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     (1)根据SBE评价法和数量化理论Ⅰ,采用SPSS 13.0多元线形回归分析分别建立北京低山厚土地区山桃、黄栌与针叶树混交风景林和阴阳坡中龄侧柏、油松游憩林景观评价模型,并得到各景观要素在模型中贡献率的大小顺序。
Beijing mountainous areas not only has abundant resources of scenic and recreation forest,but also has obvious advantage in geographical position,so more and more citizens tour Beijing mountainous areas frequently to strengthen body,recreation and sightsee recently years.But there has a lot of shortage in landscape composition and hiberarchy of scenic and recreation forest,and the landscape value of scenic and recreation forest should have gone up.How to enhance the landscape value and the attraction and recreation carrying capacity of scenic and recreation forest in mountainous areas,attract and accommodate multitudinous citizens for tour and recreation,which can relax the citizen's pressure in social life and psychology,and can also play inimitable function in the establishment of harmonious society and ecological civilization.
     In this paper,scenic forest of Prunus davidiana and Cotinus coggygria,middle-aged recreational forest of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis were studied for first time,which grow in thick soil and gradient below 25°site of Beijing lower mountainous area.Landscape evaluation models between landscape favor degrees and landscape elements were established respectively through scenic beauty estimation(SBE)method,and quantitative tending techniques models were attained.The scientificity of these models and tending effects were verified through stand surveys,recreational forest tending and questionnaires.
     The results are following:
     (1)According to SBE method and Quantitative TheoryⅠ,the landscape evaluation models of major scenic and recreational forest in Beijing mountainous areas were achieved with the analysis of multivariate linear regression in SPSS 13.0 environment,and the contribution of landscape elements to the landscape evaluation models were analysed.
     (2)When the value of a certain landscape element came to its maximum,the stand will be in high favor degree.Then,tending techniques of the main recreational forests and scenic forests were attained in Beijing lower mountainous areas.
     (3)Quadratic curve equations between DBH(or ground diameter)and crown of Prunus davidiana and Cotinus coggygria were fitted by sample surveys.Further more,the density in different diameter class and canopy density was calculated.With the data of the canopy density and the fitting equations between DBH and crown of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis in thick soil sites of Beijing lower mountainous areas,the number of Prunus davidiana,Cotinus coggygria and conifer was attained when the area ratio of main color:green was around 2:1.Besides,according to the analysis on Prunus davidiana mixed forest,flower density of low stand density of single Prunus davidiana was higher than that of high stand density.Meanwhile,there was no significant difference in flower density among different mixed ratio stand.It was proved that the integrated distribution of main color in Prunus davidiana forest will be in high scenic quality.
     (4)Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis recreational forest was tended with combination of different tending measures and degrees.According to landscape evaluation before tending and verification of model's predict ability,the evaluation models of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis recreational forest in both sunny and shady slope were considered to be scientific and practical.The landscape effects were quite noticeable before the application of several tending techniques.
     (5)According to landscape evaluation,sample surveys,sample tending and questionnaire investigation,quantitative tending models of Prunus davidiana and Cotinus coggygria scenic forest were concluded,and in-forest tending models of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis recreational forest were also brought forword.
     The results of this paper should expect to offer the theory and techniques support of sustainable management of the middle-aged recreational forests of P.tabulaeformis in Beijing mountainous area, and also for reference to similar area of north of China,which guide the construction of recreation forest and sustainable development of tourism in Beijing Mountain area.
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