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大空隙开级配排水式沥青磨耗层(Open-graded Friction Courses,简称OGFC)具有良好的排水、防滑、降低噪声等性能,适合在多雨地区高等级公路上应用。然而,国内对OGFC路面研究起步较晚,研究进展也不大,目前可供应用或借鉴的成果不多。
OGFC--Open Graded Asphalt Friction Course with the performance ofdrainage、anti-skid and low-noise apply to many highways in rain region. However, the research of OGFC is only on it's start and the conclusion of it is not much which can be use for reference in our country. In this situation, the paper refered to the documents inside and outside and mastered the situation and developments of the interrelated question. On the base of the analysis of OGFC pavement character, the paper put forward the OGFC mixture demand of raw materials and the aggregate gradation design target. Base on the gradation design target and through large experimengs , the paper resdarch the OGFC aggregate gradation , optimum asphalt content, OGFC mechanical performance, dank performance, high-temperature stability, low-temperature stability and water stability performance and put forward the method of OGFC mix design .The result make it clear that OGFC mixture has better pavement performance. Better skid resistance. Better drain performance . In the end , the paper put forward construction technics of OGFC through the testing pavement.
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