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Science development concept requries regions rational division, superiority supplementary, gradient appropriate, harmony development. But now China's eastern, central, western and northeastern four big regions disparity is huge, its development is extremely uncoordinated. The difference of regions huge disparity and regions harmony development is far away. So must actualize Central Region Rising Stratagem, resume regions natural economical gradient, maintain regions normal economic cycle.
     The disquisition dissertates the theory、policy basis and great significance of Central Region Rising Stratagem, compares Anhui's status in Central Region economy, analyses the effect of Anhui development in Central Region Rising. According as Anhui position condition, the disquisition analyses the advantage and restriction factor of Anhui East Development, dissertates the relationship of East Development Stratagem connotation and Central Region Rising Stratagem, advances the composition of industrialization and urbanization in East Development Stratagem, presents the countermeasure and suggestion of East Development Stratagem.
     The disquisition not only has the certain instruction function to the government department decision-making, but also established the firm foundation of the East Development special study.
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