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本文通过对渤海泥质区不同位置岩芯的粒度、矿物、化学元素等方面的分析,结合浅地层地震剖面、AMS 14C测年、微体古生物分析、稳定同位素测量、古地磁数据等,对全新世渤海泥质区中沉积物物质组成特征、物质来源、形成历史其环境响应进行了探讨。
     渤海泥质区的主体部分从约6000 aBP开始形成。当时沉积记录存在突变现象,不仅显示了沉积环境氧化还原条件的改变,而且温度与盐度值的变化以及沉积速率的明显偏高以及浮游有孔虫的出现说明本区开始受到黄海暖流余脉的影响。4500 aBP以来,沉积物中重矿物组合、化学成分等与黄河沉积物已较为接近,说明此时黄河物质对渤海泥质沉积的影响已经占据主导地位。渤海泥质区虽然有着离黄河口较近的特点,但并未出现明显高于陆架其它泥质沉积区的沉积速率,说明受输运机制控制,黄河物质向泥质区的输送量不大,远不如向黄海的输出量。
     北部记录着全新世期间发生的两次地磁极漂移,分别发生于2800~3100 aBP(对应Starno事件)和7500~8200 aBP。漂移发生前后,气候、物质来源与海平面均有较大变化,说明地磁极漂移对气候有着重要影响。
In order to probe material constitutes of sediments, material source and formation history in the Bohai Sea mud area (BSMA) during the Holocene and their environmental implication, grain size, mineral and chemical compositions of cores in various parts are analyzed combined with shallow seismic profiles, AMS 14C dating, micropaleontologic assemblage, stable isotopes and paleomagnetic data. Results show that the Yellow River has even flowed from the southern part of the Bohai Sea during the early Holocene, and that sediments discharged from the Yellow River affected the sedimentation in the Bohai Sea, but sedimentary environment and influence by the Yellow River matter at various cores are different.
     Major segment of the BSMA starts to form at about 6000 a BP, when sedimentary records break, denoting with transformation of the redox environment, changes of seawater temperature and salinity, accelerating sedimentation rate and appearance of planktonic foraminifera, which can be illuminated with the impact of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (its extension). In the last 4500 a BP, heavy mineral assemblage and chemical compositions in core sediments of the studying area closed to the corresponding ones in the Yellow River sediments, indicating that the effect of the Yellow River sediments on the sedimentation becomes dominant. Although closing to the Yellow River mouth, the studying area has no faster sedimentation rate than other areas, reflecting that the Yellow River sediments to the Bohai Sea mud area are far less than those to the Yellow Sea due to transporting mechanism.
     Two geomagnetism pole drifts during the Holocene are recorded in northern part of the BSMA, occurring at 2800~3100 aBP (corresponding to Starno event) and 7500~8200 aBP respectively. Because climate, material source and sea level change obviously compared with before and after the drift, we speculate that geomagnetic pole drift has significant impact on climate.
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