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China is one of the countries with most serious soil erosion in the world, the results according to the result of the third inventory of the soil erosion using remote sensing, there is 3650 thousand km2 land suffering soil erosion in China, is taking about 37% of the total land. The government has paid a great attention to this issue, arranging a series of projects and large amounts of funds for soil erosion control, and gained a lot of achievements in soil and water conservation (SWC). The work of SWC has brought into social、ecological and economic benefits. The research evolution on benefit of SWC has brought great public concern in recent years. The analysis of the relationship between investment of SWC and rural social and economic development is an important issue in SWC, and it has an important effect for the experiences of SWC in the early stage and the SWC decision making for the government.
     This paper has analysed investments of government and farmers in the past 20 years for soil and water conservation (SWC), and the impacts on rural land use structure and wiping out poverty, according to the data of statistics and survey. The main results are as follows:
     1 Designed and built a database for the evaluation of investment of SWC in all China, including the data of 31 provinces, cities and .autonomies for 20 years
     Conforming to the requirement and profession standard of SWC benefit evaluation, this database directed mainly at the sources and uses of investment of SWC by counting and investigating, provided the a lot of accurate data for analysis and computational of benefits on investment of SWC, and provided a scientific basis of data for the government and society who can understand the local soil and water loss、situation of prevention and relationship between investment of SWC and rural economic development.(The data mainly included soil erosion、investment、measure and agricultural social economy of 31 provinces for 20 years)
     2 Analyzed the change characteristic of the source of SWC investment on time and distribution in China
     The results showed that the northwest、southwest、north China are the key regions of SWC. The investment of government and farmer is on the rise from 1988-2005, and the investment of government becomes the chief investment from the secondary investment, the investment of SWC by government is 32.15 billion, this reflects the government attached the importance to the water and soil loss.
     3 Summed up the change characteristic of the use and content of SWC investment on time and distribution in China
     The investment of SWC is mainly used for the measures which can change ecology, terrace and forest, with the increase of the degree of treatment, it will increase the productivity of land, improve the environment and optimize land use structure, the economic fruit forests are also increasing. From 1988-2005 the change in the area of SWC measures is from focusing on the arbor forest、spinney、terrace in early stage into arbor forest、economic fruit forest、grass、spinney in recent years. From 1988-2005, the proportion of economic fruit forest from 9.6% increased to 17.8%. The proportion of grass from 11.4% increased to 12.3%. The change of the measures of SWC brings the economic benefit on SWC, and improves the ecological environment.
     4 Analyzed the benefits of SWC investment in typical regions and its effect on regional rural economy
     Based on the investigation data, this paper analyses the sources and uses of investment for soil and water conservation (SWC) in southwest and northwest regions, and the impacts on rural land usel structure and wiping out poverty are analyzed. The results showed: The change of the use and content of SWC investment area promoted the change of structure of agriculture land use, which is changed from focusing on the grain in early stage into grain、economic fruit forest、grass and tea. And the measures of SWC promoted the local economic development, from 1986 to 2005 in northwest region, the added agricultural value are on the rise, from 2.3 billion in the stage of 1986-1990 improved to 27.1 billion in the stage of 2001-2005, the cumulative added agricultural value are 70.8 billion, and the net income per peasant are increased by 346.4 yuan in 1986 to 2240.6 yuan in 2005. From 1988 to 2005 in southwest area, the added agricultural value are increased from 7.27 billion in the stage of 1988-1993 to 26.79 billion in the stage of 2000-2005, increased by 268.8%, and the net income per peasant are increased by 412.2 yuan in 1988 to 2321.8 yuan in 2005. The measures of SWC not only improve the ecological environment, but also promote the local economic development, increase the income of farmers.
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