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     The Core Stability Strength is widely used in different sports training. Toinvestigate the effect of The Core Stability Strength training to youth rowing athletesachievement, we made a12weeks research to20youth rowing athletes in HubeiProvince Towing Team, observing how the dynamic balance ability, ontology feeland limbs large joints, muscles constant speed torque, power changes. The purpose forus to conduct this Core Stability Strength training is to observe the static balanceability, the dynamic balance ability, ontology sense develop, and try to see theinfluence of the limbs muscle strength, so as to provide some useful suggestions forthe rowing sports training and research.
     We selected20athletes, and they were divided into two groups,10in each group.The members in the experimental group were trained by means of The Core StabilityStrength twice a week for12weeks, while the comparative group was trained withouttaking any courses concerning the Core Stability Strength. We did three tests to seethe change of muscle strength, balance ability, the large joints, the speed of musclestrength in week6, week9, and week12. All these procedures were conducted by theSPSS software statistical analysis.Conclusion: The Core Stability Strength Training for12weeks can improve the youthrowing athletes performance.Main results
     1.The Core Stability Strength training for12weeks can significantly improve theCore Stability of the abdominal and back side muscles of athletes, coordinate theinconsistent balance of the left and right side adjustment to the core strength of thebilateral differences, significantly reduce overall gradual development of a balancedsituation.
     2..The balance ability of rowing athletes are improved after Core StabilityStrength trainin. The balance ability with eyes closed are increased better than witheyes open.Dynamic balance tests show that rowing athletes balance ability areimproved after Core Stability Strength trainin.So we can see the12-week CoreStability Strength training can significantly enhance the ability of the core stability.
     3. The Core Stability Strength training on lower limb hip, knee peak torque, andaverage power has a significant influence, but the effect on the shoulder and elbowstrength is not so helpful.
     4.12-week Core Stability Strength training can increase the RMS of rectusabdominis, and promote muscle fibers.
     5. Comparatively speaking, the Core Stability Strength training group for12weeks improves the results the dynamometer and the2000m. And the Core StabilityStrength training can also improve the youth rowers’ t swimming performance.Conclusions and Suggestions
     1.12-week Core Stability Strength training decreases the Core Stability Strength difference between the left and right side of the body, developing the power of themuscle, the nature of the equilibrium, the function of lower extremities of the hip andknee isokinetic obviously; and an increased rectus RMS can be seen so that a betterswimming results of the youth are presence. This12-week Core Stability Strengthtraining enhances canoeists' core stability ability.
     2. The Core Stability Strength training should be done as a routine course tostrengthen the youth canoeists' core muscle strength, improve the stability of the corepart, and increases the balance of youth rowing athletes coordination ability. The CoreStability Strength training is necessary for the youth players to improve their results.
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