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This thesis, based on pro‐cyclicality, analyzes the mechanisms which produce andstrengthen the pro‐cyclicality, so to find out the mechanisms of exploring and intensifying thecrisis. Then depending on the choice of Counter‐cyclical policies, researches the trend of changesin financial regulation, and builds macro‐prudential regulatory framework. Finally constructs ourcountry's macro‐prudential regulatory framework, presents and analyzes four possible modes.
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    ③G20(2009),G‐20 Working group 2:”Reinforcing International Cooperation and Promoting Integrity in FinancialMarkets”, www.g20.org/Documents/g20_wg2_010409.pdf
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    ④Paneta,F. and Angelini, P. , et al. ,ibid.
    ①数据转引自Paneta,F. and Angelini, P. , et al. ,ibid.
    ②L?ffler, G. (2008),“Can Rating Agencies Look Through the Cycle?”,www.greta.it/credit/credit2005/Friday/05_Loeffler.pdf
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    ②Edward I. Altman, Brooks Brady, Andrea Resti and Andrea Sironi, 2005,The Journal of Business, Vol. 78, No. 6(Nov., 2005), pp. 2203‐2227).
    ③Paneta,F. and Angelini, P. , et al. ,ibid.
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    ①Saurina, J. and C. Trucharte (2007),“An Assessment of Basel II Pro‐cyclicality in Mortgage Portfolios”, Journal ofFinancial Services Research, Vol. 32 (1–2), pp. 81–101.
    ②Catarineu–Rabell, E., P. Jackson, and D. Tsomocos (2003),“Pro‐cyclicality and the New Basel Accord–Banks’Choice of Loan Rating System,”Bank of England Working Paper, No.181.
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    ①Hyun Song Shin: Financial Intermediation and the Post‐Crisis Financial System, 4th June 2009.www.princeton.edu/~hsshin/www/futurefinance.pdf
    ①在经济衰退期因为一家银行为减少风险暴露的审慎行为而减少或收回对另一家银行(金融机构)的贷款,造成另一家银行因没有资金来源而被置于被挤兑的地步。可参看Hyun Song Shin: Financial Intermediation andthe Post‐Crisis Financial System, 4th June 2009. www.princeton.edu/~hsshin/www/futurefinance.pdf.
    ②Paneta,F. and Angelini, P. , et al. ibid.
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