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Self-concept is the most important part of the self. It is the key of self-knowledge as well as the basis of self-experience and self-regulation. A large amount of studies on self-concept have been carried out in personality, social and clinical psychology and led to a lot of meaningful results. The concept of implicit social cognition put forward in1995by Greenwald extended the field of self-concept to unconscious level. The implicit self-concept attracted the interest of many researchers. Using the measurement developed lately-Multifactor Implicit Association Test (MFT-IAT), a series of studies were conducted to study the multidimensional implicit self-concepts which were based on Teenessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) in this dissertation. It included six chapters.
     The first chapter was a review on the definition and structure of self-concept, and an introuduction of the researches on implicit self-concepts in the world.
     The mainly part of the dissertation was consisted of three chapters from the2nd to the4th, which included seven experimental studies. They explored the nature of implicit self-concepts, the structure of self-concept, the relationships between implicit self-concepts and college freshmen's adaption predicament and mental health, and the factors influencing implicit self-concepts and the promotion of the development of implicit self-concepts by group counselling.
     Study1-3was the2nd chapter, which was on the nature of multiple implicit self-concepts mainly.
     In study1, MFT-IAT was used to study the nature of multiple implicit self-concepts. The results revealed that every dimension of Teenessee self-concept had implicit effect. The nature of implicit self-concpts was that people were prone to associate themselves with more positive attribute words than others. The results indicated that MFT-IAT could be used to measure multidimensional implicit self-concepts effectively.
     On the basis of study1, study2empirically examined the relationship between multidimensional implicit self-concepts and explicit self-concepts. The results showed that the correlation between implicit and explict self-concepts was weak, which indicated that they were two relatively independent structures. The results also showed that the development pattern of implict self-concepts was different from that of explicit self-concepts, and it provided another evidence for the independence of implicit self-concepts from explicit self-concepts.
     The relationship between implicit self-concepts and self-esteem was studied in study3. The results showed that correlation between implicit self-concepts and implicit self-esteem and that between explicit self-concepts and explicit self-esteem were statistically significant. In addition, the results revealed that implicit and explicit self-esteem could be validly predicted by corresponding mental self-concept and social self-concept. It proved the independence of implicit self-concepts from explicit self-concepts, and indicated that the implicit self-concepts had some common characters with implicit self-esteem as well.
     Chapter3discussed the relationship between multiple implicit self-concepts and freshmen'a adaption predicament and mental-health.
     In study4, the subjects accepted both implicit self-concepts and adaption predicament self-report in order to reveal the relationship between implicit self-concepts and freshmen's adaption predicament. The results indicated that implict self-concepts had no direct effect on adaption predicament, but the discrepancy between implicit self-concepts and explicit self-concepts significantly correlated to it. The freshmen with higher implicit self-concepts and lower explicit self-concepts had more adaption predicament. The adaption predicament could be significantly predicted by the discrepancy between implicit mental self-concept and explicit mental self-concept.
     Study5analysed the relationship between implicit self-concepts and mental-health. The same conclusion with that of study4was drawn. The discrepancy between implicit and explicit self-concepts was significantly related to mental health. With the higher implicit self-concepts and lower explicit self-concepts, the individual would have more possibility to have lower mental-health level. Furthermore, the level of undergraduates' mental-health could be availably predicted by the discrepancy between their implicit and explicit physical self-concept and that between implicit and explicit mental self-concept.
     The previous studies showed that implicit self-concepts were different from explicit self-concepts and their discrepancy could predict fremen's adaption predicament and undergraduate's mental-health. The next chapter discussed the factors which influenced the implicit self-concepts and how to change the implicit self-concepts.
     In study6, the influencing factors of implicit self-concepts were explored. The results showed that the implicit self-concepts and explicit self-concepts were influenced by different factors. The gender had significant effect on implicit self-concepts. Implicit physical self-concept and mental self-concept of female are higher than those of male.
     Study7disccused the effect of group counselling on multiple implicit self-concepts. The results revealed that group counselling reduced the implicit physical self-concept and implicit mental self-concept. They showed that group counselling reduced the discrepancy between implicit and explict physical, mental and social self-concepts, too.
     The general disscussion which constituted chapter5of the dissertation concerned the nature of implicit self-concepts and the relationship between implicit and explicit self-concepts in the perspective of information reprenstention and the model of dual attitude, the application of MFT-IAF in measurement of multidimensional implicit self-concepts, the meaning of implicit self-concepts, the factors influenceing implicit self-concepts and the effect of group counselling on implicit self-concepts.
     The last chapter was the conclusion of the dissertation and the perspective of the research on implicit self-concepts.
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