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Since reforming and opening to the outside world, the non-state-owned enterprises have had a rapid development and have become an important power for supporting and pushing economic increase, deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises, promoting science development and offering employment opportunities. On the contrary, the non-state-owned enterprises have not the same "national treatment" as the state-owned enterprises. The most outstanding problem is that it is difficult for the non-state-pwned enterprises to obtain financial supporting. Financing has a decisive effect on the prosperous development of non-state-owned enterprises. If the problem is not solved properly, the sustainable development of the whole national economy and reforming and opening will be affected. .As a view of the main object of service, service sort and area and the market, orientation of every financial institution, the original financial supporting system doesn't 'meet for the demand of financing of the non-state-owned enterprises. Therefore, the, utmost urgent thing is to re-establish a perfect financial support system with many levels for the non-state-owned enterprises so that the more and better finance service for the non-state-owned enterprises can be provided.
    The MBA degree paper has many differences than other former papers. The distinctness exists in the following. With a microcosmic'view, the analysis for relations between the need for financing of enterprise and the concrete circumstance of life cycle period which enterprise lies in is done, by using the life cycle theory of modern enterprise and the.knowledge of management. While how to re-orient the market for financial institutions according to life cycle of enterprise is discussed in order to better serve for the demand of financing of the non-state-owned enterprises, more efficiently collocate the whole social financial resources and realize the maximal benefit of the financial institutions. On the basis of discussing how to
    better utilize the existing financial institutions to support the non-state-owned enterprises, some advances on how to construct a perfect and wholesome finance support system for the non-state-owned enterprises are presented in the paper. Furthermore, it is hoped that some more suitable suggestions and references are provided for government decision departments, related financial institutions and.the non-state-owned enterprises which need for financing from a whole fresh view and way.
    In the paper, the introduction and analysis for the status and financial predicament of the non-state-owned enterprises are firstly performed. Then, some researches on the relationship of the target of the management, operating strategy, financing demand and financing choice of every life cycle period are done on the basis of review and correction to the existing enterprises life cycle theory and period partition model. The optimal financing choice for the non-state-owned enterprises lying in different life cycle periods and the lack of the present financial support are pointed out. Furthermore, on how to determine itself market orientation and role orientation for every kind of financial institution and how to sound and perfect financial support system for the non-state-owned enterprises are presented. Compared to the present points hold to by most of scholars, the difterence point of this paper is that market orientation method for non-state-owned financial institutions supporting finance to non-state-owned enterprises and state-owned financial institutions supporting finance to state-owned enterprises is not agreed. It is thought that the orientation is too general and unilateral to fit for the reality and pursuing maximal benefit for financial institution. Thus, it. is impossible to solve lack support of finance for the non-state-owned enterprises only through largely develop non-state-owned financial institutions. It is claimed that the problem should be solved according to the life cycle period of enterprise to sub-plot market and the different en
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