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Due to various geographical, historical, climatic and productive factors, the communityof the Chaozhou region of the Guangdong province developed a characterized culturalheritage expressed in their dialect, custom, traditional architecture and decorative crafts. Thisthesis studies the rich and authentic traditional vernacular Caihua, architectural painting onwood structure, of Chaozhou. Through the recording of such surviving physical relics andliving building craftsmanship, it is anticipated that the knowledge of Chinese regional Caihuacan be supplemented, and the conservation and sustainable development of Chinesevernacular Caihua can be explored.
     The theoretical framework of this thesis will be established in the Chapter One. It willbegin by arguing that Chaozhou Caihua is a holistic cultural structure worthy of studyinginstead of a collage of elements. By laying down the objectives and innovations of this thesis,and presenting the panorama on the current researches on coloured pictures on architecturesand regional vernacular cultures, the foundation of this research is hereby confirmed.
     In Chapter Two, the three basic concepts of “Chaozhou”,“traditional architecture” and“Caihua on timber structure” are required to be verified on a scientific basis. The definition of“Caihua” evolves in each dynasty and in each region. Making reference to the rationale ofdefinitions in both formal traditional and other regional researches, the author makesadjustments to find a practical boundary best suited to the Chaozhou tradition for therecording and discussion in this paper. Then it comes to distinguishing terms like ancientbuildings, heritage buildings, historical buildings and traditional buildings, in order toascertain the collective subjects of study is a valid entity of academic value. Finally, theauthor attempts to explore what is “Chaozhou” culture from factors like historic origin,geographical environment, and ethnic development, thereby choosing the suitable periodicand regional boundary for studying this characterized architectural Caihua system.
     Architectural Caihua is more as a design rather than a pure art, meaning its existence,like all other architectural elements, must serve some social functions. Chapter Three is thediscussion on the artistic design of Chaozhou Caihua. In accordance with Chaozhou localconcepts, the author divides architectures in four types, residences, ancestral halls, DaoistTemples, and Buddhist Temples, by means of their social functions. The dispositions, themes,colours and compositions of Caihua found in each type is explained in relationship to therespective spatial organization and spiritual functions.
     Despite aesthetics and beliefs, no architectural behaviour can exist without the support ofobjective physical characters, execution system, material resources and technological standard.Chapter Four is about the scientific theory of Caihua, meaning the discussion on objectivefactors and techniques of its craftsmanship. Since Caihua must adhere onto timber structure,the first sub-section analysis the reason and characters of the timber most commonly used inChaozhou buildings, Chinese Fir. Apart of The application of coloured pictures on buildingsincludes, a water based, cement based, and the two more permanent methods of either plasticbased (use of lacquer) and oil based (use of tong-oil). This chapter is largely on the recordingand analysis of the craftsmanship of Lacquer Caihua and Tong-oil Caihua in Chaozhou,including their origins, developments, and conservations.
     The Final Chapter is devoted to exploring the plausible course for the conservation and sustainable development of Chaozhou Caihua. Firstly, Chaozhou Traditional Caihua may beconsidered historic fabrics, and the policies, approaches, methods, and techniques for thepragmatic preservation and restoration of these relics should be found, as an indispensablecomponent of the local conservation projects. Alternatively, it may be treated as an IntangibleCultural Heritage, and the sustainable development of its artistic expression andcraftsmanship may be investigated. Finally, a more holistic view maybe adopted, by makingreference of the arts and crafts of Chaozhou Caihua as architectural design inspirations, or bypresenting or interpreting the cultural value of Chaozhou Caihua, to promote the publicappreciation of Chinese architecture or regional tradition, whereby Chaozhou Caihua cancontribute to the wider Chinese culture.
    6Monaghan, John, and Just, Peter,“Social and Cultural Anthropology: A very Short Introduction”, Oxford University Press,2000, p36,英文原文:“Culture,…. is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, andany other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.”, Tylor, Edward B.。
    7Monaghan, John, and Just, Peter,“Social and Cultural Anthropology: A very Short Introduction”, Oxford University Press,2000, p39,英文原文:“Culture is the integral whole consisting of implementations and consumers’ goods, of constitutionalcharters for the various groupings, of human ideas and crafts, beliefs and customs.”, Malinowski, Bronislaw.。
    10Vitruvius, Marcus Pollio,维特鲁威:“好的建筑应该满足的三项原则:稳定性、功能性和喜悦性”,英文版本为:“Good building should satisfy three principles of firmita (firmness), utilitas (utility), venustas (delight)”,摘自“The TenBooks on Architecture”《建筑十书》,原书罗马文,成书于公元前一世纪,英文版本首见自Morris Hicky Morgan于1914年之译本。
    12International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS): ICOMOS Principles for the Preservation and Conservation ofWall Paintings,2003,又称Zimbabwe Principles:http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    16Giudici, Vitorio:“The Sistine Chapel, Its History and Masterpiece”, Peter Bedrick Books,1998.
    17Pryce, Will,“Architecture in Wood”, Thames and Hudson, London,2005, p76.
    18Pryce, Will,“Architecture in Wood”, Thames and Hudson, London,2005, p216.
    28Cage, John:“Colour and Culture, Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction”, Thames and Hudson,1993, p15,英文原文:“The chalk outline of a portrait will give more pleasure than the most beautiful colours laid on confusedly.”,from Aristotle.
    29Cage, John:“Colour and Culture, Practice and Meaning from Antiquity to Abstraction”, Thames and Hudson,1993, p34,英文原文:“Even Nineteenth century colour theory cannot settle (this issue), proposing as it did different numbers and setsof primary colour according to whether colour was seen from the point of view of physicist, the psychologist or the painter.”
    30Roger Scruton,“A Short history of Modern Philosophy”, Routrledge (London),1995, p154,英文原文:“Aestheticcontemplation is not the same as animal enjoyment. It is rational pursuit.… Aesthetic judgement seeks in nature and in art“purposiveness without purpose”, from Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804).
    41Temple, Robert,“The Genius of China:3000Years of Science Discovery and Invention”, Prion,1998, p75,英文原文:“Needhan has said of Lacquer: Lacquer may be said to have been the most ancient ancient industrial plastic known toman”。
    45Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p168,英文原文:“Now that local suppliers are not available, what can we do but buy chemical pigments from abroad?”, quoted from MrZhang.
    46Temple, Robert,“The Genius of China:3000Years of Science, Discovery and Invention”, Prion (London),1986.
    47Robson, Patrick:“Timber”(Chapter19) from “Structural Repair of Traditional Buildings”, Donhead Publishing Ltd,1999.
    48Brown, S. Azby:“The Genius of Japanese Carpentry: the Secretes of a Craft’, Kodansha International (Tokyo),1989.
    49Goldstein, Elliot W.:“Timber construction for Architects and Builders”, Macgraw-Hills,1999.
    50Ridout, Brian:“Timber Decay in Buildings: the Conservation Approach to Treatment”, English Heritage2000.
    52梁思成,Liang Ssu-cheng:“Art andArchitecture, China: Arts, Language, and Mass Media”,在1947年以英文编写的,而现收录于《美国大百科全书》,英文原文及中文译文见《梁思成全集:第五卷》2001年(中国建筑工业出版社(北京)出版)。
    77Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p163。
    78Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p172,英文原文:”Youshi Caihua is generally considered a higher craft than masonry or carpentry”。
    80Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p174-175。
    96Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p171。
    103国际遗产理事会ICOMOS,1964年,《国际古迹保护与修复宪章》,International Charter for the Conservation andRestoration of Monuments and Sites,简称《威尼斯宪章》Venice Charter,第三条英文原文:Article3:“The intention inconserving and restoring monuments is to safeguard them no less as work of art than as historical evidence”。
    104澳州国际古迹遗址理事会Australia ICOMOS,始颁布于1981年,现行为1991年版本,《保护具有文化重要性之地点的宪章》Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance,简称《巴拉宪章》 Burra Charter,英文原文:“Cultural Significance, means Aesthetic, Historic, Scientific, Social or Spiritual values for past, present and futuregenerations”。
    105英国遗产组织English Heritage,2007年,《保护原则:可持续管理历史环境之政策与指引》,“ConservationPrinciples: Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic Environment”,英文原文:“HistoricalValue relates to the ways in which the present can be connected through a place to past people, events and aspects of life. Ittends to be illustrative or associative.”。
    106世界遗产组织,开平碉楼的网页,英文原文:“Represent in dramatic physical terms an important interchange of humanvalues, through architectural styles brought back from North America by returning Chinese, and fused with local ruraltraditions”。
    108Powell, Kenneth,“Edward Cullinan Architects”, Academy Edition (London),1995, p91,英文原文:"I want to takeTradition in Architecture to mean a shared and continuous development of a way of doing things towards practical artisticand social ends,… not old fashioned or nostalgic.” Cullinan, Edward,1984.
    110Monaghan, John,&Just, Peter:“Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction”, Oxford UniversityPress,2000, p41,英文原文:“Culture is… made up of Rules of Conduct.…. Some of these rules are Residues ofTraditions acquired in the different types of social structure through which… each human group has passed. Other ruleshave been consciously Accepted or Modified for the sake of specific goals. Yet…reason itself... is a product rather than acause of Cultural Evolution.”Levi-Strauss, Claude,1983。
    111黃挺:《潮商文化》,第一章, http://www.wczbp.com/chaoshangwenhua/
    112黃挺:《潮商文化》,第一章, http://www.wczbp.com/chaoshangwenhua/
    114Marks, Robert,“Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt”, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge),1998, p99,英文原文:“Duringthe course of the Ming dynasty, the population of Lingnan nearly tripled and spread out from a few densely settled regions tomore evenly inhabited land. In Guangdong, population moved into Huizhou and Chaozhou prefectures, which came to havelarger proportions of the total population than around1400.”。
    117Perkins, Dwight“:Rural development in China”,1984, The World Bank, p48,英文原文:“During periods of peace, birthrates were well above death rates, and population grew inexorably until it passed the400million around1800.”。
    121Robert Marks,“Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt”, Cambridge University Press,1998, p111-112,英文原文:“In Chaozhouprefecture, double cropping of rice was practiced as early as the Song Dynasty.… By the seventeen century the evidence ofdouble (and even triple) cropping is incontrovertible.… In the seventeenth century, in addition to rice, wheat then wassown (as rotation).… In Chaozhou prefecture, was wheat as a crop mentioned.”。
    123Robert Marks,“Tigers, Rice, Silk, and Silt”, Cambridge University Press,1998, p138,英文原文:“In the SeventeenthCentury, cold waves increased in numbers”。
    181Davies, Merryl Wyn, and Piero,“Introducing Anthropology”, Icon Books Ltd UK (Cambridge),2002, p61。
    182Campell, Joseph,“The power of Myth”,1991, First Anchor Books (New York), p124:英文原文:“When you are outin a desert with one sky and one world, you might have one deity”。
    183Clark, Kenneth,“Civilization”, BBC (London)1969, p14:英文原文:“They have a place in European civilization,because these pirates were not merely destructive, and their spirit did contribute something important to the western world. Itwas the Spirit of Columbus. They set out from a base and with unbelievable courage and ingenuity, they got far,… and thenreturned home with their loot. Their sheer technical skill of their journeys is a new achievement for the western world. If onewants a symbol of the Atlantic man, it is the Viking ship.… One must admit that the Norsemen produced a culture.”。
    184Umberto Eco (原著),彭准栋(译):“Storia Della Bellezza”《美的历史》,中央编译出版社(北京),2007年,第118页。
    185Oxford Dictionary:英文原文:“Maritime”:“Pertaining to Navigation, Nautical Activities, Shipping on the Seas”。
    186Duroselle, Jean Baptiste (Original), Mayne, Richard (translate),“Europe: A history of its Peoples”, Penguine Books
    (London),1990, p194:英文原文:“The word ‘Overseas’ was now about to take on a new meaning. The ‘seas’ inquestion is no longer inland seas,… or coastal areas…. In the spaces of a few years, all Western Europe launched aseaborne exploration and eventual conquest of the world. Europe indeed became a Maritime Entity”。
    237Wolf, Arthur:“Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors”,摘自“Studies in Chinese Societies”, Stanford University Press,1978,p131-182,英文原文:“In the view of the Chinese peasant, all Gods are bureaucrats, and his temples are laid on preciselythe same lines as government Yamen.… Ancestors are fathers and mothers, whose tablets are placed at the altar in thehouse.… Ghosts are the supernatural equivalent of bandits, beggars and dangerous strangers,… For despised ghosts, theofferings are set outside the back doors”.
    238Wolf, Arthur:“Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors”,摘自“Studies in Chinese Societies”, Stanford University Press,1978,p168,英文原文:“The difference between the gods and the ancestors is evident in the way the two are supplicated”
    240Knapp, Ronald,“China’s Old Dwellings”, University of Hawaii Print,2000,p31-32
    249Overmyer, Daniel,欧大年,《神明、圣徒、灵媒和遶境-从中国文化观点比较民间信仰传统》,摘自《宗教信仰与想像》,香港城市大学出版社(香港),2007年,第1页。
    258Overmyer, Davniel,欧大年,《神明、圣徒、灵媒和遶境-从中国文化观点比较民间信仰传统》,摘自《宗教信仰与想像》,香港城市大学出版社(香港),2007年,第10-11页。
    261Wolf, Arthur:“Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors”,摘自“Studies in Chinese Societies”, Stanford University Press,1978,英文原文:“In the view of the Chinese peasant, all Gods are bureaucrats, and his temples are laid on precisely the same lines asgovernment Yamen.”。
    262Green, C,“Roman Religion and the Cult of Diana at Africa”, Cambridge University Press,2007, p76,英文原文:“Diana was worshipped on altars and presented with offerings that were all are perishable and so left no archaeologicalrecords”.
    273Wolf, Arthur,“Gods, Ghosts, and Ancestors”,“Studies in Chinese Societies”, Stanford University Press,1978.
    285Wolf, Arthur,“Studies in Chinese Society”, Stanford University Press (Stanford),1978, p152,英文原文:“Daughters areexcluded from their fathers alters because… they are members of their husband’s line”
    295乔飞,《南北传统民居建筑装饰同异性探析》,太原理工大学硕士论文,2003, p47。
    326Knut Nicolaus,“The Restoration of Paintings”, Konemann (Cologne),1999, P42:“Chinese wood oil, also known asTung Oil, began to be used for the consolidation of artworks around1900.…… It is one of the siccative oils. Tung Oil wasstill being used as a used as a component in consolidations in1962. Tung Oil browns wood badly and can cause stains on itssurface.”。
    342Robert Temple,“The Genius of China:3000Years of Science, Discovery and Invention”, Carlton Publishing (London),2005, P75:“Lacquer may be said to have been the most ancient industrial plastic known to man”。
    363Holdsworth, May,“The Palace of Established Happiness”, The Forbidden City Publishing House,2008, p163,英文原文:“Words conjuring up palaces of gold and jade do not seem far off the mark when one comes upon somenewly-painted pavilion in Forbidden City, glittering under a cerulean sky.”。
    365Jokilehto, Jukka,“A History of Architectural Conservation”, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford,1999, p47,英文原文:“The Age of Enlightenment was significant to the history of conservation of cultural heritage in that it introduced culturalparadigms, and formulated concepts which effectively founded the modern conservation movement.”。
    366Jokilehto, Jukka,“A History of Architectural Conservation”, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford,1999, p151,英文原文:“Restoration… is not to preserve it, or to repair it, or rebuild it; it is to re-instate it in a condition of completeness thatcould never have existed any time.”。
    367Lewis, Michael, The Gothic Revival, Thames and Hudson,2002, p13,英文原文:“It is a leap to go from writingpoems about ruins to making ruins to represent poems, but the18th century England did just that.”。
    368UNESCO,“Convention on Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions”,2005,英文原文:“TheDiversity of… Traditional Cultural Expressions, is an important factor that allows individuals and peoples to express andto share with others their Ideas and Values.”。
    369Australia ICOMOS,“Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance”,简称“Burra Charter”,初版1988,现版1999,第1.2条,英文原文:“Cultural Significance means Aesthetic, Historic, Scientific, Social or Spiritualvalue for past, present or future generations.”,http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html
    371“The Athens Charter for the Restoration of historic Monuments”
    372ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites),“International Charter for the Conservation and Restorationof Monuments and Sites”,also known as “Venice Charter”,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    374ICOMOS:“Venice Charter”: Article11:英文原文:“What is removed is of little interest and the material brought tolight is of great historical, archaeological or aesthetic value, and its state of preservation justify the action.”,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    375Australia ICOMOS,“Charter for the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance”,简称“Burra Charter”,初版1988,现版1999,第1.2条,英文原文:“Cultural Significance means Aesthetic, Historic, Scientific, Social or Spiritualvalue for past, present or future generations.”,http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html
    376Larsen, Knut Einar,“Conservation of Historic Timber Structures”, Butterworth-Heinemann,2000, p2,英文原文:“Thepreservation of historical strata… can only be relevant for timber buildings if we also include replaced members in theconcept of strata.”。
    377Australia ICOMOS,“Burra Charter”,1988/1999,第15.1条,英文原文:“Changes may be necessary to retain CulturalSignificance, but is undesirable where it reduces Cultural Significance. The amount of change to a place should be guided bythe Cultural Significance of the place and its appropriate interpretation”,http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html
    380Oxford Dictionary: Authenticity:(1) Authoritative;(2) Legality;(3) Factual;(4) One’s own property;(5) Original;(6)Genuine;(7) Self-originated;(8) Reputable source.
    381Stovel, Herb,“Working towards the Nara Document”, extract from, UNESCO World Heritage Centre,“Proceedings ofNara Conference on Authenticity”, Japan,1994,英文原文:“The concept Authenticity invited little attention or debate atthe time because most of those involved in writing the Charter shared similar backgrounds and therefore broad assumptionsabout the nature of appropriate response to conservation problems.”。
    382Fielden, Bernard, and Jokilehto, Jukka,“Management Guidelines for World Heritage Sites”, ICCROM,1993, p17,英文原文:“To qualify for application as World Heritage Site, it must meet the “test of authenticity” in “design, materials,workmanship, or setting”。
    383Stovel, Herb,“Working towards the Nara Document”, extract from, UNESCO World Heritage Centre,“Proceedings ofNara Conference on Authenticity”, Japan,1994,英文原文:“There are other significant forces in the conservation worldmoving professionals towards re-examination of the authenticity or integrity concept. The definition of cultural heritage isbroadening… A concern for the vernacular, or for the cultural landscapes, or for the spiritual, has moved the focus.”。
    384Stovel, Herb,“Working towards the Nara Document”, extract from, UNESCO World Heritage Centre,“Proceedings ofNara Conference on Authenticity”, Japan,1994,英文原文:“The Japanese feared that their practice of periodicallydismantling significant wooden structures would possibly seen as unauthentic if judged from within a Westernframework”。
    385ICOMOS:“Nara Document on Authenticity”,1994,英文原文:Article9:“Conservation of cultural heritage in allits forms and historical periods is rooted in the values attributed to the heritage. Our ability to understand these valuesdepends, in part, on the degree to which information sources about these values can be understood as Credible or Truthful.”http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    386Stovel, Herb,“Working towards the Nara Document”, extract from, UNESCO World Heritage Centre,“Proceedings ofNara Conference on Authenticity”, Japan,1994,英文原文:“The elaborate procedures required… to alter the existingstate of a historical building in Japan are in full accordance with Article11of the Venice Charter”。
    387ICOMOS:“Nara Document on Authenticity”,1994,英文原文:Article11:“All judgments about values attributedto heritage,… may differ from culture to culture,… the respect… requires the cultural heritage must be considered andjudged within the cultural contexts to which it belongs.”。
    388World Heritage Centre,“Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of World Heritage Convention”,2005,Clause
    82,,英文原文:“Properties may be understood to meet the conditions of Authenticity if their cultural value are Truthfullyand Faithfully expressed through a variety of attributes including:(1) Form and Design;(2) Materials and Substance;(3) Useand Function;(4) Traditions and techniques;(5) Location and Setting;(6) Language and other Intangible Heritage (7) Spiritand Feeling; and (8) Other internal and external factors”.http://whc.unesco.org/archive/opguide05-en.pdf
    399Fielden, Bernard,“Conservation of Historic Buildings”, Architectural Press (Oxford),1982, p244,英文原文:“Thetreatment of lacunae should reduce neither the artistic wholeness nor the message of the historic site or building or anyelement therein, and must not aim at deception of trained observers. The general principle is that lacunae should seem torecede visually behind the original material, yet be so harmoniously as not to detract but rather add to the whole…. Thegeneral principle is that lacunae should seem to recede visually behind the original material, yet be so harmoniously as not todetract but rather add to the whole.”。
    401ICOMOS:“Venice Charter”,1964,英文原文:Article12,“Replacements of missing parts must integrate harmoniouslywith the whole, but at the same time must be distinguishable from the original so that restoration does not falsify the artisticor historic evidence.”。http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    404Tymchenko, Tetyana,“Conservation/Restoration Education in Ukraine”, Icon-Network, August2010,英文原文:”Aesthetic Reintegration: Completion of paint-losses by neutral tone or with partial/complete reconstruction of colour andform”;http://www.icon-network.org/Conservation-Restoration-Education.html
    405Mora, Paolo,“Conservation of Wall Paintings”1984,英文原文:“The aesthetic of a work of art is characterized bythe unity of the form as a whole. Art, therefore, consists of something greater than the sum of its parts.… Losses in apainting are disturbing because they have a tendency to form a pattern for which the work of art becomes merely a ground,and as such, destroys its integral aesthetic unity. This idea of the integral aesthetic unity of a work of art is paramount andforms the basis on which conservation practices are based”.
    406Nicolaus, Knut,“The Restoration of Paintings”, Konemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne,1999, p260,英文原文:“Aretouching should look slightly cooler and lighter than the adjacent painting, and always be restricted to thedefective area; it should always be easy to remove”。
    407Samet, Wendy Hartman,"The Philosophy of Aesthetic Reintegration: Paintings and Painted Furniture", extracted from“Painted Wood: History and Conservation”, V. Dorge, F.C Howlett, LosAngeles, Getty Conservation Institute,1998, p414,英文原文:“Asystem of vertical lines averaging one centimeter in length; the first lines, which indicate the basic tone of there-touching,… next, the intervals are filled with a different colour, and then again with a third colour, in order to reconstitutethe required tone and modeling by means of the juxtaposition and superposition of colours which are as pure as possible”。
    408ICOMOS,“Principles for the Preservation and Conservation Restoration of Wall Paintings”, also known as“ZimbabwePrinciples”,2003,英文原文:“The aim of restoration is to improve the legibility of form and content of the wall painting,while respecting the original creation and its history. Aesthetic reintegration contributes to minimizing the visibility ofdamage and should primarily be carried out on non-original material. Re-touching and reconstruction should be carried outin a way that is discernible from the original.”,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    409ICOMOS:“Venice Charter”,英文原文:Article11“Replacement of missing parts must integrate harmoniously withthe whole, but at the same time must be distinguishable from the original so that restoration does not fslsify the artistic orhistoric evidence”,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    410Tsang, Ka Po,“The Paradise of Maitreya, A Yuan Dynasty Mural from Shanxi Province”, extract from “Orientations”,vol37, April2006, p60-65。
    412UNESCO, Asia Pacific Cultural Heritage Award2005,英文原文:“Sideng Market Square and Theatre (ShaxiRehabilitation Project), Yunnan Province, China: The project displays a comprehensive conservation approach combiningcareful historical research, systematic methodology, outside technical advisory and endogenous traditional knowledge,particularly relating to local craftsmanship”,http://www.unescobkk.org/culture/wh/asia-pacific-heritage-awards/
    西方建筑虽然以砖石及壁画为主,却并非没有绘于木组件上的彩色图纹的历史文物遗产,其中最著名的是位于加拿大西岸英属哥伦比亚州的图腾木柱Totem Poles,是记录当地原居民用以纪念英雄事迹或标志族群观念的重要文化遗产,其图纹、工艺和布局
    413Todd, Andrew,“Painted Memory, Painted Totem”, extracted from“Painted Wood: History and Conservation”, V. Dorge,F.C Howlett, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute,1998, p406,英文原文:“Native elders,… in some cases,expressed a wish to be able to witness the gradual and natural decline of the wood and paint in their original placement”。
    414Todd, Andrew,“Painted Memory, Painted Totem”, extracted from“Painted Wood: History and Conservation”, V. Dorge,F.C Howlett, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute,1998, p409,英文原文:“These are not just objects for aestheticdelectation but the repositories of ancestral stories and the rights to these stories”。
    421ICOMOS,“Principles for the Preservation of Historic Timber Structures”,1999,英文原文:Article6:“Conservationmay require the complete or partial dismantling and subsequent reassembly in order to allow for the repair of timberstructures”; Article9:‘Replacement timber can be used with due respect to relevant historical and aesthetic values, andwhere it is an appropriate response to the need to replace decayed or damaged members”。
    422Australia ICOMOS,“Burra Charter”,1988/1999,第15.1条,英文原文:Article1.4:“Conservation means all theprocesses of looking after a place so as to retain its cultural significance”,http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html
    423中國國家文物局,《北京文件》,2007年, http://www.sach.gov.cn/tabid/230/InfoID/7020/Default.aspx
    424中國國家文物局,《北京備忘錄》,2008年, http://www.memoryofchina.org/bbs/read.php?tid=29523
    433World Commission on Culture and Development,“Declaration on Cultural Policies”,1982,英文原文:Article23:“The Cultural Heritage of a people includes: the works of its artists, architects, musicians, writers and scientists and alsowork of anonymous artists, expressions of the people’s spirituality, and the body of values which give meaning to life. Itincludes both Tangible and Intangible works through which the creativity of that people finds expression: languages, rites,beliefs, historic places and monuments, literature, works of art, archives and libraries”。
    434UNESCO,“Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore”,http://www.un-documents.net/folklore.htm
    435UNESCO, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,2003,英文原文:Article2:“IntangibleCultural Heritage means practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills, as well as instruments, objects, artifactsand cultural spaces associated therewith, that communities, groups and in some cases individual recognize as part of theircultural heritage.”。
    437UNESCO, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,2003,英文原文:Article13:“Spaces:Protection of Natural Spaces and Places of Memory whose existence is necessary for Expressing the Intangible CulturalHeritage.”。
    438Australia ICOMOS, Burra Charter,1999,英文原文:Article14&24:“Celebrate Associations between people and aplace; Respect Meanings of a place to people; Explore opportunities to interpretate these; Retention of Associations orMeanings may also be conservation.”。
    440UNESCO,“Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore”,1989,http://www.un-documents.net/folklore.htm
    441UNESCO, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage,2003.
    保护那些在表达非物质文化遗产时必须存在的当然空间或富有记忆的地点(《公约》13项)。如前所述,任何非物质文化遗产都是从某特定的社会和实质环境中应运而性,因此不能与其所处的〝文化空间〞, Cultural Space,分割。不论任何传统语言、工艺或习俗,一旦脱离了其自然运作的社群和地点而搬到遥远的博物馆,就丧失了灵魂,
    449Freedman Tilden,“Interpreting Our Heritage”, Chapter Hill, NC, University of Carolina Press,1957,英文原文:“Interpretation is the work of revealing, to such visitors as desire the service, something of the beauty and wonder, theinspiration and spiritual meaning that lie behind what the visitor can with his senses perceive.”。
    450Scottish Interpretation Network,2004,英文原文:“Interpretation is a way of imparting messages to visitors in amemorable way,… Interpretation aims to improve visitors understanding and enjoyment through provoking interest,relating to experience and revealing something new.”,http://www.scotinterpnet.org.uk
    451ICOMOS,“Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites”,“Enames Charter”,英文原文:“Interpretation refers to the full range of potential activities intended to heighten public awareness and enhanceunderstanding of cultural heritage site. These can include print and electronic publications, public lectures, on-site anddirectly related off-site installations, educational programmes, community activities, and ongoing research, training andevaluation of the interpretation process itself.”。
    452ICOMOS,“Charter on the Built Vernacular Heritage”, also known as “Mexico Charter”,1999,英文原文:“Respectthe community’s established cultural identity,… Maintaining and Preserving groups and settlements of a representativecharacter, region by region,….(Protect) not only the physical form and fabric of buildings, structures and… spaces, butthe ways in which they are used and understood, and the traditions and Intangible Associations which attach to them.”
    454Andrea Hauenschild,“Claims and Reality of New Museology”: Case Studies in Canada, the United States and Mexico,英文原文:Traditional Museum: Tasks: Collection, Documentation, Research, Conservation, Display; New Museum: Tasks:Collection, Documentation, Research, Conservation, Mediation, Continuing Education, Evaluation.http://museumstudies.si.edu/claims2000.htm
    455Peabody Essex Museum,“Yin Yu Tang”,1992,http://www.pem.org/sites/yinyutang/
    456ICOMOS:“Nara Document”,1994,英文原文:Article9:“Our ability to understand these values depends, in part,on the degree to which information sources about these values can be understood as Credible or Truthful.”。
    458Jong, Adriaan de,“Early Open-air Museums: Traditions of Museums about Traditions”, extract from, UNESCO,“Museum: Ethnographic and Open-air Museums”, No175, Vol XLIV,http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0009/000929/092980eo.pdf
    459ICOM,“Shanghai Charter”,2002,英文原文:“Recommend that Museum as facilitators of constructive partnershipsin the safeguarding of this heritage of humanity”,http://archives.icom.museum/shanghai_charter.html
    462Monaghan, John,“Social and Cultural Anthropology: A Very Short Introduction”, Oxford University Press,2000, p41,英文原文:“Culture is… made up of Rules of Conduct,…Some of these rules are Residues of Traditions acquired in thedifferent types of social structure through which…each human group has passed. Other rules have been consciouslyAccepted or Modified for the sake of specific goals. Yet…reason itself…is a product rather than a cause of CulturalEvolution.”。
    463Eric Hobsbrawn,“The Invention of Tradition”, Cambridge University Press (UK),1983,p4-5,英文原文:.“We shouldexpect it (the invention of tradition) to occur more frequently when a rapid transformation of society weakens or destroys thesocial pattern for which old traditions had been designed,… or when such old traditions and their institutional carriers andpromulgators no longer prove sufficiently adaptable and flexible, or otherwise eliminated.”,http://museumstudies.si.edu/claims2000.htm
    464Eric Hobsbrawn,“The Invention of Tradition”, Cambridge University Press (UK),1983,p6,英文原文:“Adaptationtook place for old ones in new conditions and using old models for new purposes.… Sometimes new traditions could bereadily grafted on old ones. Sometimes they can be devised by borrowing from the well supplied warehouses of officialrituals, symbolism and moral exhortation–religion and princely pomp, folklores and freemasonry.”,http://museumstudies.si.edu/claims2000.htm
    465UNESCO,“Universal Declaration of Cultural Diversity”,2001, Article7,英文原文:“(Cultural) Creation draws on theroots of Cultural Tradition but flourishes in contact with other cultures. For this reason, heritage in all its forms must bepreserved, enhanced and handed onto future generations as a record of human experience and aspirations, so as to fostercreativity in all its diversity and to inspire genuine dialogue among cultures.”,http://www.unesco.org/culture
    468ICOMOS, Hoi An Declaration, Conservation of Historic Districts in Asia,2003,http://www.international.icomos.org/xian2005/hoi-an-declaration.pdf
    469Guo Huancheng,“Countryside of China”, China International Press,2007, p130-142。
    478Cody, Jeffrey W.,“Building in China”, The Chinese University Press,2001, p.3,英文原文:“AnArchitectural Renaissance in China: Utilization of Modern Public Buildings of the Great Style of the Past”,Murphy,1928,意即《中國的文藝復興建:偉大古代風格於現代公共建築的應用》。
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    (1) ICOMOS S(国际遗产理事会),“Principles for the Preservation and Conservation of WallPaintings,2003,又称Zimbabwe Principles,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    (4) ICOMOS (国际遗产理事会),《国际古迹保护与修复宪章》,International Charter for theConservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites,简称《威尼斯宪章》Venice Charter,1964年,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    (5) Australia ICOMOS (澳州国际古迹遗址理事会),《保护具有文化重要性之地点的宪章》Charterfor the Conservation of Places of Cultural Significance,简称《巴拉宪章》 Burra Charter,始颁布于1981年,现行为1991年版本,http://www.icomos.org/australia/burra.html
    (6) ICOMOS (国际古迹遗址理事会),“Nara Document onAuthenticity”,《关于真实性的奈良文件》,简称《奈良文件》,奈1994,http://www.international.icomos.org/charters
    (7) World Heritage Centre (世遗中心),“Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of WorldHeritage Convention”,2005,http://whc.unesco.org/archive/opguide05-en.pdf
    (10) UNESCO,“Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore”,http://www.un-documents.net/folklore.htm
    (14) Scottish Interpretation Network,2004,http://www.scotinterpnet.org.uk
    (15) Peabody Essex Museum,“Yin Yu Tang”,1992,http://www.pem.org/sites/yinyutang/
    (16) UNESCO,“Museum: Ethnographic and Open-air Museums”, No175, Vol XLIV,http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0009/000929/092980eo.pdf
    (17) ICOM,“Shanghai Charter”,http://archives.icom.museum/shanghai_charter.html
    (18) ICOMOS, HoiAn Declaration, Conservation of Historic Districts inAsia,2003,http://www.international.icomos.org/xian2005/hoi-an-declaration.pdf