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     1 临床分期与手术病理分期之间存在着较大差异,平均差异率为46.4%(92/198)。其中,Ⅰ期差异率为24.5%(26/106),Ⅱ期差异率为84.6%(62/78),Ⅲ期10例子宫内膜癌患者中4例发生改变,Ⅳ期4例子宫内膜癌患者手术前后无改变。
     2 病理类型:术前诊断为子宫内膜样腺癌者168例,术后9例改变为腺鳞癌,1例改变为腺棘癌,误差率为5.9%;术前诊断为子宫内膜腺鳞癌者15例,术后3例改变为内膜样腺癌,3例改变为腺棘癌,误差率为40.0%;术前诊断为子宫内膜腺棘癌者8例,术后1例改变为腺鳞癌,1例改变为内膜样腺癌;术前诊断为子宫内膜浆液性乳头状腺癌者4例,术后1例改变为内膜样腺癌;术前诊断为子宫内膜透明细胞癌者2例、子宫内膜未分化小细胞癌者1例,术后均未发生改变。
     3 组织学分级:术前为高分化者120例,术后转为中分化者16例(占13.3%),转为低分化者1例(占0.8%);术前为中分化者60例,转为高分化者8例(占13.3%),转为低分化者为9例(占15%);术前为低分化者10例,术后转为中分化者2例;8例术前缺少组织学分级。
     4 淋巴结转移:186例淋巴结切除标本中,17例患者发生盆腔淋巴结转移,转移率为9.1%。其中,临床Ⅰ期98例中有3例发生盆腔淋巴结转移(占3.0%),临
OBJIECTIVE: To compare the differences between clinical (FIGO 1971) and surgical-pathologic (FIGO 1988) staging of endometrial carcinoma and to study the clinical value of clinical and surgical-pathological staging for endometrial carcinoma and to analyzed the prognologic factors of endometrial carcinoma.
    METHODS: Clinical and pathological data of one hundred ninety-eight patients with endometrial carcinoma surgically treated from January 1995 to December 2001 were retrospectively reviewed in Affiliated Hospital Of Medical College Qing Dao Universty. The clinical staging , histologic grading and pathological type of these patients between preoperation and postoperation. The stagings were analyzed with regards to the prognologic factors of endometrial carcinoma.
    RESULTS: The total differences between clinical and surgical-pathologic staging were 46.4% (92/198), of which stage I was 24.5%, stage II 84.6%, stage III 4 of 10 cases, stage IV 0 of 4 cases. The total differences of pathological type between preoperation and postoperation were 9.5% (19/198), of which endometrioid adenocarcinoma was 5.9%, adenosquamous carcinoma 40.0%, adenoacanthoma 2 of 8 cases, papillary serous carcinoma 1 of 4 cases. The total differences of histologic grade were 18.9% (36/190), of which G1 was 14.1%, G2 28.3%, G3 2 of 10 cases. The metastasis rate of pelvic lymph nodes was 9.1% (17/186), in stage I 3.0%, stage II 5.2%. The positive rate of paraaortic lymph nodes was 10% (7/68). Thirty-five patients (17.6%) with extrauterine pelvic metastasis were found, of which stage I was 13.2%, stage II 14.1%. 8.0% with ovarian metastasis, in stage I 10.3%, in stage II 1.3%. The other pelvic metastasis rate were 9.5%, containing extrauterine infiltration, round ligament metastasis and pelvic periton
    eum planting. The postive rate of peritoneal cytological was 8.0%. There were three postive in four appendixs excised and five postive in thirty-two omentum excised. By univariate analysis, stages, depth of myometrial invasions, histologic grade and pathological type were related to the metastasis of pelvic and abdominal cavity and prognosis (P<0.05).
    1 There are differences between clinical (FIGO 1971) and surgical-pathologic(FIGO 1988) staging of endometrial carcinoma, especially stage II. So we should attach importance to stage II in clinical staging.
    2 Clinical stage, depth of myometrial invasion, histologic grade and pathological type were related to the metastasis of pelvic and abdominal cavity and prognosis.
    3 The surgical-pathological staging is more accurate than the clinical staging. The surgical-pathological staging is able to define the real extent of endometrial carcinoma and assess prognosis objectively.
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