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The ability to detect micro expressions is an important skill for understanding a person’strue emotional state, however, these quick expressions are often difficult to detect. Theability of "Reading" others to average people is an advantage, but for special fieldpersonnel, such as clinical workers and security workers, identify the expression will helpthem find the possible potential risk. The United States national security departments, thedefense department and the department of health has been used on the platform based onthe network of micro expression, which previously published training questions includingchoose the best training methods, the presents way, motivation factors and training lagged.Itis important to test these factors lead to the effects of training deterioration, which may helpresearchers to identify the determined most effective training method. METT is a ideal toolof test these differences. The mostly current studies are in the use of the expression trainingtools to enhance understanding ability, at the same time,there are a some study in analysisthe skills of the related potential factors. Many training tools have been confirmed that theeffect of recognition of facial expression ability . But because of the use of materials andthe stimulation of the intervention way are in different, it is unknow not yet which methodhas obvious increase and lasting effects. This is the first study to examine the effects ofboundary factors such as training format, exposure, motivation, and reinforcement on thedetection of micro expressions of emotion. A 3 (training type) by 3 (rein-forcement) fixedfactor design with three control groups was conducted, in which 306 participants weretrained and evaluated immediately after exposure and at 3 and 6 weeks post-training.Training improved the recognition of micro expressions and the greatest success was foundwhen a knowledgeable instructor facilitated the training and employed diverse trainingtechniques such as description, practice and feedback. In this study, a might be repeatedpresentation of the effects have been found, the untrained participants without training found that theability have been improved. Practice ascension their performance, this suggests that an extra timetraining will be beneficial. This research mainly divided into six big section, including the introduction,the literature review and questions, research hypotheses, research design, the result analysis, discussion and conclusions. Study suggests that future research shoud focuses on the main factors and trainingcontent try better combination for research, and effectively combined the ability to recognize andcomputer programming, to build more perfect tools and test of recognition for expression ability,Recommendations are offered for future training of micro expressions, which can be usedin security, health, business, and intercultural contexts.
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