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It was an important part of Powerful Sports Nation that making the sports goods industry stronger and bigger. Currently, the sports goods industry faced the opportunities and challenges which include innovation, upgrading and branding. The innovation and application of the generic technology plays a decisive role in the sports goods industry management, innovation, upgrading and sustainable development. By study on the Sporting Goods generic technology innovation and application, this paper aimed at establishing sports generic technology innovation and application system, promoted the sports goods industry innovation and management system.
     In this paper, in the guidance of the sports science, management science, industrial economics, technology and economics theory, used of comparative analysis and comprehensive research methods, theoretical research and empirical analysis, studied the sports goods generic technology theory, innovation, application and case, formed the theoretical and practical system sporting goods generic technology innovation and application. Firstly, through combing research of the industrial generic technology, technological innovation, this paper established the theoretical system of the sports goods generic technology, defined the scope of the study and the theoretical basis of this article. Secondly, based on innovation theory, this paper studied the innovation mechanism, dynamic mechanism the process of innovation, innovation paradigm, innovation organization, defined the innovation essence, source of power, programs, coupling mechanism, hierarchy security system. According to the theory of innovation diffusion and knowledge transfer, this paper studied application process, organization, evaluation and incentives formed the application system including the application form, organization, incentives and evaluation mechanisms. Finally, studied the case of National Sporting Goods Engineering Research Center, verified the innovation and application of sports goods generic technology.
     The thesis was divided into7chapters:Chapter1introduction analyzed the background, presented theoretical and practical significance of the study, analyzed the necessity and basic content of sports goods generic technology research, described the general idea, research methods and innovations thesis. Chapter2feature, classification and identification of sports goods generic technology. Cleared the feature and classification of Sports Goods Generic Technology, proposed the recognition method for generic technology. Chapter3sports goods generic technology innovation. From innovation theory, power, process and paradigm, the chapter explore the status, characteristics and effects of sports goods generic technology innovation with innovation theory, analyzed the essence of innovation. Divided the categories of sports goods generic technology innovation by law distinction, and established the innovation dynamic mechanism of different categories. According to Hall-dimensional structural analysis framework, divided the innovation process from the time, logic and knowledge; verified the innovation process by means of a questionnaire survey. Along development context with linear, complex networks and innovative paradigm, analyzed the complexity paradigm and innovative mechanisms, established innovation architecture including the core layer, the chain layer, the subject layer and the ecological layer. According to the structure and organization theory, established the innovation organization for different levels. Chapter4sports goods generic technology applications, based on the analysis of generic technology applications, content and features, focused on the process organization, motivation and evaluation of sports goods generic technology applications, established the sports goods generic technology applications. Based on the analytical framework of technology diffusion and knowledge transfer, cleared the basic process of sports goods generic technology applications:technology acquisition, technology absorption, technology applications and technology integration, presented the management focus on different aspects, and verified the application process with the questionnaire. From technology factors such as the habitude discipline and environment, designed macro and micro organizations of sports goods generic technology applications, established4organizational model, proposed learning model and measurement methods of sports goods generic technology applications. Analyzed the incentives for sports goods generic technology applications, proposed the corporate attribute assumption(economical, innovative, brand-and community-based)based on the Humanity Hypothesis constructed government, business and market incentives. According to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), fishbone diagram method and AHP, constructed evaluation system of the sports goods generic technology application. Chapter5case studies, combined with the cases of the National Sporting Goods Engineering Research Center, verified the generic innovation and application theory, provided new ideas of generic technology innovation and application. Chapter6sports goods generic technology innovation and application of countermeasures, this chapter proposed specific measures to develop the sports goods generic technology innovation and applications, combined with theoretical and empirical analysis. Chapter7conclusions and outlook summarized the conclusions, analyzed the shortcomings of the study and proposed future research prospects.
     Main conclusions were drawn as follows:first, sports goods generic technology had advanced, basic, externalities, risk and athletic features, had four classification methods including stage, effects, function and types, predictable method and AHP can be used to identify and select sports goods generic technology. Second, sports goods generic technology innovation had basic, complexity and importance features which had great significance in independent innovation, branding, industrial upgrading and industrial management. Third, with the quadrant power classification methods, different sports different generic technology had its innovative power; its mechanism was within the power of innovation as the core competitive power, the power to manage and competitiveness as wings, the consumption power as the direction. Fourth, sports goods generic technology innovation had time, logic and knowledge dimension "D innovation process", the innovation was a complex innovation paradigm, was" coupled innovative mechanisms" including sports knowledge, technology and information, there was a vision, knowledge, technical and practical operation system. Fifth, the generic technology innovation system was layers structure including core layer, chain layer, ecology layer and subject layer, the corresponding innovation organizational model was flat organization, innovation chains organization, region accounted for innovation network organization, Multi-mode combinations organization. Sixth, sports goods generic technology application had knowledgeable and selective, differentiation and integration features, the process included four links:technology acquisition, absorption, applications and convergence. Seventh, sports goods generic technology applications had "four organizational models":one application, separation applications, the combination of applications and platforms applications, the "hierarchical model of learning" included knowledge layer, application layer, and management layer. Eighth," the corporate attribute assumption " of sporting goods were economy, innovation, brand and community-based; the applications incentives may adopt "Three incentives" including government incentives, business incentives and market incentives. Ninth, if enhance sports goods generic technology innovation and application, we should optimize the management system, establish systematic innovation system, set up special plan on sports goods generic technology innovation, build generic technology platform for innovation, create generic technology innovation ecosystems, construct generic technology application system and improve the mechanism of generic technology applications.
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