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The simulation analysis for constructing of Cable-Stayed Bridge is the foundation of the construction control. Based on the Shizhou Cable-Stayed Bridge in Enshi City,Hubei Province, according to structural simulation analysis technology and construction controlling theory, the simulation analysis and construction control of prestressed concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge is studied in detail.
     First, the methods which construction control of prestressed concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge currently used are studied separately by using controlling theory,and then a rational thinking of control for the bridge is sought. Through the analysis and research of the simulation analysising theory to the constructing of Cable-Stay Bridge, proposed the“Two-Stage Method”which used for the cable tension optimization on short or medium span prestressed concrete Cable-Stayed Bridges. This method can get the reasonable cable tensions in two steps without the back running analysis. It calculates faster than the classical methods. It can consider the concrete shrinkage and creep and the non-closure force of the closure section, and it can consider nonlinear influence too. The result of "Two-Stage Method" whose error inside 5% is trusty, and it is nearly identical with classical method. It can meet construction stage and using stage, and the stress is distributed evenly.
     Then regard finite element model of five cable-stay bridges as the research object, obtain the response of cable tension, moment and displacement, which consider the geometrical nonlinearity and don’t consider geometrical nonlinearity. And compare and analysis to the data, obtain the critical point of what consider geometrical nonlinearity or not of Cable-Stay Bridge. Propose the experience formula of the influence coefficient of geometrical nonlinearity influence coefficient. Then geometrical nonlinearity approximately answer can be obtained which adopt the result of linear analysis of the truss to multiply by the influence coefficient of geometrical nonlinearity influence coefficient. On the basis of this, set up finite element model and carry on the structural simulation analysis to confirm the reasonable construction stage and using stage of the Shizhou Cable-Stayed Bridge.
     At last, combined with the results of simulating analysis the construction control system of Shizhou Cable-Stayed Bridge is expatiated in detail, and in every construction stage ,disparities between actual value and theoretical value of the state variation(including controlling point displacement, cable force, controlling section stress) are analyzed and studied, by which the validity of the construction control is validated.
     The achievements of this paper are valuable for the simulation analysis and construction control of Cable-Stayed Bridge, and it offers a new simplified method for the calculating of the reasonable cable tension and nonlinear effect.
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