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Forest products processing industry bearing the main forest products production and supply is the leading industry of China forestry, which determines the level of development of the forestry system construction and development, also an important part of comprehensively promoting the construction of modern forestry and building advancing forestry system. However, to speed up the development of China forest products industry is still facing a severe situation. As a result of economic globalization, in particular, the global pattern of trade in forest products, forest products processing industry confront with the fierce competition from other country, in addition to international financial crisis, China forest products industry also suffered a blow. This study analysize technological innovation, enterprise management, credit in forest products processing industry combinded with a case study on bamboo processing industry at Anji County in Zhejiang Province.
     It found that enterprise, the main organization and units within forest products processing industry, mostly are Small and Midium Forest Enterprises (SMFEs) characteristed with small scale, primary forest products processing and lack of scientific enterprise management which erode their competitiveness and restrict the further development. At the same time, China forest products industry external environment, policy-related laws and regulations is not perfect. There are weakness and even lack of Credit business and policy in forest product processing resulted in the phenomenon of credit rationing. From the value chain of China forest products processing industry, the upper of the chain, forest resources in the cultivation and production can not meet the growing trend of forest products processing industry. At the links of Research and Development (R&D), due to the lack of technological innovation, there are lack of China enterprises and brand in the market of intensive processing forest products. At the marketing aspect, also the final and key link of the forest products value-added, the international market are neglected by forest products processing enterprises, especially SMFEs, thereby limiting the space for value-added forest products.
     Consided the current situation and problems of China forest products processing industry and it’s value chain, combined with the main body of forest products processing enterprises, the Government functions, as well as the role of credit institutions, the promoting strategy of China forest products processing industry value chain upgrading are followed:
     (1) At the techonological inovationg, improving China forest products processing industry innovation system, establishment of R&D center or institution in forest products processing enterprises, strengthening of key forest products processing technology, especially high-technology intensive processing of forest products, as well as green processing technology, and the establishment of innovative team for the forest products industry to provide sustainable competitiveness and development, are the most important. (2) At the enterprise management, in order to obtain competitive, it should transfer the traditional cost management approach into value chain cost management to control the cost of business activities in the chain for establishment of cost advantage. 5S sit management strategic should be adopted to improve the production and processing efficiency for upgrading processing, in addition to international marketing planning and brand management for upgrading forest products, as well as expanding value-added space for forest products. (3) At the China credit system for forest products industry, forest products processing industry value chain credit system should be builded from raw materials cultivation and production, processing production to marketing, in particular aspects of export trade, which including variety of credit institutions, different credit operations, variable credit interest, both commercial and political credit insititute. In particular, overseas credit support strategic framework should be constructed to provid support funding and alleviate the shortage of raw materials. At the same time in order to alleviate the issue of credit rationing for forest product processing industry, credit institutions should change their concepts, strengthen the quantitative risk management, and forest products processing enterprises will have to strengthen the financial and accounting management to upgrade their credit reputation for improvement their access to credit capacity.
     To sum up, in spite of China forest products processing industry is faced with a wide range of domestic and foreign competition and pressure, this study based with major internal and external factors and the value chain analysis shows that it is porssibal and feasible way to upgrading China's forest products industry value chain wtihe the breakthrough point of technological innovation, enterprise management and credit system.
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