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The market competition has become more drastic in recent years, and most enterprises have established after service system. The former management methods are not enough to provide solutions to those problems. The emerging of Internet and e-business has greatly improved the circulation of infromation, which makes it possible to introduce network management to the after service, and that is also the subject of the paper.
    In this paper we will first make a discuss about the content and the organization structure of after service, then accrorrding to the current conditions which the after service management in the manufacturing enterprises of our country faced, and analyze the network collaborative relation between enterprises, what's more, bring forward the two after service network management system patterns: the one is aimed at enterprise, another one is pertinent to the third platform.
    Next examplizing as the after service manangement of one automobile manufacture enterprise,The paper lucubrates about the specialty operation flow of after service management and make some detail analyses about the collaborative mode between providers and service stations comprehensively, then constructs an enterprise model of network collaborative after service system which based on UML thoughts; at last the dynamic modeling with XDE and the actual implementation is accomplished in .NET integration environment.
    At the latter part of the paper, discussing the feasibility and the necessity of the second mode adopted in current conditions faced in our enterprises, researching the structure of service-chain, we build the model of after sevice system based on region collaborative e-business platform, and the pertinent function design is completed.
    The main content are following in this paper:
    The First chapter is the introduction which is mainly about the meaning and the background of the subject. It also analyzes disadvantages in the present of the network management about after service.
    The second chapter refers to the content and the organization structure of after service, analyzes the collaboration mode, and It also researches on the two realizing-patterns of the network after service management.
    The third chapter refers to the requirements analysis aimed at the actual manangement of an automobile manufacture enterprise and the establishment of the system model, the main function design is also introduced.
    The fourth Chapter refers to the design and realization of the network collaborative after service management system on enterprise.
    The fifth Chapter introduces the design of the network after service management system based on the third platform.
    The sixth Chapter is the tag. It summarizes the paper and points the faultiness as a further research direction reference.
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