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The concept of modernity has always been one of the central themes in social analysis. There are basically two approaches to the study of modernization. The first perspective examines the relatively traditional status of the society and the transformative processes and focuses on patterns of social organization. The second perspective studies the cultural values, beliefs and psychological orientations of the individuals. In China, the study of individual modernity is largely neglected. Among the very few studies carried out by Chinese scholars, almost all of them are focused on teenagers. The present study is an attempt to explore the individual modernity of Chinese migrant workers. Working and living in a highly urbanized and industrialized city involves a continuous process of inter-group communication, intra-cultural adaptation, and building a new identity through weighing and evaluating the traditional and modern values, attitudes and behavioral orientations. All these are important components of contemporary research of intercultural communication.
     Based on American sociologist Alex Inkeles’Overall Modernity Scale and Chinese psychologist K.S. Yang’s Multi-dimensional modernity scale, the author constructed a questionnaire and administered it among 330 migrant workers in three highly developed cities—Shanghai, Ningbo and Zhengzhou. Using explorative factor analysis and regression analysis, the author attempted to explore multiple dimensions of modernity of Chinese migrant workers, and to explain the causes and consequences of modernity. Follow-up interviews were conducted to further examine the hypothetical causes.
     Statistical results suggested that migrant workers are generally modern on all the eight dimensions classified“a priori”. They (1) play a more egalitarian role in their social and personal life; (2) place a high value on education and strive for economic success; (3) believe that one can exert considerable control over his environment and advance his goals; (4) welcome change and are more disposed to accept new ideas, new ways of feeling and acting; (5) believe in the advantages of planning and are more oriented to the present and the future than to the past; (6) respect for the dignity of others; (7) are optimistic about the development and future of things and believe in the goodness of people; and (8) emphasize freedom of actions. Statistics also indicated that father’s education and age played the most significant role shaping the modernity of migrant workers. Follow-up interviews indicated that migrant workers’education, the migration and urban experiences, industrial experiences, and media exposure were all major determinants of individual modernity. In terms of consequences and significance, development of individual modernity of Chinese migrant workers have brought economic and structural development to rural China and have helped them better adapt to the city.
     Implications of the present study for individual modernity studies are noted and directions for future research are also proposed at the end of the thesis. The author’s main argument is that migrant workers have to go through a rough time adapting themselves to the urbanized areas, and constructing a new identity that could allow them to live a better life. It is important to pay attention to the development of this special group of people.
4 To see a detailed description of the content of each theme or realm, refer to Inkeles, A., & Smith, D. H. (1974). Becoming modern: Individual change in six developing countries. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    5 For a detailed description of the selection criteria, refer to Smith, D. H., & Inkeles, A. (1966). The OM scale: a comparative socio-psychological measure of individual modernity. Sociometry, 29(4), 353-377.
    6 The 23 questions were excluded because there was no consensus among the project staff in favor of including those items in the definition of a modern man, even though they had been identified by other researchers as appropriate measures for the purpose. Inkeles used them in OM-2 because he wanted to determine whether or not they really were useful indicators of a man’s standing on the modern-traditional dimension. (Inkeles & Smith, 1974).
    7 Test of information included responses to such questions as“where is Moscow?”and“please give us the names of some newspapers”(Smith & Inkeles, 1966).
    8 Inkeles’scale system used key letters to identify the different sets of questions—themes, ranging from AC to WR. The number of questions developed for each theme was not balanced. For instance, efficacy and aspirations were represented by at least 13 questions while work commitment and aging were represented by only 2 each.
    9 Psychosomatic Symptoms Test is widely acknowledged to be the best available instrument for cross-cultural assessment of psychic stress. For a detailed description of the test, refer to The Fate of Personal Adjustment in the Process of Modernization by Alex Inkeles and David Smith in the International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1970.
    10 To see a detailed description of the social cognition system, refer to Ye, N. K. (1998). Modernization of Chinese people. Nanjing: Nanjing Press.
    11 Primary group is a social group such as a family in which people are intimate and highly interactive with each other and thus plays an initial and crucial role of shaping one’s psychology (Ye, 1992).
    12 Secondary group is a social group such as a work organization in which human relationship are complicated and regulated by certain rules and goals and thus exerts long-term influence over one’s socialization and modernization (Ye, 1992).
    13 For a detailed description of each of the factors, refer to Ye, N. K. (1992). A comprehensive study of contributors to modernization of Chinese people. Sociology Studies, 2, 96-105.
    14 Principal components method operates so as to extract a maximum amount of variance as each factor is calculated; it attempts to redefine the correlation matrix with as few factors as possible. Successive factors also extract maximum variance but of residual correlation matrices. (Williams & Monge, 2001)
    15 Only years and schooling and father’s education were included because the other variables such as the length of industrial working, urban living, TV-watching and Internet use were not sufficient to measure their modernizing impact.
    16 It should be noted here that EO-4 was not included in counting the score of EO because the deletion of the item increase the reliability of EO scale to a moderately high (from 0.551 to 0.668). And NE scale was dismissed because of its unsatisfactory reliability. Both RE and UI were excluded because reliability cannot be told with 2 and 1 item respectively. OM score was generated using all 40 items instead of the 33 items (when EO-4, NE, RE and UI were excluded) because the scale at large is substantially high (0.930).
    17 A cross-tabulation is generally extremely crude and may therefore be thoroughly misleading. And it comes awkward to take into account more than two extraneous variables (Inkeles & Smith, 1974).
    18 Gender was not included because it was a nominal variable while all the other independent variables were scaled variables.
    19 Wang is 22 years old, and quit school in the second grade in junior high. He is currently working in a factory in Zhengzhou. He had been working in such major cities as Shanghai, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Beijing and Tianjin for almost 6 years.
    20 Ma is 24 years old. He is now working in a factory in Zhengzhou. He had been working in different cities for 5 years.
    21 Jiang is 26 years old and working in a clothes factory in Ningbo. She has worked in lived in Ningbo for more that 5 years.
    22 Dong is 32 years old and has two children. He is now a middle level employee in a factory in Zhengzhou. He has worked in major cities for 10 years.
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