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In the end of1095, Pope Urban II firstly proclaimed to Christians at Clermontthat, they should go towards East for recovering Holy Land, aiding Byzantines, andseizing back the Holy Sepulture of the Lord. Immediately, there had a strong tendencyof eastern march in the Western Europe, of which all classes were inspired to join it.After the fail of people’s crusade, the Christian armies leaded by nobles converged atNicaea city through Constantinople. From there, they embarked on a long anddifficult military expedition. After a furious fight lasted three years, they finally seizedthe holy land of Jerusalem, and established themselves in the Near East. This war iscustomarily called the first crusade. Therefore, this huge army leaded by princes is thefirst crusade army.
     A complex series of military conflict and interaction between Christian groupand Seljuk Turks in Asia Minor from1097to1098, are the historical context of thispaper. Asia Minor or Anatolia, was the junction of geopolitics, and also of civilconfliction, intercourse and merge. The Seljuk Turks, who rose abruptly and headedwest since11thcentury, aroused a continued turbulence in Asian Minor, which sharplychanged the existed political landscape. Several powers and stations made a seriousstruggle in this area. Byzantines, as well as Armenians, desired to regain the lostterritory. In the other hand, Turks forcibly occupied the most part of it. The conflictbetween crusader army and its major rival, the Seljuk Turks mainly occurred at AsianMinor and North of Syria. Crusade army won the decisive victory that changed thecourse of the whole war at Nicaea, Dorylaeum, and especially, Antioch.
     The analysis of this paper rests on a series of historical sources. The first crusadeis the one of the most recorded historical events in Middle Age. Plentiful of existingsources make the minute observation and study of the first crusade be possible. Theprimary source is Historia Ierosolimitana written by Albert of Aix with Latin. Thiswork is detailed, lengthy, and abundant. Above all, it is good at military events. It isalso necessary to make a further study for this work. Besides, there are a lot ofimportant second sources translated into English, such as the works of Robert theMonk, Fulcher, Ralph, and Anna, the princess of Byzantine, Matthew of Armenia, andtwo other muslin chroniclers.
     The research object of this paper is the first crusader army, that is to say, theWestern European Christian army leaded by princes. The paper stressed the influenceand impact which this contemporaneity and external environment made on this army.The process of study is not isolated and stereotypical, but emphasized the connectionsbetween crusader army and other external factors in a broad historical background.Therefore, all the concerned factors, such as the Western Europe of11thcentury, theByzantine empire, the Armenians and Seljuk Turks, should be brought into therelevant special discussion.
     The study subject and focus of this paper, is the distinctive characteristics and meaning which the first crusade army was showed in different aspects, views andperspectives. All of the contents are concerned with or extended from military and war.This paper aimed to make a detailed and comprehensive analysis of this crusade army,in the expectation of a clear and in-depth understanding of the first crusade, and themilitary system of Western Europe in11thcentury. The first crusade army arose fromWestern European society, which reflected the common features of feudal military inWestern Europe. Meanwhile, in the course of the eastern march, especially the longwar, in an alien environment, faced with an extraordinary and strong rival, theChristian army also formed some new military styles and features, which establishedthe military tradition of Latin East in the future.
     There are some aspects and main sections. Firstly, a technical analysis of thebasic factors of which this army was consisted is made, that is, its scale, leadership,structure and organization; its weapons and equipment; its siege machines, means anddevices. Analyzing the scale and organizational system helps to make clear theorigination and nature of this army. The individual crusader’s weapons and equipmentnot only showed the common style and habits of Western European military, but alsoreflected the influence of the Orient, extended to the valuation of various weapons andthe military professionalization.
     The secondary chapter is about the strategy and tactics. Mainly, the victory ofcrusade army in Near East should be attributed to the grand strategy of Christendom,which projects the cooperation and mutual benefit between Byzantines, crusade army,and Armenians. Furthermore, on the field, the tactical style of this army wasdistinctive. Based on their arms, especially the concept of the war, and chivalry,fundamentally, they still followed the basic habit of West European feudal military.However, faced with the flexible Seljuk horse archers, to some extent they wereinfluenced by oriental military factors, from which some new tactical concept derived.These changes manifest the interaction between East and West in military. Castle wasparticularly vital for the first crusade, and especially, the crusader states in Latin East.castle-tactic grew more and more impotent in Latin East, finally, it was ascended tothe strategy-level position for the Syrian Franks.
     Beyond the battlefield, there are many wider fields to study and research.Logistics of warfare are of important for any army. The discussion about theprovisions,the march, transportation and means of supplying, is aimed at restoring theessential role of logistics, and revealing the close relation between Byzantine,Armenians and crusade army. The transmission of information, psychological warfare,and Intelligence-based warfare in crusade war were aroused little interest in thescholarly circles, though they are similarly significant. The contact, interaction andintercourse with Turks showed the diplomacy of crusade army. Those princes beaccustomed to seek means and way other than fight and battle to their intentions andobject of war. The association and intercourse between both sides from the end of11thcentury to the early days of12thcentury, made the real essence of crusade war beexposed to the light of day. It was merely a feudal war.
     Finally, there is an explanation as to the religious factor and spirit of the firstcrusade army. What a holy object and Christian ideal the crusade army had? How crusade army was covered with garb and halo of Catholic? How religion could beclosely connected with war and pilgrimage and put into practice? These issues areunavoidable. In addition, redemption and trial, religious rites, and vision also shouldbe noticed. As the participant of this crusade, priest not only was in a dominantposition in the religious affairs, but also played a positive role in management,organization, and even the leadership of battle. Finally, after stripped away all theperfect halo and sacred garb, there remained the spirit, mood and attitude of humanbeing, which restored the spiritual world which was complicated and various, andprojected the mental characteristics against a historical background of the medievalperiod.
①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey to
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p216.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p96.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p180.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p268.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p270.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.79.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.81.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.58.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.68.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.139.
    ②John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,1994, p.21.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.212.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.164.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.100.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.63.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.22.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.32.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.254.
    ⑥Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.85.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.282.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.47.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.109.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.102.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.198.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.63.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.283.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.124.
    ④Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, pp.
    ⑤Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, pp.164-165.
    ⑥Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.337-339.
    ⑦John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.109.
    ⑧John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,1994, p.142.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.57.
    ②R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.21.
    ③Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.528.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.2.
    ⑤R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.105.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.84.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.132.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.96.
    ④David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.19.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.94.
    ⑥Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.36-37.
    ⑦John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.59.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.109.
    ②David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.273.
    ③Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.378.
    ④Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.378.
    ①Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.461.
    ②Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.361.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.58.
    ④Kelly DeVries and Robert D. Smith, Medieval Weapons: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Weapons andWarfare)[M]. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO,2007, p.130.
    ⑤John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.22.
    ①David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages[M]. New York: Crescent,1988, p.27.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.133.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.134.
    ①Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.411.
    ②Davidd C. Nicolle Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350[M]. Greenhill Books,1999, p.380.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.226.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.48.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.49.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.74.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.78-80.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.188.
    ④Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons[M].Cambridge: Wargames Research Group,1978, p.70.
    ⑤David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages, Crescent,1991, p19.
    ①DAVID C. NICOLLE Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350, Greenhill Books,1999, p23.
    ②Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, p.93.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.45.
    ①DAVID C. NICOLLE Kraus, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350, Greenhill Books,1999,pp114-115.
    ②David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages[M]. New York: Crescent,1988, p.18.
    ③David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages[M]. New York: Crescent,1988, p.24.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p198.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p256.
    ⑥Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.335.
    ⑦Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.210-212.
    ①Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, p.89.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.49.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p192.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.40.
    ③Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.196.
    ①David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages[M]. New York: Crescent,1988, p.26.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.32.
    ③Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.87.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.136.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.34.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.106.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.192.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.39.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.52.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.66.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.131.
    ③Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.109.
    ④Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.119.
    ⑤Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.86.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.214.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ②Kelly DeVries and Robert D. Smith, Medieval Weapons: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Weapons andWarfare)[M]. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO,2007, p.92.
    ③Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.84.
    ④Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.114.
    ⑤John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.24.
    ①Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Archer[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1985, p.75.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.26.
    ③David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages[M]. New York: Crescent,1988, p.33.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.26.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.118.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.192.
    ⑦Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.324-326.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, pp.
    ②David Edge and John Miles Paddock, Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight: An Illustrated History ofWeaponry in the Middle Ages, Crescent,1991, p19.
    ③Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons[M].Cambridge: Wargames Research Group,1978, p.86.
    ④David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.20.
    ⑤Kelly DeVries and Robert D. Smith, Medieval Weapons: An Illustrated History of Their Impact (Weapons andWarfare)[M]. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO,2007, p.136.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.332.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.332.
    ③David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.274.
    ④Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons[M].Cambridge: Wargames Research Group,1978, p.69.
    ⑤Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons[M].Cambridge: Wargames Research Group,1978, p.71.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.310.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.219.
    ①Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.1.
    ②David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.113.
    ③Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.341.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.219.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.104.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.110.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.116.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.335.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.202.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.122-124.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.40.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.335.
    ①Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, P.252.
    ②Robert D. Smith and Kelly DeVries, Medieval Weapons An Illustrated History of Their Impact[M]. ABC-CLIO,2007, p.138.
    ①Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, P.253.
    ②David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.197.
    ③Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, P.256.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.110.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.204.
    ①Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, P.261.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.119.
    ③Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.254.
    ④Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.268.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.201.
    ②Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.195.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.110.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.112-114.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.114.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.118.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.360.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.116.
    ③Robert D. Smith and Kelly DeVries, Medieval Weapons An Illustrated History of Their Impact[M]. ABC-CLIO,2007, p.139.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.326.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.109.
    ①Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.298.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.277.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.204.
    ③Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.42.
    ①Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period fromal-Kāmil fī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response,Ashgate,2006, p.14.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.226.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.75.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.69.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.143.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.272.
    ②Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, pp.342-343.
    ③Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.170.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.87.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005,pp.87-88.
    ②Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.45.
    ③Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.43.
    ④Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, pp.14-15..
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.65.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.2.
    ②John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,1994, p.14.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.66.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.283.
    ①R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.21.
    ②Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.198.
    ①Ralph-Johannes Lilie, trans. J. C. Morris and Jean E. Ridings, Byzantium and the Crusader States1096-1204,Oxford University Press,1993, p.1.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.79-80.
    ④Jonathan Riley-Smith, edd., The Oxford History of the Crusades[M]. Oxford University Press,1999, p.218.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.286.
    ②Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.175
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.110.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.62.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.84.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.84-86.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.88-90.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.82.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.90.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, pp.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.102.
    ⑤Ralph-Johannes Lilie, trans. J. C. Morris and Jean E. Ridings, Byzantium and the Crusader States1096-1204,Oxford University Press,1993, pp.10-11.
    ⑥Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.118.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.82.
    ②Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.165.
    ①Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.43.
    ②Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.14.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.114.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.116.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ⑥Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.104.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.336.
    ②Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, pp.336-337.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.336.
    ④Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.337.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.340.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.106.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.106.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.39.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.94-96.
    ⑥Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.341.
    ⑦Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom of
    Jerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.191.
    ①Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.163.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.115.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.57.
    ②Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.191.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.117.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.117.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.119.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.182.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.119.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.56.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.61.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.146.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.166.
    ⑦Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.63.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.66.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.116.
    ③Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.202.
    ④Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.168.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.164.
    ⑥Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.202.
    ⑦Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.164.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.166.
    ②Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, pp.161-163.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.69.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.70.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.70.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.170-172.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.172.
    ①John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.206.
    ②Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.42.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.172.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.77.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.84.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.282.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.51.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.51.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.208-212.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.212.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.238.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.184.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, pp.286-288.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.83.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.238.
    ②R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.12.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.108.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.126.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.131.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. New York: Oxford University Press,2007, p.270.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.80.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.167.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.104.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.226.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.196-198.
    ②Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, p.71.
    ③Malcolm Barber, The New Knighthood:A History of the Temple[M]. Cambridge,1994, p.148.
    ④R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.129.
    ⑤John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.135.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.349.
    ②Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.341.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.172.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.48.
    ⑤Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.194.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp214-216.
    ②Malcolm Barber, The New Knighthood:A History of the Temple[M]. Cambridge,1994, pp.149-150.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.58.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.76-77.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.212-214.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.294-296.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.122-123.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.224-226.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.130.
    ④Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.226.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.236.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.290.
    ③Philippe Contamine, War in the Middle Ages[M]. Translated by Michael Jones, Blackwell,1985, p.67.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.160.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.236.
    ①Ann Hyland, The Medieval Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades[M]. Conshohocken: CombinedPublishing,1996, p.117.
    ②Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, p.67.
    ③John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.160.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.128.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.82.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.226.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.78.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.115.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp324-330.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp328-330.
    ③R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.120.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.219.
    ①Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, pp.22-23.
    ②Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.341.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.342.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300, Cornell University Press,1999, p232.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.62.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.94.
    ③Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.177-178.
    ④John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.143.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.58.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.196.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.200.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.204.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.72.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.71.
    ⑦Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ①John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.222.
    ②Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, p.184.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.203.
    ②Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.207.
    ③John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.83.
    ④Jonathan Riley-Smith, edd., The Oxford History of the Crusades[M]. Oxford University Press,1999, p.156.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.202.
    ②R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.24.
    ①John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.78.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.202.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.206.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.212.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.75.
    ①Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.43.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.202.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.224.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.224.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.74.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.122.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.212.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.238.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.246.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.75.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.74.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, pp.288-289.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.291.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.131.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.138.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.224-226.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p246.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.138.
    ②Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.228.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.76.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.138.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.56.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.89.
    ①Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate, The Templars selected sources[M]. Manchester,2002, p.90.
    ②Jonathan Riley-Smith, edd., The Oxford History of the Crusades[M]. Oxford University Press,1999, p.168.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.468.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.470.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.486.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.506.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.640.
    ④Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.55.
    ⑤Christopher Marshall, Warfare in the Latin East1192-1291[M]. Cambridge,1992,P.32
    ⑥Kenneth M. Setton, A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol2, Wisconsin press,1989, P.595.
    ①Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, pp.57-60.
    ①David Nicolle, Crusades Castles in the Holy Land1097–1192, Osprey Publishing,2004, p.5.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.91.
    ①Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, p.63.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.83.
    ②Ruth Macrides edd., Travel in the Byzantine World: Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Spring Symposium ofByzantine Studies[M]. Birmingham, April2000, Ashgate,20002, p.110.
    ③John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.35.
    ④Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.282.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.72.
    ②Ruth Macrides edd., Travel in the Byzantine World: Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Spring Symposium ofByzantine Studies[M]. Birmingham, April2000, Ashgate,20002, p.110.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.72.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.76.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.78.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.86.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.86-88.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.86.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.88.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.103.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.110.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.287.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.196.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.44.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.213.
    ②Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, pp.283-284.
    ③Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, pp.49-56.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.26.
    ⑤Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.284.
    ⑥Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.44.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.68.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.67.
    ③Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.283.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.138.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.67.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.115.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.128.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.44-45.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.107.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.67.
    ①Albert C. Leighton, Transport and communication in early medieval Europe, A.D.500-1100, pp.77,161.(Edd.John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.56.)
    ②Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.280.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.140.
    ④Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.281.
    ①Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, p.150.
    ②Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.43.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.115.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.118.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.119.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.121.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.198.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.216
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.123.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.60.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.61.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.288-290.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.81.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.290.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.220.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.127.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.220.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.260-262.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.122.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.216.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.220.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.228-223.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.127.
    ④Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.167.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.123.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.348-350.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.85.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.127.
    ②John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.210.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.306.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.310.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.204.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.71.
    ⑦Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.238.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.286.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.302.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.304.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.320.
    ②David Jacoby, Commercial exchange across the Mediterranean: Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt, andItaly, Variorum[M].2005, p.47.
    ③John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,1994, p.211.
    ④Ruth Macrides edd., Travel in the Byzantine World: Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Spring Symposium ofByzantine Studies[M]. Birmingham, April2000, Ashgate,20002, p.122.
    ⑤Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.216.
    ①David Jacoby, Commercial exchange across the Mediterranean: Byzantium, the Crusader Levant, Egypt, andItaly, Variorum[M].2005, p.46.
    ②Ruth Macrides edd., Travel in the Byzantine World: Papers from the Thirty-Fourth Spring Symposium ofByzantine Studies[M]. Birmingham, April2000, Ashgate,20002, p.122.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.452.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005,pp.80-81.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.84.
    ④Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.277.
    ①Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.61.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.46.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.42.
    ③Jim Bradbury, Kelly DeVries, Iain Dickie, Phyllis Jestice, Matthew Bennett, Fighting Techniques of theMedieval World AD500to AD1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics[M]. Thomas Dunne Books,2005, p.157.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.104-106.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.132.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.47.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.108.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.328.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.68.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.240.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.78.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.132.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.280.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.324.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.58.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.256.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.130.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.198.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.107.
    ⑤Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.336.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.82.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.79.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.322.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.65.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.194.
    ⑥John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress,1994, p.283.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.126.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.171.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.146,152.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.282.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.174.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.81.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.182-184.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.118.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.266.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.266-268.
    ③Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.349.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.312.
    ①Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons [M].Wargames Research Group,1978, p.95.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.172.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.40.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.292.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.298.
    ⑥Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.214-215.
    ⑦Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.134.
    ⑧Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.138.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.338.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.108.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.105.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.228.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.123.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.236-238.
    ⑦Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.83.
    ⑧Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.108.
    ⑨Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.83.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.77.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.285.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.120.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.208-210.
    ⑦Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.288-290.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.268.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.308.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.320.
    ②John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.140.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.268.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.65.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.234.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.82.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.130.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.268.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.102.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.324.
    ⑥Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.100.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.102.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.186.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.220-222.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.121.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.102-104.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.38-40.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.226.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.234.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.270.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.272.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.89.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.272-274.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.144.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.274.
    ⑥Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.91.
    ⑦Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.280.
    ⑧Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.94.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.188.
    ①Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.106-107.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.36.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.218.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.180.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.226.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.234.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.290.
    ①Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, p.64.
    ②Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.328.
    ③Helen Nicholson, The Knights Templar:a New History[M]. Sutton,2002, p.34.
    ④Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.50.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.680-682.
    ①Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.59.
    ②Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, pp.60-61.
    ③Steven Runciman, a History of the Crusades Volume II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East1100-1187[M]. Cambridge University Press,1951, pp.44-45.
    ①Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.201.
    ②Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, pp.228-229.
    ③Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, pp.229-230.
    ④Steven Runciman, a History of the Crusades Volume II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East1100-1187[M]. Cambridge University Press,1951, pp.171-172.
    ⑤Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.233.
    ①Malcolm Barber, The New Knighthood:A History of the Temple[M]. Cambridge,1994, p.152.
    ②R. C. Smail, Crusading Warfare,1097-1193[M]. Cambridge University Press,1956, p.18.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.90-92.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.64.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.150.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.209.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.180.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.176.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.176-178.
    ③Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, pp.209-210.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.354.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.230.
    ②Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.229.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.236.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.238.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ①Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, pp.13-14.
    ②Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.15.
    ③Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.16.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.78.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.103.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.318.
    ④Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.171.
    ⑤Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.16.
    ⑥Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.174.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.684.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.686.
    ③Steven Runciman, a History of the Crusades Volume II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East1100-1187[M]. Cambridge University Press,1951, pp.38-39.
    ④Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.195.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.700-702.
    ①Steven Runciman, a History of the Crusades Volume II: The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East1100-1187[M]. Cambridge University Press,1951, pp.112-114.
    ①Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.201.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.4.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.4.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.6.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.8.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.49.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.52.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, pp.52-53.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, pp.50-51.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.137.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.69.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.84.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.53.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.169.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.154-155.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.155.
    ②Kenneth M. Setton, A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol1, Wisconsin press,1969, p.76.
    ③Jonathan Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, University of Pennsylvania Press,1986, p.22.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.272.
    ⑤Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.103.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.57.
    ⑦Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.81.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.3-4.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.2.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ①Jonathan Riley-Smith, edd., The Oxford History of the Crusades[M]. Oxford University Press,1999, p.78.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.138.
    ④Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.330.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.58.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.112.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ⑥Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.69.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.2.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.54.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005,pp.107-108.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.50.
    ⑤Ian Heath, Armies and enemies of the crusades,1096-1291: Organization, tactics, dress and weapons[M].Wargames Research Group,1978, p.67.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.8.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.54.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.73.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.83.
    ③Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.168.
    ④Ibn Al-Qalanisi, edd. and trans. H. A. R Gibb, The Damascus Chronicle of the Crusades: Extracted andTranslated from the Chronicle of Ibn Al-Qalanisi[M]. London: Luzac&Company,1967, p.43.
    ①Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.168.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.146.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.164.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.104.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.343.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.6.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.141-142.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.169.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.171-172.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.174-175.
    ①David Nicolle, Arms and Armour of the Crusading Era,1050-1350: Western Europe and the Crusader States[M].London: Greenhill Books,1999, p.58.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.314.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.77.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.76.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.161-162.
    ②Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.244.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.330.
    ④Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, p.171.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.163.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.82.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.76.
    ③Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.16.
    ④Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.343.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.312.
    ①Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.16.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.156-158.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.234-232.
    ②Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.325.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.6.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.306-308.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.308.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.284.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.106.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.236.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.276.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.169.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.56-58.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.77.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.126.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.161.
    ③Jonathan Riley-Smith, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, University of Pennsylvania Press,1986, p.
    ④John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.17.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.320.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, pp.78-79.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.167.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.120.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.136.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.210.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.290.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.83.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.112.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.2.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.66.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.136.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.77.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.220.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.127.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.228.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.228.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.72.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.2.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.28.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.316.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.103.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.78.
    ⑥Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.165.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.190.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.196-198.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.89.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.106.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.110.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.192-194..
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.236.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.320.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.173.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.330.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.59.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.211.
    ①Jacques Le Goff, trans. Julia Barrow, Medieval Civilization:400–1500[M]. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,1988, p.359.
    ②Conor Kostick, The Social Structure of the First Crusade, Brill Academic Pub,2008, p.101.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.80-81.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.53.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.8.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.284.
    ①Kenneth M. Setton,A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol6, Wisconsin press,1989, p.141.
    ②Kenneth M. Setton,A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol6, Wisconsin press,1989, p.142.
    ③Kenneth M. Setton,A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol6, Wisconsin press,1989, p.144.
    ①Edd. John H. Pryor, Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades[M]. Ashgate Publishing,2006, p.232.
    ②Kenneth M. Setton,A history of the Crusades[M]. Vol6, Wisconsin press,1989, pp.119-120.
    ③Jonathan Riley-Smith, edd., The Oxford History of the Crusades[M]. Oxford University Press,1999, p.73.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.59.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.285.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.138.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.138-140.
    ①John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.192.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.180.
    ③Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.119.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.119.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.148.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.290.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.81.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.81.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.73.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.123-124.
    ①Matthew of Edessa, trans. A. E. Dostourian, Armenia and the Crusades: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries: theChronicle of Matthew of Edessa[M]. NewYork: University Press of America,1993, pp.167-168.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.216.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.81.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.73.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.73.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.284.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.298-300.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.101.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.102.
    ⑤Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.157.
    ⑥Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.82.
    ⑦Ibn al-Athir, edd. And trans. D.S. Richards, The chronicle of Ibn al-Athīr for the crusading period from al-Kāmilfī l-ta rīkh. Part.1, The years491-541/1097-1146: the coming of the Franks and the Muslim response, Ashgate,2006, p.16.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.284.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.81.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.288.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.332-334.
    ⑥Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.85.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.334.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.79-80.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.112.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.182.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.186.
    ①Steven Runciman, A History of the Crusades Vol. I: The First Crusade and the Foundations of the Kingdom ofJerusalem[M]. Cambridge University Press,1995, p.189.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.285.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.286.
    ④John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.137.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.142-144.
    ⑥Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.228.
    ⑦Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.149.
    ⑧Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.3.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.300.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.102.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.81.
    ④Contamine, p.282, Jim Bradbury, The Medieval Siege[M]. Woodbridge: Boydell Press,1992, p.93.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.63.
    ②Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.130.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.66.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.86.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.118.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.46.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.208.
    ④Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.274-278.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.145.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.73.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.74.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.127-128.
    ①Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.284.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.129.
    ③Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.84.
    ④Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.287.
    ⑤Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.74.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.158.
    ①Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.282-284.
    ②Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.92.
    ③Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.75.
    ④Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.147-148.
    ⑤Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, p.336.
    ①Anna Comnena, edd. and trans. E. R. A. Sewter, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena[M]. London: Penguin,1969, p.
    ②Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.112.
    ③John France, Victory in the East: a military history of the First Crusade[M]. Cambridge University Press,1994,p.13.
    ①Robert The Monk, trans. Carol Sweetenham, Robert The Monk’s History of The First Crusade: HistoriaIherosolimitana[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, pp.134-135.
    ②Edward Peters, The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials[M]. University ofPennsylvania Press,1998, p.75.
    ③Albert of Aachen, edd. and trans. Susan B. Edgington, Historia Ierosolimitana, History of the Journey toJerusalem[M]. Oxford University Press,2007, pp.334-336.
    ④Ralph of Caen, translated and with an introduction by Bernard S. Bachrach and David S. Bachrach, The GestaTancredi of Ralph of Caen: a history of the Normans on the First Crusade[M]. Aldershot: Ashgate,2005, p.110.
    ①John France, Western warfare in the age of the Crusades,1000-1300[M]. London: UCL Press,1999, p.228.
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