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目的与意义颅骨修补或成形术是外科医师最早涉足的颅脑手术之一,也是现代神经外科最普通的常规手术。近年来,大量的临床观察提示颅骨缺损后患者出现一系列神经症状,包括严重的头痛、眩晕、易疲劳、易激惹、记忆力下降、抑郁、对震动及声响耐受力下降,同时在颅骨缺损的病理状态下,肢体障碍及失语等神经功能障碍不易恢复,且易诱发癫痫发作。但其确切机制尚不十分清楚,Yamaura将其称为“皮瓣凹陷综合征”(sinking skin flap syndrome, SSFS),归因于大气压对缺乏保护脑组织的压迫。也有学者认为是颅骨缺损后脑脊液循环失常及受阻所致。但可以达成共识的是,颅骨修补已不仅仅是美容整形手术,更是对患者神经功能康复有治疗作用的手术。大量研究都证实颅骨修补后一系列神经症状及不适可明显改善甚至逆转意识状态,正是基于颅骨修补可改善神经功能的现实观察,近年来颅骨修补的手术时机问题成为临床研究中的热点,主要关注早期(缺损3月内)甚至超早期(6周内)修补对神经功能康复的影响(是否改善神经功能、脑灌注、脑血流等)及并发症。研究结果众多但差异也不小,大多数研究认为早期手术对于术后并发症特别是感染发生率无影响,也有研究者证实早期修补将导致较高的并发症发生率。但是现有研究中,大多局限于颅骨修补术对某个指标的影响,缺乏从总体上多角度分析手术影响的实验设计,而且早晚期修补的优缺点对比研究极少,大多数局限于小样本的观察,不设对照组,说服力不足。
     二、颅骨修补手术时机的初步探讨。基于第一部分研究,颅骨修补术本身具备促进脑灌注、改善脑功能、提高生存质量、缓解患者不良情绪等多种治疗效用。但仅凭上述结果远远不能推测出早期颅骨修补一定能使患者获益的结论。首先,修补本身能带来益处并不意味着早期修补就一定较晚期修补带来的益处多。这种严格意义上不同手术时机患者受益程度的比较研究目前极少。其次,手术时机的改变不仅要考虑到可能带来的益处,更要考虑到是否可能对患者带来不利,术后并发症(感染、伤口问题等)就是一个不容回避的问题,而且国外文献在并发症方面的研究结论并不一致。因此,设计一个能够在早期和晚期间比较手术效果利弊的对比研究就显得十分必要。我们筛选符合条件(具体纳入及排除标准,患者一般资料见正文)的患者分别行早期及常规修补,对不同手术时机组患者的年龄、性别、术前GCS、GOS评分、颅骨缺损直径、缺损部位行统计学的同质性检验,结果显示不同手术时机组的患者年龄、性别、术前GCS、GOS评分及颅骨缺损直径比较P值均明显大于0.05,提示两组在上述因素中无显著性差异。使用Chi-square test检验不同手术时机组中缺损部位比例的同质性,F=0.507意味着不存在显著性差异。由此证明了两组患者在分配中的同质性。而在距去骨瓣减压术的时间的比较中,两组P值小于0.05,提示两组确是不同手术时机完成的研究。在上述前提下,比较颅骨修补前及术后3月的脑血流平均速度(采用TCD技术)、手术耗时(特别是皮瓣分离时间)、术中出血量、并发症的异同。
     第二部分:TCD结果显示,在早期修补组中,修补侧的大脑中动脉MCA平均流速(术前54.3±9.90cm/s vs.术后69.2±14.1cm/s;t=-4.712,P<0.001)及颈内动脉ICA (术前33.2±7.08cm/s vs.术后48.5±9.43cm/s;t=-6.154, P<0.001)平均流速较术前均显著性增高。非修补侧的大脑中动脉MCA平均流速(术前57.8±7.60vs.术后66.9±7.97cm/s;t=-4.107,P<0.001)也较术前有显著性增高。非修补侧的颈内动脉ICA平均流速(术前29.6±6.25cm/s vs.术后30.3±8.37cm/s;t=-0.340,P=0.737)则与术前无明显差异。常规修补组中,修补侧的大脑中动脉MCA平均流速(术前52.8±12.70cm/s vs.术后63.4±13.52cm/s;t=-2.167,P=0.045)较术前显著性升高。但与早期修补组不同的是,在其他血管包括修补侧的颈内动脉,非修补侧的大脑中动脉均未观察到术前术后平均流速的显著性差异:修补侧ICA术前38.6±10.39cm/s vs.术后43.2±10.93cm/s:t=-1.444,P=0.167;非修补侧MCA术前59.7±12.61cm/s vs.术后67.4±13.08cm/s;t=-1.609,P=0.126。非修补侧颈内动脉则和早期组相似,未观察到术前术后的显著性差异(非修补侧ICA术前31.5±9.76cm/s vs.术后28.5±9.06cm/s;t=0.929,P=0.366)。将△定义为两组中术前术后血流速度的增量,利用协方差分析,研究结果显示早期组△较常规△有显著性升高(F=4.443,P=0.042)。同时,研究显示,早期颅骨修补的手术时间(85.6±18.2分钟)、皮瓣分离时间(12.9±7.2分钟)均较常规组(手术时间129.2±48.7分钟,皮瓣分离时间30.1±10.8分钟)明显缩短(P<0.001),出血量(早期组226.3±40.3ml vs.常规组381.5±58.9分钟)明显减少(P<0.001)。不同手术时机组中出现慢性硬膜下积液的差异未见统计学差异(P=0.634)。
Objective: The first documented use of Cranioplasty(CP) was before the16th century. As a routine neurosurgery operation, in more recent medicine, its use has primarily been limited to cosmetic and protective indications. However, CP gained recent attention after numerous clinical case studies documented neurological benefits, although by yet-unknown mechanisms. Magnaes et al. found that the zero CSF pressure level and the hydrostatic indifferent point were cranially shifted in five patients with large skull defects, and that those parameters returned to normal after CP. Yamaura et al. coined the term "syndrome of the sinking skin flap," reasoning that the neurological benefits of CP were secondary to a micro change in the atmospheric pressure within the brain. Therefore, people believed that the timing of CP should be reconsidered in light of recent studies. Several studies have discussed the topic of CP timing, in terms of complications and outcomes. However, the results remain controversial. Most studies found that early surgery had no effect on the rate of complications, including infections, and improved patient outcome. Conversely, other studies indicated that early CP was associated with a higher risk of complications. To date, the effects and mechanisms of early CP compared to late CP on neurological recovery are poorly understood and have been scarcely evaluated. The present study addresses this topic as it pertains to the recovery after DC and discussion of timing of CP.
     Our research was designed in two steps:observing therapeutic benefits when performed after DC, as measured by an improvement of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral perfusion, intracranial pressure, EEG, cognitive function, and quality of life; investigating the effects and mechanisms of early CP compared to late CP on neurological recovery, from the perspective of cerebral blood flow, operation efficiency and complication rate.
     Methods and Results:
     Part1Observing therapeutic benefits and underlying mechanism when performed after DC. We employed several methods to measure the improvement of cerebral blood flow (with TCD technique), cerebral perfusion (with CTP and PWI-MRI), intracranial pressure, neurological function (with BEAM technique), cognitive function (with SAS and SDS evaluation), and quality of life (with WHOQOL-BREF) after DC. The results showed that after DC, blood flow velocity of MCA ipsilateral to the CP raised significantly from50.8±13.83cm/s (pre-DC) to64.4±10.2cm/s (post-DC)(t=-25.62, P<0.001). Meanwhile, no significant improvement was observed in the other vessels. We also assessed the cerebral perfusion by MR perfusion weighted imaging and CT perfusion techniques before and after3months the CP.And the abnormal index A of cerebral perfusion was significantly lower3months after the CP than that before CP. And the ICP after CP changed significantly (F=4826.592, P<0.001). For EEG examination,θ/β and (δ+θ)/(α+β) power ratio declined significantly after CP. SAS score and NIHSS score declined significantly after CP (SAS t-0.384, P=0.703,NIHSS t=16.793, P<0.001) while the SDS score had no significantly change (t=-0.384, P=0.703)
     Part2Discussing the timing of early CP and possible benefit-risks. This study retrospectively reviewed43patients undergoing early (<12weeks) or late (≥12weeks) cranioplasty after DC. The CBF velocity was measured by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography and was analyzed prior to and after CP in every patient. The operating time, dissection time and blood loss was measured during the surgery. Complications and NIHSS scoring were recorded. In the early CP group, the CBF velocity increased after the CP procedure in both the ipsilateral MCA (54.3±9.90cm/s vs.69.2±14.1cm/s; t=-4.712, P<0.001) and the ipsilateral ICA (33.2±7.08vs.48.5±9.43cm/s; t=-6.154, P<0.001). In the MCA contralateral to the CP, the CBF velocity also increased (57.8±7.60vs.66.9±7.97cm/s; t=-4.107, P<0.001) after CP. There was no difference in the velocity change in the contralateral ICA (29.6±6.25cm/s vs.30.3±8.37cm/s; t=-0.340, P=0.737).In the late CP group, the CBF velocity increased in the ipsilateral MCA (52.8±12.70cm/s vs.63.4±13.52cm/s; t=-2.167, P=0.045) after CP. In contrast to the early CP group, the CBF velocity in the ipsilateral ICA (38.6±10.39cm/s vs.43.2±10.93cm/s; t=-1.444, P=0.167) and contralateral MCA (59.7±12.61cm/s vs.67.4±13.08cm/s; t=-1.609, P=0.126) increased, but the differences were not statistically significant between pre-and postoperative status. Similar to the early CP group, there was no change in the CBF velocity in the contralateral ICA (31.5±9.76cm/s vs.28.5±9.06cm/s; t=0.929, P=0.366). Change (expressed as delta,△) was defined as the difference in CBF velocity between pre-and postoperative status in the early and late CP groups. In the ipsilateral MCA, the patients in the early CP group had a greater increase in velocity compared to patients in the late CP group (F=4.443, P=0.042). Comparing with the control group, the mean time for dissection was much shorter (12.9±7.2vs30.1±10.8min, P<0.001) and estimated blood loss (226.3±40.3vs381.5±58.9ml, P<0.001) was much smaller in the early cranioplasty group. The difference in subdural fluid collection between the early and late CP groups was not statistically significant (P=0.634). No other statistically significant differences of complication were found.
     Part1Observing therapeutic benefits and underlying mechanism when performed after DC. The study showed obvious improvement of cerebral blood flow (with TCD technique), cerebral perfusion (with CTP and PWI-MRI), intracranial pressure, neurological function (with BEAM technique), cognitive function (with SAS and SDS evaluation), and quality of life (with WHOQOL-BREF) after DC.
     Part2Discussing the timing of early CP and possible benefit-risks. The CBF velocity in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) ipsilateral to the CP was increased in both groups and statistically different between groups (p<0.05). On the contralateral side, however, the CBF in the MCA was increased in the early CP group but not the late CP group. Change (expressed as delta,△) was defined as the difference in CBF velocity between pre-and postoperative status in the early and late CP groups. A statistically significant difference was detected in the△of MCA on the ipsilateral side between the early and late groups. There were no differences in the incidence of complications between groups. Early cranioplasty provides more efficiency surgery procedure and losses less blood during the operation. Therefore, early CP has potential benefits for cerebral perfusion and operation efficiency.
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