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     (1)基于嵌入式零树编码(Zero-tree Embedded Coding ,EZW)的鲁棒性版权保护方法:
With the rapid development of space technology, data from global positioning systems, photogrammetric and remote sensing technology have become the important data source of SIG service. Therefore, the protection technologies for remote sensing images are in urgent need to research.
     There are a large number of feasible protection methods for one-dimensional text stream and multi-dimensional multimedia stream. However, these technologies are incapable to protect the massive remote sensing data.
     Block cipher algorithm is current the protection means for large volume of data. If it were directly applied to remote sensing data, there would be the following problems. Firstly, it can not be avoided the high-frequency of key use. Secondly, the computer resources are rarely capability for encryption on real-time data processing.
     Digital watermarking technology is copyright protection for digital multimedia data. The request of remote sensing data interpretation accuracy makes the watermark position and intense are limited. Compression attack is the main attack means for robust watermark.
     Therefore, the remote sensing copyright protection technology must be strong enough to against compression assault.
     Accordance with the Kerckhoff’s first principle of security and the deduced rule of system security, this paper proposes protection methods for remote sensing images with the coding technology by analyzing the statistical characteristics of remote sensing data to satisfy the precision request of interpretation. The protection methods are followed:
     (1) Robust copyright protection scheme based on Zero-tree Embedded Coding (EZW)
     EZW is a highly efficient coding method for the massive data compression ratio during the datum transmission. The proposed watermark scheme in this paper on the EZW domain satisfies the requirements of precision and compression.
     (2) Introducing the chaos encryption theory to encrypt data
     The chaotic encryption theory is different from the traditional way on key’s diffuseness and confusion. The proposed scheme in this paper takes full advantage of the sensitivity on initial values to diffuse key to get certain and stochastic chaotic sequences, and takes full advantage of the reconstruction difficulty of the non-period and reproducible chaotic sequence to to get non-correlated chaotic sequences. The proposed symmetrical algorithm avoids the high frequency use of key in block cipher algorithm by introducing secured TD-ERCS chaotic model.
     (3) Encryption algorithm combining EZW and chaos for the real-time/ quasi-real-time remote sensing image
     The massive volume real-time/quasi-real-time remote sensing image protection and transmission are limited by the computing resources. The proposed algorithm scrambled the EZW coefficients by chaotic sequences to ensure the data confidentiality in transmission.
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