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In the dissertation, we concern to the intersection of a class of fractals in Rn, which isgenerated by multi-rules, with (n m)-dimensional subspace of integral direction vector.Under certain condition, we prove that the Haudorff dimension or box dimension of slicesequal to the Hausdorff dimension of the fractals minus m. Other related topics are alsodiscussed.
     In detail, the fractals we discussed are generated by rules from initial cube. Partitionthe unit cube [0,1]ninto several congruent sub-cubes, and discard several of them accordingto a given rule which contains the information of positions of several sub-cubes that willbe discarded. Apply the same process, to each remaining sub-cubes. The rules we discardsub-cubes in each steps are given. And during a step, the rule we applied to each sub-cubesare the same. Repeat this operation ad infinitum, we get the limit set E, which we calledfractals generated by rules. If we use the same rule throughout the whole process, the limitset E is a self-similar set. If we use sequence of rules we used is not eventually periodic,the limit set E is a fractal of Moran structure, called fractals generated by multi-rules.
     Throughout the dissertation, the rules we used and the orthogonal direction of the sub-space are chosen to satisfy a congruence condition which we called s-star condition.
     In Chapter3, we discuss intersection of the self-similar fractal E with (n-1)-dimensional hyperplane of integer orthogonal direction and rational intercepts. Under s-starcondition we prove that the dimensions equal the dimension of E minus one.
     In Chapter4, we discuss intersection of the self-similar fractal E with (n-1)-dimensional hyperplane of integer orthogonal direction and irrational intercepts. We provethat s-star condition is a sufficient condition to ensure that the typical Hausdorff dimensionof slices takes the value in Marstrand’s theorem, i.e., the dimension of the self-similar setminus one.
     In Chapter5, the Hausdorff dimension of the intersection of self-similar fractals in Eu-clidean space Rngenerated from initial cube pattern with (n-m)-dimensional hyperplaneV in a fixed direction is discussed. And we prove that s-star condition is sufficient to ensurethat the Hausdorff dimensions of the slices of the fractal sets generated by “multi-rules”take the valve in Marstrand’s theorem, i.e., the dimension of the self-similar sets minusm. For the self-similar fractals generated from with initial cube pattern, this sufficientcondition also ensures that the projection measure μVis absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure Lm. When the projection measure is absolutely continuous withrespect to the m-dimensional Lebesgue measure, the connection of the local dimension ofμVand the box dimension of slices is also given.
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