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With the development of rural economy and the improvement in farmers' living standard, great changes have taken place in energy consumption in rural areas, although straws and branches consist of majority energy consumption for non-production purpose in rural areas, conventional energy consumption see the increasing trend. The amount of energy consumption ranges from 52kgce per capita in 1980 to 248kgce per capita in 2005, which is increased by 3.7 times, which means it has been the important part to influence national energy system. Utilizing renewable energy, combined with the factual resources in different areas, is a useful way to put this condition in control.
     SDBF technology is one of renewable energy utilizing technologies, by which combustion efficiency increases from 10%-15% to 30%-40%, relaxed density comes to 0.7-1.2 g/cm~3, then it is easy for transportation and storage. Taking thermal value into consideration, 1t SDBG equals 0.67t coal, but in practice in Jianfsu Province, the number comes to 0.85. Also, compared with coal combustion, its CO_2 emission is reduced by 90%, that of SO_2 is 10%, so environmental benefit is outstanding. All in all SDBF is good substitute of coal.
     The industrialization of SDBF is a great promotion to corresponding industries, such as, transportation, equipment-repairing , machinery-making and so on, which will accelerate the development of local economy, hence many positions for farmers are accessible, which do contribute to the stability of rural areas and socialist new county construction. Furthermore, for its outstanding environmental benefit, SDBF is of great importance in the relief of energy shortage and adjustment of energy structure.
     SDBF is at the very beginning of popularization, most of studies are focused on technologies, combustion characteristics and theories, that of feasiblity and adaptability of popularization in rural areas are relatively rare, many factors deter the course of industrialization, which tarnish comprehensive benefit of SDBF. Popularization mechanism of SDBF in rural areas will make up shortcoming in this aspect, which does good to the industrialization of SDBF .
     Based on supply-demand theory and stakeholder theory, by introducing methods of sociology, economics, stakeholder analysis, this paper deals with influential factors, stakeholders and interactions among them carefully, which prove the way for popularization mechanism design of SDBF, therefore, sustainable development of SDBF is armed by both theory and practice.
     Results are as follows:
     1 SDBF boasts good demonstration effect
     The practice of Shuangmiao Village shows that SDBF is sure to be ideal substitute of straws and coal, and its use sees the reduction in the amount of fossil fuel, which is a great promotion to the improvement in farmers' cooking environment and the adjustment in rural energy structure.
     Being household energy, SDBF is very popular among farmers in Shuangmiao Village, farmers are satisfied with SDBF and they are willing to using it.
     2 Advanced technology brings about the reduction in cost.
     Production cost of SDBF is analyzed. It comes to the conclusion that cost is reduced by the improvement in technology, cost of HPB-III is 165 RMB/t, while that of HPB-IV comes to 152 RMB/t.
     3 Popularization mechanism of SDBF is designed
     Research shows that farmers' income, enterprises' profit are important factors which deters the application of SDBF, so policy-support is still in great necessity. Therefore, the following aspects should be taken into consideration.
     Firstly, production scale st be calculated, secondly, satisfy consumers' demand, thirdly, enterprise achieve profit, last, social benefit and ecological benefit are realized. Also, basic organization in rural areas can play certain role in the course, its function need to be included.
     On the basis of design rule, combined with influential factors and various stakeholders' function and duties, popularization mechanism of SDBF is put forward, which is essencial to guide vivid popularization.
     In areas coal plays the leading role, when the price of coal used in rural areas is twice of that of SDBF, it is feasible for SDBF to develop on the ground of industrialization. But with the purpose of stilating more investors to participating the popularization of SDBF, corresponding investment subsidy is supplied in different periods.
     In areas straws plays the leading role, government subsidy is necessary. Then the popularization of SDBF is carried out by the way of anti-poverty mode.
     The whole investment is free, which is provided by the government, at the same time, production subsidy is given to producers, by which farmers have access to SDBF under the condition that the expenditure on fuel hasn't change at all. Meanwhile, subsidy varies with the popularization until it is canceled. Then, farmers are familiar with characteristics of SDBF and can afford the expenditure, their eagerness to use SDBF will spring up.
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