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Road traffic noise is the main source of urban environmental noise, and has been a threat to the public health(WHO,2011). The existing control measures are limited at the micro level, so "the maturity of outdoor environmental noisecontrol technology is much worse compared with sound insulation of buildings". Europe and the United States all do the macro planning from the point view of the government and do active control. The United States Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposed the overall land use planning compatible with noise (NCP); European Union proposed"EU Directive2002/49/EC" and implemented it in planning. This article introduces the noise control at all levels of the urban planning, introduces into the noise model, and the result is applied in planning practice, and then do the active control of the regional acoustic environment.
     Main research contents:urban planning will be introduced into noise control at four levels that is system layer, management layer, technology layer of the government source control, technology layer of estate development, to amend the existing control model, compared with European and American noise control system, based on effectiveness evaluation to sort out our country's regulations to make it to play the role in urban; analyze the noise standard, and implement control of traffic noise in the details in the urban planning; when make noise map, consider the urban planning requirements, through the GIS platform and the urban planning spatial data overlayto obtain the quantitative analysis results, guide its application, and make the land use planning compatible with the noise; Based on the noise evaluation, analyze the road system qualitatively, and investigate and research the traffic noise under the influence of the traffic load, research traffic impact evaluation, traffic calming and ground road noise barrier in the noise control, and determine the noise control method effectively from the micro level; Based on the noise simulation, improve the method of planning and design of residential area, consider comprehensively the restriction factors(noise, sunshine, volume rate) and the evaluation index (physical, psychological) relationship, and summarize the rule of the sound insulation on the external wall and window through theoretical derivation, simulation test results.
     Conclusions and innovative results:Combine the noise control and urban planning regulations, standards and specific control measures of planning, establish the system guarantee for active control of traffic noise of urban level; Convert the noise map into urban planning and management tool, build application framework by stages, make the urban planning as the detector and solver of noise problem; From the perspective of noise control, to complete the analysis of the urban road system from different aspects, put forward the design strategy regionally, and improve it at the micro level by the tools of the planning technology, and then guide the planning and design;According to the planning of residential area, put forward the design goal and the design method of diversity, put forward the "Echelon" noise prevention building layout, clear the target of wall sound insulation and the rules of window insulation, and apply to the planning and design;Rreference of the latest research results of the traffic noise control from Europe and the United States, combine with our urban planning at multi-level and multi-perspective.
     In this paper, combine the noise control and urban planning for research, make some innovation in the field of noise control, there is the potential technology economic benefits and important social significance. In this foundation, the application of the National Natural Science Foundation of China has funded (approval number:51208074), the research will be continued.
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