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Before the cold war, Saudi-American relations had had the dual meanings of politics and economics. During the Cold War, the relatively stable strategic cooperation relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States was based on the former' s abundant oil reserves, the strategic position of bordering the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, and Saudi safety predicament also made it stand with the United States. Both of them contained the permeation of soviet communism, combated together the expansion of Arabian radical influence .At the same time, Saudi Arabia cooperated with the United States politically, militarily, economically and etc. However,Palestinian problem always became the discord between the two states'relations.At the end of 1980s and the beginning of 1990s,the world situation changed greatly. The two polar patterns broke up, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and the United States has become the global only superpower. Therefore, different contradictions previously concealed under two polar patterns
     surfaced. A case in point was the Gulf War, which established the U.S.leading position in the Middle East. Through this, a safe system lead by the U.S. has been established, Saudi Arabia has become an important link of it. During the post Cold War times, Saudi Arabia permitted the U.S.to station troops in her territory, relies on American to defend her state sovereignty, territory integrity and family rule, and to resist neighbor countries' invasion .By this way, they has formed a strategic alliance relationship. They continue to cooperate in political, military, security ,economic areas and so on. In particular, their corporations are very important for attacking the terrorism. But,Palestinian problem and the behaviors of Islamic fundamentalism do damage this kind of relations. Especially after terrorism, extremism and national secessionisms have become the non-symmetrical enemies of world countries; the conservative powers that have disagreed the Saudi-American ties have launched a series of anti-American
     acts. These acts not only bring great pressure to Saudi family, also obstacles to the Saudi-American ties. Sept 11 incident in 2001 and the Iraq war in 2003 have damaged this relationship. Yet, Saudi-American relations has lasted more than seventy years. Saudi Arabia has chosen to form an alliance with America whose ideology is completely different from its. This is the appliance of theory of practical diplomacy ,from the point of international relation theory, at the same time , it reflects the interdependence in
    international relations. The difference in ideology inevitably causes the civilization conflict. But from the point of the exchange of civilizations, it is a necessary way of learning, understanding and communicating each other. At last, it will bring about the fusion of civilizations. In the long run, Saudi -America relations can not be excluded.
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    38 [法]《快报》1996年7月18日。
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    40、43、47 Robert G.Kaiser and David B.Ottay:Oil for Security ,Fueled close Ties. The Washington Post.February 11.2002.
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    46 Robert Norberg: Saudi Arabia America and OiL March20,2003.http://www.saudi-a merican-forum.org/newsletter/
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    62 Madawi al-Rasheed :God, The King and The National Rhetoric in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s, Middle East Journal. 1996summer.Volume50,No.3.
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    65 Robert E.Hunter: The United States Role in the Middle East, Current Historv, Vo189,NO544,February,1990.
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    72 刘月琴:《冷战后海湾地区国际关系》,社会科学文献出版社,2002年版,第61页。
    74 Gwewn Okruhlik and Patrick Conge:National Autonomy ,Labor Migration and Political Crisis :Yemen and Saudi Arabia ,Middle East Journal, Volume51,NO.4,Autumn1997.
    75 余行:《沙特谋求安全与稳定》,载《世界知识》,1991年第11期.
    76 National Threat Perceptions in the Middle East .United Nations,New York and Geneva.1994.p.91.
    79 Rex Brynen Paul Noble:The Gulf and the Arab State System:A New Regional Order?Arab Studies Quarterly, Volume13,No.1&2,Winter/Spring1991.
    81、98、99、100、123 F.Gregory Gause Ⅲ:The Approaching Turning Point :the Future of U.S. Relations With the Gulf States,http://www.Saudi-ameican-forum.org/library.
    84 法新社华盛顿1990年9月27日英文电。
    85 (美)华盛顿邮报,1991年4月21日。
    86 (美)纽约时报1991年4月29日。
    87 法新社华盛顿1992年6月3日英文电。
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    91 (美)华尔街日报,1996年6月27日。
    92 Found Ajamic: The Sentry' s Solitude, Foreign Affairs, November/December2OO1,Vol.80,No.6.
    93 (英)泰晤士报1996年7月16日。
    94 唐宝才:《冷战后的大国与海湾》,当代世界出版社,2001年版,第243页。
    96 (美)华盛顿邮报1992年8月3日。
    101 (英)《经济学家》1995年3月18日。
    102 Gawdat Bahgat.Managing Dependence:American-Saudi Oil Relations. Arab Study Quaterly .Volume 23 .No 1.winter2001.
    103 Daward L.Morse and James Richard :The battle for Energy Dominance, Forign Affairs,2002,3-4,Vol81.
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    105、106 David B.Ottaway and Robert G.Kaiser, After sept.11 Severe Tests Loom for Relationship, The Washington post February12, 2002.
    115 Thomas E.Ricks:U.S.Advisers see Saudis as Enimies, The International Herald Tribunal, August 7,2002.
    116 俄塔社阿布扎比2001年9月14日英文电。
    117 David B.Ottaway and Robert G.Kaiser, After sept.11 Severe Tests Loom for Relationship, The Washington post February12, 2002.
    118 法新社华盛顿2001年10月25日电。
    119 (美)华尔街日报,2002年7月29日。
    120、121、122 Michael Dobbs:Us-Saudi Ties Prove Crucial in War ,Washington post ,April 27,2003.
    125 新华社突尼斯1993年3月3日电,《人民日报》1993年3月5日第6版。
    127 (法)《世界报》,2002年2月1日。
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    129 美联社利雅得2002年4月26日英文电。
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    132 Shiren F.Hunter: The Future of Islam and the West Clash of Civilization or Peaceful Coexistence..Wesport,connectict London Praeger Publishers,1998,p.155.
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    139 金宜久、吴云贵:《伊斯兰与国际热点》,东方出版社,2001年版,第118页。
    146、147、148 刘月琴:《冷战后海湾地区国际关系》,中国社会科学出版社,2001年版,第164、7、4页。
    152 倪世雄:《世纪风云的产儿——当代国际关系理论》,浙江人民出版社,1989年版,第45页。
    153 黄民兴:《略论沙特阿拉伯和美国的关系》,载《内蒙古师范学院学报》(哲社版),1997年第1期。
    154 合众国际社1991年9月26日英文电。
    155 王缉思:《亨廷顿理论的启迪与谬误》,载《世界知识》,2003年第9期。
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    160 《沙特国王说不能引进西方制度》,《人民日报》,1992年3月30日第6版。
    163、166 彭树智:《文明交往论》,陕西人民出版社,2002年版,第37、37页。
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    167 高祖贵:《沙美关系走势分析》,载《现代国际关系》,2002年第5期
    168 彭树智主编:《伊斯兰教与中东的现代化进程》,两北大学出版社,1997年版,第7页。
    1、Pompea Sophie:Saudi Arabia:Issues, Historical background, and biobiography,Nova Science Publishers,IAC.New York,2002.
    2、Errcile A.Nakhleh: The United States and Saudi Arabia .A Policy, Analysis. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Resarch. Washingtong D.C. 1973.
    3、WaDAwi Al-Rashed: A History of Saudi Arabia, University of London Cambridge University Press,2002.
    4、Middle East Foreign Policy Issues and Processes R.D. Mclaurin don Peretz Lewis W. Snider Praeger, Prager Special Stndies ,Prager Scientific ,New York,1982.
    5、L.Care Brown: Diplomacy in the middle east The International Relations of RegionandOutside Powers.I.B.Tauris Publishers London·NewYork.2001.
    6、Peter W.Widson and Dougles F.Graham Saudi Arabia The Coming Storm.M.E.Sharpe 80 Business Park Drive. 1994.
    7、David E.Long: The United States and Saudi Arabia:Ambivalent Allies.Westview Press/Boulder and London ,1985.
    8、Benson Lee Grayson: Saudi-Arabia Relations,University Press of America ,1982.
    9、F.Gregory Gause Ⅲ:The Approaching Turning Point :the Future of U.S. Relations With the Gulf States,http://www.Saudi-ameican-forum.org/library.