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Under the pressure of resources shortage and environment pollution, automotive industry, as one consuming great amount of energy and one ejecting polluted substance highly, is facing the challenge of sustainable development. Circular economy, as a completely new economic development mode, is the theory for sustainable development of automotive industry, and the key to realize it is to carry out recovery project for automotive products. While in the current situation, such problems as the backward recovery technology and the disordered management system still occur. The goal of circular economy development is to save energy and decrease ejection, the crucial means of circular economy development is by improving the recoverability of products, and the vital guarantee of circular economy development is by perfecting the management system. Therefore, it is of great significance to study, with the guidance of circular economy theory, the key problems in the recovery of automotive products such as energy-saving and ejection-decreasing performance evaluation, its design and technology, and the management countermeasures.
     To study the recovery of automotive products so as to promote circular economy development of automotive industry, this dissertation, based on theoretical analysis and literature review, constructs relevant models and compiles programmes to study energy-saving and ejection-decreasing performance evaluation of automotive products. Then from the aspect of technology, it explores the recoverability design technology of automotive products, and finally from the aspect of management, it discusses the relevant management ideas on the recovery of automotive products. The main points of this dissertation are as follows:
     First, by analyzing the theoretical method of model-building in system dynamics and the factors affecting the amount of ELV(end-of-life vehicle), the dissertation, constructs a model which predicts the changes of the amount of ELV. Furthermore, it verifies the fidelity degree of the model by using the method of historical test.
     Second, by analyzing the life cycle of automotive materials and the need of energy-saving and ejection-decreasing, the disseration constructs a model of differences in environment parameter between raw automotive materials and recycled automotive materials. Refering to the data from the database about materials, it takes steel, aluminum and other major automotive materials as examples to analyze their energy consumption and emission parameters.
     Third, based on the prediction of the amount of ELV and the analysis on environment parameter of materials, it proposes some ways of evaluating energy-saving and ejection-decreasing performance in the recovery and utilization process. Together with the analysis on relevant data of predicted proportion of ELV of all kinds of vehicles, their material constitution, the reproduction of materials, and the finished product rate, this dissertation quantitatively assesses the effects of recycled materials on energy-saving and ejection-decreasing, thus confirms the great potential of saving energy and decreasing ejection by recovery and utilization. And then by analyzing the affecting factors, it explores the potential ways to improve energy-saving and ejection-decreasing performance in recovery.
     Fourthly, based on the analysis of factors affecting the recoverability of automotive, it puts forwards some pertinent norms for recoverability design from the aspects of vehicle construction and vehicle materials. Especially, it focuses on the DFD (Design for Disassembly) and DFR (Design for Recycle). Taking the revised design of fascia connection structure as an example, the dissertation discusses how to improve the product construction effectively and how to select materials properly, thus to promote the recoverability of automotive products from the root of design.
     Lastly, in order to solve the actual management problems in recovery of automotive industry, it gives some suggestions on how to perfect the legislation system on automotive design, disassembly and remanufacture, thus tables proposals to strengthen the recovery and utilization management of automotive products from the aspects of management mode, informative system and incentive and encouragement mechanism.
     Recovery of automotive products is a vital way to realize energy-saving and ejection-releasing and thus to develop circular economy. The performance evaluation methods proposed in this dissertaion about energy-saving and ejection-releasing are feasible, and the constructed model of energy-saving and ejection-releasing, the prediction model of the amount of ELV and the model of environment parameter difference between raw automotive materials and recycled automotive materials are of high fidelity, the results of which have been a basis for assessment by government authorities. What’s more, the recoverability design principles proposed in this dissertation have already been applied in the design process of automotive industry. Therefore, it is of great reference value for enterprises to draw up recoverability design policies. The policy suggestions proposed in this dissertation are not only workable but also reliable for relevant government branches to make policies on recoverability of sutomotive products. In fact, part of the proposals have been adopted officially. This study can, to a certain degree, average up the recovery level of automotive products in China and accelerate the development of circular economy.
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