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Based on self-with-other relational theory and advanced ERPs technology, the present study attempts to research as international schemas is primed, how participants perceive environmental stimulus, which objective develops into the constitution, distribution of elements and relationship between ones. Besides, we also try attachment style to be associated with relational theory and set up new international schemas model. It pushes the research of international relationship in social cognitive literature and provides the convincing proof for international psychological therapy. We adopt affective priming-dotprobe paradigm in experiment 1. International information collected before experiment serves as priming stimulus. Total 80 participants attend experiment, respectively make up 4 groups:positive priming group, positive control group, negative priming group and negative control group. In experiment 2, Stroop paradigm is used and the association of Experiences in Close Relationship and Trait Anxiety Inventory divides 30 participants into 3 different attachment styles. Through the activation of global attachment, we want to know whether the conflict between the meaning and color of words interferes cognition process.
     The result shows:1)there exists difference between positive/negative priming group and positive/negative control group, proved by C1,P1,priming-P400 and word-P200;2)IIN is the mechanism for invalid and valid trial in priming-dotprobe experiment;3)N400 phenomenon and P200-N400 difference amplitude prove the interference between semantic and color processing;4)When priming global relational schema, also one-way "if-then" activated, positive international information activates participants'positive emotion and negative does their negative emotion. It does not disturb positive participants'cognition and promote negative participants focus on negative appraisal;5)When priming special relational schema, also two-way "if-then" activated, different attachment styles could presume what they do according to "if-then" principle, correspond with what the need.
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