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The reality of ethnic conflict in some countries and regions reveals that ethnic conflict is still intractable and difficult to settle today. Ethnic conflict, as a threat to be controlled, is a source of great challenges to the political stability and of social order in some multi-ethnic countries. Ethnic conflict, especially ethnic violence, leads to tremendous human suffering. It also caused economic recession, so that the whole community is difficult to move towards prosperity. Ethnic conflict is one particular form of conflict:that in which the goals of at least one party are defined in ethnic terms, and in which the primary fault line of confrontation in one of ethnic distinctions. Whatever the concrete issues may be over which conflict erupts, at least one of the parties will explain its dissatisfaction in ethnic terms.
     Ethnic conflict is a consequence of ethnic pluralism. However, ethnic pluralism itself is not a sufficient cause of ethnic conflict per se. Ethnic conflict stems from the political, economic and other aspects of the more deep-seated structural factors. Based on the literature of ethnic conflict study in China and abroad, this dissertation defined the principal terms and concepts in ethnic conflict study, explores the characteristics and the types of ethnic conflict. On this basis, this dissertation takes the subject of ethnic conflicts triggered by ethnic nationalism in the process of modern nation-state building, resources competition for scarce and valued resources, as well as ethnic conflict in the outset of democratic transition. At last, this dissertation provides a detailed political analysis of the general thought and institutional arrangement of containing ethnic conflict.
     The first main point of this dissertation is that ethnic nationalism is not only a highly politicized ethnic conflict, but also the most difficult type of conflict. In the process of the modern state building, If the state elite could not build an inclusive and adaptive political system, it can easily lead to the rise of ethnic nationalism and the ethno-national cries, which appears to be especially so in cases for territorially concentrated ethnic group whose desire is neither assimilation nor cultural autonomy, but a more complete political independence from the dominant society.
     Secondly, the success of national integration depends on the effectiveness of economic integration and social integration. However, there is always unevenness in rates of social change among different ethnic groups leading in turn to imbalances in their relative access to economic resources, educational advantages, and political power. Indeed, resources competition between the different ethnic groups within a country in the process of modernization, also can becomes one of structural factors that lead to ethnic conflict. The ability of diverse groups in multiethnic societies to live together in relative harmony while maximizing equality in the distribution of political and economic resources among them depends in large measure on the presence of a central state with sufficient power to contain intergroup conflict to a tolerable degree, but fair enough to win the allegiance of all ethnic groups.
     Thirdly, specific ethnic political structure of a country is actually a dynamic equilibrium of inter-ethnic political balance. Democratic transition, which means a series of sub-political changes and the opening of the political process, can change the structure of the balance of the ethnic politics, and creates uncertainties. In this case, due to the emergence of the new political opportunity structure, and political elite play the ethnic card by manipulating pre-existing ethnic tensions and democratic freedoms, may lead to ethnic conflict, resulting in a failed democratic transformation.
     Fourthly, ethnic conflict is the product of a particular political structure and social process, so its development direction is also affected by the political regulation and control. From the point of view of political practice, different states have different strategies. Some are trying to eliminate differences in order to contain ethnic conflict, some are trying to curb ethnic conflict through the management of differences. In view of the development of globalization, to eliminate differences has no moral justification, but also may lagged behind the speed of the diversification itself. However, for many countries, if not break out the myth of homogeneity of national integration, to establish an accommodative institution and governance structure, it will be hard to settle ethnic conflict in the long run.
① Anthony D. Smith, The Ethnic Revival. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1981.p.10.
    ② 族群的界定标准众说纷纭,狭义的族群是指一群共享血缘与特殊文化与语言的人们;而广义的族群则有以宗教划分者,例如北爱尔兰的天主教徒与新教徒,以及黎巴嫩的逊尼族(属回教逊尼派)、什叶族(属回教什叶派)、德鲁兹人(属回教什叶派分支)与玛隆族(为基督教玛隆教徒):或以语言划分者,例如:斯里兰卡的僧伽罗人(说僧伽罗语)与塔米尔人(说泰米尔),以及加拿大的魁北克人;或是如同南非各族群是以种族(race)区分。而新加坡与马来西亚的马来人、华人与印度人之间,则明显有着包括种族、语言、宗教与文化各方面的歧异。本文为了研究需要,借鉴霍洛维茨的界定,从广义的层面使用族群这一概念,即族群是基于以上任何标准而具备集体意识的群体,关于族群概念将在后文展开分析。参见Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict.Berkeley:University of California Press,1985. pp.41-52.
    ① Yash Ghai, " Ethnicity and Autonomy:A Framework for Analysis",in Ghai, Yash, ed. Autonomy and Ethnicity: Negotiating Competing Claims in Multi-Ethnic States. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.p.1.
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    ① John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, Revised Edition, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1999, p.3.
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    ② 比如盖尔纳、凯杜里、多伊奇和史密斯等人关于民族主义的研究。
    ③ 沃克·康纳曾经指出,选取10本发展研究的所谓经典著作,没有一本书包括一章、一节关于族裔的内容,也从没有一本将其作为副标题。而十中有六没有一个关于族群、族裔或者少数的索引。参见 Connor, Walker. "Nation-building or nation destroying?" World Politics,(1972) 24:31-55.
    ④ 其中最为著名的有Rabushka, Alvin, and Kenneth Shepsle, Politics in Plural Societies:A Theory of Democratic Instability, Colombus, OH:Merrill,1972(2007年由朗文出版社再版);Esman J. Milton, Ethnic Politics, Ithaca: Cornell University Press,1994.; Horowitz, L. Donald. Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Los Angeles/London:University of California Press.1985(2001年再版)
    ① Karl. W. Deutsch, Nationalism and Social Communication:An Inquiry into the Foundations of Nationality, 2nd, Cambridge, MA:MIT Press,1967.
    ② 参见Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict,第六章。
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    ② Barry Posen, "The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict",Survival,35/1(1993), p.28; Charles L. Glaser, "The Security Dilemma Revisited", World Politics,50 (1997), pp.171-201.
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    ① voting-pooling意指对少数族群选票的党际竞争过程。
    ② Donald L.Horowitz. Ethnic Groups in Conflict.Berkeley:University of California Press,1985. pp.365-395.
    ③ Donald L Horowitz, Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society. Berkeley: University of California Press,1991, p.191.
    ④ Reilly and Reynolds, Electoral System Design, p.49.
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    ② Donald L. Horowitz, "Conciliatory Institutions and Constitutional Processes in Post-Conflict States," William and Mary Law Review 49,4 (2008), p.1217.
    ③ Donald L. Horowitz, Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society. Berkeley: University of California Press,1991, p.222.
    ① 除了少数用“族群冲突”外,国内大多数的研究都以“民族冲突”为题,因此,这里对国内文献的综述基本上是以“民族冲突”为题的文献。关于术语的选择问题,将在下文中作出解释。
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    ② Daniel L. Byman, Keeping the Peace:Lasting Solutions to Ethnic Conflicts, Baltimore and London:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001,p.6.
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    ② Donald L.Horowitz. Ethnic Groups in Conflict.Berkeley:University of California Press,1985. Pp.567-568.
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    ④ Andrew Reynolds, ed., The Architecture of Democracy:Constitutional Design, Conflict Management, and Democracy. Oxford University Press,2002, p.41.
    ⑤ Arend Lijphart. Democracy in Plural Societies:A Comparative Exploration. New Haven:Yale University Press. 1977, p.54.
    ① Arend Lijphart. Power-Sharing in South Africa. Berkeley:Institute of International Studies, University of California.1985,p.123.
    ① Arend Lijphart. The Puzzle of Indian Democracy:A Consociational Interpretation. American Political Science Review.90,1996,pp.258-268.
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    ③ Arend Lijphart. Democracy in Plural Societies:A Comparative Exploration. New Haven:Yale University Press. 1977, p.88.
    ④ Donald L. Horowitz,Ethnic Groups in Conflict.Berkeley:University of California Press,1985. p.628.
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    ② Donald L. Horowitz, "Constitutional Design:An Oxymoron?" in Designing Democratic Institutions, Ian Shapiro and Stephen Macedo, eds. New York:New York University Press,2000, p.259.
    ④ Donald L Horowitz, Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society. Berkeley: University of California Press,1991, p.191.
    ① Benjamin, Reilly, Democracy and Diversity:Political Engineering in the Asia-Pacific, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2006, p.87.
    ② Donald L. Horowitz, "Conciliatory Institutions and Constitutional Processes in Post-Conflict States," William and Mary Law Review 49,4 (2008), p.1217.
    ③ Donald L. Horowitz, Democratic South Africa? Constitutional Engineering in a Divided Society.Berkeley: University of California Press,1991, p.222
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