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As people who carrying on technique innovation make decision on technique innovation items, the anticipation on spillage of technique innovation in the decision may directly affect the devotion of innovation resource. In another word, the magnitude, degree of difficulty and speed of technique innovation spillage can directly affect anticipative income on technique innovation items, then proceed to the next step, they may affect devotion level of resource, so much as they abandon technique innovation items when they spill greatly. So it is connected with general activity of technique innovation manoeuvre to solve problems meet with technique innovation. It is also an important praxis problem when technique innovation system is constructed. After analysis, the author consider that it is very complex with technique innovation which lies in all process of technique innovation ,the business of its production and transfer of technique. The approach of technique innovation is many and varied. The technique innovation could be divided into two kinds, one is absolute spillage, the other is relative innovation. The current social law system has nothing to do with the former. But the perfect degree of the technique innovation system arrangement has much thing to do with the latter. In another words, the perfect degree of the technique innovation system arrangement determines the magnitude of relative spillage of technique innovation. So the emphases of technique innovation spillage is to solve the relative spillage, the approach is to consummate system of technique innovation.
     The entity of technique innovation spillage affects its enthusiasm. But as to people who carry on technique innovation, as long as the benefits exceed the devotion, they are energetic to pursue technique innovation. But the speed of technique innovation and provision of products could not meet the needs of the best level of our society. Especially with the advancement of technique, the dedication and force of technique innovation on economics development continuously ascend. Modern enterprise competition and our national economics development all depend more and more on technique innovation, scholars in every country and officers all take cognizance that technique innovation become core and determinant of enterprise and rivalrousness of national economics. So cognition and thoughts change greatly. The stress on economics development has transferred to how to impel innovation and progress of technique. Economics in the world has transferred from industrial economics to information economics from 1990's, which put up that the investment on high tech research increase fast, high tech industry has become mostly factor of national economics and foundation of national economics. The focus of economic competition has begun to transfer from natural resources, capital to technique and person with ability. Focus of competition has transferred from products and service field to technique innovation phase of products. In another words, the ability of technique innovation has been important index of rivalrousness of our country and enterprises.
     From practices to impel technique innovation, we can know that every government establishes inspirit policy and guarantee system conduced to technique innovation in order to accommodate with innovation demand of modern technique. System about technique innovation gains farther consummate with development of technique innovation. Continual perfect and integrity of system on technique innovation force the improvement of ability and level of technique innovation in each country. System of technique innovation here refers to criterion and rule correlative with benefit and process of technique innovation, such as system on property right of information, on market of technique innovation and policy on technique innovation. Efficacious technique innovation system arrangement always protect rights and benefits of people who carry on technique innovation through market competition encouraged, exterior market reduced, business cost reduced and flowage and trade of every resource factor and technique fruit. And then the change of cost and benefits of technique innovation could induce the system arrangement, which demand the system to be arranged and changed again. Because technique innovation is systematic and continuous innovation of series of technique, faster and faster, technique innovation is not as long as job of enterprise, innovation system of national technique are put more and more importance. Many country increase direct investment of technique innovation in order to improve the integer ability of technique innovation, and have cognizance of investment depending only on government could not improve ability of technique innovation, and the technique innovation is difficult to meet the need of the market. So every country tries to consummate system of technique innovation and recede the costs and risk of technique innovation of enterprise when carry on technique innovation using resources in order to accelerate technique innovation, production transfer and economics development.
     With degree of economics open improving and direction of globalization, the economic relation between China and other countries in the world becomes close and close, which accelerate development of Chinese economic. At the same time, it brings China compressive stress and the key is technique innovation. Chinese government and the pilots attach great importance to technique innovation items. As they pay great attention to technique innovation plan and relative policy of developed cuntries, they establish new technique innovation of our own country. But the ability of Chinese technique innovation is quite limited and lack international competition. The reason is various, such as the integer level of economic technique is low and the collective investment of technique innovation is not as good as developed countries. To enterprises, an important reason of deficient power of technique innovation is lag of system construction of technique innovation in our country, which cause domino effect enlargement of technique innovation. So income redound of person pursuing technique innovation become few and few, which affects the activity of farther investment on technique innovation of people. So restrict the improvement of ability of technique innovation. System arrangement of technique innovation becomes choke point affecting ability of Chinese technique innovation and economic continuous competition, which need broad attention.
     Recently system construction of technique innovation in China has become more and more perfect. But with swift development of technique, the fields of technique innovation broaden more and more, however system supply of technique innovation lags severely behind system requirement of technique innovation. Scientific research technique instrument set mostly in scientific research institution and college. The integer level of technique innovation in the enterprises is feeble under our planned economy system. On the other hand, the strength of the big national business is better. But the problem left behind the planned economy is excessive. The practical competence is not so good. And the actual spillage may be more than nongovernmental enterprises and foreigner capital business. Although many small and medium-size enterprise turn into much bigger entity, technique competence of small and medium-size enterprise is rather weak and the ability of technique innovation is limited. So the desire of cooperation during technique innovation is strong. At the other hand, the actual cooperation of technique innovation including scientific research institution and colleges with enterprises is a little and the successive one is quite a little. An important reason is that each lack information communication and technique intercommunion so as that they could not cooperate completely in resources conformity. The enterprises always protect their own benefits recurring to "local method" because of lacking efficient system guarantee. The phenomena above show that system supply of technique innovation is not valid, while is lagged. The results aggravate the burden of protecting technique innovation. In another word, it broadens the spillage of technique innovation. The separation of technique innovation and industrialization is universal, so the benefits of technique innovation must be realized through business of technique innovation. The number of service institution among technique is small, the ability of serving is weak, the cost of collecting information is much, the translating ratio of technique innovation production is low and the business fee is much. The fee must be compensated from the benefits of technique innovation. The more of charges on transferring technique innovation production, the bigger of the spillage of technique innovation and the severity of the restrain during activities of technique innovation. Not only the government but also the enterprises must be aware of economic development depends more on techmque innovation. The improvement of the ability of technique innovation is the key to strengthen ability of economic development and competition. The sixty-four-dollar question of improvement of ability and activity of technique innovation is to solve spillage of technique innovation. The systematic research on the system of technique innovation become more stringency and important. According to the theory of system economics, there is inertia and prescription between supply and change of system, which shows that the system of technique innovation in China cannot copy the style of foreign countries. Chinese must integrate the characteristics of ourselves, comprehend the changing track and traits of technique innovation system in order to provide virtual system of technique innovation and consummate it.
     Nowadays the international research on system of technique innovation is quite a few. The research production for conference is little and it is difficult to collect the relative information. The forgone relative research was pursued from different intention, which is about the intervene policy and its effect on technique innovation or the review about the technique innovation items which the government should choose, the scientific research provision, the investment of government and its effect. The research above is serving the economic development directly. On the other hand, the study stated in the dissertation proceeding with the analysis of technique innovation spillage and the factors affect the benefits of people who pursue technique innovation, system reason of existing technique innovation is discussed. The ultimate way to solve the system is put forward.
     At first, the connotation of technique innovation is defined based on summary of technique innovation theory and the spillage of technique innovation is analyzed. The engender mechanism of technique innovation spillage is discussed and analyzed by economic model. The existence and difference between absolute and relative spillage are put forward. The different effect of consummate degree of technique innovation on absolute spillage and relative spillage is discussed in the model. The results show that the relative spillage of technique innovation is directly correlative with the consummate degree of technique innovation and the problem of technique innovation relative spillage could be solved completely when the cost of technique innovation is zero.
     The feasibility and anticipate results of the approach of information property right system, technique business system, government intervene to solve the problem meeting during technique innovation is discussed. Results show that system construction cannot reach zero cost, so system efforts have limited effect on the technique innovation spillage. The intervention of government may play an important role. The intervention of government affect greatly on system construction of technique innovation. The government play an important role in technique innovation investment, policy induct, production convey, etc., which cannot solve the spillage of technique innovation theoretically. It always compensates partly and inspires the people pursuing technique innovation. The demonstration analysis shows that the technique innovation spillage is different among enterprises of different ownership and the characteristics of technique innovation system and its inertia are also set forth in the dissertation, which decide that our government must play dominant role during system arrangement of technique innovation in China.
     System arrangement of technique innovation is an item about many field such as technique economics, social system theory and practice policy execution. The international and general pertinence research production is few and it is difficult to collect relative data. In addition that my knowledge background and ability of is limited and the composition of the dissertation is long, the data used for argumentation cannot delegate the lately status completely. Some results need to be further demonstration analysis.
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