部分数据系经计算得出。
    ②刘德胜.瑞典中等教育现况、改革动向及启示[J]. (台湾)教育资料集刊,2007,(6).240-241.
    ③ Donald Hirsch (1995). School Choice and the Search for an Educational Market [J]. International Review of Education, No.3-4, Vol.41.246.
    ④如斯德哥尔摩大学国际教育研究所Gary Miron发表在《Educational Leadership》1996年10月号上的《FreeChoice and Vouchers Transform Schools》一文所列举的那样:市立学校也被鼓励创造自己的“特色”,如特别强调艺术。体育或者其他一些特殊科目或领域。(p.79)
    ⑤ F. Mikael Sandstroma, Fredrik Bergstrom (2005). School vouchers in practice:competition will not hurt you [J]. Journal of Public Economics, Vol.89.355.
    ⑥ Staffan Waldo. Competition and Public School Efficiency in Sweden-An Empirical Evaluation of Second Stage Regression Results for Different Models of Nondiscretionary Inputs in Data Envelopment Analysis [R]. No.2006:7 Working Papers from Lund University, Department of Economics.3,23-24.
    ①Swedish National Agency for Education. Schools like Any Other? Swedish Independent Schools as Part of the System 1991-2004 (English Summary of "RAPPORT 271") [R]. Published in 2006.26.
    ②[美]埃尔查南·科恩(Elchanan Cohn)编著.教育券与学校选择[M].刘笑飞等译,北京:北京师范大学出版社,2008.28、26、47.
    ③ Donna Gundle-Krieg. Should Obama look to Sweden's successful school voucher program? [EB/OL]. http://www.examiner.com/x-1393-Education-Improvement-Examiner y2009m3d20-Should-Obama-look-to-Swedens-successful-school-voucher-program,2009-03-20.
    ④Per Unckel.瑞典教育多元化的启示[N].中国经营报,2008-05-12. (A15)
    ⑤参瑞典国家教育署2006年出版的《Schools like Any Other? Swedish Independent Schools as Part of the System 1991-2004》 (English Summary of "RAPPORT 271")第7-8页。
    ⑥ Claudia Hepburn & John Merrifield. School Choice in Sweden:Lessons for Canada [R]. Studies in Education Policy, Published by the Fraser Institute, Canada, Nov.2006.6.
    ① Helen Raham (2003). Lessons for Canada from Sweden's schools [J]. Canada:Inroads, Vol.13. 57.
    ② Swedish National Agency for Education. School Choice and Its Effects in Sweden [R]. Offprint of REPORT 230, Printed by Lenanders Grafiska AB, Kalmar 2003.11-12.
    ③该校网站新闻《Students, parents, teachers:pleased with Kunskapsskolan》, http://www.kunskapssko lan.co.uk/press/news/studentsparentsteacherspleasedwithkunskapsskolan.5.13ed45fa118bfee4673800 04172.html,2008-06-02.
    ⑤ Donald Hirsch School Choice and the Search for an Educational Market [J].International Review of Education,1995, (3-4).251.
    ⑥ Bjorn Soderqvist. School Leaders' View on Market Forces and Decentralisation:Case Studies in a Swedish Municipality and an English County [R]. Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm, Sweden,2007.106-107.
    ①Bjorn Soderqvist. School Leaders' View on Market Forces and Decentralisation:Case Studies in a Swedish Municipality and an English County [R]. Printed by Universitetsservice AB, Stockholm, Sweden,2007.60.
    Ali Hajighasemi. The Transformation of the Swedish Welfare System:Fact or Fiction? [M]. Stockholm:Sodertorns Hogskola,2004.247.
    ④ Swedish National Agency for Education. Costs:National level-Sweden's Official Statistics on pre-school activities, school-age child care, schools and adult education, Part 3,2008 [R] Published by Skolverket, Stockholm,2008.37.
    ①一位参与了瑞典教育券制度设计的学者明确指出:“要想让独立学校大行其道(flourish),就必须允许他们盈利."(Anders Hultin《Profit is the key.to success in'Swedish schools'》,http://www.spectator.co. uk/essays/all/5381686/profit-is-the-key-to-success-in-swedish-schools.thtml,2009-10-03.)
    ②Stuart M.Butler.Learning from Sweden's school voucher success[EB/OL].http://www.heritage.org /Press/Commentary/ed091109a.cfm,2009-09-11.
    ③正如有的受访民众所分析的那样:“如果你的学校‘公司’开得好,你可以盈利,但如果办得差劲,你便休想招到学生。你必须做好工作才能赚钱,这对私营学校来讲更为重要。”(新闻《Big Change for Welfarist Sweden:School Choice》,http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25865257/,2008-07-27。)
    ④Swedish National Agency for Education.Schools like Any Other?Swedish Independent Schools as Part of the System 1991-2004(English Summary of"RAPPORT 271")[R].Published in 2006.21, 45,25.
    ⑤Skolverket.Betyg i grundskolan lasar 1991/92:Uppgifter pa riksniva mellan 1990/91 och 1993/94 finns under lasar 1993/94.[EB/OL].http://www.skolverket.se/content/1/c4/78/66/922.xls,2006-11-30.
    ⑥在2008-2009学年度,全国就读独立学校的义务教育与高中教育学生分别都差一点点才到10%和20%,可斯德哥尔摩下辖Osteraker、Tabv、Solna的高中生就读独立学校的比例分别高达60%、51%、50%,斯德哥尔摩下辖Upplands Vasby、Taby与乌普萨拉下辖Alvkarleby的义务教育学生就读独立学校的比例分别高达40%、34%、30%(http://www.friskola.se/Om_friskolor Friskolorna_i_siffror_DXNI-25907_.aspx,2009-09-07)。
    ①据瑞典国家教育署2008年出版的“Report 316”号统计报告第98页,及瑞典国家统计局2008年12月出版《Statistisk arsbok for Sverige 2009》第75页数据,百分比系经计算得出。
    ②Nick Cowen. Swedish Lessons:How Schools With More Freedom Can Deliver Better Education [M]. Typeset by Civitas, Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press, Trowbridge, Wiltshire,2008.8.
    Agneta Ranerup. Internet-Based Guidance in Quasi-Markets for Education in Sweden [J]. Internat. Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance,2004, (4).44.
    ②Anders Bjorklund, Per-Anders Edin, & etc.. The Market Comes to Education in Sweden:An Evaluation of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms [M]. New York:Russell Sage Foundation,2005.119,118.
    ③Anders Bohlmark& Mikael Lindahl. The Impact of School Choice on Pupil Achievement, Segregation and Costs:Swedish Evidence [R]. No.2786 Discussion Papers of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany,2007.42.
    Swedish National Agency for Education. Schools like Any Other? Swedish Independent Schools as Part of the System 1991-2004 (English Summary of "RAPPORT 271") [R]. Published in 2006.16.
    ③ Research Voor Beleid. Country Report on the Action Plan on Adult Learning:Sweden(March 2011) [EB /OL]. http://adultlearning-budapest2011.teamwork.fr/docs/Country-report_SE_final.pdf,2012-1-12.4.
    ④Ministry of Education and Research. Education is a key to empowerment [EB/OL]. http://www.swed en.gov.se/sb/d/3781/a/172078 (Published 01 July 2011),2011-09-17.
    ⑥ International Project on Technical and Vocational Education. The Role of Technical and Vocational Education in the Swedish Education System [R]. UNESCO,1999.9.
    ⑦Government Offices of Sweden & Ministry of Education and Research. National Report on the Development and State of the Art of Adult Learning and Education (ALE)-Sweden [R]. Prerared for the 6th International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI),2008-03-26.4.
    ⑧ Eleni Prokou. A Comparative Approach to Lifelong Learning Policies in Europe:the cases of the UK, Sweden and Greece [J]. European Journal of Education,2008 (1).130.
    ③Swedish Arts Council.Public Libraries 2008[EB/OL].http://www.kulturradet.se/en/In-English/St atisticsl/Public-Libraries-2008,2010-11-5.有篇中国人描写瑞典观感的文章写到:“这个社区图书馆把成年人、学生和幼儿的需要都满足了。我看到一个家庭妇女模样的中年妇女提着从超市买的一大框东西进来,放在大厅门口后就进阅览厅了。不久,她夹着十几本书出来,在管理员那里签字登记时,管理员递给她一个结实的塑料口袋,把书都装进去,然后这位家庭主妇提上她的框子,带着新借到的书回家了。’(http://house.focus.cn/msgview/724/1/216551130.html)
    ⑤OECD.Thematic Review on Adult Learning-Country Note:Sweden[EB/OL].http://www.oecd.org/ dataoecd/23/2/2697896.pdf,2007-6-17.11.
    ⑥Thomas Andren, Bjorn Gustafsson. Income Effects from Labor Market Training Programs in Sweden During the 80's and 90's[Z].Bonn:Institute for the Study of Labor(IZA)Discussion Paper No.603. 2002-10.3.
    ②Sadiq Kwesi BOATENG.Significant Country Differences in Adult Learning[R].EUROSTAT Statistics in Focus,2009,(44).1-2.(网页文件地址:http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/cache/ITY_OFFPUB/KS-S F-09-044/EN/KS-SF-09-044-EN.PDF)
    ①OECD.Education at a Glance 2011-OECD indicators[EB/OL].http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eag-2011-en, 2012-04-17.373.
    ①[英]Colin J. Titmus培格曼国际终身教育百科全书[M].教育与科普研究所编译,北京:职工教育出版社,1990.200.
    ②Hallgjerd Brattset. What Are the Characteristics of the Study Circle? a Summary [Z]. Published 1984 by Norwegian Institute of Adult Education in Trondheim.9.
    ②高淑婷,[瑞典]Tore Persson瑞典的“学习圈”[J].中国远程教育(资讯版),1995,(2).52-55.
    ③黄斌华.瑞典专家来沪交流一种新颖的成人教育形式——“学习圈”[EB/OL].http://www.sssa.org.cn/ allinfo/info_content.cfm?infoid=6068,2008-11-03.
    ④Gitte Jutvik, Peter Wiborn,Ludmila Glushkova&Inese Liepina.Manual for Participants of Study Circles[EB/OL]. http://www.balticuniv.uu.se/index.php/downloads/doc_view/180-manual-for-parti cipants-of-study-circles-english,2012-01-07.5,7.
    ⑤瑞典]Oscar 0lsson.瑞典学习圈—现代社会中的“古老”学习方式EB/OL].http://www.folkbildning.n et/.tore.persson/china-2,2008-10-15.
    ①据瑞典国家统汁局(SCB)所出版的统计年鉴(《Statistisk arsbok for Sverige 1995》p386.《Statistisk arsbok for Sverige 2002》p534.《Stati sti sk arsbok for Sverige 2008》p622.《Statistisk arsbok for Sverige 2012》p478)和瑞典成人教育委员会(Folkbildningsradet)2011年5月出版的《Facts on folkbildning in Sweden-A brief overview》(http://www.folkbildning.se/Documents/E-Fakta-om_folkbildningen/ Facts%20on%20folkbild ning_2011_web.pdf,2011-09-15下载)第14页。
    ②OECD Economic Surveys-Sweden[R].Volume 2005/9-August 2005.[EB/OL].http://homepage.ntu.edu. tw/.1bh/ref/OECD/46.pdf,2011-10-25.94.
    ①Employee's Right to Educational Leave Act(SFS 1974:981;Including amendments up to and including SFS 1994:1687)(英文版,http://naring.regeringen.se/inenglish/pdf/sfs1974_981.pdf)。参阅‘'http://w ww.eurofound.europa.eu/emire/SWEDEN/ANCHOR-STUDIELEDIGHET-SE.htm"网页上的简介《Study Leave》。
    ②据瑞典最大工会组织L0网站上对'The Study Leave Act'’的简介(http://www.e/home/lo/home.nsf/uni dView/11813AEA848EEE93C1256E5100459ADO,浏览下载时网页显示其最后更新日期为2011-04-12)
    ③参见‘'http://www.ilo.org/ilolex/cgi-lex/convde.pl?C140"网页上的该公约全文及‘[http://www.ilo.or g/ilol ex/cgi-lex/ratifce.pl?C140'网页上所列已批准加入该公约的国家名单.。
    ④Richard Brisbois,Nicole Pollack,Ron Saunders.Lessons from Other Countries Regarding Incentives for Employer-Sponsored Training[R]Canadian Policy Research Networks Research Report,March 2009.17.
    ⑤CEDEFOP.Forms of Educational Leave in Europe[EB/OL].http://www.ictu.ie/press/2005/07/28/forms-of-educational-leave-in-europe/,2007-12-21同时参阅《世界职业技术教育》2003年第5期熊苹《瑞典终身职业教育与培训体系及其财政政策》一文。
    ⑥Annual Leave Act(1977:480,Amendments up to and including 2009:1439)[EB/OL].http:// www.sweden.gov.se/content/1/c6/10/49/86/27725d11.pdf,2011-11-17.
    ① Staff Training Statistics,2010:Less Than Half of All Employed Persons in Staff Training [EB/OL]. http://www.scb.se/Pages/PressRelease____303327. aspx, Press release from Statistics Sweden, 2010-11-12.
    ③ Commissioner Investigates New System of Individual Skill Development [EB/OL]. http://www.euro found.europa.eu/eiro/2000/01/inbrief/se0001118n.htm,2008-10-11.
    ①据称这项制度全面启动之时,可以覆盖全国430万名劳动个体,而2002年底瑞典全国的从业人口总数是442万(瑞典国家统计局所出版瑞典统计年鉴《STATISTISK ARSBOK for Sverige 2004》p371).不过就实际可能开设账户的人数,预计是第一年能有六十五万人,十年之内能够达到两百万人(据加拿大哥伦比亚大学Hans G.Schuetze在2005年所做研究报告《Financing Lifelong Learning:Potential of and Problems with Individual Learning Accounts in Three Countries》第20页).
    ②刘奉越.瑞典个人学习帐户制度研究[J].继续教育,2008(9).62-63.参调查专委会2000年11月所提交《Individual Learning Accounts, IKS - a Stimulus for Lifelong Learning starting in year 2002》.
    ③Hans G.Schuetze.Financing Lifelong Learning:Potential of and Problems with Individual Learning Accounts in Three Countries[EB/OL].http://ncspe.org/publications_files/OP107.pdf,2011-9-8.16.
    ②参见瑞典教育与研究部为2008年在日内瓦召开的第48届国际教育大会所提交的教育发展国别报告英文版《The Development of Education:National report of Sweden》第13页.
    ③参加拿大Hans G.Schuetze研究报告《Financing Lifelong Learning:Potential of and Problems with Individual Learning Accounts in Three Countries》第20页与瑞典Goteborg大学Thomas Ericson的《Trends in the Pattern of Lifelong Learning in Sweden:towards a Decentralized Economy》一文第14-16页的分析(下载自http://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/2735/1/gunwpe0188.pdf,20112-9).
    "Cedefop(European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)Panorama series 163. Individual Learning Accounts [R].Luxembourg:Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,2009.11-12.
    ①Swedishi Ministry of Education & Science. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (August 2004, Nr. U2003/4288/IS) [EB/OL].http://ww.ibe.unesco.org/International/ICE/natrap/Sw eden.pdf,2007-6-9.2,5.
    ②四五十年代所谓的“统一学校”有四层含义:一是完全统-(totally unified)的基础教育学校体系,二是在初中阶段以前实行统一教育,将古典性的学习(classical studies)推迟到高中阶段;三是先进行六年的共同教育(common schooling),然后才进行分流;四是在完成八至九年的义务教育之后再进入分化的“义务教育后”学校(post-compulsory schools)。——Leon Bouche 《Tradition and Change in Swedish Education》第24页。
    ②Swedishi Ministry of Education&Science.The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (August 2004,Nr.U2003/4288/IS)[EB/OL].http://www.ibe.unesco.org/International/ICE/natrap/Sw eden.pdf,2007-6-9.7.
    ③Ministry of Education and Research.The new Education Act-for knowledge, choice and security [EB/OL].http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/12996/a/142348(Published 22 March 2010),2010-5-3.
    ①Skolverket.Skolverkets lagesbedomning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data(rapport nr 363)[EB/OL]. http://www.skolverket.se/2.3894/publicerat/2.5006?_xurl_=http%3A%2F%2Fwww4.skolverket.se%3A808 O%2Fwtpub%2Fws%2Fskolbok%2Fwpubext%2Ftrycksak%2FBlob%2Fpdf2692.pdf%3Fk%3D2692,2012-3-2.48-51.
    ②Swedi shi Mini stry of Education&Science.The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (August 2004,Nr.U2003/4288/IS)[EB/OL].http://www.ibe.unesco.org/International/ICE/natrap/Sw eden.pdf,2007-6-9.5.
    ③Ministry of Education and Research.Curricula with New Syllabuses and Knowledge Requirements and a New Grading Scale(Fact Sheet U08.021,dec.2008)[EB/OL].http://www.sweden.gov.se/content/1/ c6/11/77/01/1011cd7a.pdf,2009-1-19.1.
    ①Skolverket.Education for All-the Swedish Education System.[Z]Printed by Lenanders Tryckeri AB,Kalmar,Sept.2000.16.
    ②Skollag(SFS nr.2010:800)[EB/OL].,2011-8-17.
    ③Education Act(SFS 1985:1100,Amendments included:to and including SFS 2000:445)[EB/OL]. http://www.sweden.gov.se/content/1/c6/02/15/38/1532b277.pdf,2007-3-18.
    ④Descriptive Data on Pre-school Activities,School-age Childcare,Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006.Report no.283 of Swedish National Agency for Education.57.
    ⑤瑞典在世纪之交也曾进行过这方面的调查研究与讨论,并一度认为父母亲选择将孩子留在家里实施包括义务教育在内的学校教育是父母“天然的权利”(natural right),此前的法律不但未明确禁止如此,而且从法意上讲,还能找到近似可以(或至少不是不可以)实施居家教育的法律条文(参瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学国际教育研究所Cynthia M.Villalba所撰《Creating Policy from Discursive Exchanges on Compulsory Education and Schooling in Sweden》一文,载《Evaluation and Research in Education》杂志2003年第2期).
    ⑥教育部对回信的公文编号是“U2011/6269/S”(2011年12月28日下载自http://esra-media.tripod.com/ 2011_Reply_Swedish_DoE.pdf).
    ⑧据瑞典国家教育署在《Skolverkets lagesbed6mning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data》(rapport nr 363)第58页、62页中所列统计数据,1999-2000至2009-2010期间的十个学年度,这一比例都是近九成(最高的年份是89.9%,最低的年份为88.2%),但实际上每年初中毕业后升入高中阶段学校就读的比例都在98%左右(最高的年份是98.8%,最低的年份为97.5%;而且.每年都有一部分同学自己没有申请继续就读高中,这一比例在此十年间最高年份为3.2%,最低年份为1.1%),因为瑞典的高中阶段教育针对米达到义务教育毕业水准的申请者开设有单独的专业(program),或在录取就学后提供专门的补救帮扶措施。
    ③Swedishi Ministry of Education and Research. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden(Prepared for the 48th session of the International Conference on Education, Oct.2004) [EB/OL].http://www.ibe.unesco.org/National_Reports/ICE_2008/sweden_NR08.pdf,2010-6-15.11.
    ④Ministry of Education and Research.Background of the New Upper Secondary School[EB/OL].http: www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/12055/a/129149,published 30 June 2009,last updated 06 September 2011.
    ⑤Gymnasieutredningen.Framtidsv gen-en reformerad gymnasieskola(SOU 2008:27)[EB/OL].http:/ www.regeringen.se/sb/d/10005/a/101587,2008-331.57,51.
    ⑥Press release of Ministry of Education and Research. Bjorklund:A Renaissance for Vocational Education Programmes[EB/OL].http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/10086/a/101998,2008-4-2.
    ⑦Government Offices of Sweden.Sweden's National Reform Programme 2011[EB/OL].http://www.sweden. gov.se/sb/d/5867/a/167504,2011-6-9.31.
    ①Chapter 15,Section 2,paragraphs 1 and 2,Education Act (2010:800)转引自瑞典国家教育署2012年初印发的《Upper Secondary School 2011》(2012-39下载自http://www.senrp.se/sb/d/193)第8页。
    ① Mini stry of Education and Research. Upper Secondary School [EB/OL]. http://www.sweden.gov.se/ sb/d/10485,published 10 January 2008, last updated 07 September 2011. Ministry of Education and Research. Questions and answers [EB/OL]. http://www.sweden.gov.se/ sb/d/12056, published 30 June 2009, last updated 07 September 2011.
    ②Ministry of Education and Research.The Swedish Educational System[Z].Printed in May 2004.17.
    ③Gymnasieutredningen.Framtidsv gen-en reformerad gymnasieskola(SOU 2008:27)[EB/OL].http: www.regeringen.se/sb/d/10005/a/101587,2008-3-31.58.
    ① Skolverket.Beskrivande data om skolverksamheten 1997(Rapport nr 135)[R].Publi shed in 1997.32.
    ② Swedi sh National Agency for Education. Descriptive Data on Pre-school Aactivities, School-age Childcare,Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006(Report no.283)[R].Published in 2006.72.
    ③当然这也有其弊端,以致瑞典的高中生和大学生能在规定的最低修业年限(学制年限)内毕业的比例明显低于世界其他各国,中途休学、过一两年再返回去学习的情况比较突出。新华社2001年4月就曾根据《瑞典日报》的报导发过一篇通讯稿《瑞典高中生辍学现象严重》(下载自http://education.163.com/edit/010411 /010411_64353.html,网页时间为2011年4月11日),称瑞典高中生辍学比例九十年代中期为20%,2000年增至27%(不过另据http://www.b.shuttle.de/wifo/duoqual/s-se.htm的数据称,瑞典1997年高中一、高二的学生辍学率,国家专业都在4%左右,其中职教专业稍高一点,而个人计划专业的辍学率确实高达35%)。在2008年3月高中教育改革调研委员会发布的高中改革调研报告也抨击高中学校的学生不能按期毕业的情况太突出,“吞吐量”(throughput)(?)很不理想(见调研报告瑞典文版英文摘要)。
    ① Swedishi Ministry of Education and Culture Affairs. National Report:Sweden [R]. Prepared for the 38th session of the UNESCO-International Conference on Education,1981.46.
    ② Swedishi Ministry of Education and Research. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (Prepared for the 48th session of the International Conference on Education, Oct.2004) [EB/OL]. http://www.ibe.unesco.org/National_Reports/ICE_2008/sweden_NR08.pdf,2010-6-15.25.
    ③ Mats Ekholm, Sverker Hard. Lifelong Learning and Lifewide Learning [R]. Printed by Swedish National Agency for Education,2000.7.
    ⑤ Fact Sheets on Sweden. Adult Education in Sweden [R]. Publishen by the Swedish Institute, Feb. 1985.3.
    ⑥ Swedishi Ministry of Education and Science. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (Prepared for the 46th session of the International Conference on Education,2001).7,4.为此《学校教育法》第一章第11条明确规定:“国家成人教育系统与面向儿童语年轻人的国家学校教育系统共同构成国家学校教育系统(national school system)”。
    ① Swedish National Agency for Education. Curriculum for the Non-compulsory School System (Lpf 94, Amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:24, Printed by AB Danagards grafi ska, Odeshog,2006)8,9.
    Fact Sheet. The Adult Education Initiative-A unique programme for adult education [R]. Published by the Swedish Ministry of Education and Science, Jan.1999.1-2.
    ④Research Voor Beleid. Country Report on the Action Plan on Adult Learning:Sweden(March 2011) [EB/ OL]. http://adultlearning-budapest2011. teamwork. fr/docs/Country-report_SE_final. pdf,2012-1-12.5.
    ⑤ Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. Municipal adult education [EB/OL]. http://www.sweden. gov.se/sb/d/6997/a/67936 (last updated 06 May 2011),2011-7-13.
    EAEA. Country Report on Adult Education in Sweden[R].Published by European Association for the Education of Adults, Helsinki,2011.5.
    ①现行《学校教育法》第1113章。参瑞典教育部2004年9月为欧洲职业教育发展中心(CEDEFOP)提交的《Structures of Education, Vocational Training and Adult Education Systems in Europe-Sweden》(2009-12-27下载自http://www.senrp.se/content/1/c4/53/04/SWEDEN_EN.pdf)第26-27页。
    ①据瑞典国家教育署《Skolverkets 1agesbed6mning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data》第131页原图改绘。
    ③本段及下表数据均据瑞典国家教育署2011年发布的第363号报告《Skolverkets lagesbedomning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data》(瑞典文版)第50、69、75、82、107、112-144页及其英文摘要版《Facts and figures 2011:Pre-school activities,school-age childcare,schools and adult education in Sweden》(2012-3-2下载自页面http://www.senrp.se/sb/d/193)第50-68页。
    ①Swedish National Agency for education.Upper Secondary School 2011(Published in 2012):EB/OL]. http://www.senrp.se/sb/d/193,2012-3-9.36.
    ③Sweden Tops Child Care Table[EB/OL].http://www.sweden.se/templates/cs/News_____20591.aspx, 2008-12-15.另据联合国儿童基金会(UNICEF)2007年2月14日发表的对21个发达国家儿童状况的评估报告,根据物质福利、健康与安全、教育品质、伙伴和家庭关系、行为与危险、自我感觉六大标准,瑞典在这份榜单上排名第二,仅次于荷兰(下载于http://world.people.com.cn/GB/1029/42356/5402127.html,2007-2-15).
    ①Barbara Martin Korpi. The Po1itics of Pre-school:intentions and decisions underlying the emergellce and growth of the Swedi sh pre sch00l [R].Published by The Mimostry of Education and Research,2007.25-26.
    ②据瑞典国家统计局所出版的《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1971)第40页,《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1975)第272页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1981)第42页,《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1984)第317页,《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1992)第32、299页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1997)第38、316页数据计算得出。
    ③这一比例在1995年仅80%:80%与95%这两个数据分别见Barbara Martin Korpi《The Politics of Pre-school:intentions and decisions L]nderlying the emergence and growth of the Swedi sh pre-school》 第57页和方彤《瑞典基础教育》第37页)。
    ①转引自Barbara Martin Korpi 《The Politics of Pre- school:intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school》 第61-62页。
    ③其官方所给的英文译名叫"Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-school Class and the Leisure-time Centre"。
    Hillevi Lenz Taguchi, Ingmarie Munkammar. Consolidating Governmental Early Childhooh Education and Care Services under the Ministry of Education and Science:A Swedish Case Study [R]. Early Childhood and Family Policy Series No.6-2003, Published by UNESCO, April 2003.17-20.
    ⑤ OECD. Starting Strong Ⅲ:A Quality Toolbox for Early Childhood Education and Care[R] published by OECD,2012. from http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264123564-en,2012-1-13.53.
    ② Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Published by The Ministry of Education and Research,2007.9.
    ③ National Agency for Education. Curriculum for the Pre-school (Lpfo98, Amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:22) [Z]. Printed by AB Danagards grafi ska, Odeshog,2006.4,9.
    ⑤ National Agency for Education. Pre-school in Transition:A National Evaluation of the Swedish Pre-school (A summary of Report 2004-239) [R]. Printed by Elanders Gotab,2004.36,40,39.
    ①National Agency for Education. Ten Years after the Pre-school Reform:A national evaluation of the Swedish pre-school (A summary of Report 2008-318) [R]. Printed by AB Typoform,2008.18-19,8.
    Ministry of education and Reseach Fact Sheet. Status and Pedagogical Task of Preschool to be Strengthened (Published in June 2011) [EB/OL]. http://wwwoxydiane.net/IMG/pdf/Svezia_asilo.pdf, 2011-10-9.1,4.
    ① National Agency for Education. Your Child's Leisure Time is Important-Information about leisure-time centres[EB/OL]. http://www.senrp.se/sb/d/193,2011-9-13.7-8.
    ② National Agency for Education. Curriculum for the Compulsory School System, the Pre-school Class and the Leisure-time Centre (Lpo 94, Amended up to and including SKOLFS 2006:23) [Z]. Printed by AB Danagards grafi ska, Odeshog,2006.7,15.
    ③ Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R]. Published by The Ministry of Education and Research,2007.66,68.
    ④ National Agency for Education. Five Year with the Maximum Fee (English summary of Report 294) [R].Stockhol,2007.12.
    ①这样一来,相似的家庭无论生活在哪一市政区,都只需缴纳同样的学费,而且收费标准比改革前也便宜了很多。据瑞典乌普萨拉大学劳动力市场政策评估研究所(IFAU)2008年发布的第29号Working Paper 《Cheaper Childcare, More Children》 (作者Eva Mork, Anna Sjogren, Helena Svaleryd)第8-9页测算,在1999年,有两位成年人、两个学前教育学龄儿童的中等收入家庭,一般每月得支付儿童看护费2660瑞典克朗,而且还要看他们居住在哪个市政区,这决定着儿童看护的月缴费幅度在1560-3940瑞典克朗之间。在2002年实行限额收费后,同样的情况两个孩子所需看护费总共为1900瑞典克朗(收费区间在1040-1900瑞典克朗之间)。
    ② Barbara Martin Korpi. The Politics of Pre-school:intentions and decisions underlying the emergence and growth of the Swedish pre-school [R].Published by The Ministry of Education and Research,2007.70,75.
    ③根据瑞典国家统计局发布《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1981)第42页和《Statistical Yearbookof Sweden》(2012)第83页数据,瑞典全国1980年、2010年年末6岁及以下人口分别为694475、774024人。
    ①根据瑞典国家统计局所发布《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1981)第314页数据算得。当时是7岁开始接受义务教育,因此一般而言,“12岁及以下学童”大致就是五年级及其以下的义务教育学校学生。
    ②根据瑞典国家统计局所发布《Yearbook of Educational Stati stics 2012》第53、63页数据算得。现在是6岁开始接受义务教育,因此一般而言,“12岁及以下学童”主要就是六年级及其以下的义务教育学校学生,另外因为学前班的学生也纳入“学童看护”覆盖范围,因此应将其包括进去。。
    ③据瑞典国家统计局所出版《Stati stical Yearbook of Sweden》(1984)第317页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1988)第306页、《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1992)第299页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1997)第316页、《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(2004)第511页.《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(2009)第495页、《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(2012)第437-438页数据。为便于参照当年的适龄儿童大致人数,列出了各学年度义务教育学校一年级学生人数(如果列各年龄段人数,表格将太复杂)。所列义务教育学校一年级学生人数来自瑞典国家教育署所发布的《Beskrivande data om skolverksamheten 1997》第12页《Descriptive Data on Child Care and Schools in Sweden in 2000》第28页,以及瑞典国家统计局所发布《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1981)第314页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1982-1983)第312页《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1984)第354页《Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2012》第63页,其中1983-1984学年度至1993-1994学年度数据系据瑞典国家统计局《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden》(1985)第353页《Stati stical Yearbook of Sweden》(1992)第340页所列当年小学1-3年级学生总人数除以3所得约数。
    ④2008-2009学年度以前叫“family day care",2009-2010学学年度以后叫"Pedagogical care".
    ② UNICEF. The Child Care Transition-A league table of early childhood education and care in economically advanced countries [R]. Innocenti Report Card 2008-8, published by UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence,2008.2.
    ③ UNESCO Institute for Statistics. GLOBAL EDUCATION DIGEST 2011-Comparing Education Statistics Across the World [EB/OL]. http://www.uis.unesco.org/Library/Documents/global_education_digest_20 11_en.pdf,2011-10-31.96-99.
    ④ Helene Lumholdt, Monica Klasen McGrath. The Swedish Pre-school Class-One of a kind [R]. published by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement,2006.5.
    ③Dual Qualification in Sweden Vocational Programmes [EB/OL].http://www.b.shuttle.de/wifo/duoq ual/s-se.htm(First set up 23/08/1998,Latest update:25/04/2000),2008-7-27.
    ①Swedish National Agency for Education. The Foundation for Lifelong Learning (Report No.2000-182 of the Agency) [R]. Printed by Katarina Tryck, Stockholm 2000.9.
    ②MatsEkholm, Sverker Hard. Lifelong Learning and Lifewide Learning [R]. Printed by Swedish National Agency for Education,2000.10,9,30-31.
    ③Swedish National Agency for Education. The Foundation for Lifelong Learning (Report No.2000-182 of the Agency) [R]. Printed by Katarina Tryck, Stockholm 2000.101.
    ① Ministry of Education and Research. The New Education Act for knowledge, choice and security (Published 22 March 2010)[EB/OL].http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/12996/a/142348,2010-5-19.
    ②Swedish National Agency for Education.Curriculum for the Compulsory School,Preschool Class and the Leisure-time Centre 2011(Lgr 11):Z:Printed by Ordforradet AB,Stockholm,2011.9,11-12.
    ①Swedi sh National Agency for Education.Curriculum for the Compulsory School,Preschool Class and the Leisure-time Centre 2011(Lgr 11)[Z]Printed by Ordforradet AB,Stockholm,2011.12.
    ②Swedi sh National Agency for Education. Curriculum for the Compulsory School, Preschool Class and the Leisure time Centre 2011(Lgr 11)[Z]Printed by Ordf6rradet AB,Stockholm,2011.15-16.
    ④Swedishi Ministry of Education&Science.The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (August 2004,Nr.U2003/4288/IS)[EB/OL].http://www.ibe.unesco.org/International/ICE/natrap/Sw eden.pdf,2007-6-9.10.
    ①马延伟.瑞典客人来我所访问[EB/OL]., 2007-11-13.
    ② Mats Ekholm, Sverker Hard. Lifelong Learning and Lifewide Learning [R]. Printed by Swedish National Agency for Education,2000.11.
    ②方肜著.瑞典基础教育[M].广州:广东教育出版社,2004.73-74.另参瑞典教育部2004年向第47届世界教育大会提交的《The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden》 (August 2004, Nr. U2003/4288/IS)第10页。
    ①English summary of Ann-Chri stine Vallberg Roth&Annika Mansson's Individuella utvecklingsplaner som uttryck for reglerad barndom-Likriktning med variation[EB/OL].http://www.ped.gu.se/pedfo/ pdf-filer/engsuml3-2.pdf,2011-8-30.123.
    ②据瑞典《Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige》杂志2008年第2期《Individuella utvecklingsplaner som uttryck for reglerad barndom -Likriktning med variation》(p82)一文所载数据,在学前教育领域要求执行个人发展计划的市政区比例,此前五年间从10%提高到了48%。另参瑞典国家教育署2008年发表的《Ten Years after the Pre school Reform-A national evaluation of the Swedish pre school》第11页。
    ③参《OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education-SWEDEN》(2011年2月出版,2011-12-17下载于http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/38/42/47169533.pdf)第8-9页。 ①Nanny Hart smar.Educational Policies that Address Social Inequality-Country Report:Sweden[R] Published by EU Education and Culture Socrates, Nov.2008.10.
    ② Skolverket. Skolverkets lagesbedomning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data (rapport nr 363) [EB/OL]. http://www.skolverket.se/2.3894/publicerat/2.5006?_xurl_=http%3A%2F%2Fwww4.skolverket.se%3A808 0%2Fwtpub%2Fws%2Fskolbok%2Fwpubext%2Ftrycksak%2FBlob%2Fpdf2692. pdf%3Fk%3D2692,2012-3-2.85.
    ③根据瑞典国家教育署2011年11月发布瑞典文版《Skolverkets lagesbedomning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data:Forskoleverksamhet, skolbarnsomsorg, skola och vuxenutbildning》第85页原图改绘
    ③Kristian Ramstedt. National Assessment and Grading in the Swedish School System [R]. Translated into English by Ander Auer,published by Swedish National Agency for Education,2005.7,9.另参斯德哥尔摩大学教育研究所Astrid Pettersson2004年所发《The National Tests and National Asses-sment in Sweden》(2010-5-21下载于http://www.prim.su.se/artiklar/pdf/Sw_test_ICME.pdf)第2页。
    ①Kristian Ramstedt.National Assessment and Grading in the Swedish School System[R].Translated into Engli sh by Ander Auer,published by Swedish National Agency for Education,2005.14-18.
    ②褚慧玲,周磊.瑞典中小学的学业评价与考试探析[J] 教育测量与评价(理论版),2010(8).56,57.
    ④2012年1月27日瑞典的一家新闻网站就刊登了一则案例《Principal Stopped Kids from Getting Marks that Were'Too Low'》(http://www.thelocal.se/38754/20120127/),并提出了,“如若教师给学生成绩评定分数太低校长是否有权干预”的疑问。
    ①Fact Sheet (No. U08.021). Curricula with New Syllabuses and Knowledge Requirements and a New Grading Scale [Z] Published by Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, Dec.2008.参2008年11月21日下载自http://www.sweden.gov.se/content/1/c6/09/78/62/a72a0612.pdf的包括义务教育与高中教育的新旧两套等级评定分数折合对比图。另参2008年11月21日下载自http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/10282的“学业评级新体系问答”(FAQ)。
    ②Kristian Ramstedt. National Assessment and Grading in the Swedish School System [R]. Translated into English by Ander Auer, published by Swedish National Agency for Education,2005.19.
    ① Swedish National Agency for Education. Descriptive Data on Pre-school Activities, School-age Childcare, Schools and Adult Education in Sweden 2006 (Report no.283).55.
    ② Skolverket. Skolverkets lagesbedomning 2011Del 1-Beskrivande data (rapport nr 363).59.
    ③ National Agency for Education. Skolverket-a presentation [R]. Printed by db grafiska, Orebro, 2002.2.
    ④ Skolutveckling. National School Development-for Enhanced Knowledge and Better Results (Report No.16/2006) [R].Printed by Elanders Gotab AB, Valingby,2007.11.
    ①Skolinspektionen.Our activities[EB/OL].http://www.skolinspektionen.se/en/About-Skolinspek tionen/The-activities-of-the-School-Inspectorate/,2011-12-14.
    ④中国教育部网站.赴瑞典、西班牙、意大利教育督导考察报告EB/OL]. sitel8/95/info18195.htm,2007-5-23.
    ⑤Swedish Schools Inspectorate.The Inspectorate of Educational Inspection of Sweden[EB/OL].http: //www.skolinspektionen.se/PageFiles/1854/SwedishSchoolsInspectorate2009.pdf,2009-9-3.1.
    ①[瑞典]约翰·诺尔贝格(Johan Norberg)著.为全球化申辩[M].姚中秋,陈海威译,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2008.241.
    ①Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedish Dilemma-A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia,1990-2000 [M]. New York:University Press of America,2005.17.
    ②Harald Runblom. Swedish Multicultural ism in a Comparative European Perspective [J]. Sociological Forum, Vol.9. No.4,1994.628.
    ③[英国]尼尔·肯特(Neil kent)著.瑞典史[M].吴英译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,2010.224.
    ④Harald Runblom. Swedish Multiculturalism in a Comparative European Perspective [J].Sociological Forum, Vol.9. No.4,1994.628-629.
    ⑤Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.148.
    ⑥Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.149.
    ②Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedish Dilemma - A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia,1990-2000 [M]. New York:University Press of America,2005.23.
    ③Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.149-151.
    ④Walter Korpi. The Working Class in Welfare Capitalism:Work, Unions and Politics in Sweden [M]. London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1981.58.
    ①Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.158-160.
    ②Bastian Vollmer. Immigration Policy in Sweden [EB/OL]. http://www.emzberlin.de/projekte_e/pj32_lpdf/MigPol/MigPol_ Sweden.pdf,2007-7-18.
    ④Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations 2007. Sweden [EB/OL].http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Swe den.aspx,2008-12-15.
    ⑤Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedish Dilemma-A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia,1990-2000 [M]. New York:University Press of America,2005.26.
    ⑥SCB. Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 1986.42.
    ①SCB. Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 2012.94.
    ③Susan Opper. Multiculturalism in Sweden:A Case of Assimilation and Integration [J]. Comparative Education,1983, Vol.19, No.2 (Special Number 7:Education and Diversity of Cultures).202.
    ④根据瑞典国家统计局所发布《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 2012》第100页数据计算得出。
    ①据瑞典Pieter Bevelander等编著《Resettled and Included? The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees in Sweden》p49数据:2007年瑞典近十万移入民中以家庭团聚为由者达2.9万人,比例高达29.15%;而据瑞典一体化与性别平等部(Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality)2009年12月发布的Fact Sheet 《Swedish Integration Policy》第4页数据:2008年在瑞典获得居住许可或居住注册权的90021人中,以家庭团聚为由者达33687人,比例更是高达37.42%。
    ②Susan Opper. Multiculturalism in Sweden:A Case of Assimilation and Integration [J]. Comparative Education,1983, Vol.19, No.2 (Special Number 7:Education and Diversity of Cultures).196.
    ①SCB. Statistical Yearbook of Sweden 2012.101.
    ②Fact Sheet. Swedish Integration Policy [R]. Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality,2009.
    Pieter Bevelander, Mirjam Hagstrom & sofa Ronnqvist. Resettled and Included? The Employment Integration of Resettled Refugees in Sweden [M]. Printed in Sweden by Holmbergs, Malmo 2009.51.
    ④Susan Opper. Multiculturalism in Sweden:A Case of Assimilation and Integration [J]. Comparative Education,1983, Vol.19, No.2 (Special Number 7:Education and Diversity of Cultures).202.
    ⑤路德教又称“信义宗”,是基督教新教的一个重要派别,在欧洲语言中原为“路德宗”(Lutheran church),翻译成中文的时候,考虑到马丁·路德不愿以自己的名字为派别命名的意愿,改译“信义宗”。
    ①General Information about Sweden[EB/OL].http://www.randburg.com/sw/general/general_6html. 2008-8-16.
    ②Harald Runblom.Swedish Multiculturalismin a Comparative European Perspective[EB/OL].http://www. springerlink.com/index/h412426375270k73.pdf,2009-3-7.629.
    ③杨洪贵.瑞典多元文化政策初探[J].欧洲研究,2006(5) 112.
    ②Tomas Hamma. Immigration Research in Sweden [J]. InterrzationalVol.14, No.1, Spring 1980.98.
    Harald Runblom. Swedish Multiculturalismin a Comparative European Perspective [EB/OL]. http://www. springerlink.com/index/h412426375270k73.pdf,2009-3-7.631.
    ①Tomes Hammer, European immigration policy; A Comparative Study, p.36.
    ②Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.158.
    ③Susan Opper. Multiculturalism in Sweden:A Case of Assimilation and Integration [J]. Comparative Education,1983, Vol.19, No.2 (Special Number 7:Education and Diversity of Cultures).205-206.
    ①Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedish Dilemma-A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia,1990-2000 [M]. New York:University Press of America,2005.32,33,36.
    ②Eytan Meyers. The Political Economy of International Immigration Policy[J]. A Comparative and Quantitative Study, The University of Chicago,1995.163,23.
    ③Lars Jedrlund, Victor Kayfetz. In Transition:From Immigration Policy to Integration Policy in Sweden (published in Scandinavian Review) [EB/OL]. http;//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5037524 923,2009-12-7.
    ④Harald Runblom, "Swedish Multiculturalism in a Comparative European Perspective" p.634.
    ⑤Stephen Castles, "Book Reviews,'Paradoxes of Multiculturalism; Essays on Swedish Society'", International Migration Review, Vol.27, No.2, Summer 1993, p.439.
    ①Christine Inglis,Multicultwalism:New Policy Responses to Diversity, Paris.Unesco,1996:44.
    ②杨洪贵.瑞典社会对外来移民的整合[EB/OL]. http://www.hnshx.com/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=770 5,2011-12-23.
    .Lars Jedrlund,Victor Kayfetz.In Transition:From Immigration Policy to Integration Policy in Sweden (published in Scandinavian Review) [EB/OL].http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5037524 923,2009-12-7.
    ④参瑞典工业、雇用与交通部(Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications)2002年6月发布的Fact Sheet《Swedi sh Integration Policy for the 21st Century》正文第1页。
    ① Lars Jedrlund, Victor Kayfetz. In Transition:From Immigration Policy to Integration Policy in Sweden (published in Scandinavian Review) [EB/OL]. http;//www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5037524 923,2009-12-7.
    ①Harald Runblom, "Swedish Multiculturalism in a Comparative European Perspective" p.623-624.
    ②Stephen J. Ball & Staffan Larsson. The Struggle for Democratic Education:Equality and Participation in Sweden [M]. London:The Palmer Press,1989.67.
    ①Fact Sheet. National Minorities and Minority Languages[R]. Publi shed by Swedish Ministry of Justice,2003.1另参"http://www.euromanet.eu/facts/se/index.html"页面内容。
    ②[美国]Deborah B. Robinso著.北欧的萨米人[M].张艺贝译,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2005.4.
    ①Arthur Spencer. The Lapps [M].New York:Crane, Russak & Company Inc.,1978.47.
    ① Arthur Spencer. The Lapps [M].New York:Crane, Russak & Company Inc.,1978.25.
    ② Yokkmokk. The Saam:People of the SunandWind [M]. Sweden:Ajtte, Swedish Mountain and Saami Museum,1993.80.
    ②Neil Kent. A Concise History of Sweden [M]. Cambridge University Press,2008.84.
    ③TomasHammar. European Immigration Policy:A Comparative Study [M]. Cambridge University Press, 1985.21-22.
    ④FrancisM. Hult, Planning for Multilingualism and Minority Language Right in Sweden [J]. Language Policy, vo.13, No.2, May 2004.189.
    ① Toom G. Svensson, Ethnicity and Mobilization in Sami Politics [M]. Stockholm:Libertryck,1976. 101.
    ②参见Rev. Gust. Park, "Efforts to Create Lapp Organisations in Sweden"in The Lapps Today.'in Einland Norway and Sweden, Rowland G. P. Hill ed., pp.90-92;《北欧土著萨阿米人》,杨永范译自瑞典对外文化学会1989年12月3日对外发行的文件(载《民族译从》,1982年第1期)。
    ④[美国Deborah B. Robinso著.北欧的萨米人[M].张艺贝译,北京:中国水利水电出版社,2005.21.
    ③ Fact Sheet. Minority Rights are Strenghtened [R]. Published by Swedish Ministry for Integration and Gender Equality,2009.
    ①参瑞典《学校教育法》(Education Act, SFS No:1985:1100, amendments included:to and including SFS2000:445)第八章。据瑞典国家教育署2011年发布的363号报告第49页数据,2010-2011学年度,全国萨米学校总共只有学生141人,事实上2000年以来学生最多的一年是2000-2001学年度,达163人,最少的年份是2009-2010学年度,只有131人。
    ②Mikael Svonni. Sami-The Sami Language in Education in Sweden [R]. Mercator-Education,2001.7-16.
    ①Paul 0'Mahony.Teacher Warned for Raci st Remarks[EB/OL].http://www.thelocal.se/6774/20070323/ 2007-5-20.
    ③据瑞典国家统计局《Statistical Yearbook of Sweden-(2012)p100-101、《Staristical Yearbook of Sweden》 (2002)p87.《Statstical Yearbook of Sweden》(1992)p59数据绘制.
    ②Dennis Sven Nordin. A Swedi sh Dilemma -A Liberal European Nation's Struggle with Racism and Xenophobia,1990-2000 [M]. New York:University Press of America,2005.32-33.
    ③Miho Taguma,Moonhee Kim etc.OECD Reviews of Migrant Education SWEDEN[R].OECD,March 2010.17.
    ④Immigrant Children Shortchanged by Swedi sh Schools[EB/OL]. http://www.thelocal.se/33968/ 20110524/,2011-5-25.
    ②中国驻瑞典大使馆教育处.瑞典中小学校差距呈扩大态势[J] 基础教育参考,2007(8).26.
    ①据瑞典国家教育署《Beskrivande data 2009-Forskoleverksamhet,skolbarnsomsorg,skola och vuxenutbildning》(Skolverkets rapport nr 335,2009-11)第44数据整理。
    ①Mikael Svonni. The Sami language in education in Sweden [R] Mercator-Education:European Network for Regional or Minority Languages and Education,2011.7.
    ②资料来源:瑞典国家统计局《Yearbook of Educational Statistics2002》第67、77页,及瑞典国家统计局(Yearbook of Educational Statistics 2012》第63、72页。另参见瑞典国家教育署《Beskrivande data 2009-Forskoleverksamhet, skolbarnsomsorg, skola och vuxenutbildning》 (Skolverkets rapport nr 335,2009-11)第42-43页。
    ①Leah Hyslop.Sweden is Top Country at Integrating Immigrants[EB/OL].http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ expat/expatnews/8359653/Sweden-is-top-country-at-integrating-immigrants.html,2011-3-5.
    ①Ides Nicaise, Gosta Esping-Andersen, etc. Equity in Education Thematic Review-Country note: SWEDEN [R].OECD,2005.14.
    ①即学生“个人发展计划”(该报告中的表述为individual developmental plan)。
    Swedishi Ministry of Education & Science. The Development of Education-National Report of Sweden (August 2004, Nr. U2003/4288/IS) [EB/OL]. http://www. ibe.unesco.org/International/ICE/natrap/Sw eden.pdf,2007-6-9.7-9.
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