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     第一章 导论。首先说明了文章所主要研究的两个问题:我国金融集团的模式选择和我国对金融集团监管方式。阐述了论题的现实紧迫性。接着对国内外的有关研究成果作了简要回顾。然后给出了论文的写作思路和框架。
     第二章 金融集团的理论基础。本章首先借鉴了三方联合论坛发布的《多元化金融集团监管的最终文件》,给出了金融集团的定义,并指出了金融集团的三个特征:多个独立的法律实体、产权联结、多样化经营。接着本章分析了金融集团存在的经济理论基础:规模经济、范围经济、协同效应和分散风险四个方面。第三,对金融集团存在的弊病进行了分析,例如关联交易、内部利益冲突、权力过于集中等等。
     第三章 国外金融集团的模式比较。由于各国政治、经济、法律等等背景的不同,金融集团的发展也有着不同的模式。这一章首先分析了金融集团的三种主流模式:全能银行模式、金融控股公司模式、银行母公司模式,分析了各种模式的组织结构。接着深入比较了商业银行与投资银行集团内分离模式的优劣,以及金融控股公司模式与银行母公司模式之间的优劣。
     第四章 我国金融集团的模式选择。长期的分业经营已经成为我国金融业健康发展的桎梏,面对世界金融一体化的浪潮,我国也不可能长期“闭关锁国”,必然要在国内外两个市场中面对激烈的竞争。因此,摸索适合我国金融业发展的金融集团模式就成为我国由分业走向混业的关键。本章首先论述了我国金融业分业经
According to range of the world, mixing operation in financial industry has already become a trend. Since the eighties of the 20th century, the financial conglomerates as the carrier of mixing operation, develops with different modes in many countries. Because of the difference of backgrounds, such as politics, economy, cultural tradition etc., the modes of developing the financial conglomerates are different. The appearance of the financial conglomerates is both advantageous and disadvantageous, and the risk it brings can't be ignored, which has put forward the new demand for financial supervision systems. Some countries have already begun to implement the mixing supervision systems. Though the existence of financial conglomerates especially permitted, on the whole the financial system of China is "dividing operation, dividing supervision". Under this condition, it is very urgent to probe the way that suits the financial conglomerates of our country, so that financial industry can incorporate into the tide
    with integrated finance of the world quickly, and reply the challenge after joining WTO calmly in China. The brief introduction of this text is the following :
    Chapter one: The introduction. Firstly introduces two main questions that will be studied in this text: the choice of modes of the financial conglomerates in China and the way of supervising the financial conglomerates in China. Secondly, explains the realistic urgency of the proposition. Thirdly, reviews the relevant research achievements in domestic and abroad. Last, introduces the train of thought and the structure of this article.
    Chapter two: The theoretical foundation of the financial conglomerates. According to " final file on supervision of pluralism financial conglomerates " that the uniting forum issued, this chapter offers the definition of the financial conglomerates and points out three characteristics of the financial conglomerates: a lot of independent law entity, property right bind ,managing with diversity ways. Then, this chapter analyses economic theoretical foundations in the existence of the financial conglomerates: large-scale production, range economy, coordination effect and risk dispersion. Besides, this part studies some disadvantages of the financial conglomerates, such as related trade, inside interests conflicts, over-concentration of power, etc..
    Chapter three: The comparing of the modes of financial conglomerate abroad.
    Because of the difference of backgrounds, such as politics, economy, law etc., the modes of developing the financial conglomerates are different. This part analyzes three kinds of the mode of the financial group: the universal banking model, the financial holding company model , bank parent model and institutional structure of different modes. Then, this chapter compares the business bank and separating mode in the investment bank group, the financial holding company model and bank parent company model.
    Chapter four: Choosing the modes of financial conglomerates in China. Dividing operation that has implemented for a long time in China has already become the yoke that the financial industry develops in a healthy way. In the face of the tide with integrated finance of the world, our country can not close our door for a long time, and must face keen competition in two markets at home and abroad. So, finding out the way that is suitable for financial conglomerates to develop in China is the key that financial conglomerates in China move from dividing operation to mixing operation. This chapter first introduces the drawback of dividing operation in China, and points out the certainty of developing the financial conglomerates in China. Then analyses the current situation of the financial conglomerates in China, and pointes out that the development of the financial conglomerates in China is a kind of inductive system changes, which has caused diversification in the form. This chapter analyzes four existing kinds of financial holding company in China, and studies the choice of the modes of the financial cong
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