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Chinese appellation is a mirror that reflects The ethical culture.“the establishment and development of appellation in the every language system is also closely linked with ethics, in particular ,it includes the ethical sense of the formation of appellation and reflects the ethical values in process of the selection of appellation.”(Rudong Chen“Language Ethics”)
     Chapter I, This introduces the history, current situation of the research, the definition and classification of Chinese appellation, and the close relations between the Chinese appellation and ethical culture.
     Chapter II, analyses that Patriarchal System is the sources of“relative appellation”which be particular about respecting for seniority, men are superior to women. And points out the traditional ethical sense of official-standardized restrain oneself respect others" Co-construction of home and country”has Profoundly influence the formation of social communication appellation.
     Chapter III, in the social communication of traditional society, people not only focus on the values of re-grading , but also pay attention to emotional close .so we summed up the two ethical principles in use of the Chinese appellation: the principle of grade and emotional principles.
     Chapter IV, we try to do some ethical analysis on the survey of these phenomena, which includes the modern Chinese society in appellation to simplify relative appellation, lack of communication appellation, shorting for officials name and social general calls’evolution. And we also try to make ethical analysis on these phenomena.
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