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Mankind economic society development level of one of the markings be an information-based level, the information-based level of a city is a city civilization level, modern level. The electronics governmental affairs is an information-based core contents and the electronics government up to now has become to necessarily choose a project of the government exaltation administration efficiency and improve public service ability.But at to the electronics governmental affairs carry on devotion and construction of certain scale after, the electronics governmental affairs can be real to obtain anticipant result to have become the problem that the all levels government has to pay attention to.The electronics governmental affairs of Changsha City construction the present condition allow of no currently optimistic, this text around the development of electronics governmental affairs in Changsha City, pass an analysis of county class level electronics governmental affairs, inquiry into electronics governmental affairs the realistic problem of the development, for government at in the electronics governmental affairs of the view and the tiny view level provide to theoretically make reference to an opinion.
     First, this text commences from the concept of electronics governmental affairs, clarified content and essence of electronics governmental affairs, and emphasize analytical domestic and international electronics governmental affairs evaluation theories. Secondly make use of public product theories, discussed the characteristics of the conduct and actions public product of the electronics governmental affairs, put forward an evaluation electronics governmental affairs the way of thinking of this public product.Again pass to long electronics governmental affairs present condition in Changsha City of analysis, at comprehensive domestic and international electronics governmental affairs evaluation theories of foundation up, put forward a set of evaluation long electronics governmental affairs in Changsha City construction of index sign system, and to long the governmental affairs construction of the downtown county(city) electronics carried on a substantial evidence analysis and evaluate and this index sign system then was some city and area county(city) to lengthways relatively use, can also carry on city and other cities of the provincial capital center and area county(city) horizontal contrast an usage.End, aim at long problem and difficulty of electronics governmental affairs in Changsha City, this text provide understanding way of thinking definitely and concrete counterplan.
     What to need to be explain BE, because of experience, ability, time especially the restriction of foundation data, set up of this text evaluation system is BE respect reality, appropriately run before, assurance over a long period of time under the valid policy instruction finished of, the index sign's system still for the very first time carry out. Therefore, my research still needs an examination in the fulfillment, hope this text have the function that the brick leads jade to our country electronics governmental affairs constructiont especially to Changsha electronics governmental affairs construction.
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