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     PCNA (Proliferating cell nuclear antigen,增殖细胞核抗原)是由Miyachi等于1978年从系统性红斑狼疮患者的血清中发现的,因其存在于增殖性细胞中而得名,最初仅作为一种内源性标志物判断细胞增殖情况,近年来大量的基础研究表明PCNA具有众多复杂的生物学功能,在细胞增殖、凋亡及细胞周期调控等分子细胞事件中发挥重要作用[2]。Jeff R等采用基因芯片和原位杂交技术研究发现围着床期子宫内膜PCNA属于一种表达上调的基因,并推测其参与了子宫内膜增殖过程,并在在胚泡黏附及侵入过程中参与了子宫内膜的重建[3]。此外,PCNA的表达还与肿瘤的侵袭性转移密切相关[4],而胚泡着床与肿瘤侵袭性转移之间的生物学行为具有惊人的相似性[5],所以我们有理由怀疑PCNA可能参与了胚泡着床过程,而现阶段还尚无PCNA在胚泡着床过程中的作用的相关研究,故对这一课题进行研究是有意义的。
     1.收集未孕和早孕2、3、4、5、6、7天小鼠子宫内膜,共7组,每组20只小鼠。(1)运用实时荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)技术测定PCNA mRNA的表达规律;(2)免疫组织化学SP法检测小鼠子宫内膜中PCNA蛋白的表达情况;
     1. FQ-PCR:未孕及早孕各期小鼠子宫内膜组织均有PCNA mRNA表达,其中d2、d7组的表达量与未孕组相比无显著性差异,其余各组均大于未孕组,且在孕d4、d5达到高峰。
     Blastocyst implantation is the first step of mammal’s reproduction which determines whether pregnancy will develop successfully. In recent years, genetic, environmental pollution and other factors induce more and more unpregnency. However, implantation rate of IVF-ET is low and still have not been overcame now. So it is necessary to do some researches to this important reproduction event of blastocyst implantation.
     Blastocyst implantation process involves apposition, adhesion and invasion. Successful implantation needs synchronic development of blastocyst and endometrium, which leads endometrium to be receptive in the period of“implantation window”, and the receptive endometrium becomes a adsorptive surface, it also induces stromal cell decidualization. Endometrial receptive changes include plenty of genic regulations and complicate regulatory factors, and cell proliferation, apoptosis and other complicate molecular events play important roles in the change. In addition, recent researches suggest that cell proliferation and apoptosis participate in every step of reproduction, so researches of these genes are popular now in blastocyst implantation.
     PCNA ( Proliferating cell nuclear antigen) was found in SLE serum in 1978. It is named for it exists in proliferating cells. At first it was only a inner marker to indicate cell proliferating. However, in recent years, plenty of researches showed PCNA possesses numerous of intricate biological functions, which acts important in cell proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Jeff R applied microarray and in-situ hybridization discovered that PCNA is one of up-regulate gene in endometrium during preimplantation, and presumed it participates endometrial proliferation, and may act in a concerted fashion for remodeling of the endometrium during blastocyst attachment and invasion. Researches also suggested that the expression of PCNA correlates to tumor invasion, and blastocyst implantation and tumor invasion have remarkable similar biological behavior. So we presume that PCNA may participate in blastocyst implantation process. However, the role of PCNA during blastocyst implantation have not been researched at present stage, so it is significant to do.
     Objective: To investigate the expression rule of PCNA in the mice’s endometrium and analysis it’s role in blastocyst implantation.
     1. Endometrium o f mice in the early phase of unpregnancy and pregnant d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7entered into the study. There were 7 groups, each group had 10 mice. PCNA mRNA and protein expression were detected in the endometria of mice by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR) and immuno- histochemical technique respectively.
     2. The number of blastocyst implantation was registered by injecting PCNA monoclonal antibody in horn of uterus at 20:00 on the pregnant d3.
     1. The PCNA mRNA expressed in every group. The PCNA/β-actin mRNA of d2 and d7 compared to d0 had no significant difference, other pregnant groups were all higher, and at pregnant d4 and d5 the expression reached the maximum.
     2. Immunohistochemical analysis showed PCNA protein expressed in nuclei of every group. Positive stromal-cell quantity showed gradual hoist trend as days past in d0 to d5 groups, d6 and d7 groups showed gradual descent trend. Positive glandular epithelium cells mainly existed in d0, d3, d6 groups, and Positive luminal epithelium cells mainly existed in d3, d6, d7 groups. The rule of positive cell quantity was similar to mRNA.
     3. The numbers of blastocyst in horn of uterus which was injected PCNA monoclonal antibody is fewer than that of saline injected.
     Conclusion: PCNA expressed strongly in“implantation window”suggested that it may participate in some pathway to initiate cell proliferation and apoptosis, which induced endometrial receptive change to ensure blastocyst implanting in this period and prepared for decidualization. PCNA monoclonal antibody was used to intercept the physiologic function. We found that the number of blastocyst implantation markedly decreased, and deduced that PCNA may act important in blastocyst implantation.
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