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The thesis is about a meta-theoretical construction in the area of theatre translation studies.
     Based on a new interpretation on the subject, object and action of theatre translating activity, the thesis holds that theatre translation studies should share the content of every theoretical branch on the meta-theoretical map of Translation Studies, and start from the descriptive branch of the discipline. After a review on the current deficiency of descriptive branch, the thesis raises“exterior-process-oriented”approach as its development on the meta-theory of the discipline with a focus on revealing the mutual constructing relationship between society and agents in the process of symbolic cultural reproduction practice.
     The thesis then reviews on the discipline’s previous understanding on the topic of translating process, and introduces Bourdieu’s methodology of constructive structuralism and his Cultural Reproduction theory. The thesis holds that the process of (theatre) translating activity exists on two levels: textual space and social space. The theatre-translating activity is a typical cultural reproduction practice in Bourdieu’s sense. The thesis then prescribes on the definition, unit and significance of theatre-translating activity’s exterior process.
     A case study is undertaken to demonstrate the previous meta-theoretical construction in the theatre-translating exterior process of the revival of Death of a Salesman in Beijing People’s Art Theatre (1983). Basing on the forming process of the BPAT-centered theatrical field, the thesis has made detailed discussions on the main cultural reproduction practices in every phase of the exterior process. Thesediscussions are summarized to draw a model for the exterior process of this case.
     With this model, the thesis has made a meta-theoretical construction on“the general model of the exterior process of theatre-translating activity”. The most important contribution of the thesis is this very model, which provides a due addition to meta-theories in Translation Studies. The thesis then makes a detailed meta-theoretical construction on the nature of the general model’s structure, on the features in each phase, on its openness as well as on its theoretical and practical significance in the future. Besides, the thesis also raises a stage-oriented working proposal for future theatre translating practice, based on the general model and previous practical suggestions.
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