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India and Myanmar are two important neighbors of China, however the India-Myanmar relations develop may directly affect china's southwest borderland security environment. The dissertation describes the status of India-Myanmar relations after their independence to uncover its connotations, characteristics and influencing factors, and then forecasts the future development trends of the relations. It will help us to correctly understand and handle historical and realistic problems related to India or Myanmar, and develop effective foreign policy on India and Myanmar. The first three chapters introduce the evolution process of the relationship between India and Myanmar, and systematically and comprehensively discusses the characteristics and impact factors. The fourth elaborates the issues of the rebels, illegal immigration and illegal trade on India-Myanmar border, and analyzes the influence of these issues on the India-Myanmar relationship. In the fifth chapter, on the basis of mutual cognition of India, Myanmar and China, the dissertation discusses how the China-Factor impact on the India-Myanmar relationship by presenting two phenomena:China is "south to"'Myanmar and "west" into Indian Ocean by Myanmar, and India's reaction and coping measures. The conclusion part summarizes the main factors influencing the India-Burma relationship after their independence, and foretells the future prospects of their bilateral relationship.
     Since1948, the India-Myanmar relations show us a High-to-Low then Low-to-High development process. During the term of Nehru-U Nu, the same colonial experience, common non-aligned concept, as well as the deep friendship between the two country's leaders formed in the national independence movement have promoted India-Myanmar relationship to the stage of honeymoon. During the term of U Ne Win, Myanmar Military seized the power, launched nationalization and pursued the negative and neutral policy, which made India discontented with and the bilateral relations of India and Myanmar be in cool. At the end of Cold War, The political situation in Myanmar became turbulent, the domestic democracy deteriorated, the authorities of Myanmar had been bitter blamed by India, the relationship between the two countries came to a historical frozen point. After the Cold War, Based on the same or different interests-demanding of themselves, including border issue and China-Factor, India and Myanmar actively carry out their cooperation, improve and cultivate and maintain a good momentum of close relationship between the tow countries. In general, the ideology, the border issue, China factor, Myanmars political change, and India's and Myanmar's diplomatic policy are the main factors that influence the development of India-Myanmar relations since they got their independence, these factors play different roles in different periods. In fact, behind these factors, which play a leading role, is the demand of national interests of the two countries India and Myanmar:when India and Myanmar's interests demand be in higher compatibility, the relationship between the two countries is better, and vice versa.
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    ⑤ 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第77页。
    ⑥ 《岭外代答》卷二“外国门上·注辇国”条云:“注辇国是西天南印度也。欲往其国,当自故临国易舟而行,或去蒲甘国亦可往。”
    ① [新]尼古拉斯·塔林:《剑桥东南亚史Ⅰ》,贺圣达等译,昆明:云南人民出版社,2003年,第290页。
    ② D. G E. Hall. Early English intercourse with Burma(1587-1743). London:Longmans.1928. p.109-112.
    ② 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第154页。
    ③ 即南传上座部佛教,本文采用“小乘佛教”的表述,目的是为了与引用的有关文献相统一。
    ④ 姜永仁:《婆罗门教、印度教在缅甸的传播与发展》,载《东南亚》,2006年第2期,第41页。
    ① 贺圣达:《东南亚文化发展史》,昆明:云南人民出版社,1996年,第210-211贞。
    ⑥ Thin Thin Aung and Soe Myint, "India-Burma Relations", Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001. p.88.
    ② 胡志勇:《文明的力量:印度的崛起》,北京:新华出版社,2006年,第236页。
    ③ 梁志明:《古代东南亚历史与文化研究》,北京:昆仑出版社,2006年,第334页。
    ④ 钟智翔:《略论印度文化对缅甸文化的影响》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2002年第3期,第61页。
    ⑤ 张曼涛:《现代佛教学术从刊》卷83,大乘文化出版社,一九七八年十月初印,第140页。
    ⑦ M.C. Ricklefs, edited, A New History of Southeast Asia, Palgrave Macmillan India.2010. p.26.
    ⑥ 张曼涛的《现代佛教学术从刊》卷83则认为,“下缅甸的孟人,是最先印度化的人民”。
    ① 钟智翔:《略论印度文化对缅甸文化的影响》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2002年第3期,第60页。
    ② Thin Thin Aung & Soe My int, "India-Burma Relations", Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001. p.88.
    ② 王冬梅:《浅析印度宗教文化对东南亚的影响》,载《晋东南师专学报》,2000年第1期,第31页。
    ③ 钟智翔:《略论印度文化对缅甸文化的影响》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2002年第3期,第60页。
    ④ 贺圣达:《当代缅甸》,成都:四川人民出版社,1992年,第241页。
    ① [印]恩·克·辛哈、阿·克·班纳吉:《印度通史》,北京:商务印书馆,1973年,第335页。
    ② M.C.Ricklefs. edited. A New History of Southeast Asia. Palgrave Macmillan India.2010. p.122.
    ② 马宗达等人在《高级印度史》中提出了古代东南亚曾足印度殖民地的观点,这一观点难以令人信服。可参阅孙吴:《论外来文化对古代东南亚社会的影响》(载《徐州师范大学学报(哲社版)》1999年第4期)。
    ③ 关于印度文化传入缅甸的途径,可参阅王冬梅:《关于印度宗教文化传入东南亚的渠道问题》(载《山西高等学校社会科学学报》2000年第5期)。
    ⑤ [澳]A.L.巴沙姆:《印度文化史》,闵光沛等译,北京:商务印书馆,1997年,第65页。
    ⑥ 即前述的戈岱司,也有译“柯代斯”的。
    ⑦ 李谋:《析印度文化与古代东南亚》,载《东南亚南亚研究》,2009年第3期,第70页。
    ⑧ [新]尼古拉斯·塔林:《剑桥东南亚史1》,贺圣达等译,昆明:云南人民出版社,2003年,第19页。
    ① [印]R.C.马宗达等:《高级印度史》,北京:商务印书馆,1986年,第721页。
    ② 李文业:《印度史:从莫卧儿帝国到印度独立》,沈阳:辽宁大学出版社,1998年,第66页。
    ③ 参见尼赫鲁:《印度的发现》第354页:潘尼迦:《印度史纲》第198页。
    ① 林承节:《殖民统治时期的印度史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年,第33页。
    ② 林承节:《印度史》,北京:人民出版社,2004年,第220页。
    ③ 李文业:《印度史:从莫卧儿帝国到印度独立》,沈阳:辽宁大学出版社,1998年,第70页。
    ④ 林承节:《印度近现代史》,北京:北京大学出版社,1995年,第58页。
    ⑤ Sir Valentine Chirol. India. Old and New, eBook#15586 on www.gutenberg.net. release date:April 8.2005. p.93.
    ① 锤一均:《17-18世纪英国对缅甸的侵略与英法争夺》,载《中山大学学报》,1962年第4期,第1贞。
    (?) Swapna Bahttachaya. India-Myanmar Relations(1886-1948), Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.17.
    Dorothy Woodman. The Making of Burma. London:Cresset Press,1962. p.67.
    ② 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第229-230页。
    ⑤ Dorothy Woodman, The Making of Burma. London:Cresset Press.1962, p.149.
    ⑥ Sneh Maakjan. British Foreign Policy 1874-1914:The Role of India, London:Routledge,2002. p.86.
    M.C.Ricklefs. edited. A New History of Southeast Asia. Palgrave Macmillan India.2010. p.172.
    (?) Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myamnar Relations(1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.21.
    ① 参见林承节:《殖民统治时期的印度史》(第20章),北京:北京大学出版社,2004年。
    ② 林承节:《殖民统治时期的印度史》,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年,第208页。
    (?) I. B. File No.121 Of 1919. serial no.77. 转引自 Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations(1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007.p.74.
    ① 参见张旭东:《缅甸近代民族主义运动研究》,北京大学博上学位论文,2002年。
    ② [英]V.S.奈保尔:《印度:受伤的文明》,宋念申译,北京:三联书店,2003年,第200页。
    ③ 《甘地自传:我体验真理的故事》,杜危、吴耀宗译,北京:商务印书馆,1959年,第310页。
    ① Swapna Bahttacharya, India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948), Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.280.
    ② Swapna Bahttacharya, India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.281.
    ③ J.F.Cady, A History of Modern Burma. New York:Cornell University Press,1958, p.281.
    ① 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第376页。
    ② 孙澄:《缅甸爱国僧侣吴欧德马》,载《东南亚》,1986年第2期,第60页。
    ③ 孙澄:《缅甸爱国僧侣吴欧德马》,载《东南亚》,]986年第2期,第61页。
    ④ Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K PBagchi & Company.2007. p.22.
    ⑤ Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007, p.268.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.9.
    ② Selected Speeches of Subhas Chandra Bose. New Delhi:Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. Government of India.1962. p.198.
    ③ 参见Desai.W.S.. India and Burma:a study, Bombay:Orient Longmans,1954. p.83.
    ① Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.29.
    ② Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company,2007. p.73.
    ③ Rajkumar, N.V.. The Background of India s foreign Policy, Delhi:All India Congress Committee,1952. p.31.
    ④ Rajkumar. N.V.. Indians outside India. New Delhi:All-India Congress Committee,1951. p.57.
    ⑤ B.Pakem. India Burma relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992, p.6.
    ① 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第389页。
    ① Rajkumar. N.V.. The Background of India s foreign policy. Delhi:All India Congress Committee.1952. p.47.
    ② Indian National Congress Resolution.1930-34. Allahabad:the All India Congress Committee, (no year), p.65.
    ③ Tranger.F.N., Burma:From Kingdom to Republic. London:Pall Mall Press.1966. p.56.
    ④ Burma Legislative Proceedings.(House of Representatives). Vol.Ⅴ, No.37, April 14.1939. p.1822.
    ⑤ Proceedings of the Burma Legislative Council. Vol. Ⅲ, No.2. March 10.1925. p.69.
    ⑥ Proceedings of the Burma Legislative Council, Vol. ⅩⅧ, No.5. August 9.1930. p.285.
    ⑦ Proceedings of the Burma Legislative Council, Vol.ⅩⅣ, No.4. February 18.1929. p.186.
    ① [新]尼古拉斯·塔林:《剑桥东南亚史Ⅱ》,贺圣达等译,昆明:云南人民出版社,2003年,第95页。
    ② Desai.W.S., India and Burma:a study. Bombay:Orient Longmans.1954. p.31.
    ③ Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948), Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007. p.1.
    ② 参见《东南亚研究资料》,1965年第2期,第35页。约翰·凯迪在他的《缅甸现代史》中指出,”官方报告的数字是死亡约100人,伤近1000人,其中绝大多数为印度人;非官方的数字认为死亡人数在300至500之间。”(J. F. Cady. A History of Modern Burma, New York:Cornell University Press,1958. p.305)。
    ④ [新]尼古拉斯·塔林:《剑桥东南亚史Ⅱ》,贺圣达等译,昆明:云南人民出版社,2003年,第247页。
    ① "Mahatma Gandhi's Speeches dated August 24.1941". in The Indo-Burma Immigration Agreement (New Delhi.1941). p.159.
    ② Sarvapalli Gopal. Jawaharlal Nehru:A Biography, Delhi:Oxford University Press.1989. p.153.
    ① 参见林锡星:《缅甸的印度人》,载《世界民族》2002年第2期。
    ② M.C.Ricklefs. edited. A New History of Southeast Asia. Palgrave Macmillan India.2010. p.199.
    ② 宋大佑:《印度政治与经济研究》,昆明:云南民族出版社,2009年,第33页。
    ③ David I. Steinberg. Burma/Myanmar:What Everyone Needs to Know. Oxford:Oxford university press.2010. p.32.
    ④ Desai,W.S., India and Burma:a study. Bombay:Orient Longmans.1954. p.31.
    ① 关于这两次民族骚乱,参见张旭东:《试论殖民地时期缅甸国内的两次缅、印人冲突》,载《世界民族》2004年第6期。
    ② David I. Steinberg, Burma/Myanmar.What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford:Oxford university press,2010, p.30.
    ② 罗致含:《论英国的“以印治缅”政策》,载《云南师范大学哲学社会科学学报》第24卷第1期,第56页。
    ③ 张旭东:《试论殖民地时期缅甸国内的两次缅、印人冲突》,载《世界民族》,2004年第6期,第44页。
    ① 贺圣达:《缅甸史》,北京:人民出版社,1992年,第315页。
    ② 林锡星:《缅甸对印度人和孟加拉人的政策》,载《东南亚研究》,2001年第6期,第72页。
    ③ N. R. Chakravarti. The Indian Minority in Burma:the Rise and Decline of an Immigrant Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press.1971, p.69.
    ① N. R. Chakravarti. The Indian Minority in Burma:the Rise and Decline of an Immigrant Community. Oxford: Oxford University Press,1971. p.74.
    ① B. Pakem. India Burma relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.20.
    ② Burma Legislative Proceedings (Senate). Vol. Ⅸ. No.1.February 18.1941.p.13.
    ③ Constituent Assembly of India(Legislative)Debates. vol.1, no.3.19 November 1947. p.165.
    ④ Constituent Assembly of India(Legislative)Debates, vol.1, no.3.19 November 1947. p.165.
    ① 张曼涛:《现代佛教学术从刊》卷83,大乘文化出版社,一九七八年十月初印,第143、139页。
    ① 曼尼普尔历史上属于缅甸,缅甸对该地区的争夺不应视为侵略。
    ② Swatanter K. Pradhan. Sew Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications,2000. p.47.
    ② 参见刘建、朱明忠、葛维钧:《印度文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年,第22页。
    ④ Swapna Bahttachana. India-Myanmar Relations (1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company,2007. p.52.
    ⑤ Renaud Egreteau. "Burmese Indians in contemporan Burma:heritage, influence, and perceptions since 1988", Asian Ethnicity. Vol.12, No.1. February 2011. p.34.
    ① Sir Valentine Chirol, India, Old and New, eBook#15586 on www.gutenberg.net. release date:April 8.2005. p.93.
    ② Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations, New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.233.
    ① Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Bwmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.13.
    ② Albert D. Moscotti. British Policy and the Nationalist Movement in Burma:1917-1937, University Press of Hawaii. 1974. p.20.
    ③ Susan Prager. "Coming of the "Future King":Burmese MINLAUNG Expectations Before and During the Second World War". The Journal of Burma Studies. Vol.8.2003. p.25.
    ① Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.53.
    ① 贺圣达:《当代缅甸》,成都:四川人民出版社,1992年,第125页。
    ③ Renaud Egreteau. "Burmese Indians in contemporany burma:heritage, influence, and perceptions since 1988", Asian Ethnicity. Vol.12. No.1. February 2011. p.41.
    ④ Desai.W.S., India and Burma:a study, Bombay:Orient Longmans.1954. p.49.
    ① 李少军:《国际政治学概论》(第二版),上海:上海人民出版社,2005年,第265页。
    ① An Indian Official, "India as a World Power". Foreign Affairs. Vol.27. No.4(Jul.,1949). p.544.
    ② Nehru. J., India's Foreign Policy. New Delhi:Government of India. Publication Division.1961. p.30.
    ③ 尼赫鲁1949年10月17日在美国哥伦比亚大学的演讲,转引自B. Pakem. India Burma relations. New Delhi: Omsons Publications.1992. p.28.
    ① 张冀、张泗考:《论印度文化民族主义对印度外交的影响》,载《国际论坛》,2008年第6期,第67页。
    ② Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit. "India's Foreign Policy", Foreign Affairs (pre-1986), April 1956, p.435.
    ② S.梅农:《印度的外交政策与印中关系》,载《南亚研究》2000年第2期,第4页。
    ③ 参见王红雨:《冷战时期印度外交战略的演变》,载《经济与社会发展》,2003年第3期,第86页。
    ④ 马孆:《当代印度外交》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年,第16页。
    ⑤ 林承节:《印度史》,北京:人民出版社,2004年,第444页。
    ① [英]D.C.瓦特编著:《国际事务概览(1961年)》(下册),张德中等译,上海译文出版社,1988年,第87页。
    ② Jagdish Chander Tokas. Rajiv Gandi, Future of India, New Delhi:Pustkayan,1987, p.25.
    ② 马孆:《当代印度外交》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年,第24页。
    ③ [美]亨利·基辛格:《白宫岁月:基辛格回忆录》,杨静予等译,北京:世界知识出版社,1980年,第148页。
    ⑤ Niranjan M. Khilnani. Realities of Indian Foreign Policy, New Delhi:ABC Publishing House,1984, p.65.
    ⑥ Marie Lall, "India's New Foreign Policy:the journey from moral nonalignment to the nuclear deal", in The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia. Dr Marie Lall ed. ISEAS, Singapore.2008. p.27.
    ① [澳]内维尔·马克斯书尔:《印度对华战争》,北京:三联书店,1971年,第462页。
    ② 埃拉·森:《外交政策》,载[印]克里尚·巴蒂亚:《英迪拉·甘地》,上海人民出版社,1977年,第271页。
    ③ 曾祥裕:《略论印度外交成熟与不成熟的两重性》,载《南亚研究季刊》,2005年第2期,第49页。
    ④ Thakin Nu, From Peace to Stability, Rangoon:Ministry of Information.1951. p.86.
    ⑤ The Nation (Rangoon)), June 17.1948.
    ① 钟智翔:《缅甸研究》,北京:军事谊文出版社,2001年,第287页。
    ② Burma Weekly Bulletin,Vol. Ⅸ. No.22. September 29.1960. p.170.
    ② D.G.E.霍尔:《评(缅甸的外交政策)》,载《南洋资料译从》,1966年第1期,第118页。
    ④ Is Trust Vindicated? Rangoon:the Director of Information.1960. p.105.
    ③ 钟智翔:《缅甸研究》,北京:军事谊文出版社,2001年,第289页。
    ① 可参阅林锡星:《中缅友好关系研究》,广州:暨南大学出版社,2000年,第285页。
    ② 在1979年9月3-9日召开的第六次不结盟运动首脑会议上,缅甸代表因会议偏袒苏联而中途退会并宣布退出不结盟运动。一个月后的10月8日,缅甸议会批准政府退出不结盟运动。
    ③ Jurgen Haacke. Myanmar's Foreign Policy:domestic influences and international implications. London: Routledge for International Institute for Strategic Studies.2006. p.15.
    ③ 黄书海:《缅甸的外交渐趋活跃》,载《世界知识》,1984年第18期,第6页。
    Jiirgen Haacke. Myanmar's Foreign Policy:domestic influences and international implications. London: Routledge for International Institute for Strategic Studies.2006. p.17.
    ④ D.G.E霍尔:《评(缅甸的外交政策)》,载《南洋资料译从》,1966年第1期,第118页。
    ① Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimension in Indo-Burmese Relations, New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.63.
    ② Karunakaran. K. P.. India in World Affairs,1905-1953, Bombay:Oxford University Press.1958. p.29.
    ③ Peter Lyon. Neutralism. Leicester:Leicester University Press.1963, p.113.
    ① 孙士海:《印度的对外战略思想及核政策》,载《当代亚太》,1999年第10期,第14页。
    ② India Parliamentary Debates (House of the People), Part Ⅰ, Vol.Ⅲ. No.28. December 12.1952. cite in The Nation(Rangoon). August 28.1958.
    ③ Swapna Bahttacharya. India-Myanmar Relations(1886-1948). Kolkata:K P Bagchi & Company.2007, p.382.
    ① Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.71.
    ② The Hindu (Madras). January 5.1948.
    ③ The Hindu (Madras). January 5.1948.
    ④ Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations". Challenges to Democratization in Burma, International IDEA.2001. p.89.
    Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations", Challenges to Democratization in Burma, International IDEA.2001. p.89.
    ⑤ Statesman (Delhi), April 5.1949.
    原文是Japanese Peace Treaty",应该是Treaty of Peace with Japan",也称《旧金山条约》。
    ② The Nation (Rangoon). October 22-24.1951.
    ③ Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.77.
    ④ India Parliamentary Debates(House of the People). Part Ⅱ. Vol.Ⅱ. No.7. March 17.1953. Col.2246.
    ⑤ The Hindu. April 11,1954.
    ① The Hindu, December 16.1957.
    ② The Hindu. June 22,1950.
    ③ Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimensions in Indo-Burmese Relations, New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.78.
    ④ Jawaharlal Nehru. India's Foreign Policy:Selected Speeches September 1946-April 1961, New Delhi:Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,1961. p.293-294.
    ① The Hindu. October 24.1951.
    ② India Parliamentary Debates(House of the People). Part Ⅰ. Vol.Ⅱ. No.7. March 17.1953.Col.2237.
    ③ India Parliamentary Debates(House of the People). Part Ⅰ. Vol.Ⅱ. No.7. March 17.1953. Col.2237.
    ④ Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations". Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001. p.89.
    ① The Nation (Rangoon). July 8.1951.
    ② The Burma. (Rangoon. Director of Information). Vol.2, no.12. October 1951. p.51.
    ③ Thin Thin Aung and Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations". Challenges to Democratization in Burma, International IDEA.2001. p.90.
    ④ The Burman, Vol.2, no.1. October 1951. p.55.
    New Times of Burma. July 8.1951.
    ⑤ The Nation (Rangoon). July 8.1951.
    Renaud Egreteau. Wooing The Generals:India's New Burma Policy:Delhi:Authors Press.2003. p.27.
    ① Tinker. H., The Union of Burma. London:Royal Institute of-International Affairs,1957. p.356.
    ② Jawahalal Nehru. Press Conferences 1952. New Delhi:Information Service of India, n.d. p.4-5.
    ③ Official Records of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Seventh Session. First Committee. April 17.1953. p.659.
    ④ Official Records of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Eighth Session. First Committee. November 5. 1953. p.169.
    ⑤ India Parliamentary Debates (House of the People). Part Ⅰ, Vol. Ⅱ. No.31. May 13.1953. Col.3034.
    ⑥ The Hindu. March 18.1953.
    ⑦ Renaud Egreteau.Wooing The Generals:India s New Burma Policy. Delhi: Authors Press.2003. p.32.
    ① Amit Kumar Nag. "Naga Intransigence", The Guardian. Vol.3. no.9. September 1956. p.24.
    ② Swatanter K. Pradhan, New Dimension in Indo-Burmese Relations, New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.85.
    ③ Asia Recorder, vol.7. no.24. June 11-17.1961, p.3995.
    ④ 参见 Asian Relations:Being Report of the Proceedings and Documentation of the First Asian Relations Conference. New Delhi,1948. p.264-279.
    ① Jawaharlal Nehru s Speeches, September 1946-May 1949. New Delhi:Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. 1949. Vol.1. p.300-301.
    ② Jawaharlal Nehru's Speeches, September 1946-May 1949, no.3. p.328.
    ③ S.L.Poplai. ed.. Select Documents on Asian Affairs. Bombay.1959. no.4. p.667.
    ④ The Hindu. May 3.1954
    ⑤ Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimension in Indo-Burmese Relations. New Delhi:Rajat Publications,2000. p.108.
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    ③ Burma Meekly Bulletin, Vol.5. no.32. November 15.1956. p.254.
    ④ The Bogor Conference. Indonesia:Ministry of Information.1954. p.25.
    Swatanter K. Pradhan. New Dimension in Indo-Burmese Relations, New Delhi:Rajat Publications.2000. p.125.
    ① Kahin. The Asian-African Conference. Bandung. Indonesia. April 1955. Ithaca. N. Y.:Cornell University Press. 1956. p.67.
    ① 参见Documents of the Gatherings of Non-aligned Countries.1961-1973. Belgrade.1973. p.15.
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    ④ GH.Jansen. Afro-Asia and Non-Alignment. London:Faber and Faber,1966. p.296.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992, p.52.
    ① Burma Weekly Bulletin. Vol. Ⅱ, No.31, November 4.1953, p.246.
    ② B.Pakem, India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992, p.58.
    ① 宋天佑:《印度政治与经济研究》,昆明:云南民族出版社,2009年,第36页。
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    ⑤ Indian Parliamentary Debates(House of the People). Part Ⅱ. Vol.Ⅱ, No.7. March 17.1953.Col.2237.
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    ② Burma Weekly Bulletin. Vol. Ⅲ. No.2 and 3. April 21.1954. p.14.
    ③ Tinker. H.. South Asia:a short history. New York:Praeger.1966. p.264.
    ④ Hindustan Times(Delhi). May 13.1954.
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    ① Burma Weekly Bulletin, Vol. Ⅴ. No.15. July 19.1956. p.106.
    ② The Burman. September 15.1956.
    ③ Indian Lok Sabha Debates.Vol ⅩⅩⅩ. No.58, April 30.1959. Col.14249.
    ① Indian Lok Sabha Debates. Vol. Ⅷ, No.22. September 5.1961. Col.7058.
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    ③ B.Pakem. India Burma Relations, New Delhi; Omsons Publications,1992. p.62.
    ④ India Constituent Assembly (Legislatiive) Debates.Vol.Ⅱ. No.3. November 19.1947. Col.165.
    ① Furnival, J.S, "Burma, Past and Present", Far Eastern Survey, Vol.ⅩⅩⅡ. No.3. February 25.1953. p.26.
    ② The Nation(Rangoon), September 24,1952.
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    ④ The Nation(Rangoon), December 10,1952.
    ⑤ B.Pakem. India Burma Relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.64.
    ⑥ Burma Weekly Bulletin. Vol. Ⅲ. No.2 and 3, April 21,1954. p.14.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992, p.60.
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    ② 国际形势发生变化包括印苏签署和平友好条约、中美恢复邦交和印度支那战争的结束等事件。
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    ① Donald.M.Seekins. The Disorder in Order:the Army-Stale in Burma Since 1962. Bangkok:White Lotus press. 2002. p.63-64.
    ② John Bray. Burma:The Politics of Constructive Engagement. London:Royal Institute of International Affairs,1995, p.40.
    ⑥ Renaud Egreteau, Wooing The Generals:India's New Burma Policy. Delhi:Authors Press.2003. p.35.
    ① Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint, "India-Burma Relations". Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001, p.91.
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    ② Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs.1970-71, New Delhi,1971. p.6.
    ① Jurrgen Haacke. Mvanmar s Foreign Policy:domestic influences and international implications. London: Routledge for International Institute for Strategic Studies.2006. p.34.
    ① 包括两国经济不景气、印度政治斗争激烈、缅甸国内局势不稳、两国反政府武装活动猖獗以及面对的国际形势严峻等。
    ③ 参见B.Pakem, India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.104.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma Relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992, p.106.
    ① 当时印度对山地民族不实行护照制度。
    ③ India Parliamentan Debates (House of the People). Part 11. Vol.ⅦI. No.37. May 16 1951. col.4323.
    ④ Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,1967-68, New Delhi,1968, p.2.
    ① Lok Sabha Debates. Vol.Ⅳ. No.16, June 13.1967. col.4651.
    ② Lok Sabha Debates. Vol.Ⅳ. No.16. June 13.1967. col.4653.
    ③ Lok Sabha Debates. Vol.Ⅳ. No.16. June 13.1967. col.4651.
    ④ Lok Sabha Debates. Vol.Ⅳ. No.16. June 13.1967. col.4660.
    ⑤ Lok Sabha Debates. Vol.Ⅳ. No.16. June 13.1967. col.4653.
    ① Lok Sabha Debates, Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅣ. No.18. December 10.1969. col.89-90.
    ② Statesman. Calcutta October 21 and 27.1968.
    ③ Assam Tribune. Gauhati. April 29.1969.
    ④ B.Pakem. India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications,1992. p.112.
    ⑤ Lok Sabha Debates.Vol.ⅩⅩⅩⅦ. No.15. March 11.1970.col.50.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma Relations, New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.116.
    ② Hindustan Times. Delhi. April 4,1970.
    ③ Statesman. Delhi. June 8.1971.
    ④ Annual reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,1976-77, New Delhi,1977. p.13.
    ⑤ Maung Htin Aung. The Stricken Peacock:Anglo-Burmese Relations 1752-1948. The Haque:Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.1965. p.108.
    ⑥ Parliamentary debates(House of People). Part I, Vol.V, No.22. December 15.1953. Col.1247.
    ① B.Pakem. India Burma Relations. New Delhi:Omsons Publications.1992. p.116:see India Rajya Sabha Debates, Vol. LⅩⅣ No.4. May 2.1968. col.693.
    ② Annual Reports of the Ministiy of External Affairs 1986-87, New Delhi.1987. p.5.
    ① India Lok Sahha Debates. Vol.ⅩⅢ. No.28. January 22.1963. cols.5693.
    ② Stateman. (Delhi). April 29.1964.
    ③ India Lok Sabha Debates. Vol. LX, No.6. November 8.1966. cols.1749-50.
    ① 宋天佑:《印度政治与经济研究》,昆明:云南民族出版社,2009年,第37页。
    ① Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,1970-71. New Delhi.1971. p.6.
    ② Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations", Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001.p.92.
    ③ Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,1978-79. New Delhi,1979. p.3.
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    Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations'". Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA,2001.p.92.
    ⑤ Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,1979-80. New Delhi.1980, p.7.
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    ③ Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs.1983-84, New Delhi.1984. p.8.
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    ② Bertil Lintner. "March Student Riots. Unrest Reviewed". The Bangkok Post. April 18.1988.
    ③ Donald. M. Seekins. The Disorder in Order:the Army-State in Burma Since 1962. Bangkok:White Lotus press, 2002. p.129.
    ① 贺圣达:《当代缅甸》,成都:四川人民出版社,1992年,第160页。
    ② 相关大纪事可参阅:Bertil Lintner. Outrage:Burma s Struggle for Democracy. Hong Kong:Review Publishing Company.1989. p.240-251.
    ① Renaud Egreteau. Wooing The Generals:lndia s New Burma Poliey. Delhi:Authors Press.2003. p.39.
    ② Renaud Egreteau. Wooing The Generals:India's New Burma Policy. Delhi:Authors Press.2003. p.125.
    ③ Thin Thin Aung & Soe Myint. "India-Burma Relations". Challenges to Democratization in Burma. International IDEA.2001. p.93.
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    Renaud Egreteau. Honing The Generals:India's New Burma Policy. Delhi:Authors Press.2003, p.122.
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    ① 设有官网,网址:www.mizzima.com.
    ② Outlook India. December 27.1995.
    ③ The Asia Yearbook.1992, p.92:D.Banerjee. Myanmar and India Security Concerns, p.693.
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    Bertil Lintner. Burma in Revolt:Opium and Insurgency since 1948. Chiang Mai. Thailand:Silkworm Books.1999. p.395.
    1 Donald.M.Seekins. The Disorder in Order:the Army-State in Burma Since 1962, Bangkok:White Lotus press. 2002. p.233.
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    ③ Renaud Egreteau. Wooing the Generals:India's New Burma Policy. Delhi:Authors Press,2003. p.124.
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    ② Annual Reports of the Ministry of External Affairs,2010-11, New Delhi,2011, p.11.
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