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In recent years, with our country economy attaining brilliant achievement, mass consumption gradually from meeting the daily needs of the basic consumption to other enjoyment consumption, such as culturally, leisure, travel etc, domestic tourism market continuous rapid growth. Coastal zone with seawater, sand, sun and other natural resources advantage has always been tourist sanctuary. Meanwhile, in order to realize the sustainable development of tourism industry under the condition of tourist environmental bearing capacity limited, both the theory and the practice advocate ecotourism development mode. But since the ecological tour concept is put forward, academia has failed to reach a consensus on the meaning of ecotourism in coastal area, specific to a particular region of the ecological tourism related research, although Angle is very wide, there is no system, at the same time relevant empirical studies are rare, lack of practice support theory research is unavoidably a pity-
     Research in BinHai China eco-tourism district as the background, on the basis of deep and meticulous reviewing the existing intend decision theory, customer satisfaction theory and coastal ecological tourism related research, the writer puts forward the binhai tourists revisit intention model, and verifies the related factors to visitors to revisit intention influence mechanism. In order to ensure an accurate, in-depth and innovative research, full-text mainly develops the following aspect of work:
     First, research using content analysis, comparative research and duty ci technology, through the domestic and international nearly 10-15 years of "ecological tourism" and "seaside tourism", the analysis of the concept of extracts 6 ecological tour concept key indicators and four seaside tourism concept, the key indicators ten indexes as coastal ecological tourism integration of the concept of indicators, and puts forward the binhai eco-tourism definition and characteristics.
     Secondly, according to the theory of planned behavior, customer satisfaction theory as a foundation, integrate relevant coastal ecological tourism research, this paper put forward a scenic image, service quality, the past actions, and coastal ecological tourism cognition as antecedent, tourist satisfaction, attitude, subjective perception behavior standard, control for medi-variation, revisit intention for results of binhai eco-tourism district variable tourists revisit intention model, and in the light of the variables develops the corresponding scale.
     Finally, according to the survey results, through the structural equation model test and revises the original model, obtained the tourist satisfaction, attitude, subjective norms, perception behavior control of scenic spot, image, the past actions affect tourists revisit intention is the main factor and scenic image, the past actions, service quality and coastal ecological tourism cognitive and through the tourist satisfaction and attitude indirectly affects tourists revisit intention conclusion.
     The main contributions are as follows:(1) on the basis of the definition of coastal ecological tourism as well as combine the plan behavioral theory and customer satisfaction theory,the paper construct a complete empirical research model of coastal ecological tourist visitors revisit intention. (2) introduce "coastal ecological tourism cognitive" as antecedent,proving cognition of coastal ecological tourism has a positive influence on the attitude of coastal ecological tourism. (3) examine the differences of internal formation mechanism of revisit intention between initial swimmers and heavy swimmers.
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