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It is an important part in the reform of the higher education of our country to develop greatly the higher professional education and train talents of modern scientific and technical knowledge and practical skills. The level of the construction of the ranks of teachers has a direct effect on the quality of the talents and decides how the educational target is achieved. Since the 1980's, higher professional education in our country has developed greatly. The construction of the ranks of teachers has made great progress and met the basic teaching demand in amount. However, the poor understanding of professional education, the unreasonable structure, comparatively poor practical ability and the lack of training ways for teachers have not been thoroughly changed. In order to promote the development of higher professional education, it is very important to study the basic situation of the construction of the ranks of teachers, analyze its characteristics and put forward proposals to strengthen the construction. A
    fter analyzing the present state of the ranks of teachers in Yantai Professional College and comparing it with the other nine professional technical colleges and institutes in Shandong Province, the writer thinks that all the higher professional colleges and institutes should , based on self training, introduce more teachers to improve the degree structure of teachers; enhance the quality of "double masters" to improve the ability structure of teachers by employing both full-time and part-time hands; and at the same time, the government should strengthen the propaganda for the importance of higher professional education, make qualifications for teachers of higher professional education and offer policy supports about the professional title, payment, etc. Only in this way can we have "full-time and part-time teachers of noble ethic, new teaching idea, strong reforming consciousness, high teaching level and great practical ability", can we really promote the construction of the ranks of teachers in higher prof
    essional colleges and institutes to make it possibly reach the construction level set by the Education Department of our country in 2005.
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