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The key question is why some armed groups give up the recruitment and use ofchild soldiers, choose social restraints? The question comes from practical puzzles. Incontemporary civil wars and armed conflicts, children become the attack andrecruitment targets of armed groups. It is a rational and realistic choice for the armedgroups to recruit and use child soldiers. However, more and more armed groupschoose to give up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, keep social restraints.Military strikes, law deterrences and punishments, indirect political pressures andeconomic sanctions have some effects, but these measures could more easily stir upthe revolt and revenge of armed groups, who would recruit more child soldiers.
     The dissertation proposes a theoretical framework in which participative processis the key concept, to analyze the dynamic and process of armed groups’ socialrestraints. Participative process is that actors participate into, sustain and develop thedynamic relationship with social practices and social significances. Social restraintsmean that armed groups with ability and intention to recruit and use child soldiersgive up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, accept international humanitariannorms, and keep self restraints.
     The dissertation hypothesizes that participative process could help persuadearmed groups to learn and accept new norms, give up the recruitment and use of childsoldiers, and keep restraints. Participative process emphasizes engagement, dialogue,negotiation and process. Through norm transmission mechanisms, including monitorand report, institutional design, participative practices of armed grups in internationaland domestic peace process could promote armed groups to learn new norms,generate senses of trust and cooperation, redefine the meanings and interests, thenlead to gradual changes, and keep behavioral restraints. Furthermore, the degree ofarmed groups’ participation would affect the degree of acceptance and obedience.
     The dissertation chooses armed groups in Burundi and Uganda as comparativecases. CNDD-FDD and PALIPEHUTU-FNL are the main armed groups in Burundi.Through participating international and domestic process, they finally give up therecruitment and use of child soldiers, also release child soldiers. So, they are deletedfrom the “blacklist”. The comparative case is Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda.There are no direct engagement and contact between the United Nations and LRA,while UPDF’s military strike declares the failure of Juba Process. Now, LRA stillforcely recruits and uses child soldiers, and commits many crimes, such as killing,maiming and raping children. According to the cases, participative process could helppersuade the armed groups to give up the recruitment and use of child soldiers, choosesocial restraints; the higher participation in the international and domestic dimensions,the more likely to accept norm.
①新战争的特征是:越来越多非国家行为体的参与、战斗呈非传统形式、轻小武器的非法扩散、恐怖主义国际化、袭击目标不区分战斗人员与平民。本文主要研究武装组织与国家政府之间的战争,不考虑恐怖组织等非国家行为与国家政府之间的战争。Edward Newman,“The ‘New Wars’ Debate: A Historical Perspectiveis Needed,” Security Dialogue, Vol.35, No.2,2004, pp.173-189; Mark Duffield, Global Governance and the NewWars: The Merging of Development and Security (London and New York: Zed Books,2001).
    ①P. W. Singer, Children at War (New York: Pantheon Books,2005), p.30.
    ③P. W. Singer, pp.19-21.
    ①P. W. Singer, p.52.
    ②Alcinda Honwana,“Children of War: Understanding War and War Cleansing in Mozambique and Angola,” ed.,Simon Chesterman, Civilians in War (Boulder, CO: Rienner,2001), p.128.
    ③P. W. Singer, p.52.
    ④Alcinda Honwana,“Children of War: Understanding War and War Cleansing in Mozambique and Angola,” ed.,Simon Chesterman, Civilians in War (Boulder, CO: Rienner,2001), p.128.
    ①Neil Boothby, Alison Strang and Michael Wessells, eds., A World Turned Upside Down: Social EcologicalApproaches to Children in War Zones (Kumarian press, Inc.,2006).
    ②Alcinda Honwana, Child Soldiers in Africa (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,2006), pp.104-134.
    ③Michael G. Wessells, Children Soldiers: From Violence to Protection (Harvard University Press,2006), pp.233-257.
    ①斯蒂芬·范埃弗拉:《政治学研究方法指南》(陈琪译),北京大学出版社,2006年版,第25-26页;AlexanderL. George and Andrew Bennett, Cases Studies and Theory Development in the Social Science (MITPress,2005),p.6.
    ②Harry Eckstein,“Case Studies in Political Science,” Handbook of Political Science, Vol.7, eds., Fred Greensteinand Nelson Polsby (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley,1975), p.118.
    ④P. W. Singer, p.40.
    ①Rachel Brett, Margaret McCallin, and Quaker United Nations Office, eds., Children: The Invisible Soldiers(Geneva: Radda Barnen, Swedish Save the Children,1996), p.53.
    ②J. Boyden and J. de Berry, eds., Children and Youth on the Frontline: Ethnography, Armed Conflict andDisplacement, Studies in Forced Migration14(New York: Berghahn Books,2004).
    ③Michael G. Wessells, pp.18-23;《儿童与武装冲突:秘书长特别代表的报告》(A/66/256),第9-10页。
    ⑦P. W. Singer, pp.46-47.
    ①Robert Neild,“Expose the Unsavory Business Behind Cruel Wars,” International Herald Tribune,17February2000.
    ②P. W. Singer, pp.94-115.
    ③Peter H. Eichstaedt, First Kill Your Family: Child Soldiers of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army (Chicago:Lawrence Hill Books,2009), p.5.
    ①Peter H. Eichstaedt, pp.5-6.
    ②David M. Rosen,Armies of the Young: Child Soldiers in War and Terrorism (New Brunswick, New Jersey, andLondon: Rutgers University Press,2005), p.14.
    ③M. G. Wessells, and C. Monteiro,“Psychosocial Interventions and Post-War Reconstruction in Angola,” Peace,Conflict, and Violence, eds. D. Christie, R. V. Wagner, and D. Winter (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,2001), pp.262-275.
    ④Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler,“Greed and Grievance in Civil War,” Oxford Economic Papers, Vol.56, No.4,2004, pp.563-596.
    ①Mark Duffield,“Africa’s Military Time Bomb,” Johannesburg Financial Mail, December11,1998.
    ③Lotta Harbom and Peter Wallensteen,“Armed Conflicts,1946-2008,” Journal of Peace Research, Vol.46, No.4,July,2009, p.578.
    ②Olara Otunnu,“Innocent Victims: Protecting Children in Times of Armed Conflict,” United Nations2000(London: Agenda Publishing,2000), p.1.
    ③Myriam S. Denov, Child Soldiers: Sierra Leone’s Rebolutionary United Front (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press,2010), pp.24-25.
    ④Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, Global Report (London: CoalitiontoStoptheUseofChildSoldiers,2008).
    ①K. Troyer,“The Mental Health Needs of Child Soldiers in Uganda: a Case Study of Structural Violence,” TheApplied Anthropologist, Vol.25, No.2,2005, pp.135-146.
    ②P. W. Singer, p.55.
    ③“To Child Soldies,14, War Was ‘Shoot or be Killed’,” Reuters,12June2001.
    ④John Otis,“Rebel Held: Child Soldiers,” Houston Chronicle,3August2001.
    ⑤“Child Soldiers,” Radio Netherlands,21January2000, http://www.rnw.nl/humanrights/index.html.(上网时间:2010年12月3日)
    ③Y. Keairns, The Voice of Girl Child Soldiers: Philippines, New York: Quaker United Nations Office,2003.
    ⑤International Labor Office, Wounded Childhood: the Use of Children in Armed Conflict in Central Africa(Geneva,2003), p.26.
    ⑥Rachel Brett, Margaret McCallin, and Quaker United Nations Office, p.88.
    ⑦J. Schafer,“The Use of Patriarchal Imagery in the Civil War in Mozambique and its Implication for theReintegration of Child Soldiers,” eds. J. Boyden and J. de Berry, Children and Youth on the Front Line (New York:Berghahn,2005), pp.87-104.
    ①Michael G. Wessells, pp.58-71; P. W. Singer, pp.70-93.
    ②Michael G. Wessells, pp.58-71; P. W. Singer, pp.58-59.
    ①P. W. Singer, pp.127-129.
    ②Rachel Brett, Margaret McCallin, and Quaker United Nations Office, p.53.
    ③Michael G. Wessells, pp.35-36.
    ④Rachel Brett, Margaret McCallin, and Quaker United Nations Office, p.31.
    ⑥I. Cohn and G. Goodwin-Gill, Children Soldiers: the Role of Children in Armed Conflicts (New York: OxfordClarendon Press/Henry Dunant Institution,1994); International Labour Office,“Democratic Republic of theCongo Survey”, Wounded Childhood: the Use of Children in Armed Conflict in Central Africa (Geneva,2003),p.39.
    ⑦V. Stavrou, Breaking the Silence (Luanda: Christian Children’s Fund,2005).
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    ①David Sobek and Caroline L. Payne, pp.227-228.
    ②David Keen,“Incentives and Disincentives for Violence,” Greed and Grievance: Economic Agenda in CivilWars, eds. Mats Berdal and David M. Malone (London: Lynne Reinner Publishers,2000), pp.27-31.
    ③P. W. Singer, p.51.
    ④UNICEF, Children Affected by Armed Conflict: UNICEF Actions (New York,2002), p.3.
    ⑤P. W. Singer, p.52.
    ①Alcinda Honwana,“Children of War: Understanding War and War Cleansing in Mozambique and Angola,”Civilians in War, ed. Simon Chesterman (Boulder, CO: Rienner,2001), p.128.
    ②Human Rights Watch, Living in Fear,(New York,2004).
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    ④Tim. Allen, Trial Justice: the International Criminal Court and the Lord's Resistance Army (New York: PalgraveMacmillan,2006); Tim Allen, War and Justice in Northern Uganda (London: London School of Economics,2005);P. Pham, P. Vinck, M. Wierda, E. Stover, and A. di Giovanni, Forgotten Voices (Berkeley, CA: International Centerfor Transitional Justice and Human Rights Center,2005); Refugee Law Project, Whose Justice? Working Paper No.15(Kampala,2005).
    ②Idean Salehyan, Rebels without Borders: Transnational Insurgencies in World Politics (Ithaca, N. Y.: CornellUniversity Press,2009).
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    ④Idean Salehyan, Kristian Skrde Gleditsch and David E. Cunnigham, pp.715-717.
    ⑥P ivi Lujala,“The Spoils of Nature: Armed Conflict and Rebel Access to Natural Resources,” Journal of PeaceResearch, Vol.47, No.1,2010, pp.15-28.
    ①Virginia Haufler,“Corporations in Zones of Conflict: Issues, Actors, and Institutions,” Who Governs the Globe?eds. Deborah D. Avant, Martha Finnemore, and Susan K. Sell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2010), pp.
    ②Indra de Soysa,“The Resource Curse: are Civil War Driven by Rapacity or Paucity?” Greed and Grievance:Economic Agenda in Civil Wars, eds. Mats Berdal and David M. Malone (London: Lynne Reinner Publishers,2000), p.126.
    ③P. W. Singer, p.184.
    ①Michael G. Wessells, pp.179-180.
    ②Alcinda Honwana, pp.104-134.
    ③Michael G. Wessells, pp.233-257.
    ①R. M. Garfield, and A. L. Neugut,“The Human Consequences of War,” War and Public Health, eds. B. S. Levyand V. W. Sidel (New York: Oxford University Press,1997), pp.27-38.
    ②D. Smith, The Atlas of War and Peace (London: Earthscan,2003).
    ④Chris Coulter, Bush Wives and Girl Soldiers: Women's Lives through War and Peace in Sierra Leone (Cornell:Cornell University Press,2009); Mary Jane Fox,“Girl Soldiers: Human Security and Gendered Insecurity,”Security Dialogue, December2004, Vol.35, No.4, pp.465-479; Yvonne E. Keairns, The Voices of Girl ChildSoldiers (Quaker UN Office, October2002); The Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, Sexual Exploitationof Child Soldiers: an Exploration and Analysis of Global Dimensions and Trends (London,2001).
    ②Rachel Brett and Margaret McCallin, p.52.
    ③Alcinda Honwana, pp.135-164.
    ③Y. Kemper, Youth in War to Peace Transitions (Berlin: BerghofResearchCenterforConstructiveManagement,2005).
    ④J. Boyden, and D. Levinson,“Children as Economic and Social Actors in the Development Process,” WorkingPaper1(Stockholm: Expert Group on Developmental Issues,2000), p.28.
    ①Myriam S. Denov, pp.2-3.
    ①David Keen,“Incentives and Disincentives for Violence,” p.20.
    ①Alastair Iain Johnston,“Treating International Institutions as Social Environments,” International StudiesQuarterly, Vol.45,2001, pp.494-95.
    ③Finnemore and Sikkink,“International Norm Dynamics and Political Change,” Exploration and Contestation inthe Study of World Politics, eds. Peter J. Katzenstein, Robert O. Keohane, and Stephen D. Krasner (Massachusetts:The MIT Press,1998), p.262.
    ③Jeffrey Checkle,“International Institutions and Socialization in Europe: Introduction and Framework,”International Organization, Vol.59, No.4,2005, pp.801-826.
    ④Alexandra Gheciu,“Security Institutions as Agents of Socialization? NATO and the ‘New Europe’,”International Organization, Vol.59, No.4,2005, pp.973-1012.
    ⑥Margaret Keck Sikkink, Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics (Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press,1998); Richard Price,“Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society TargetsLand Mines,” International Organization, Vol.52, No.3,1998, pp.613-644.
    ③Jeffrey Checkle,“International Institutions and Socialization in Europe: Introduction and Framework,”pp.801-822.
    ④Richard Price,“Reversing the Gun Sights: Transnational Civil Society Targets Land Mines,” InternationalOrganization, Vol.52, No.3,1998, pp.613-644.
    ⑤Maria Rost Rublee, Nonproliferation norms: Why States Choose Nuclear Restraint?(Athens&London: TheUniversity of Georgia Press,2009), pp.44-49.
    ①Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink, Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics(Cornell University Press,1998), pp.203-206.
    ②Emilie M. Hafner-Burton,“Sticks and Stones: Naming and Shaming the Human Rights Enforcement Problem,”International Organization, Vol.62, No.4,2008, pp.690-693.
    ③Emilie M. Hafner-Burton,“Sticks and Stones: Naming and Shaming the Human Rights Enforcement Problem,”International Organization, Vol.62, No.4,2008, pp.706.
    ⑤Peter Katzenstein,“International Relations and Domestic Structures: Foreign Economics Policies of AdvancedIndustrial States,” International Organization, Vol.30, No.1, Winter1976, pp.1-45; Peter Katzenstein, ed.,Between Power and Plenty: Foreign Economic Policies of Advanced Industrial States (University of WisconsinPress,1978).
    ②Andrew P. Cortell and James W. Davis,“Understanding the Domestic Impact of International Norms: AResearch Agenda,” International Studies Review, Vol.2, No.1,2000, p.77.
    ④Amitav Acharya,“How Ideas Spread: Whose Norms Matter? Norm Localization and Institutional Change inAsia Regionalism,” International Organization, Vol.58, No.2,2004, pp.239-275.
    ⑤Liesbet Hooghe,“Several Roads to International Norms, but Few via International Socialization: A Case of theEuropean Commission,” International Organization, Vol.59, No.4,2005, pp.861-898.
    ①Markus Kornprobst,“Argumentation and Compromise: Ireland’s Selection of the Territorial Status Quo Norm,”International Organization, Vol.61, No.1,2007, pp.69-98.
    ②Ryder Mckeowm,“Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm,” InternationalRelations, vol.23, No.1,2009, pp.5-25.
    ③Ryder Mckeowm,“Norm Regress: US Revisionism and the Slow Death of the Torture Norm”, pp.10-12.
    ②Alexandra Gheciu,“Security Institutions as Agents of Socialization? NATO and the ‘New Europe’,” pp.994-997.
    ③P. W. Singer, p.53.
    ②Neil J. Mitchell, Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War (NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan,2004); Christopher Cramer, Civil War is not a Stupid Thing: Accounting for Violence inDeveloping Countries (London: Hurst&Company,2006).
    ③Nicholas J. Wheeler, Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Interventional Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2000), p.1.
    ④John Stremlau,“Ending Africa’s Wars,” Foreign Affairs, July/August,2000, p.117.
    ②Theodor Meron, Human Rights in Internal Strife: Their International Protection (Grotius, Cambridge,1987), p.39.
    ③Emmanuel Roucounas,“Non-State Actors: Areas of International Responsibility in Need of FurtherExploration,” International Responsibility Today: Essays in Memory of Oscar Schachter, ed. Maurizio Ragazzi(Marshall Cavendish Corporation,2005), pp.391-404, esp. p.397; Liesbeth Zegveld, Accountability of ArmedOpposition Groups in International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002), pp.49-51; LyndsayMoir, The Law of Internal Armed Conflict (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002); Pieter H. Kooijmans,“The Security Council and Non-State Entities as Parties to Conflicts,” International Law: Theory and Practice, ed.Karel Wellens (Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,1998), pp.333-346; Theodor Meron, Human Rights and HumanitarianNorms as Customary Law (Clarendon, Oxford,1989); Theodor Meron, Human Rights in Internal Strife: TheirInternational Protection (Grotius, Cambridge,1987); Yves C. Sandoz, Christophe Swinarski and BrunoZimmerman, eds., Commentary on the Additional Protocols of8June1977to the Geneva Conventions of12August1949(Geneva/Dordrecht: ICRC/Nijhoff,1987).
    ①Michael J. Smith,“Humanitarian Intervention: An Overview of the Ethical Issues,” Ethics&InternationalAffairs: A Reader, ed. Joel H. Rosenthal (Washington: Georgetown University Press,1999)2ndEdition, p.289.
    ①James D. D. Smith, Stopping Wars: Defining the Obstacles to Cease-fire (Boulder: Westview Press,1995), p.266.
    ②Paul R. Pillar, Negotiating Peace: War Termination as a Bargaining Process (Princeton: Princeton UniversityPress,1983), p.24.
    ③有关国内武装冲突和平解决的可能性与现实性的研究分析与文献梳理,参见:胡文秀:《论冷战后国内武装冲突和平解决的影响因素》,中国社会科学院研究生院博士学位论文,2011年,第28页;Peter Wallensteen,Understanding Conflict Resolution: War, Peace and the Global System (London: Sage Publication Ltd.,2007)2ndEdition, p.28.
    ①David Keen,“Incentives and Disincentives for Violence,” p.39.
    ①本文主要研究是布隆迪1993年内战,有关1965年、1972年、1988年内战的资料参见:于红,吴增田:《卢旺达、布隆迪》,北京·社会科学文献出版社,2011年版;Benjamin Mokoena, The Political Economy ofBurundi: a History of Conflict and Peace (Verlag: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing,2010); Jean-Pierre Chrétien,“The Rrcurrence of Violence in Burundi: Memories of the ‘Catastrophe’ of1972,” The Recurring Great LakesCrisis: Identity, Violence and Power, eds. Jean-Pierre Chrétien and Richard Banégas (London: Hurst&CompanyLtd.,2008), pp.26-60; Patricia O. Daley,Gender&Genocide in Burundi: the Search for Spaces of Peace in theGreat Lakes (Oxford: James Currey,2008), pp.61-78; René Lemarchand,“Burundi at a Crossroads,” SecurityDynamics in Africa’s Great Lakes Region, ed. Gilbert M. Khadiagala (Boulder&London: Lynne RiennerPublishers,2006), pp.41-58.
    ①Filip Reyntjens,“The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: the June1993Elections in Burundi,” the Journal ofModern African Studies, Vol.31, No.4,1993, p.564.
    ③K. A. Bentley and R. Southall, An African Peace Process: Mandela, South Africa and Burundi (Cape Town:Human Sciences Research Council,2005), p.46; J. P. Chrétien, p.208; Filip Reyntjens,“Burundi: Breaking theCycle of Violence,” Minority Rights Group International, London,1995, p.12; Filip Reyntjens,“Burundi:Prospects for Peace,” Minority Rights Group International,2000, p.12,www.minorityrights.org/admin/Downlad/Pdf/BURUNDI12.PDF.(上网时间:2011年8月10日)
    ①Filip Reyntjens, p.13.
    ①Patricia O. Daley, p.85.
    ②J. S. Oketch and T. Polzer,“Conflict and Coffee in Burundi,” Scarcity and Surfeit: the Ecology of Africa’sConflicts, eds. J. Lind and K. Sturman (Pretoria: Institute for Security Studiers,2002), p.101; K. A. Bentley and R.Southall, p.56.
    ③L. Wohgelmuth,“NGO’s and Conflict Prevention in Burundi,” the Collaborative for Development Action,Reflecting on Peace Practice Project (RPP) Case Study,2000, p.4,www.cdainc.com/rpp/pubications/casestudies/Case14Burundi.pdf; R. P. Herisse,“Development on a Theatre:Democary, Governmence and the Political Conflict in Burundi,” Peace, Conflict and Development, Vol.1, No.1,June2002, pp.3-4, www.peacestudiesjournal.org.uk/docs/Burundi.pdf.(上网时间:2011年6月20日)
    ①R. Cornwell and H. De Beer,“Africa Watch Burundi: the Politics of Intolerance,” African Security Review, Vol.8, No.6,1999, p.84; Filip Reyntjens, p.5.
    ②Janvier D. Nkurunziza and F. Ngaruko,“Why has Burundi Grown so Slowly?” Weatherhead Centre forInternational Affairs (Harvard University,2005), p.1,www.wcfia.havard.edu/conferences/batesafrica/PapersPDF/Nkurunziza.pdf.(上网时间:2011年7月20日)
    ③René Lemarchand,“Ethnicity as Myth: the View from Central Africa,” Centre of African Studies, OccasionalPaper (University of Copenhagen,1999), p.10, www.teol.ku.dk/cas.(上网时间:2011年7月20日)
    ④Filip Reyntjens, p.5.
    ⑤René Lemarchand,“The Crisis in the Great Lakes,” Africa in World Politics: the African State Symtem in Flux,eds. J. W. Harbeson and D. Rothchild (Boulder: Westview Press,2000)3rdEdition, p.326.
    ⑥René Lemarchand,“Exclusion, Marginalisation and Political Mobilisation: the Road to Hell in the GreatLakes,” Centre of African Studies, Occasional Paper (University of Copenhagen,2000), pp.5-6,www.teol.ku.dk/cas.(上网时间:2011年12月5日)
    ⑦J. S. Oketch and T. Polzer, p.106.
    ①Benjamin Mokoena, pp.43-44.
    ②International Crisis Group,“Burundi’s Peace Process: the Road from Arusha,” African Briefing N°2(Nairobi/Brussels: ICG),20July1998, p.19, www.上网时间:2011年8月3日)
    ③International Crisis Group,“A Framework for Responsible Aid to Burundi,” African Briefing N°57(Nairobi/Brussels: ICG),21February,2003, p.4,www.crisisweb.org/library/documents/report_archievel/A400901_21022003.pdf.(上网时间:2011年8月3日)
    ④J. Van Eck,“Burundi Report: Relative Success of Transitional Government Essential for the Next Phase of theBurundi Peace Process,” Centre for International Political Studies, No.2,2001, p.8,www.nilebasin.com/documents/burundireport.html.(上网时间:2011年8月3日)
    ⑤P. Uvin,“Ethnicity and Power in Burundi and Rwanda: Different Paths to Mass Violence,” Comparative Politics,Vol.31, Issue.3, April,1999, p.262.
    ⑥Alexandre Hatungimana,“Political Crisis and Social Reconfigurations: the ‘Disaster Victims’ in Burundi,” TheRecurring Great Lakes Crisis: Identity, Violence and Power, eds. Jean-Pierre Chrétien and Richard Banégas(London: Hurst&Company Ltd.,2008), p.136.
    ①Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers, Global Report on Child Soldiers,2001, p.94,http://www.child-soldiers.org/library/global-reports?root_id=159&directory_id=165.(上网时间:2011年6月2日)
    ②Ibid., p.91.
    ③Amnesty International, Burundi: Targeting Students, Teachers and Clerics in the Fight for Supremacy (London:Amnesty International, September1995), p.2, web.amnesty.org.(上网时间:2011年6月2日)
    ⑤Alexandre Hatungimana,“Political Crisis and Social Reconfigurations: the ‘Disaster Victims’ in Burundi,” TheRecurring Great Lakes Crisis: Identity, Violence and Power, eds. Jean-Pierre Chrétien and Richard Banégas(London: Hurst&Company Ltd.,2008), p.162.
    ①International Crisis Group,“Burundi: Neither War Nor Peace,” Africa Report N°25(Nairobi/Brussels: ICG),1December2000, p.7,www.crisisweb.org/library/documents/report_archieve/A40026_01122000.pdf(上网时间:2012年8月13日);P. Uvin, p.262; J. P. Chrétien,“Burundi: the Obsession with Genocide,” Current History, May,1996, p.210.
    ②Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: the CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” Forum on ArmedGroups and the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers(Switzerland: Chateau de Bossey),4to7July2006, p.3.
    ③Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: the CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” p.4.
    ④追随者的数量不固定,随着保卫民主力量的财力和资源的变化而浮动。Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: theCNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” p.4.
    ⑤Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: the CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” p.4.
    ①Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: the CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” p.4.
    ②Amnesty International, Burundi: Child soldiers-the challenge of demobilization (AI Index: AFR16/011/2004),24March2004.
    ②Alison Dilworth,“Burundi: the CNDD-FDD (Nkurunziza) and the Use of Child Soldiers,” p.5.
    ③Human Rights Watch, Burundi: Neglecting Justice in Making Peace,23March2000.
    ②International Crisis Group,“The Burundi Rebellion and the Ceasefire Negotiations”, p.5.
    ②1996年5月到6月,皮埃卡布约亚在美国。Filip Reyntjens, pp.15-16; L. Ndikumana,“Towards a Solutionto Violence in Burundi: a Case for Political and Economic Liberalization,” the Journal of Modern African Studies,Vol.38, No.3,2000, p.457.
    ③Patricia O. Daley, Gender&Genocide in Burundi: the Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region(Oxford: James Currey,2008), p.87.
    ①International Crisis Group,“Burundi’s Peace Process: the Road from Arusha”, p.2; Patricia O. Daley, p.212.
    ②Patricia O. Daley, p.202.
    ①Benjamin Mokoena, p.96.
    ②Patricia O. Daley, p.214.
    ③International Crisis Group,“Burundi: Neither War Nor Peace”, pp.2-3.
    ④Filip Reyntjens,“Again at the Crossroads-Rwanda and Burundi,2000-2001,” the Nordic Africa Institute,Current Africa, Issue No.24,2001, p.18, www.上网时间:2010年11月2日)
    ①J. Van Eck, p.2; N. Alusala,“Disarmament and the Transition in Burundi: How Soon?” Institute for SecurityStudies, Occasional Paper97, January2005, p.1, www.iss.co.za/pubs/papers/97/Paper97.htm.(上网时间:2010年11月3日)
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    ①C. King,“Ending Civil Wars,” International Institute for Strategic Studies, Adelphi Paper308(New York:Oxford University Press,1997), pp.40-42.
    ③Patricia O. Daley, pp.223-224.
    ①Human Rights Watch, A Long Way from Home: FNL Child Soldiers in Burundi, June2006, No.3, p.4.
    ②Human Rights Watch, A Long Way from Home: FNL Child Soldiers in Burundi, pp.4-5.
    ④Human Rights Watch, A Long Way from Home: FNL Child Soldiers in Burundi, pp.6-7.
    ②Adam Branch,“Exploring the Roots of LRA Violence: Political Crisis and Ethnic Politics in Acholiland,” TheLord’s Resistance Army: Myth and Reality, eds. Tim Allen and Koen Vlassenroot (London&New York: ZedBooks,2010), pp.25-27.
    ②Kristof Titeca,“The Spiritual Order of the LRA”, in Tim Allen and Koen Vlassenroot, eds., The Lord’sResistance Army: Myth and Reality, London&New York: Zed Books,2010, pp.59-73.
    ③Anthony Vinci,“Beyond Terror and Insurgency: the LRA’s Dirty War in Northern Uganda”, Warrior’sDishonour: Barbarity, Morality and Torture in Modern Warfare, ed., Georger Kassimeris (Hampshire&Burlington: Ashgete,2006), pp.87-98; Anthony Vinci, Armed Groups and the Balance of Power: the InternationalRelations of Terrorists, Warlords and Insurgents, pp.90-92,152.
    ①Sandrine Perrot,“Northern Uganda: a ‘Forgotten Conflict’ Again? The Impact of the Internationalization of theResolution Process,” The Lord’s Resistance Army: Myth and Reality, eds. Tim Allen and Koen Vlassenroot(London&New York: Zed Books),2010, p.191.
    ④Sandrine Perrot,“Northern Uganda: a ‘Forgotten Conflict’ Again? The Impact of the Internationalization of theResolution Process,” pp.188-191.
    ②Lamwaka,“The Peace Progress in Northern Uganda,1986-1990,” Protracted Conflict, Elusive Peace:Initiatives to End the War in Northern Uganda, ed. L. Okello (London: Conciliation Resources in Collaborationwith Kacoke Madit,2002), p.31.
    ③Heike Behren, Alice Lakwena and the Holy Spirits: War in Northern Uganda1986-1997(Oxford, Kampala,Nairobi and Athens: James Currey/Fountain Publishers/EAEP/Ohio University Press,1999), pp.173-174.
    ①Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” The Lord’s Resistance Army:Myth and Reality, eds. Tim Allen and Koen Vlassenroot (London&New York: Zed Books,2010), p.205.
    ②R. Doom and K. Vlassenroot,“Kony’s Message: A New Koine? The Lord’s Resistance Army in NorthernUganda,” African Affairs, Vol.98, No.390,1999, pp.5-37.
    ②Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” p.310.
    ①T. Allen and J. Seaton,“Introduction,” The Media of Conflict: War Reporting and Representations of EthnicViolence, eds. T. Allen and J. Seaton (London and New York: Zed Books,1999), p.3.
    ②“Only One Solution to ADF War,” New Vision,23January2000; Prunier,“Rebel Movements and Proxy Warfare:Uganda, Sudan and the Congo1986-1999,” African Affairs,2004, p.359.
    ②Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” pp.210-211.
    ③Ibid., p.210.
    ①Sandrine Perrot,“Northern Uganda: a ‘Forgotten Conflict’ Again? The Impact of the Internationalization of theResolution Process,” p.196.
    ②“Museveni Rules Out Talks with LRA,” New Vision,4May2006.
    ③南苏丹独立后,里克·马沙尔(Riek Machar)成为副总统。
    ④Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” p.212-213.
    ⑤Ibid., p.213.
    ①“Government will not Talk to Kony,” New Vision,14June2006;“Museveni Wants to Hunt LRA in Congo,”New Vision,19June2006.
    ②有关非政府组织为推动朱巴会谈而开展工作,参见:Simon Simonse, Willemijn Verkoren and Gerd Junne,“NGO Involvement in the Juba Peace Talks: the Role and Dilemmas of IKV Pax Christi,” The Lord’s ResistanceArmy: Myth and Reality, eds. Tim Allen and Koen Vlassenroot (London&New York: Zed Books,2010), pp.223-241.
    ③“Rugnda Heads to Juba,” New Vision,28June2006;“President now Sends Team to Juba,” Monitor,29June2006.
    ④“LRA Talks Begin in Juba,” New Vision,15July2006; Sverker Finnstr m and Ronald R. Atkinson,“Uganda’sMoment for Peace,” International Herald Tribune,10August2006.
    ②“Al-Bashir Wants Uganda Rebels out of Sudan,” Sudan Tribune,11January2007.
    ③Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” p.215.
    ①“LRA Refuse to Renew Ceasefire Agreement,” Monitor,23February2007.
    ①“Govt., LRA Sign Second Agreement,” Monitor,3May2007;“Govt., LRA Rebels Sign New Pact,” SundayVision,6May2007.
    ①Ronald R. Atkinson,“‘The Realists in Juba’? An Analysis of the Juba Peace Talks,” p.220.
    ①Chris Dolan, Social Torture: the Case of Northern Uganda1986-2006(New York&Oxford: Berghahn Books,2009), pp.86-106.
    ②Sandrine Perrot,“Northern Uganda: a ‘Forgotten Conflict’ Again? The Impact of the Internationalization of theResolution Process,” p.200.
    ④International Crisis Group,“Northern Uganda: The Road to Peace, with or without Kony”, Africa Report N°146(Nairobi/Brussels: ICG),10December2008, pp. i-ii,
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