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The coastal zone is the densest zone where human activities are concentrated, and alsois the core area of population aggregation and urbanization development in the future.How to coordinate the relationship between economic and social development and theenvironment has become an important content for the sustainable development ofcoastal zone. Follow the step of Liaoning coastal zone was brought into the line withcountry strategy plan as a whole project, the economic and social evolution of thezone must be enter a new period with the character of rapid development. As a result,the resources and environment of the area will under even greater pressure and thefitted management style will be the key factor which can affect the development ofthe area. Focus on this practical requirement, this paper took Liaoning coastaleconomic belt as the study area, and started from the key fields which were urgentlyneed to be strengthened its governance, such as regional industrial division andcollaboration, infrastructure construction and resource utilization, etc. Then weanalyzed the main problems existed in the field mentioned above and proposedcorresponding countermeasures. On this basis, we discussed the related issues of thespatial governance in the Liaoning coastal economic belt, including the construct ofgovernance system, the selection of governance model, the establishment of regionalgovernance policies and governance safeguards mechanism, etc. Six parts of contentsare included as follows:
     1. Based on the understanding of related concepts, we analyzed the connotationsof coastal zone, integrated coastal zone management and spatial governance,systematically summarized related theories and methods of coastal space governance,including urban and regional governance, industrial development, port hinterlandrelations and coordinated development of regional economic and resourceenvironment. These related researches provided a guide for the spatial governancestudies in Liaoning coastal economic belt. Based on the theoretical foundations, weproposed the core problem on the spatial governance of Liaoning coastal economicbelt.
     2. We described evolution history of Liaoning coastal economic belt, deeplyanalyzed the advantageous and existed problems in the development of the belt.
     3. On the basis of analyzing the industrial distribution and evolution, wediscussed the current situations of industrial division in Liaoning coastal economicbelt by the method of chose several analysis indexes, including location entropy,Lorenz curve, spatial geordie coefficient and spatial variation coefficient. Then weinvestigated mechanism and governance countermeasures of the regional ind ustrialdivision. Moreover, according to the competitive advantage index of each industry ineach city, we optimized the layout of key industries by coordinating the positioning ofthe industrial park.
     4. We constructed the port influence index systems by combining port scale withport city supported degree, calculated the influence potential energy values of the6ports in coastal areas of Liaoning acted on its hinterland cities, quantitatively studiedthe evolution of Liaoning coastal port hinterlands fro m1995to2009, andqualitatively analyzed its drive factors. On the basis of deep analysis abuot theeconomic structure evolution of each port hinterland, we reasonably adjusted thedevelopment orientation of each port.
     5. We used data envelopment analysis to evaluate the soil-water utilizationefficiency of Liaoning coastal economic belt, to explore the influencing factors, andthen proposed appropriate governance countermeasures.
     6. On the basis of related researches, we constructed spatial governance systemof Liaoning coastal economic belt, discussed the selection of governance mode andinnovations of governance methods. Aiming at key fields of spatial governance inLiaoning coastal economic belt, some advices were proposed on improving theregional governance policies and safeguard mechanism.
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